Your weekly rhetorical assault on the on the news cycle, the people who make it, and occasionally ourselves. Kmele Foster (Freethink), Michael Moynihan (Vice), and Matt Welch (Reason) talk and laugh and drink their way to at least quasi-sanity in a world gone mad, often with the aid of clean and articulate guests. Weekly Members Only subscription edition often comes with listener mail and professional-quality (if inappropriate) singing. Analysis. Commentary. Sedition. -
Waarom is Nederland eigenlijk nog steeds een monarchie? Voormalig Republikein van het Jaar Marcel van Roosmalen wil zo snel mogelijk de republiek uitroepen. Hij onderzoekt wat een toekomstig president van de Oranjes kan leren. Want laten we eerlijk zijn: statistisch gezien is de kans is groot, dat u wél dol op ze bent.
A podcast highlighting the people, places, and current events that are affecting the world in a positive way. Each week Hannah sits down with a different performer/comedian and unveils to them all of the best (and silliest) news she's discovered. Let’s be honest, the bulk of our news tends to highlight the absolute worst dang stuff going in the world. A lot of it is fear based, repetitive, and goes straight bummer-town. This is not to say that being aware of these events isn't valid or important, but it is just as important to acknowledge that, most of the time, when bad shenanigans are happening there are also people out there working to make it better. So join Hannah and her comedic guest as they discuss those positive rays of sunshine that are making a difference in the world.
Divining the murcky paths between conspiracy fact and illusion. Astral projecting through the the vail of darkness that clouds our reality from the beyond and surfing the gravitational waves of truth to the centre awareness of the multiverse, while evading the darkness of those who worship evil. We strive to drag those things and beings who deceive and mislead into the Light.
Join us on an adventure into the world hidden in plain sight.
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Als podcast toch wel het lachertje van de Nederlandse politiek: de top Den Haag luistert niet alleen naar vragen en zorgen uit 'de provincie', maar gaat er meteen mee aan de slag. Moeilijke kwesties uitgelegd in begrijpelijke taal, in plaats van andersom. Geen actieve herinneringen, maar tekst en uitleg en een publiek toegankelijk luisterarchief. Wie zíjn die grappenmakers?Zoek zelf ook verbinding: beveel eens aan, bij mensen die geen zin hebben in altijd politiek. En altijd bij de politici die geen zin hebben in mensen.
Conspiracy theories are everywhere you turn in the modern age. We're here to figure out why, and to find ways to fight them. Why is the internet the greatest tool for conspiracy theorists? Can you believe your eyes and ears? And why do so many conspiracy theories end in "gate?" Join Dr. Kyle Moody and Mr. Zack Hightower for every episode as they give the facts behind the greatest conspiracies of the digital age. Listen today to learn more about Those Who Conspire.