Regering – Danmark – Nye podcasts

  • Dyk ned i Forsvarets verden med unikke indblik og ekspertviden med Forsvarsakademiets podcast ’Krigsskolen’. Her udforsker vi en bred række af emner fra militære uddannelser og forskning til sikkerhedspolitiske analyser.

    Forsvarsakademiet leverer de uddannelser og professionsdannelser, der gør Forsvarets medarbejdere i stand til at løse Forsvarets helt særlige opgaver, både i dag og i fremtiden.

    Krigsskolens gæster udtaler sig ikke på vegne af Forsvarsakademiet eller Forsvaret, men ud fra deres egen faglige ekspertise.

  • I denne podcastserie inviterer skatteminister Jeppe Bruus eksperter, kritikere og vigtige stemmer i debatten ind til en uformel samtale om et aktuelt skattepolitisk emne. 


    Podcasten er produceret af Skatteministeriet.

  • Re-thinking Europe is a podcast from the Brussels-based think-tank Europe Jacques Delors, bringing EU environmental sustainability to the fore. Welcome to an exciting series of episodes combining both stories and perspectives from young European residents, and interviews with policy experts and decision-makers. Together, we will unravel key topics and make them understandable for all. Whether you are a policy maker, scientific expert, part of civil society or just a curious citizen, follow Re-thinking Europe and get to know more about the greening of the EU trade policy, the sustainability in our agri-food system, as well as ocean protection and governance!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I Brændpunkt dykker vi ned i verdenspolitiske begivenheder for at afdække strukturelle sammenhænge bag politisk ustabilitet.

    Jeg er Claus Bülow, og sammen med Doktor i Sociologi, Klaus Kondrup, udforsker vi de geopolitiske netværk, der former vores verden.

    Hver episode tager udgangspunkt i ét specifikt, geopolitisk brændpunkt. I løbet af episoden optrevler vi netværket omkring brændpunktet - og beskriver de involverede aktører.

    I en tid hvor mediebilledet kan virke forvirrende med sensationelle overskrifter, søger vi at skabe klarhed og forståelse. For hvad er det egentlig, der foregår, når verden virker kaotisk, og konflikter synes uundgåelige?

  • What happens when someone becomes a human-rights icon – but then turns out to stand for something else entirely? Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng was locked up for fighting against China’s One Child Policy and suffered years of unlawful imprisonment. In 2012, following a daring midnight escape, he landed in the United States a hero. But that’s only the beginning of his story. Just a few years later, he would re-enter the spotlight as an avid Trump supporter and a “Stop the Steal” rally-goer. How did this happen? Alison Klayman, Colin Jones, and Yangyang Cheng set out on a journey to find out – did Guangcheng change, or was he totally misunderstood from the beginning? From Crooked Media, This is Dissident At The Doorstep.

  • Skøjtehallen i Aarhus har ligget på Gøteborg Allé i 50 år og hver dag finder 500 mennesker ud på isen. Men hvad laver så mange mennesker på den glatte is? I denne podcast møder vi nogle af dem, der bruger en stor del af deres tid i Aarhus Skøjtehal.

  • Forrin talks about all aspects of foreignness; integration, national identity and immigration. It's hosted by Mike Bowden and Patrick Garratt, two Britons living respectively in Denmark and France.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Følg med i nyt om stort og småt fra din arbejdsplads i Psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark

  • “F*CK! Jeg er folkevalgt” - Brown & Søe, indsat bag de tykke mure.

    En podcast der handler om politik, bag facaden. Jeppe Søe (M) og Louise Brown (LA) er begge nyvalgte i Folketinget. På borgen er de modstandere i debatter, som regering og opposition. Men bag kampene er vokset et stærkt venskab, hvor de sætter fælles ord på livet som folkevalgte. Pressen, bekymringerne, ensomheden, kampene, skuespillet og alt det ægte, de færreste forbinder med et liv i politik. “F*ck jeg er folkevalgt” er en podcast om følelser, forundring og den virkelighed der møder dig, når du pludselig er indsat som folkevalgt bag borgens tykke mure.

  • This is the official podcast from the Danish Maritime Authority.

    Visit the Danish Maritime Authority here.

  • Every fortnight the Burning Issue looks at different elements of the energy recovery sector.

    Presented by Luke Walsh, the editor of, the show interviews leading figures in the energy recovery sector and aims to investigate where the sector is now and where does it go from here. 

    Luke became interested in waste management while working on a bin lorry one summer in Essex. The team he was with collected commercial waste and dumped it in a huge landfill in Pitsea, with no attempt to sort or recycle it.  

    Looking out over the landfill Luke thought this was the wrong approach and started writing about environmental issues and reporting on the energy-from-waste sector, which he believes is the best solution for waste that can’t be recycled. But is this still the case?

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Der er uendelige valg, som vi skal eller kan træffe for at tilpasse vores økonomi til vores egne behov. Men nogle gange kan det være svært at vurdere, hvilken løsning der er den bedste i lige præcis den situation, man står i. 

    RÅD TIL PENGE er Finanstilsynets grundlæggende guide til din økonomi. 

    I løbet af denne podcast-serie vil vært Mille Skjold Madsen - i samarbejde med en masse kloge mennesker - hjælpe dig med at navigere i din økonomi, så du kan få en god mavefornemmelse, når du tænker på din økonomiske situation - eller nå de mål, du drømmer om.

  • Justice. Security. Health. Technology. The on-the-ground realities of homelessness. The infinite possibilities of space.

    These are all big issues – bigger than any one organization can handle. Truly tackling the problems and opportunities inherent in these big societal concerns will take a concerted effort from all walks of society – public agencies and private companies, non-profits and academics, multinational foundations and community activists. But no matter what teams are assembled, government will play a key role in constructing the scaffolding on which solutions are built.

    Government’s Future Frontiers will examine what it takes to confront some of the most pressing issues of today, and the emerging questions that will help build the future. We’ll look at what it takes to build the coalitions of public and private sector players who can take on these issues, and share the solutions and ideas that are emerging from around the globe. Because we can’t predict all the issues that will emerge in the coming years – but we can provide a roadmap to how those issues may be resolved.

    Government’s Future Frontiers is brought to you by Deloitte Insights and the Center for Government Insights.

  • We are a team of middle school students helping students in middles school pass the civics eoc. Have any questions? ask us in our email! [email protected] Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter! 😁 @breath_of_fresh_civics

  • This is an EQUALS Podcast Miniseries delving into the complex connections between finance, development and healthcare.

    In this podcast you will hear how a collection of private hospitals in the Global South are systematically abusing patients and denying healthcare, causing hardship, suffering and death. And they are using your taxes to do it.

    Get ready for a wild ride about the dark things happening at the intersection of power, finance and healthcare.

    This Podcast is based on two Oxfam reports: Sick Development and First, Do Not Harm.

    This miniseries is hosted by Maaza Seyoum, storyboarding done by Audra Williams, Simon Maina is the Producer and Victoria Harnett is the Executive Producer.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "En fremtid uden affald" er en podcast til dig, som vil vide mere om, hvordan vi i Danmark kan skabe en fremtid helt uden affald, og hvordan vejen dertil ser ud.

    I hvert afsnit dykker vi ned i et hjørne af arbejdet med at forebygge affald og finde løsninger for genbrug og genanvendelse.

    Podcasten er udgivet af det landsdækkende EU LIFE-projekt Circular Economy Beyond Waste.

  • Sunday Roast discussing Politics in Britain, Europe and sometimes the rest of the world:

    🎬Check us out on YouTube:

    All Hail the Lava Lamp:

    #sundayroast #brexit #politics