
  • Hey friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice!

    Do you all remember the original Karate Kid movie? About the Japanese karate mentor ~Mr Myiagi and his protege ā€¦Daniel!

    Daniel was the kid who at first was looked at as a misfitā€¦ bullied and disregarded by almost everyone, until Mr Myiagi took him under his wing and promised to teach him how to fight.

    But his training protocol at first, had nothing to do with elaborate karate movesā€¦He taught Daniel how to trust what he couldnā€™t see...and reach deep down within himself to find a Power greater than himself ā€¦which ultimately led Daniel to winning a karate championship that ultimately changed the trajectory of his life.

    Friends, even if you may not literally be training to compete in a world championship, I can tell you with šŸ’Æ certaintyā€¦ You were created with great purpose and destinyā€¦And this Higher Power, I personally refer to as Godā€¦Iā€™m convinced has the most unconventional way of preparing and equipping you for it, and above all thingsā€¦ Desires for you to Trust Him through every adversity you overcome.

    The only way you can trust Him...is to know Him...Connect with Him... and know how to hear His voice in your heart.

    Friends, all the struggles you overcome are really the training ground for the championship arena you are called to rise up and win.

    If you feel like your faith is in a slump, trying to understand how life at this moment in time, translates to the championship arena God is calling you toā€¦

    I want to pray along side you, right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here w you to be your encouraging voice!:)

    So this is gonna sound kinda weirdā€¦ but Iā€™m grateful that I didnā€™t have a carefree lifeā€¦ Iā€™m grateful for all the dark trails Iā€™ve walked throughā€¦

    Something extraordinary happens when someoneā€™s walked though what feels like a personal hellā€¦ and makes the choice to live for a purpose greater than themselves.

    Something extraordinary happens ā€¦when you literally have nothing else to hold onto but Faith in a Power greater than yourself.

    Even if that Faith is just a tiny seed at first, it has the capacity to grow like a forest of a thousand treesā€¦through your choice to believe the one you cannot see ā€¦

    But has infinitely more power than anything you can see.

    This Higher Powerā€¦ I personally refer to as God, will cause the extraordinary to happen out of your impossible.

    Something else extraordinaryā€¦.

    Everything I ever hoped for in the past, did not happen as I originally planned.

    But out of every pit fall, setback, heartbreak and disappointmentā€¦ emerged some of the greatest, most priceless gifts I didnā€™t even know to wish forā€¦

    I got to know, love and honor my true authentic self.

    It led me on a healing journey that brought me here with you today.

    And in the midst of some of the darkest trails Iā€™ve walked throughā€¦ I connected with friendships that are so divinely alignedā€¦ Iā€™m in awe of God how our paths crossed!

    My Friends, when you walk through those dark trails with Godā€¦

    You become the beacon of Hope to other people longing for a reason to believe.

    If any of this resonates with you, I want to pray along side you, right hereā€¦right nowā€¦

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Hey friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    I wanted to chat with you about a timeless prayer that has radically impacted my lifeā€¦ it was written by Reinhold Niebuhrā€¦called the ā€œSerenity prayerā€ā€¦

    ā€œGod grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot changeā€¦Courage to change the things I canā€¦and wisdom to know the difference."

    I took a step back one day and opened myself up to God in a way I genuinely thought I had but then realized ā€¦I really hadnā€™t.

    Once I asked God to align my heart and mind with the much higher thoughts and desires of His Heart and Mind, God revealed to me exactly what I needed to let go of trying to changeā€¦He gave me peace about just letting it go. But on the flip side, He revealed to me what I absolutely did need to change. I felt such a sense of urgency, I felt like I needed to make those changes happen as soon as yesterday! Lol

    I asked God for help to stop obsessing over the stuff that just isnā€™t in my controlā€¦And to get laser focused and clear on what I need to pour my time and energy into. How to be discerning about who and what is in Divine Alignment for my life.

    And ā€¦I asked God to help me release to Him anything that I just need to walk away from, or just leave entrusted in His loving care.

    Friends, if any of you would love prayer about any of this, itā€™s my happiness and joy to pray along side you ā€¦right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice!:) Are you at a cross roads right nowā€¦faced with a choice of either staying where you are ..or taking a chance at doing something youā€™ve felt deeply compelled to try, but the thought terrifies you?!

    To share with you my experience, if this could help you in any wayā€¦.True confidence comes by doing the things that feel completely out of your zone of ā€œall things familiarā€ ā€¦ and do it over and over and over againā€¦ to tap into your zone of genius!

    Iā€™ve experienced alot of rejection and disappointment in my life, that could have easily kept me from ever wanting to put myself out there againā€¦

    But every time I attached a higher meaning to why I would even consider putting myself out thereā€¦The pursuit of a Purpose much Higher than myself...Those rejections triggered more fire in me than fear, to rise above and go after what I know with all my heart, this Higher Power, I personally refer to as Godā€¦absolutely meant for my life!

    I would rather be the warrior who went through hell and chose to not stay defeated, by taking every bloody loss ā€¦and use it as a way to become a powerful source of inspiration to others.

    One of God ā€˜s infinite specialties is taking epic failure and turning it into an epic win!

    I would rather be that warrior who went through hell, and chose to rise above despite wanting to just give upā€¦ than God forbid live on the side lines wondering ā€¦What if?

    My friends, if you are needing prayer about having the courage to do the thing that scares youā€¦ I want to pray along side you right hereā€¦right nowā€¦

  • Hey friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always always here w you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    I wanted to talk to you about, what do you do when youā€™re overwhelmed with emotions that feel intensely negative and overwhelmingā€¦You want to find the positive, but the intense frustration you're feeling almost feels like it could eat you alive.

    I wanted to share something that helped me in the most powerfully, impactful way... in hopes it could help you, if this is something you might be struggling with.

    Reaching out to a Power, infinitely greater than myselfā€¦ This Higher power I refer to as God, is what helped me to work through those negative feeling emotions.

    I used to feel so guilty about feeling this stuff until I felt God impress on my heart that He wants us to come to Him with all of our emotions, all the baggageā€¦ and release it to Him.

    I felt God impress on my heart, that He wants us to come to Him authentic and rawā€¦ and completely for realā€¦ because you canā€™t have true intimacy with someone you canā€™t be real with.

    I felt moved to pray that God would take what felt like bottomless rage and frustration, and turn it into bottomless Faith and Miracles.

    And in that moment, I felt the heaviness lift off of meā€¦

    Godā€™s Love contains literally everything you could possibly need to navigate your lifeā€¦whether internal or externalā€¦Whatever you have need ofā€¦what is in perfect alignment for your lifeā€¦.He will provide out of the infinite outpouring of His love.

    My friends, if you are needing prayer about any of this I wanna pray along side you, right here right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice!:) I wanted to share with you about a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine about birthdays, and if you feel like you arenā€™t where you wanna be in life or where youā€™d hope youā€™d be by nowā€¦ it can really make that birthday be something you just want to fast forwardā€¦

    So for me personally, Iā€™ve always been hyper goal driven, which definitely has its place and serves a purposeā€¦But Iā€™ve come to realize that sometimes what you are hoping to achieve within a certain time frame, doesnā€™t happen within that time frame because you are in the midst of a Divine preparation.

    This Higher force in the Universe, I personally refer to as God ā€¦is far more concerned with who you are becoming more of everydayā€¦and preparing your pathway to receive what is in perfect alignment for your lifeā€¦ to be manifested at a Divinely appointed time.

    It's far more impactful, and a life well lived ā€¦making a positive difference in every way you can, everywhere you go ā€¦ right where you are in this moment in time.

    Love those you love with everything youā€™ve got, no holding backā€¦. Express gratitude to all those you appreciate .. never hold that back.

    The difference youā€™re making along the journey ā€¦may end up outweighing the actual destination itself.

    Friends if you or someone you love is needing prayer about finding significance and meaning where youā€™re at right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :) I wanted to reach out to anyone whoā€™s struggling with feeling inadequate to fullfill something you might feel called to doā€¦but you second guess yourself and just canā€™t get passed the picture you have in your mind for who else would be a way better fit.

    This thing called Imposter Syndrome, holds a lot of people hostage from stepping into their purpose and calling.

    Iā€™ve wrestled with this myself in the past and wanted to share how I overcame that monsterā€¦

    Several years back, I had this overwhelming sense in my heart that God wanted me to encourage others through speaking... But I was painfully insecure w my speaking voice.

    It was such a struggle because I felt this calling so strongly on my heartā€¦I couldnā€™t ignore it if I tried, so instead of trying to ignore the callingā€¦Iā€™d try and ignore my insecurities ā€¦And keep putting myself out there with the mindset ā€¦God put this on my heart for a reasonā€¦ it isnā€™t about meā€¦ someone out there needs what I have to give.

    Look at it with the intention of wanting to serve to make a difference in someone elseā€™s life.

    Do what you can do with everything you gotā€¦and trust God with the rest.

    Friends, someone out there is going to be so grateful you said yes to what is calling your heart.

    if you or someone you love is struggling with feeling inadequate, but you know thereā€™s something you are called to doā€¦I wanna pray along side you, right hereā€¦right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always always here w you to be your encouraging voice!:)

    Iā€™ve come to realize, that letting go and Surrendering into the flow of a Higher Power, I personally refer to as Godā€¦Will bring you into perfect Alignment with all that is meant for your life.

    What brought me to that realization, is the bajillion reasons God has given me to trust him throughout my life!

    But I ll be transparent with youā€¦ Trusting God is a daily practice, I have to practice everyday. Sometimes how God shows up, is completely not what you were expectingā€¦.

    But infinitely better.

    To share with you one of many examplesā€¦Several years ago, when I prayed that God would miraculously transform a highly toxic relationshipā€¦

    God answered it differently than I thought He would, but far greater.

    It turned out to be one of the greatest turning points of my life.

    He healed me from all that was holding me back from having a healthy relationship with myself.

    He showed me how to love and value myself, by helping me to see myself through the lense of His unconditional loveā€¦ instead of the lense I used to see myself.

    Friends, I can tell you with šŸ’Æ certainty that God loves and values you ferociously as His own. He cherishes you, because your existence is part of His Heart.

    If you or someone you love is needing prayer about Trusting God and surrendering into His Flow for your lifeā€¦

    I want to pray along side you right here right nowā€¦

  • Hey friends! Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    I wanted to reach out to you today, if you happen to be in a situation that is just about wearing you out...You are doing everything you know to do within the scope of your ability and control, but thereā€™s this gap between where you are... and a significant change that just really needs to happen. You literally are doing everything you know to do ā€¦but it just seems like thereā€™s no hope.

    My friends, the most powerful thing you can do is be open to a Force that is far greater than yourselfā€¦ This greater forceā€¦This Higher Power I personally refer to as Godā€¦desires intimate relationship with you. He actually wants to take every detail of what you are struggling with, and turn it into something that fulfills a Higher plan and purpose. Ironically, not just for youā€¦ but for all those you are meant to be that inspiration for!

    When you reach the end of what you can doā€¦ is your invitation to experience God do what only He can... WHEN you stand in Faith and truly Believe.

    Genuine Belief is the bridge between where you are ā€¦and all things possible.

    Without genuine belief, there is no bridge.

    If you or someone you love is struggling with something beyond your control and need help with letting go and trusting God ā€¦I wanna pray along side you right hereā€¦right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice!:)

    Those close to me know that I attribute every positive in my life ā€¦to a Higher Power I personally refer to as God.

    Itā€™s how every heartbreak, disappointment and ā€œwhat in the world was I thinkingā€?!ā€¦ā€what was that all about~situationā€?!!! Lolā€¦All the negative Iā€™ve experienced throughout my lifeā€¦turned into life changing purpose and miraculous moves forward.

    This happened through my relationship with God.

    Iā€™ve come to realize, that being in total alignment with God, is how you get through anything! Itā€™s how you ultimately attract what is in Divine Alignment for your lifeā€¦Itā€™s how you become all your were created to evolve intoā€¦

    When you Align yourself with Godā€¦ You open up the gateway for possibilities infinitely beyond what you could have originally planned for!

    It definitely does not NOT eliminate struggle.. In fact aligning yourself with God, ironically ā€¦you may come up against this really bizarre resistance. But I can say this to you with šŸ’Æ certaintyā€¦When you stay close to Godā€¦ When you stand in Faithā€¦ You have access to the Power of God in ways that can move mountains in your lifeā€¦and impact all those around you!

    If you or someone you love is needing prayer about how to come into alignment with God, or go deeper with Himā€¦itā€™s my happiness and joy to pray alongside you right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    One of my most favorite quotes you may have seen posted on social media...

    ā€œFate whispers to the warriorā€¦ you cannot withstand the storm. And the warrior whispers backā€¦ I am the Storm.ā€

    Iā€™m convinced that you and I were meant to find what I call ā€¦crazy, larger than life power and strengthā€¦buried deep within ourselvesā€¦God planted it there!

    What you are up against right now, might be there to awaken this warrior within yourself.

    Life will come at you with a barrage of fear and doubt, disguised as perfect reasons to give upā€¦ And whenever Iā€™m faced with thisā€¦how I am able to get in alignment with that warrior within myselfā€¦is by aligning myself with God.

    If that warrior had a voice, it would sayā€¦

    ā€œThis isnā€™t gonna be an easy win...but what real championship is?!!ā€

    Nothing great in life was ever accomplished without a massive struggle.

    Champions were not made on stage... they were forged out of the trenches of life.

    What you think is impossible, happens out of the darkest places you struggle through.

    You have the power within yourself to become far beyond what you think is possible!

    If you are at a point right now, life is coming at you with fear and doubtā€¦And you need help with even finding the energy to tap into that warrior within ā€¦I want to pray along side you, right here ā€¦right nowā€¦

  • Hey friends!:) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always always here with you to be your encouraging voice!:) As always, I speak to you from the most raw and authentic place of my own life experiencesā€¦

    Itā€™s never been about religion, for me. I Follow Christ passionately ā€¦I call Him my Savior personally... because of the undeniable Truth of who He truly isā€¦Love that chooses you over and over, no matter what. Love that doesnā€™t judgeā€¦ Love you donā€™t have to perform for... Love that accepts and cherishes you just as you areā€¦ Love that heals all wounds, and believes in you even when you struggle to believe in yourselfā€¦Love that sets you free from all that holds you back from becoming all you were meant to be in this life!

    If You need prayer to experience this Divine Loveā€¦itā€™s my joy to pray along side you right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends!:) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice...and I wanted to be that person along your path today, who encourages you why you have a hope that is more real than anything you can see with your natural eyes.

    This is such a monumentally special week, Easter weekā€¦ celebrating the reason why Unconditional Love exists and will manifests in and through your life... if you are open.

    There is a Power greater than yourself ā€¦This Higher Power I personally refer to as Godā€¦Jesusā€¦cares intimately about every single detail concerning you and those you love.

    Pure Unconditional Love ā€¦transcended through the Universe into your life personally, desires to have an intimate relationship with youā€¦and walk with you through a journey that doesnā€™t end where youā€™re struggling.

    The stuff you are struggling with, God will use in your favorā€¦ for a Purpose that carries more impact than the struggle itself.

    You are wired w great Purpose and Destiny... and with God, your story will become the beacon of Hope and illuminating reason why other people donā€™t give up!

    If you or someone you love is needing prayer, itā€™s my greatest joy to pray along side you right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! For anyone whoā€™s trying to push forward with something this week that just means everything to you... Or maybe it's just that you are really needing to get on the flip side of something really challenging ā€¦If this is you...I want to pray along side you right here right now...

  • Hey Friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here w you to be your encouraging voice!:) Iā€™ve always believed there are no coincidences.

    Everything you experience and encounter, God is using to build you up and set you up for a destiny that holds even more significance than you may realize.

    The stuff you go through and overcome, even though itā€™s a part of your story, ironically isnā€™t just for you... but for someone else you are called to connect w and reach.

    You mightā€™ve heard this saying "Your story is someone elseā€™s survival guide"ā€¦

    My friend, if you are going through it right nowā€¦ I just want to shine a big, beautiful light on this perspectiveā€¦ God is already moving on your behalf behind the scenes of your life. Your story doesnā€™t have to end where youā€™re struggling.. this is your epic turning point that will end up becoming a beacon of Hope to someone else!

    If you, or someone you love needs prayer to help navigate through a difficult set a circumstances that just doesnā€™t make senseā€¦ I want to pray along side you right hereā€¦.right nowā€¦

  • Hey Friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    Is there something your worried about right now that is so overwhelming, itā€™s consuming your thoughts and possibly causing you to lose sleep?

    Or maybe itā€™s not one thing, itā€™s just this constant state of being where you feel stuck in your head overthinking, and itā€™s really hard to see beyond whatā€™s haunting your mind?

    How I break out of that cycle in my head, how I toss fear and worry out of the driver's seatā€¦ is through a Higher Power, I personally refer to as Godā€¦ My secret weapon for not only combating fear and worryā€¦ but transforming what looks like a hopeless messā€¦ into something that ends up serving to help others out of a dark pit.

    If you or someone you love is needing prayer about this ā€¦ Itā€™s my joy to pray along side you right here, right nowā€¦

  • Hey friends! :) Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here w you to be your encouraging voice!:)

    I wanted to acknowledge what a precious gift it is to love and to be loved.

    The act of loving people through kindness, compassion, and appreciation should be everyoneā€™s lifestyle on the daily!

    Love is the fullest expression of a Higher Power, I personally refer to as Godā€¦and is the most powerful Force there is.

    I have this mantra I live byā€¦

    Love those you love so wellā€¦ they feel your presence long after you left their space or that text message was sent.

    I place the highest value on praying over certain relationships everyday and wanted to pray along side you, for all the relationships you hold near and dear to your heartā€¦ ANDā€¦for certain relationships you are praying to come into your life but just hasnā€™t manifested YETā€¦:)

  • Hey friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here w you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    Is there a situation happening in your life right now that is so over the top, thereā€™s nothing you can do to change it on your ownā€¦ but very clearly somethingā€™s gotta change, it cannot stay the way it isā€¦?

    Or maybe it's something you feel deeply called to fulfill, itā€™s almost overwhelming, you know your not crazy...itā€™s weighing on your heart for a reason ā€¦but itā€™s the kind of thing... you canā€™t accomplish on your own. Youā€™re doing everything you can within your own scope of ability, butā€¦ itā€™s definitely going to take something beyond yourself.

    If you find yourself in either of these scenarios, my friends...I share this with you from the most raw and authentic place of my own life experiencesā€¦

  • Hey Friends, Im Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    If you are in the midst of pursuing a dream, or anything deeply meaningful and significantā€¦You've probably come to realize just how long that part of the journey is, before you see any indication youā€™re even close to something resembling your dream or aching desire of your heart.

    It can feel like you're on this lonely, desolate road...with no sign in sight... no indication of where you are, or how close you might be to some kind of breakthrough...

    And you might find yourself panicking in your headā€¦ what if it never happens?

  • Hey friends, Iā€™m Jennifer LaGuardia, always here with you to be your encouraging voice! :)

    So pretend like you and I are hanging out together at a cozy coffee shopā€¦You can completely relax and nestle into this very deep question I want to ask youā€¦

    Does what you truly desire deep down in your heart, and what you actually believe is possible for your life... align with each other?

    Law of Attraction is absolutely fascinating to meā€¦ The thoughts you focus on, the words you speak, what you truly believe ā€¦carry vibrational frequencies that transmit into the universe and very simply put ā€¦energetically gravitate manifestation into your life.

    In this Episode, I want to speak specifically to the relationship spaceā€¦ For those of you who are single, or maybe thereā€™s someone close to you whoā€™s single and along what seems like a "forever and a day" long journey in pursuit of finding the right partnerā€¦