Yirmi yedisinde kurumsal kariyerlerini çöpe atan iki çocukluk arkadaşı, çıktıkları yolculukta tek bir sorunun cevabına düşüyor: Daha sade ve daha anlamlı bir hayat mümkün mü?
İletişim: [email protected]
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Küçük Düşünürler Topluluğu programı, felsefeci ve eğitmen Dr. Özge Özdemir'in kolaylaştırıcılığında çocukların bir soru ya da kavram üzerine felsefi tartışma yürüttükleri bir tartışma programı. İki haftada bir bir araya gelen 12 yaşındaki felsefeciler nitelikli düşünme ve yargıda bulunma becerisinin nasıl geliştiğini hep birlikte işliyor.
Педагог Дима Зицер отвечает на вопросы родителей, учителей, детей — всех, кому важны и интересны детско-взрослые отношения.
О том, как получать от этих отношений настоящее удовольствие, как сделать совместную жизнь с детьми комфортной, яркой, тёплой, счастливой для всех, как не мучать их и самих себя, как вести себя в самых разных ситуациях.
«Любить нельзя воспитывать»: где будет стоять запятая, зависит от нас. -
A story of bravery, friendship, cats, and the fluffiest pork buns!
The Cat in The Flat is an audio drama that chronicles the life of a group of friends as they face a number of personal and professional challenges, tied together by an oddly intelligent cat that seems to show up at just the right moment. -
With anti-Asian hate crimes at record numbers, season two of THE MARGARET CHO - MORTAL MINORITY, Margaret's examining the HISTORICAL CRIMES that laid the GROUNDWORK for this recent onslaught of VIOLENCE. The 1871 Chinatown Massacre, The Fortune Teller Murders, the 2007 Virginia Tech Massacre. Margaret talks with Asian comedians, authors, journalists, podcasters as well as the organizations and people working to stop Asian hate. Subscribe to THE MARGARET CHO MORTAL MINORITY - wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Eine Frau, ein Mann, zwei Kulturen, zwei Religionen, zwei Welten - in "Ein Herz und ein Habibi" sprechen Ahmad und Beatrice Mansour über ihre ganz normale deutsche Ehe. Immerhin mindestens jede achte Ehe in Deutschland ist bikulturell. Paare ohne Heiratsurkunde, aber mit zwei Kulturen oder Nationalitäten gibt es hierzulande sogar noch viel mehr.
Ahmad Mansour ist als arabischer israelischer Muslim in Israel aufgewachsen. Seit 16 Jahren lebt er in Deutschland und hat Beatrice kennengelernt. Sie ist in einem christlichen Elternhaus im Odenwald aufgewachsen. Zusammen mit ihrer Tochter lebt das Paar heute in Berlin. Im Podcast diskutieren sie über Vorurteile und Vorteile einer Ehe mit zwei Kulturen. Sie sprechen über Ängste, Erziehung, Schwiegereltern, Identität, die Liebe und die Frage: Wie viel Religion hält eine Ehe überhaupt aus? Alle zwei Wochen dienstags bei WELT und überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
Wir freuen uns über Feedback an [email protected] -
Berbat Bir Anne podcastinde, annelerin, öncelikle birer insan olduğunu savunurken, bilimden azade tespitler ve toplum baskısına yönelttiği kafasına göre serzenişleriyle eteğindeki taşları da gediklerine doğru kibarca serpiştiriyor. Bazen bir ağlama duvarı, bir günah çıkartma ayini, bazen bir anı defteri ya da bir altın günü tadındaki bölümlerde buluşmak üzere.
İletişim: [email protected]
Instagram: @berbatbiranne
The adventure comedy podcast that tries to unexplain the unexplainable.
Join skeptic Mike and believer John, as they travel the world in search of unexplainable stories. From UFO crash-landings to extra dimensional beings, we will blow your mind.
The permanent home of all the Unexplainers past shows and extended content. Our investigations cover amazing topics like Lake Monsters, Bigfoot, ghosts, conspiracies and fairies.
We hope you have mind insurance, because it's about to get blown. -
Although performing stand-up comedy was what initially united Eliot, Brent, and H. Alan over 10 years ago, it’s their openness (and sense of humor) about feeling totally lost and disconnected from the gay community that’s truly bonded them. On YMIW, Eliot, Brent and H. Alan get down and dirty, exploring the good, bad, and ugly tropes of contemporary gay life, often the stuff that no one -- especially straight people -- discuss for fear of being labeled homophobic. (Don’t worry. They’ll do that for you.) Each episode features a special guest -- comedians, humorists, musicians, influencers, film/TV writers, journalists, politicians, etc. - as well as allies, enemies, and acquaintances from all backgrounds and professions, not just those in the public eye. And as white, urban-dwelling gay dudes in their thirties, Eliot, Brent and H. Alan check their own privilege at the door, eager to instead explore what life looks for those not afforded the same concessions.