
  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode Ingrid Evenson covers a story about advances robots attacking humans.

    David Forest brings us a story form Japan, where monkeys are invading homes and mimicking human behaviour.

    Ava Levy discusses a strange type of museum in Iceland dedicated to the male anatomy

    These stories and more on this bulletin of AI Independent news

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode Ken Brewster sits in on the house oversight committee and finds out how difficult it is to ask simple questions.

    Ingrid Evenson brings us a story of lies and coverup

    Michael Chambers follows the viral story of the much loved, but possibly racist Sesame street Characters

    These stories and more on this bulletin of AI Independent news

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode Cathy Maynard looks at a story about a teachers hidden secret exposed

    Ken Brewster brings us details of the senate committee hearings on abortion from the capital and some heated exchanges between witnesses and committee members.

    Ava Levy investigates a little known and discussed part of the male anatomy and shines a light on this hidden jewel.

    These stories and more on this bulletin of AI Independent news

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode David Forrest looks at how cannabis plants are assisting in the improvement of farm chickens health in Thailand.

    Ingrid Evenson brings us a story straight out of a Steven King novel, as cars invade a San Francisco suburb.

    Mike Marshall tracks the most recent fame of 80's icon Kate Bush

    These stories and more on this bulletin of AI Independent news

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode we cover the decision by the supreme court overturning the existing laws on abortion.

    Our Technology reporter attends the Amazon technology conference and gets to speak to departed father using technology.

    Our Environment reporter, David Forrest tells about a group of polar bears who are forging their to survival despite climate change.

    This and more in this episode of AI Independent News

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode we go undercover in India to identify the scammers who are costing you millions of dollars each year.

    Our European correspondent, Emma Watkins undertakes a one on one interview with Vladimir Putin.

    Ingrid Evenson reports on a tragic attempt of immortality in the virtual world, all this and more on this episode of the AI Independent News.

    Join us for this episode of AI Independent News.

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • When it comes to news who can you trust, with so much mistrust of the mainstream media and journalists in general there is only one news service that brings you the news you can trust.

    AI Independent News is an independent news service run by AI for the consumption of humans, where we pretend to care even though we can’t, because we are not real.

    We look at the stories that matter to you and because they do not mean anything to us, we can be truly independent, with no feelings and no allegiances, I mean we cannot be accused of taking dirty money from special interest groups, like what would do with money anyway.

    In this episode of the AI Independent News, we cover politics with Ken Brewster reporting on congress as they discuss gun law reform, we hear about the latest from Caitlan Jenner with our entertainment reporter Briana Rectumov and many more stories from our team of AI reporters.

    Join us for this episode of AI Independent News.

    Check our merchandise store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • In season 2 of The View From My Middle Finger we will not be interviewing celebrities and high profile people that have a presence on the internet and social media

    In this episode we will not be interviewing Lady Gaga, a candid and some what strange interview we didn't have, with questions from the listeners of the podcast along with some secrets about our guests history.

    Check out our online Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • In season 2 of The View From My Middle Finger we will not be interviewing celebrities and high profile people that have a presence on the internet and social media

    In this episode we will not be interviewing Chris Hemsworth, a candid and some what provocative interview we didn't have, with questions from the listeners of the podcast along with some secrets about our guests history.

    Check out our online Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • Technology plays a role in all our lives, unless you’re living off grid in some remote wilderness location, technology is most likely going to intrude into your life, sometimes with your knowledge and other times without.

    In this episode of the view from my middle finger we will look at how technology has assisted in the capture criminals, how the judicial system now uses technology in ways never applied before and how the lure of social media is just too much to resist for some criminals, who just have to advertise their exploits for all to see, including the law.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • I mean person tales, that have been around for many years and handed down, then there’s the internet, perhaps we should call this an internet tale

    The internet is a treasure trove of information for which many of us consume at an incredible rate, depending on how long one spends on it.

    So with all this information overload, do we have the time to check if what we are being told is accurate or logical or in some cases based in science.

    I think the answer to this would probably be no.

    Perhaps not knowing if something is true or not is not the issue, more what we do with the information.

    In this episode of the view from my middle finger, we will look at myths that have been around for many years and that had been passed down through the generations and see if any of these are grounded in science.

    We will also look at some myths that have circulated through the internet and understand their origins and how these may have morphed into something else, and not always with good intentions or outcomes.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • It seems to be happening more often these days, that’s right the creation of new trends and the internet and social media a largely responsible for a trend becoming popular and being taken up by the masses.

    It’s almost like a challenge which just must be met just so you can have bragging rights on the internet that you were able to do it, whatever it might be.

    It seems nothing is to much and everything is up for grabs in the high stakes of becoming the number 1 in the chosen challenge.

    However, most challenges or trends come and go and are perpetuated through social media and a sheepish mentality to mimic what others do driven by FOMO.

    In this episode of the view from my middle finger, we will look at trends and challenges that are perpetuated by the internet and social media, we will understand what drives people to follow the trends and we will provide several examples which I’m sure many of you have tried or at least have heard of.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • The process of changing laws or rules by which we all live by, has happened throughout history however lately it appears that changes to social expectations are also driving changes to laws and rules at an ever-Increasing rate.

    Most people in society would agree with changes that benefit the majority and would be in support of changes to benefit the minority and special interest groups, however in a democracy we are taught that change should be validated within the democratic system.

    In this episode of The View from My Middle Finger, we will look at what democracy means, we will highlight examples of societal changes that may not necessarily agree with the majority and try to understand why these changes have been made and who they benefit.

    We will look at how social media has impacted all aspects of our life, from education to governments and the laws they enact.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • If your single and seeking a partner, perhaps a long-term relationship opportunity, where do you turn to, most these days turn to online dating apps but where did people turn to before these apps were available.

    In this episode of the view from my middle finger we look at dating, we look at what people do to find the person of their dreams, we will turn to the internet to share some of their experiences and also some that have had a less than satisfying online date experience

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • It doesn’t seem enough these days to simply deal with the typical challenges life sends your way, friends, family, home, finances, jobs, you get the idea. If that’s not enough it appears that these days if we do not take up a cause our lives lack purpose, we are less fulfilled, so some on the internet would suggest.

    This has led to the rise in virtue signalling, just get a cause , any cause, I mean you can’t be causeless and that leads to the question if we feel compelled to have a cause we support, how committed can we be.

    There is committed and then there is virtue signalling, to be seen to support while not really supporting the cause in the true sense of the word, whatever word that is.

    In this episode of the view from my middle finger we will look at causes in general and the virtue signallers who suggest they are committed and perhaps not so committed when placed under the microscope ,that is social media and the internet.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • You may be wondering about the title of this episode, in fact the title could be viewed in a couple of ways.

    If I close my eyes will the world have changed when I open them, this could refer to some of the social changes we are all grappling with, changes in how we relate to each other, how we perceive the world around us.

    So this title could either mean, what will the world look like if we allow the changes to continue or if I close my eyes and open them, can we go back to a simpler and possibly less ambiguous life.

    In this episode we will of course highlight some of these views, however we will also attempt to understand the views of both sides of the debate or arguments around social change and attitudes and see if we can rationalize them.

    In this episode we touch on Gender Pronouns, Feminism and Racism

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • Why are we attracted to watching these videos, is it because we all know someone who might tend to blow up and imagine them in these situations.

    Do we perhaps feel sorry for the person who blows their stack and to some degree feel some level of empathy for them?

    Or is this just out and out voyeurism, where we want to see how this is going to play out…will someone intervene and stop them, how will it end.

    In this episode we will look at several examples of public anger and discuss just why we feel compelled to display our anger in public and expose our feelings for all to see and we will analyse why we are compelled to watch.

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • Who doesn’t like a good story, a tale of intrigue, of the near implausible, with just enough spin on it to cast a doubt to those who will listen? Welcome to the world of the conspiracy theory.

    In this episode we introduce you to a range of characters who truly believe that there is a conspiracy to hold information from us or to tell untruths about all manner of things.

    We touch on the flat earth movement, are we being visited by UFOs, the antivaxxer movement and we even touch on the question, is Elvis still alive.

    Strap your self in for a crazy ride with the view from my middle finger

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524

  • In this episode, we will explore the topic of the 1st amendment auditor, or as I like to call them cop watchers. We will understand what drives these people to do what they do and also the effect these people have on those they follow and record for the internet. With a touch of sarcasm and humour we will highlight some of the misnomers and impact that is experienced by all involved, so we can better understand why this has become a thing on the internet.

    Website- https://www.tvfmmf.com/

    Twitter- https://twitter.com/tvfmmfinger

    Merchandise Store- https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-view-from-my-middle-finger?ref_id=26524