4 Podcasts Topics You Never Knew Existed
Podcasts are such a fun way of entertainment and I think we can all agree to that. How so? Well, the best thing about podcasts is that you could be doing anything and listening to them. Working out? Listen to a podcast. Drawing or painting? Listen to a podcast. Cooking? Listen to a podcast. There are literally a million situations where you could be accomplishing a task and listening to a podcast. In addition to that, podcasts are mostly brought up to you by ordinary people, people with a small audience on the internet. This allows for the whole talking and the expressions to be even more relatable to the listeners.
The other best thing about podcasts is that they cover a wide range of topics and most likely, there is at least one podcast about a topic that you like out there. You have probably already come across podcast topics that cover niches like comedy, true crime or mental health since those are the most common ones. Nevertheless, there are so many interesting podcast topics that we bet you haven’t heard about and we’re here today to show you just that. So, let’s explore those hidden gems together, shall we?
Podcasts on plants
You are either a plant lover or a hater in this life, and there is nothing in between. However, if you are in the first group of people, we’re here to tell you that there are many podcasts about plants that we’re sure you’d love to listen to. But hey, they are not just boring talks that sound like a biology class from middle school about plants and their families.
Some of them are so interesting and intriguing and they challenge your knowledge of plants in many ways. For instance, one of the most interesting podcasts about plants is offered by biologist Elizabeth Haswell on “The Secret Lives of Plants” where she talks about plants and the way they perceive the environment in a mesmerizing way. We definitely recommend this podcast if you like plants or botany because this for sure will grow your love and understanding for them or reignite it once again.
Podcasts on sport betting
Unbelievably, there are podcasts on sport betting. Many people consider betting as a hobby nowadays which makes it necessary for it to have a podcast. Now, sport betting is not just about writing some numbers on a piece of paper and waiting for your turn of luck, but rather there are strategies and techniques that people aspire to master in this hobby. Hence, there were podcasts that were produced to offer an overview on those skills and how one can acquire them.
But what do they talk about on these podcasts? Well, the topics are endless. One prime example of a sports betting podcast is Apple Podcasts “NBA Gambling Podcast” which has its most recent episodes coming out almost every day of 2024. In these episodes, the hosts cover different kinds of betting areas including NBA spreads, picks and odds. Apart from that, they do research and analysis and show stats in regard to what the chances are for the teams to win.
Podcasts on spices
We know that spices make every meal more delicious when added. But did you ever think about spices beyond that? Did you know that there is a whole science behind spices? Well, buckle up and let’s talk about it. Spices are specifically considered for their medicinal properties by scientists Kanchan Koya and professor Tim Spector in their podcast “Can spices improve your health?” which is available on YouTube.
The idea behind this podcast is to give a new perspective to what we already know of spices. For instance, did you know that one of the benefits of the paprika powder is its richness in antioxidants? Those antioxidants, like vitamin C for example, can go as far as to protect you from certain chronic diseases. This is just one of the facts that are known about spices and many more are covered in the above-mentioned podcast which is definitely worth listening to.
Podcasts on Foley
Did you know that most of the crazy sounds you hear in movies are made up? Yes, that’s true. Basically, there are people who are hired on the move set to make those sounds and even though to us they might sound perfectly natural, the way in which they are created is definitely interesting. A fun fact for example is the raining sound on movies or TV shows which is in reality the sound of sizzling bacon. Apparently, this sounds better and more realistic than the rain sound itself.
The techniques and innovative ways on how Foley artists make the necessary sounds are discussed in different podcasts which is absolutely amazing to hear. There are so many different things that they show that make you rethink your entire movie experience. Lastly, one thing is for sure, you will never hear those sounds on the movies or TV shows the same anymore once you learn how they really make them behind the scenes.