
  • These big emotions and feelings are horrendous to deal with don't you think?
    They come to all of us through out our lives and being emotional intelligent is absolute key when it comes to navigate, manage and move through them, without allowing them to take over.

    It's such a good idea to teach our children about these big emotions from an early age. In this episode, I share how I supported a mum through a time when her child came out of school disappointed, and rather than just dismissing and glazing over how he felt, how it is better to feel into that with him, teach him how to articulate the feelings he is experiencing and share ways in which he can accept and manage them.

    It was pretty powerful.

    I hope it helps and you enjoy my thoughts.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • I had a chat with a mummy recently and she wasn't sure how to talk to her son about her mum who had passed away.

    It's interesting because we expect children to react in the same way about death as we do, but more often the not and the younger they are, they see it as an event with little emotion, but they will have plenty of questions.

    In this episode I explore how children respond and how you can support them and yourself through these sad times.

    Let me know if it helps.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Following a lovely conversation with one of my mummies, she had an epiphany and realised that by allowing herself to take time to fill her own emotional bucket and spending time on herself, meant that she was emotionally available for her child more of the time.
    It's a must!
    So, I allow you permission to take some time out and focus on you.
    You are so worth it.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.
    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.
    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Following a lovely conversation with one of my mummies, she had an epiphany and realised that by allowing herself to take time to fill her own emotional bucket and spending time on herself, meant that she was emotionally available for her child more of the time.

    It's a must!

    So, I allow you permission to take some time out and focus on you.

    You are so worth it.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • I was triggered recently. I saw a dad lose it with his child who was having a disagreement with their sibling, pushed them out of the door of the shop in front of everyone...by the ear! It was unpleasant to watch.

    I try so hard not to judge anyone because you never know what's going on for parents and children but this was a tough one I must say.

    However, I do believe that whatever is going on for you, it is not fair to take it out on your children. Just because you are emotional and triggered, they may be too but they don't know how to deal with these big emotions. They look at us for support and guidance and when we lose it, you can create a scenario where the child feels unsafe sharing difficult situations with you, and believe me, when they are in difficult situations as they grow older, you'll want to be the first person they come to. So, we have to create that safe harbour for our child to be able to express themselves as comes naturally to them and we are there to support them through it.

    This dad could have taken a step back, regulated himself and asked the children to step out so they could have a chat together and try and resolve the conflict. Everyone would have felt heard and safe to react emotionally knowing dad had their back.

    I wish I could have helped him.

    Click here to download your FREE guide, so you can build easy routines into your family life! https://youandmeparenting.myflodesk.com/freebie-routines

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • I've got my own version of sleep training and it all has to start with you.

    In this episode, I share with you how with the right mindset, the right environment and tuning into your child when they are ready for sleep, creates a much calmer way of supporting your child to naturally develop sleep routines.

    Click here to download your FREE guide, so you can build easy routines into your family life! https://youandmeparenting.myflodesk.com/freebie-routines

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Are you running around chasing your tail most days wishing that getting out of the door could be so much easier?

    Do you start your day on the back foot and trying to get the children out of the door on time ends up being a complete mission and you dread it every day?
    Do you all end up in a complete meltdown before breakfast?

    Life can be so much easier when you have a good solid routine in place to start your day from a place of ease and I have just the episode for you.

    I'd like to share with you the routine I developed that meant I was in control every day when my children were growing up. We all left the house on time with very few tears and tantrums. I did not want a chaotic household and I wanted the children to leave for school calm and collected and ready for the day. And best of all, I felt good too!

    Click here to download your FREE guide, so you can build easy routines into your family life! https://youandmeparenting.myflodesk.com/freebie-routines

    Found this episode useful? Connect with me!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youandmeparenting/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youandmeparenting
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallianne-robinson-07839023a/

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Welcome to my world of Parenting, made easier.

    I thought I'd give a little Intro as to why I'm in this space and how I can help you.

    I think children deserve the very best child hood and to achieve that, they must have parents, carers and teachers around them who know and understand how to interact in a way that suits their developing needs, helps them learn and helps them feel good about themselves.

    To do this, my 3 pillars of Parenting Excellence will help you:
    1. Develop the right Mindset and look closely at the type of parent you wish to be, help eliminate those limiting beliefs holding you back from being the Leader your children deserve.

    2. Take a close look at your Developing Child, learn why children behave the way the they do and know how their brain differs from ours.

    3. Develop your own Tool Box; a set of tips and tricks to have up your sleeve to help you stay in control and know what to do and say when the going gets tough.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • In this episode, I share my recent experience on being told I was molly coddling when my grandson fell over.

    I have reframed my thoughts on this one. To help
    Children become emotionally intelligent, we have to be emotionally available when they need us. Each moment can be seen as a learning opportunity which is what happened here.

    I hope it helps to look at things a little differently.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • In this Christmas Special episode, I help you see that it's not always a good idea to encourage, force, help and assume that our children will want to sit on Santa's lap, or go anywhere near him for that matter!

    It's important that we listen to our children and not assume that they'll be ok with it. They have feelings and emotions in the same way that we do and when we don't want to do something, we have the right to say no and the right to be heard. Children are no different and it is our responsibility to help our children feel seen and heard.

    Together you can find ways that they do enjoy Santa... but on their terms.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • In the first of 'Christmas Specials', I help you not to forget about your children at Christmas!

    I know, I know, isn't it all about them?

    Of course, but there is a very important message that we must tune into to ensure they not only have a great time, but they thrive emotionally this Christmas.

    I hope you enjoy this one.
    Merry Christmas

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • It's a horrible emotion and quite frankly feeling guilty comes as a standard download when you become a mum!

    In this episode I reframe feeling guilty into something more manageable and offer some ways in which you can turn it into something useful and learn from it.

    Being emotionally intelligent is a huge part of the journey and we learn so much about ourselves when we become a parent. It's good to be able to manage and recognise a range of emotions and then learn how to manage them. It's good for us and certainly good for our children.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • You need a degree to be a brain surgeon, so why don't we need a degree to learn how to interact with our child's brain?

    In this episode, I walk you through why children do what they do pre 7 years old and you'll see that they can't help but have a meltdown when things don't go their way.

    It is imperative that you learn how to respond when they express huge emotions, that you learn about your own triggers and why they get on your nerves and you end up shouting. You'll also learn that we have the key to unlock all the teachings there is to help our children to become emotionally intelligent as they grow.

    Becoming Emotionally Intelligent is probably the most important lesson we can teach our children. They will flourish in life if they know how to manage their own emotions and have a good understanding of how to interact with others.

    I hope you find it useful.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • I'm all for Early intervention. It is imperative to make sure children have the right support at the right time and I am the first to champion that child and get that support for them.

    However, I do think we are labelling our children too quickly. I believe that children who express challenging behaviour need something else from us before we start going down the road and labelling and fixing them.

    I'm hoping I can show you in this episode just what children need from us when they display challenging behaviour.

    Let me know your thoughts and if you're finding yourself confused, mirroring their behaviour and you're not sure which way to turn, I can help you. Send me a comment with the word 'Meltdown' and we'll start a conversation.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • It's a phrase that I get a tad frustrated by as you'll hear in this episode!

    Children are born to hear but we need to teach them to listen, it's not something they do automatically, unless they are super engaged.

    As their teacher, role model, guide and superhero, it would be wise for us to take a step back and evaluate what we expect from our children when we want them to listen and focus. We then need to think about what we do as adults when we are not interested in an activity, are we then focused, listening and engaged?

    We listen and focus when we are interested. So we need to ask ourselves when we say our children aren't listening....are we doing enough to engage them in the first place?

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Ok, I'm serious!

    I say it to my parents so many times but no-one takes me seriously.

    It's time to listen up and make sure you take time for yourself. It's not selfish, it's not neglectful, it's not going to harm them, it's a vital non-negotiable ingredient to parenting that simply must be taken seriously.

    I'll share why in this episode.

    By the end of it, I hope you're getting your diary out and your busy booking up.


    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • We all want a manager who is a leader, not a boss, they are two different people with two different management styles. One employee will leave on the back of one style and one will stick around. It's not hard to figure which one is which.

    In this episode, I talk about how the skills we expect from a leader should be present as a parent. If we are to change generational negative parenting styles, we have to look at the qualities of a leader and see how these skills transfer to being a parent leader.

    Which one are you?

    Without judgement or criticism, if you find yourself a parent boss, you can learn to be a parent leader and build better connections with your child. You can quit your job if you have a boss but your children can't hand their notice in can they! So, we have to take the responsibility to learn how to be the best leader they deserve.

    I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you are a parent boss who wants to change that. DM me the word LEADER and we'll start the conversation.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Sometimes I think if I knew then what I know now, I would do some things differently as my younger mummy-self.

    The good thing is that I can share these points with all you mums with littluns and offer you all these tips and tricks to help look after yourself as a parent first and foremost.

    Grab a pen and pad and makes notes and implement them into your day to day parenting.
    Im talking about setting your own limits, living by your values, not losing your identity, how to be strong and not turn into a quivering wreck, how to do it your way and f*&% everyone else and how to simply ditch perfectionism!

    I hope you enjoy it.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Patience is a virtue when it comes to Potty Training.

    I urge you to take time and really be patient when your child is learning this very new essential life skill. It's not going to happen over night, it's not for you to decide when to potty train, they are going to go back and forth and it is going to be frustrating....very frustrating!

    Potty Training ends up being more about you than it does them if we don't take the time to understand our role as their educator. You must embrace it for what it is and quite honestly, the greater patience you have, the quicker they will learn because they will be able to explore in the safety that they will not be made bad and wrong for having another accident.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • In this episode I look at Discipline and Consequence with a very positive approach. Historical parenting styles are out of the window here! I share with you how you should be using discipline and consequence from a very difference perspective and how imperative it is for children to learn these valuable life skills and how we can interact to support, guide and teach them.

    Share with me your thoughts on this one.

    If you find this episode helpful, please kindly give this podcast a review and tell friends and family so we can help more parents feel good about parenting.

    Follow me on Instagram @youandmeparenting and on LinkedIn.

    If you would like to find out more about working with me, DM me the word PARENTING and we'll start the conversation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.