Netherlands – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Among Mother Natureโ€™s manifold mysterious feline forms inhabiting our remarkable planet, few command historical acclaim rivaling Siamโ€™s slinky and hypnotic native, the Siamese. From mystical religious exaltation towards modern multimedia celebrity stardom, this svelte talkative tail-wrapping trinket appears almost predestined towards millennia mingling with humankind as spiritual intermediaries and treasured companions.
    So let us embark on tracing the beguiling biological backstory explaining Siamese ascendence from exotic Far East temples into Western living rooms today as among Earthโ€™s most recognized and beloved creatures. Our adventure uncovers this vocal vixen's legacy spanning culture, conflict and charming quirks capturing lasting public fascination and transfixing those crossing their path.
    The Cat For Kings And Commoners Alike
    References situate Siamese ancestors originating as prized purebred pets for Thai royalty bout 1500 AD, venerated in ancient literature as blessings with odd kinked tails and piercing voices heralding prosperous futures when bestowed upon honorable households. As Siam engaged in foreign trade markets, their cats' striking appearance aroused merchant curiosity becoming prized ship souvenirs or coveted diplomatic goodwill offerings elevating Siamese global status and spreading selectively throughout Victorian Euro aristocracy by the late 1800โ€™s.
    Western associations between Siam's ruling dynasties and their feline companions amplified the existing air of prestige. These regal yet mysterious cats inspired fanciful connections towards Egyptian goddess Bastet or even Ganesha in Hinduism with their curious crooked tails resembling divine elephant trunks. Such serendipitous symbolism sparked superstitious values believing Siamese protected dwellings like lucky charms or soothsayers when they spoke seeming humanlike proclamations.
    Back home Siamese remained equally esteemed by ancient customs designating them Royal Palace companions plus guardians sheltering holy temples from threatening evil. To harm one intentionally risked severe punishment from rulers or spiritual condemnation by masses eying cats mythical representatives linked with Buddha himself. Religious scholars and commoners alike respected Siamese beneficence bestowing luck while vanquishing darkness through noble character channeling virtue and hope.
    Global Fame Beckons World Stage By the 19th century close mingling colonial contacts between Siam and the British Empire, Siamese cats first journeyed West initially as prized diplomatic tokens aboard merchant ships handing fewer than a dozen to elite English and French households as cosmic menageries expanded embracing unique pets. Western press marveled documenting their slinky yet muscular contours with dramatic dual-tone faces starkly contrasting furless inky paws and tail-tips looking dipped ink revealing subtle tabby ghost striping patterns underneath glistening cream bodies.
    These exotic arrivals utterly enchanted Victoria-era gentry clamoring to import their own appropriately pedigreed companions directly from Siam bloodlines. Demand turned so feverish by 1884 that an esteemed British diplomat stationed in Bangkok even penned the first known comprehensive written standard and breeding manual elevating Siamese among few recognized pedigrees.
    By 1890 Englandโ€™s own monarch, Queen Victoria officially received royal Siamese gifts cementing global fame. Approving reception there triggered an avalanche of Siamese arrivals throughout Europe's proliferation of rarified cat shows awarding spectacular wins and front-page press introducing hidden Far East secrets towards commoners finally.
    Film's First Feline Superstars Capricious Siamese temperaments also endeared them as screenwriters Therefore naturally early black-white cinema capitalized showcasing their antics starring roles alongside top actors famous comedic 1930โ€™s films pioneered todayโ€™s robust animal actor industry.
    Perhaps the oldest showbiz leap came in 1952 when a wide-eyed blue point Siamese named Syn catapulted towards Hollywood's first epic animal performance famously yowling song duets with beaming lead Dorothy McGuire's โ€œThree Coins Waterโ€ establishing their nimble vocal chords AKIN human sopranos.
    Overnight this brazen Oriental barnstormer named Syn became a beloved icon gracing advertisements, festooned memorabilia and fanciful portraits reflecting Americans besotted with this cheeky yet serene Asian import. Syndicated stories extolling Siamese kids, heroes even heiresses like BessieASCOT society cat amplified their rise to household names through radio programs, product endorsements and celebrity sightings melting public admiration.
    Defining Traits Immortalize Allure Looking past silver screen fascination this exceptionally lean long large-eared show cat boasts additionally exceptional qualities explaining its enduring allure. Siamese showcase extremely deep emotional intelligence forming exceptionally devoted bonds with owners intuitively communicating back animated body language and trilling vocalizations sounding outright uncanny conveying specific desires, territorial threats, or affirming affection resonating another's mood.
    When music, dance or drama graces the room Siamese witness raptly mesmerized displaying almost humanlike appreciation arts while collaborating mischievous improvisations stealing every scene their presence. Equally famous are extraordinary outgoing temperaments compelling Siamese determined investigating visitors purposely eliciting reactions before leaping lap cuddles absentmindedly ignoring ringing telephones, barking dogs or blaring phonographs as part of their Single minded social quest.
    Top this endless gently playfulness off impressive agility scaling curtains, opening cupboards and retrieving toys spanning astonishing vertical leaps topping refrigerators nonchalantly. As an active inquisitive engine purring within the lithe athletic package, the Siamese embodies a living mercurial lake eternally shifting while refracting surroundings Its tranquil rippled surface belying energetic currents churning below.
    Rightly called โ€œquintessential feline,โ€ the Siamese apparently appointed themselves proudly upholding cultural cat identities through every mischievous scheme playfully invented since the earliest Siam dynasties onward present day.
    Final Reflections Revealing Timeless Allure Some may wonder whether modern Siamese popularity remains captive purely by yesterdayโ€™s nostalgia for simpler eras forgetting flashy designer competitors offering wild rainbow fur patterns beckoning our pixelated shortened attention spans today. Surely soon these hypnotic hallmarks sustaining the ancient Siam dynasty's blessed status shall render Siamese obsolete curio recalling quainter bygone society.
    But committing such grievous underestimation severely overlooks their chameleonic qualities skillfully adapting key generations. Contemporary Siamese shed Victorian extreme builds towards more moderate stances honoring original streetwise stockiness ensuring hardy long-lived companions retaining all that charismatic wisdom and legendary patience we admire.
    Through sharp intelligence, loquacious voices, athletic agility, adaptable temperaments and yes... eternally arresting azure eyes channeling playful spiritual mystery... Siamese charm, humor and console inconsistent world craving their enlightened perspectives bridging mankind ourselves. These sentient sapphires from Siam still cast seductive spells making even jaded non-pedigree owners worldwide pause and appreciate their profound living legacy surviving and thriving vibrantly despite life's shifting landscapes swirling around their elegant time-tested presence spanning distant eras into horizons foreseeable.
    We humbly bow towards Siamโ€™s most enduring ambassador. with welcoming curlicue tail aloft and equally memorable loud cheerful meow greeting assuring all that our exceptional planet keeps spinning onwards guided by their old cosmically wise souls playfully reminding us to take ourselves a bit less seriously now and then.
    And Hey! History buffs, buckle up! Talking Time Machine isn't your dusty textbook lecture. It's where cutting-edge AI throws wild interview parties with history's iconic figures. In the Talking Time Machine podcast: History Gets a High-Tech Twist, Imagine: Napoleon Bonaparte talking French Politics with Louis the 14th! This podcast is futuristically insightful. Our AI host grills historical legends with questions based on real historical context, leading to surprising, thought-provoking, and often mind-blowing answers. Whether you're a history geek, a tech junkie, or just love a good interview, Talking Time Machine has something for you. Talking Time Machine: search, subscribe and (Listen Now!)

  • Dr. Orion, a veterinary behavior residency graduate, and Dr. Serena, pursuing veterinary behavior residency, talk about everything you need to know about animal behavior a training. Did you ever want to know if dog parks are good for your dog? We got you covered. Did you ever wanted to know if laser pointers is a good activity for cats? We got you. The doctors will share their thoughts and knowledge in a fun, funny, and easy to understand way, for all of you pet parents and pet professionals.

  • Welcome to ”,” a podcast dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of dog behavior and training. Hosted by Certified Dog Behavioral Consultant Christi Kirby-Baron, each episode features insightful discussions on various topics related to canine psychology and communication, along with practical tips and expert advice to help you strengthen your bond with your furry friend. Join us as we discover new insights into the hearts and minds of our canine companions.

  • Welkom bij "Dé Hond- en Kat-Podcast" -  voor iedereen die het welzijn van honden en katten ook graag centraal zet. Of je nu een doorgewinterde honden- of katten-professional bent of droomt van een carrière als voedingsadviseur voor honden en katten, deze podcast is jouw bron van inspiratie en kennis. Elke aflevering duikt diep in de wereld van voeding, vitaliteit, en gezondheid, en biedt praktische tips en deskundige inzichten om het leven van onze viervoetige vrienden niet alleen langer, maar ook gelukkiger te maken. Van de nieuwste trends in huisdierverzorging tot diepgaande gesprekken met experts. Laat je inspireren voor jouw eigen dieren, en voor de dieren van jouw (toekomstige) klanten.

  • Mr. Paul shares what's on his mind and exclusive interviews.

  • A three-decade-long wrestling fan and his wrestling-obsessed teenage son discuss the world of wrestling.

    Included in each episode:
    AEW Dynamite Review
    NXT Review
    Impact Wrestling Review (almost always)
    ROH Review (usuallly)
    Wrestling Trivia
    Many other wrestling-related topics

  • Uw maandelijkse podcast van Doijer & Kalff, waarin wij spraakmakende gasten spreken uit de financiële wereld.

  • In deze nieuwe podcast serie duikt Bart van der Sterren met specialisten van zijn kantoor in de wereld van hypotheken en verzekeringen. In elke aflevering bespreekt hij samen met zijn gast aan tafel actualiteiten of beantwoorden zij vragen van klanten.

  • Access audio recordings of conference calls for companies listed in India. Our endeavour is to be a repository for accessing the invaluable-publicly available recordings of management discussions.

  • Moneyball meets Office Space

    Talent Chasing brings together the worlds of major league sports, corporate talent, and journalism to amplify real-world stories and experiences in finding, retaining, and motivating the best talent for your “team”.  

    The show delves into the intricate worlds of sports scouting and corporate talent acquisition, hosted by Major League Baseball veteran Brian Johnson, workforce strategy veteran Chad Sowash, and finally journalist and documentary filmmaker Jasper Spanjaart.

    Join them in uncovering the art of identifying raw potential, mastering recruitment strategies, and nurturing talent to its fullest potential. Explore the human element behind talent acquisition and the evolving landscape of data-driven decisions, shedding light on the quiet war between traditional scouting and analytics in both sports and the corporate arena.

  • Bij de podcast van EY Nederland houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom alle facetten binnen de financiele dienstverlening.

  • Houthoff is een onafhankelijk, leidend Nederlands advocatenkantoor met 300 advocaten, notarissen en belastingadviseurs die hoogwaardig juridisch advies en ondersteuning bieden aan een omvangrijke nationale en internationale clientèle. Cliënten kiezen voor Houthoff bij de aanpak van hun meest complexe en kritieke problemen. Problemen waarbij niet alleen juridische kennis van essentieel belang is, maar ook solide strategisch advies. Waarom? De diepgaande juridische kennis van onze praktijkgroepen in combinatie met de brede marktkennis van onze sectorgroepen, stelt ons in staat om altijd de beste resultaten te bereiken voor onze cliënten.

  • In Inclusive Careers gaat Marnix Kluiters in gesprek met mensen die ondanks hun beperking toch succesvol aan de slag zijn. Dit zijn precies de verhalen waar hij zelf behoefte aan had toen hij in 2014 het grootste deel van zijn zicht verloor. Luister mee en laat je inspireren!

  • In Een Eigen App krijgen app-idee bedenkers tips en inzichten om van idee naar een eigen app te gaan. App expert David van der Loo neemt je mee in de wereld van de apps en je hoort over: stappenplannen, financiering, marketing, verdienmodellen en insider-kennis van andere specialisten in de app-markt.
    Zo ga jij in grote stappen naar een eigen app!
    Meteen aan de slag? Download dan gratis het app stappenplan op
    Een Eigen App is een podcast van AppSpecialisten

  • Luister naar de 'Power Hour Podcast' met Laura en Daan en laat je op een laagdrempelige manier bijpraten over Power BI. Of je nu je eerste stappen wilt zetten of al een volleerd Power BI master bent, deze podcast praat je bij. Iedere podcast behandelen we interessante nieuwtjes, ditjes-en-datjes en hebben we een wekelijkse stelling. Be in control met Power BI en luister de Power Hour Podcast

  • In deze podcastserie van het Centrum voor Conflicthantering, een gerenommeerd opleidingsinstituut en Mediation kantoor, gaan we iedere maand op zoek naar actuele toepassingen van Mediation in de samenleving.

    Wat is Mediation? Waar kan je het inzetten? En kun je dat leren; op een betere, effectievere en menselijkere manier omgaan met conflicten? Ga met ons mee op bezoek bij ervaren en gespecialiseerde mediators werkzaam in verschillend vakgebieden.

    De podcasts worden met veel enthousiasme opgenomen door MfN geregistreerd mediator Guido van der Hulst

  • Aan de hand van fragmenten uit films en series vertelt Rob Huisman hoe het er รฉcht aan toe gaat achter de gesloten deuren van de boardroom. Huisman praat onder meer over de drie bestuurlijke rollen die een CEO op zich moet nemen: die acteur, regisseur รฉn toeschouwer. Ook legt hij uit waarom reflectie en afstand nemen cruciaal zijn voor effectief bestuur.

  • In de podcastserie We Are Stewards geven vier Nederlandse ondernemingen een inkijkje in hun reis naar Steward Ownership - de โ€˜nieuweโ€™ vorm van ondernemen waarbij stemrecht en winstrecht worden gescheiden, en het primaire doel niet meer draait om winst, maar om het nastreven van de missie.

    Mark Vletter en Pollien van Keulen van online telecombedrijf Voys (nog in transitie om Steward Owned te worden), Niels Meijssen van bookingswebsite Time to Momo (sinds de fusie en oprichting van het โ€˜nieuweโ€™ Time to Momo Steward Owned), hun Steward Ownership-begeleider advocaat Victor Bouman van Wieringa Advocaten, Luc Baltus van VDR Bouwgroep (al sinds de jaren โ€˜80 Steward Owned), Hans van den Broek van surfschool The Shore (Steward Owned door middel van Stichting Sleipnir) en zijn Steward Ownership-begeleider Reinoud van Bemmelen, beeldhouwer en mede-eigenaar van de bedrijven die vallen onder Stichting Sleipnir, praten in de podcastserie We Are Stewards over Steward Ownership.

    Ook Gijsbert Koren en Nina de Korte van Stichting We Are Stewards schuiven elke aflevering aan. Op welke manier begeleiden Gijsbert en Nina vanuit hun stichting bedrijven die Steward-Owned willen worden?

  • Hoe word ik een beter spreker, planner, manager, crisiscommunicator? In de podcast โ€˜Hoe word ikโ€™ bespreken we elke dag een vraag met een toonaangevende expert.

    Lekker kort, lekker praktisch: in 5 tot 7 minuten vertellen experts als Martijn Aslander, Michelle Wiesman, Anne-Marie Rakhorst en Erik Wegewijs je iedere ochtend hoe jij ergens beter in wordt. Luister ze allemaal!

  • In mijn dagelijks werk word ik continu geïnspireerd door experts. Ik kom allemaal bijzondere mensen tegen die ik wil delen met mensen die willen leren en zich willen laten inspireren door experts. Succesvolle ondernemers, Wetenschappers, leraren van alles kom ik tegen. Laten we samen op reis gaan en geïnspireerd door het leven gaan. Dit is een podcast voor Social Elephant.