
  • “Avoid becoming the proverbial squirrel, mindlessly chasing too many things. It's crucial that our pursuits align with both our short-term and long-term goals, ensuring a meaningful connection and purpose." ~ Antoinette Mendez

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by Antoinette Mendez. With a fiery passion for helping young students succeed in postsecondary planning, Antoinette brings a unique energy and expertise to the table. Having spent a decade in the school system as a counselor and intervention specialist, she knows the ins and outs of educational pathways like the back of her hand. But what sets Antoinette apart is her unwavering commitment to empowering students and their families. As the CEO of Mission 2 Transition, she delivers personalized college and career planning solutions that go above and beyond.

    Antoinette's own journey of self-discovery and exploration has fueled her desire to ensure that every student makes informed decisions about their education and finances. Antoinette underscores the significance of self-care in her life and its correlation to gaining insights into her strengths and leadership styles for both professional success and a satisfying work-life balance, with guidance from La’Vista Jones’ book, The BOSS™ Shift.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Gain a understanding of the importance of postsecondary planning in education and finances, and how it can set you up for success in the long run Discover practical strategies to incorporate self-care into your entrepreneurial journey, allowing you to thrive both personally and professionally Learn how self-assessment plays a vital role in achieving work-life balance, helping you identify your strengths and areas in need of improvement Embrace self-awareness and appreciate your strengths to achieve work-life balance, allowing you to lead a more fulfilling and harmonious life

    Whether you're a parent guiding your kids into college or a business owner seeking to simplify your life and business, tune in to this episode of BOSS™ Talk.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Schedule a FREE Consultation with Antoinette Mission 2 Transition Website Mission 2 Transition - Facebook Mission 2 Transition - Instagram Antoinette Mendez - LinkedIn Order "The BOSS™Shift" Book and Journal Here!

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Only in the silence can true healing begin. Embrace the fear and face the cave, for it is there that God wants to take your pain and transform it into strength.” ~ Michelle Guevara

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, meet my guest Michelle Guevara. She is a mover and shaker who refuels by spending time in nature and journaling. A Program Manager with the University of Arizona’s Department of Surgery, she is an indispensable part of her team. Outside of her full-time gig, she pours her energy into aiding multiple entrepreneurs, including faith-based nonprofit organizations. Her driving motto, NOAH (No One Walks Alone), beautifully encapsulates her passionate commitment to helping others in their journeys. Michelle is also a living PhD in healing from burnout, having navigated tough life experiences, a testament to her resilience.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Master the art of identifying and tackling burnout to enhance your performance and happiness Value the importance of self-care as a cornerstone of your everyday life Validate the importance of seeking help, fostering growth and resilience amidst adversity Track the journey of healing from burnout, shaping a more robust mental health Delve into the fine art of balancing work and personal life to keep burnout at bay

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Michelle Guevara - LinkedIn Michelle Guevara - Instagram Purchase The BOSS™ Shift Book and Journal HERE Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

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  • “I don't think we have to have a work life and a home life. I think we can just have a life, and they ought to blend together.” - James Christensen

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by James Christensen, the dynamic leader at the helm of Gateway Bank, Mesa Arizona's one-and-only community bank. With keen business acumen, James has nurtured Gateway Bank into a high performing and respected financial institution. Apart from his corporate prowess, his fervor for community development is admirable, leading to him being named Mesa Citizen of the Year in 2023. Passionate about financial literacy, James frequently engages audiences with insightful talks aimed at improving financial well-being. His evolution from a workaholic to an advocate for work-life balance is a testament to his adaptability and wisdom.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Grasp the importance of balancing work and life for supreme success Realize the impact of fostering self-care habits in creating an inspirational work environment Develop skills to connect deeply with clients and place team cohesion at the surface Recognize the potency of embracing vulnerability and being authentic as a guiding leader Recognize the importance of championing mental health and making an investment in personal growth through therapy

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    James Christensen - LinkedIn Gateway Bank Website Gateway Bank - LinkedIn Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Without the wilderness, you can't look back and say, wow, look how far I've come. And that's where I sit today, on the other side of the wilderness saying, wow, look how far I've come.” ~ Brenda Mariah

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by Brenda Mariah, founder of Push Career Management where their mission is to eradicate joblessness and underemployment by encouraging and equipping others to reach their full career potential. When confidence is missing from your job search, career advancement, interview preparation/performance, salary negotiation, LinkedIn profiles, or career-related communications…Brenda Mariah is your girl.

    When you KNOW you can do the job, but you’re having trouble getting others to see your value. That’s where Brenda Mariah comes in; specializing in boosting confidence in those who are going to battle emotionally in their careers or transitions. Brenda's recent trip to Portugal further expanded her perspective and sparked a newfound passion for empowering individuals to explore new opportunities and embrace personal growth. Her dedication to helping others heal and discover their true potential after divorce is truly commendable. Prepare to gain valuable insights as Brenda shares her wisdom on healing and self-discovery in the face of life's challenges.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Discover the keys to increased self-confidence and personal growth after divorce, empowering you to embrace a brighter future Find healing and inner strength as you navigate the challenges of divorce, unlocking a path to self-discovery and newfound resilience Develop a roadmap for healing and self-discovery empowering you to confidently navigate the ups and downs of this transformative journey Discover the transformative power of self-reflection and self-care, igniting a journey of healing and personal development

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    On-Demand Interview Push Course with Brenda Mariah Free consultation with Brenda Mariah Push Career Management Website Brenda Mariah - LinkedIn Push Career Management - Instagram Push Career Management - Facebook Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Take care and listen to your body and your mind, and be good for you, or you will not be good for anyone else.” ~ Roicia Banks

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am delighted to interview Roicia Banks, an inspiring social worker and community advocate, who has spent more than ten years creating a positive impact on children and families within state and tribal governments. With Social Roots, LLC, a company she founded in 2018, Roicia provides social work services that cater specifically to the needs of the African American and Indigenous communities. Her notable contribution towards breaking mental health stigmas in these communities places her in a unique position to share insights on the importance of entrepreneurs prioritizing mental health.

    By prioritizing your mental well-being, you can unlock a greater sense of emotional balance and avoid the pitfalls of overwhelming stress and exhaustion. Let's explore how you can achieve this crucial result and thrive as an entrepreneur.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Gain an understanding of why prioritizing mental health is the key to thriving as an entrepreneur Learn the importance of continuously adapting self-care routines throughout the different stages of life Acknowledge the therapeutic power of savoring small moments of joy in daily lifeValue the impact of practicing positive self-talk and self-compassion on self-esteem and well-being Grasp why taking time off and prioritizing rest helps in sidestepping burnout

    Make sure to listen to the entire episode and learn how to enter the raffle to win a ticket to ATTITUDE: A Mental Health Summit for African American Women 2024. Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Social Roots LLC Website Attend ATTITUDE: A Mental Health Summit for African American Women 2024 Social Roots Self Care Shop Roicia Banks LinkedIn Social Roots Instagram Social Roots Facebook Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “2023 has been about giving up the good for the great. You don't know what's on the other side until you let something go.” ~ Dr. Khalia Braswell

    In this captivating installment of BOSS™ Talk, we hand over the reins to Keiona Eady, a proud luminary at the helm of The Authentic Messenger—a powerhouse PR + Marketing enterprise. Formerly the charismatic voice behind the New Geechee podcast, Keiona steps into the role of our esteemed guest host. Joining her in the spotlight is none other than Dr. Khalia Braswell, an illustrious technologist whose pursuit of social transformation through technology has earned her accolades.

    Khalia, a Carolina girl turned Philly resident is not only a savvy entrepreneur, but is also mastering balancing her passions and nurturing her well-being. As the Founder of a successful non-profit organization, Khalia knows firsthand the challenges that came with wearing multiple hats. This realization led her to abandon the “hustle culture” she once ardently embraced, recognizing that it was no longer conducive to her personal and professional growth.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Discover how to maintain mental health by making yourself a priority Learn effective techniques for reducing distractions and enhancing focus Explore the profound significance of unlearning and pivoting as indispensable tools for personal and professional development Explore how embracing change can lead to substantial growth and success Recognize when to sacrifice the good in pursuit of the exceptional

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Khalia Braswell - Website Khalia Braswell - Instagram Keiona Eady - Website (The Authentic Messenger) Keiona Eady - Instagram Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Being strong is not like this rigid thing, it's meant to be flexible. You're meant to be flexible to move with what life brings.” ~ Kendra Tillman

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by Kendra Tillman, a passionate mentor and advocate for women experiencing burnout. Kendra possesses an undeniable talent for helping women find their voice and embrace self-care, leading them confidently and authentically.

    With her extensive background as a certified personal and executive coach, Kendra has collaborated with a range of organizations, including Women of Color in Pharma and Amazon. Through her sage advice and genuine empathy, she supports countless women in recognizing their strengths, facing their fears, and becoming resilient leaders in their everyday lives.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Discover the significance of self-care and advocacy in a womans’ life Learn how to identify and utilize your unique strengths to express your voice confidently Gain insights on overcoming life's challenges and pursuing your passion. Recognize the crucial role of systems and tools in achieving business success Understand the power of supporting and appreciating the value of diverse voices

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Free Offer From Kendra: The 'Active Your A' mini session is a 45 min debrief + laser coaching session that will equip leaders to activate their instinctive problem-solving strengths so they can lead more authentically in their business or ministry work. The $55 investment covers the cost of their assessment. I am providing the debrief and laser coaching time at no additional charge.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    'Activate Your A' mini session with Kendra Kendra Tillman - Website Kendra Tillman - Facebook Kendra Tillman - Instagram Kendra Tillman - LinkedIn Strong Like Water: Finding the Freedom, Safety, and Compassion to Move Through Hard Things--and Experience True Flourishing Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “There's always more things that we can learn or refine, but if there's something burning in your heart to share, you have a unique perspective, and someone needs to hear your particular perspective.” ~ Dr. Nadia Brown

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by Dr. Nadia Brown, a sales strategist and founder of a sales consulting firm The Doyenne Agency. With over 15 years of experience, she is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs conquer imposter syndrome and gain confidence in their unique perspectives. Dr. Brown’s Consistent Sales Method focuses on building relationships and offering exceptional client experiences, leading to increased revenues and satisfied client retention. With an emphasis on dignity, class, and grace in sales, Dr. Brown's refreshing approach empowers women to pursue success on their own terms.

    The constant struggle of imposter syndrome can be paralyzing, especially for women in business. It's time to stop feeling like an imposter and start owning your unique perspective. Join us to learn effective strategies to overcome imposter syndrome, amplify your voice, and achieve the confidence you need to thrive in the marketplace. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back any longer - let's tackle it together.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Embrace the significance of women's voices and improve marketplace diversity Vanquish imposter syndrome as a woman in business to achieve success Pinpoint sales shortcomings and leverage them for future accomplishments Unlock the power of self-awareness in driving exponential sales improvement Implement essential self-care practices to navigate high-stress environments with resilience

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Take The Quiz! The Doyenne Agency Dr. Nadia Brown - LinkedIn Dr. Nadia Brown - Instagram Dr. Nadia Brown - Facebook Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “I am amazing! I don't have to do it the way everybody says you're supposed to do it. I have unique ideas and thoughts that need to be heard." ~ Tanika J. Lothery

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by my friend and colleague Tanika J Lothery, a dedicated entrepreneur and the driving force behind Virtually Yours TJL, an agency that specializes in offering remote professional assistance to clients in various fields. With a background in the corporate world, Tanika has been committed to helping businesses thrive since 2010. As she shares her personal experiences of battling imposter syndrome and discovering her voice, Tanika encourages fellow entrepreneurs to overcome their own self-doubts and amplify the uniqueness of their voices.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Learning how to triumph over imposter syndrome by increasing your self-confidence and unleashing your true voice Understanding the importance of seeking out personal and professional development in like-minded groups Overcoming fear and negative self-talk by confronting and transforming it into a positive mindset Emphasizing the practice of self-care on your terms Celebrating the uniqueness and value of your own voice

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Virtually Yours, TJL Website Tanika J. Lothery - LinkedIn Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Sometimes entrepreneurship is ugly, it hurts and it’s frustrating and confusing and you feel like you are in a crowded room screaming and nobody is paying attention." - La’Vista Jones

    In this episode of the BOSS™ Talk podcast, host La'Vista Jones opens up about her frustration and disappointment when her business milestone goes unnoticed, highlighting the challenges of running BOSS™ Talk for the past 5 years. Listeners get to eavesdrop on the mastermind conversation between La’Vista, Dr. Nadia Brown and Pamela Slim as they dive into the importance of vulnerability, resilience and community in entrepreneurship.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Recognize the critical role of community support and camaraderie in the entrepreneurial journey Gain insight on how to handle business disappointments constructively and use them as launchpads for growth Discover the transformative power of unwavering dedication and commitment to your vision in overcoming entrepreneurial hurdles Grasp ways to adapt to communal dynamics and their relevance to your business Delve into the complexities of running a future-oriented business and prevailing through subsequent challenges and emotions

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    31 Marketplace Website Need Podcast Support? Click Here! BOSS™ Talk Podcast Dr. Nadia’s Podcast: Straight Talk About Sales with Dr. Nadia Pamela Slim’s Podcast: The Widest Net Podcast Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Don't put yourself last because you were designed to be first.” ~ Damaris Carroll

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I sat down with Damaris Carroll to explore her personal journey with self-care and discovering how to choose herself first. Damaris is a creator and implementer of effective plans to optimize DEI and Employee Engagement in organizations. Damaris creates, maintains, and supports training programs to enhance employee’s performance. With over 15 years in the DEI space Damaris has become a Subject Matter Expert in DEI organizational change management.

    Damaris deep dives into how she got comfortable with being selfish when it comes to her self-care and the journey of unlearning negative behaviors when it came to caring for herself.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Damaris’ background journey to self-care Redirecting what her value was based on How religion and cultural identity played a role Advice for those struggling with prioritizing their self care

    Whether you can see yourself in Damaris’ story or are wanting to support someone else in their self-care journey, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    LinkedIn - Damaris Carroll Facebook - Damaris Carroll Instagram - Damaris Carroll Order "The BOSS™Shift"

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Self-care is not optional. I define self-care as something that is intentional and something that you do just for you. The intentionality piece makes a difference because you’re reminding yourself - I deserve this and I matter.” ~ Debbie Reber

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I get to sit down with parenting activist, Debbie Reber who is, also, the founder of Tilt Parenting, a website, podcast, and resource for parents like her who are raising differently wired children. We had a transparent conversation about parenting and taking the time to make sure we take care of ourselves.

    A regular contributor to Psychology Today and ADDitude Magazine, Debbie’s newest book is Differently Wired: A Parent’s Guide to Raising an Atypical Child with Confidence and Hope. Debbie’s take on relentless self care and her message of hope for parents will no doubt be life changing for you.

    Before becoming a solopreneur, Debbie worked in TV and video production, producing documentaries for UNICEF, working on Blue’s Clues for Nickelodeon, and developing series for Cartoon Network. In 2019, her husband, and 17-year-old relocated to Brooklyn, NY after living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands for five years.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: What is relentless self care Why it is important to connect with other people when dealing with unmet expectations in your parenting journey How there is more awareness willingness to talk openly about mental health challenges and neuro divergence How to adjust to your new normal after a diagnosis of your child What walking out relentless self care look like

    Whether you have questions about how self care shlid look in your life or are navigating your way through your child’s diagnosis, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. Debbie shares some great advice that eased my heart as a mother and I’m confident this information will do the same for you and your family.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Differently Wired: 7 Day Challenge Tilt Parenting Website Tilt Together - Facebook Community Tilt Parenting - Instagram Debbie Reber - LinkedIn Pre-Order The BOSS™Shift

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “We go through life, checking the boxes and doing all the things we are supposed to do - but never do we actually check in with ourselves and say, is this what I want?” ~ Jennifer Arthurton

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am joined by Jennifer Arthurton, the creator and founder of Old Chicks Know Sh*t, which is a community and podcast that is designed to inspire and support midlife women in chasing their dreams and creating a kick ass next chapter in life!

    Jennifer sits down with me to a revealing and honest conversation about her experience with burnout and how it led to her figuring out what she wanted in for HER life by giving herself permission to dream new dreams and visualize a different life and career after nearly 30 years in corporate america.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: How burnout looks different for everyone The pivotal moment of coming to terms with what you really want in your own life Jennifer’s own reinvention of her life How to stay grounded in your authentic self What cultivating a relationship that nurtures us looks like

    Whether you have experienced burnout or are trying to figure out what the next step towards finding the joy in your life at a later age looks like, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. We share some tips and personal stories that I am sure you will find valuable and maybe even see yourself.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Kickstarter Clarity Call Old Chicks Know Sh*t Website Jennifer Arthurton - Facebook Jennifer Arthurton - Instagram Old Chicks Know Sh*t - The Podcast Pre-Order The BOSS™Shift

    As a special bonus, Jennifer is offering our BOSS™ Talk listeners a Kickstarter Clarity Call which is a complimentary 45 minute call with her. During your free call, she will talk about 3 things that will give you the kick-start you need to begin moving forward:

    Clarity ~ Uncover the key thing that you might not realize is holding you back from stepping into this powerful time of your life. Connection ~ All the answers you need are inside you. Let's talk about how to access your inner wisdom and get the clarity you are seeking. Courage ~ let's talk about how to move through fear and doubt toward the life you want.

    You can cover all 3 topics during your time together, or you can spend your time focused on what resonates with you most. This is YOUR call, and Jennifer wants to support you in whatever way is most helpful in getting you started toward your kick-ass next chapter!

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “The words that I chose for the year were “Grow Together” and I want it for our team, for us to grow together as a team, for us to be growing together with our clients. That's where I think we just create this really beautiful environment where people can be themselves, be vulnerable, and also do really excellent work together.” ~ Pamela Slim

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, it is a full circle moment! BOSS™ Talk was birthed at K’é Main Street Learning Lab as an in-person event back in 2018 and today I have one of the co-owners and my dear friend, Pamela Slim here on the show. In this episode we talk about firing ourselves from tasks that we do not need to be doing anymore - by leveraging systems and by building team. I am excited for you all to hear our conversation.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode: Recognizing the catalysts of letting go and seeking support Identifying the right to time to make the investment into building a team Diving into how having a team impacts growth and sustainability Learning how leadership skills are impacted by building a team Taking that first step when at the crossroads of vision and overwhelm

    If you’re at the crossroads of vision and overwhelm in your business, this episode of BOSS™ Talk is for you.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Pamela Slim - Website The Widest Net book K’é Main Street Learning Lab Pre-Order The BOSS™ Shift

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “When I took ownership of my time, it allowed me to free up space for other priorities in my life - that’s when things started to shift.” ~ April Nowlin

    Time is the most valuable resource we have and to spend it on tasks that you simply shouldn’t be doing is wasteful. This is where systems come in, they help you free up space and take ownership of your time. And that time freedom is something most entrepreneurs want more of.

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am speaking with my bestie and Certified Breakthrough Life Coach, April Nowlin. From personal experience, April understands how tough and disorienting a chaotic life can be. As a 3-time divorcee, April has weathered the storms of transition and has successfully implemented time strategies to grow a thriving business even after divorce. In this episode we talk about those strategies and how owning our time has impacted our lives as business women that also wear many other hats.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    Understanding the meaning of owning your time Identifying why is it important for women to own our time Insight into why women often struggle with time boundaries Learning how leveraging automation can help reclaim your time

    Whether you have struggled with keeping boundaries around your time or are looking to pick up some additional time management ideas, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. April shares some great insight around time ownership and creating time related boundaries in your personal and business life.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Now What? 7 Steps To Rebuilding Yourself After Divorce April Nowlin - Website April Nowlin - Facebook April Nowlin - Instagram April Nowlin - LinkedIn The BOSS™ Shift Book

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Being scared means that this is what you should be doing, it's clearly what you want and that fear needs to drive you forward, instead of keeping you standing still.” - Alicia Peterkin

    In perfectionism is defined as the need to be or appear to be perfect, or even believe that it's possible to achieve perfection and we are going to get real today about how that has played out in both of our lives as entrepreneurs and women.

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I am speaking with Alicia D. Peterkin, the Founder & CEO of New Methods Consulting, Inc., a full-service HR outsourcing firm. I am so excited to have Alicia here today speaking about perfectionism and how it shows up in her day-to-day life and the discussions we have had about it in our coaching sessions. During the show, Alicia candidly shares how a coaching session with me gave her permission to say yes to herself and stop waiting on the ‘perfect circumstance’ to shift and prioritize her own happiness.

    Alicia is now on a mission to stay in this self-sustaining place she found since shifting and she believes there are many others out there like her that are desperately searching for more - a BOSS™ Shift is that more!

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    A look into what perfectionism really looks like Understanding how perfectionism is related to procrastination Identifying the type of mindset needed to make a BOSS™ Shift

    If dealing with perfectionism has been holding you back from going after positive changes or achievements, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Alicia Peterkin - Website Alicia Peterkin on LinkedIn The BOSS™ Shift Book

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Everybody’s acting like they’ve already figured it all out and really what you have is people who are all making it up one day at a time.” ~ Tamara Kemper

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, La’Vista is sitting down with Tamara Kemper, Founder and CEO of The Process Mavens, to talk about battling boss shame! Tamara Kemper and her team at The Process Mavens help rapidly-growing teams quickly build employee training & operations manuals so they can scale AND still stay a wonderful place to work.

    Tamara is a Teacher, Instructional Designer, and Operations Consultant whose secret mission is to help people find their “dream jobs.” Ones where they feel safe, valued, challenged, and fulfilled by their work. Tamara lends her expertise to this very real conversation on handling boss shame through putting the right systems in place.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    What is Boss Shame Recognizing when it is time to evolve as a business owner How to define what “getting to done” looks like Creating and shaping standards for processes Recognizing when you need to ask for help

    Whether you have experienced boss shame or are a part of a team where you can clearly see your leader starting to flail, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. Tamara shares great insight that will surely help you grow through the shame.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Process Mavens Website Tamara Kemper - LinkedIn Book A Call with Tamara

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “Because I wanted this so bad, I sacrificed a lot - working myself the way I did probably stalled my success because I wasn’t taking care of myself.” - Nancy Badillo

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk I am sitting down with Nancy Badillo, Etsy Coach, Marketer, and Content Creator. Nancy helps Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits by teaching them the EXACT steps needed to be taken to start, manage and scale their Etsy shop to a full-time income. She shares how making better choices led her out of burnout and becoming a better whole woman, personally and professionally.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    How overwork can lead to burnout What “niching down” looks like Content strategy foundations Building trust with your audience How automation and delegation lends to self-care

    Whether you have experienced burnout or are learning how to optimize your business to create more time for self-care, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. Nancy shares some great automation tips and if you are learning how to optimize your Etsy shop for SEO see the link below for an 8-page guide that will walk you through properly optimizing your entire store and listings for SEO with visual examples.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Nancy Badillo Blog Etsy SEO Guide

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “For me, it's about energy management. And if I have just too many things on my plate, too many plates spinning, then I don't always have the creativity to devote to what I'm working on.” ~ Isha Cogborn

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, we speak with Isha Cogborn, the founder of Startup Life Support, where she helps entrepreneurs overcome the fear, frustration, and isolation of starting a business. With two decades of experience teaching experts, consultants, and thought leaders how to make a greater impact with their message, Isha is also the creator of the Platform for Purpose Incubator; a comprehensive program that helps develop the confidence and competence to share your voice on a bigger platform as a speaker, writer, and an on air personality. In this intimate conversation with Isha, she dives into having to make some life changing decisions to shift from overworked to overjoyed.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    The mindset shifts needed to avoid burnout What modeling self-care for yourself and for others looks like Giving yourself permission to establish healthy boundaries Critical activity vs Non-critical activity

    Whether you have started a business and are figuring out your boundaries or are in Corporate America trying to create work-life balance, check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk. I’m confident this episode will speak to you.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Startup Life Support Isha Cogborn Instagram Isha Cogborn Facebook Epiphany Institute Website The Boss™ Shift Pre-Order

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.

  • “During a time of introspection, I found my voice. And most importantly, I now see myself - all of me.” ~ La’Vista Jones

    In this episode of BOSS™ Talk, I take to the mic by myself to kick off Season 3 with a brief yet intimate and vulnerable monologue. During this episode I touch on vision, confidence and the major catalyst that ignited my season of deep introspection and personal growth.

    Being an accomplished speaker and author, I’m excited to introduce listeners to my upcoming book, The BOSS™ Shift. This third season of BOSS™ Talk will serve as a trailer for the book as each conversation is inspired by a core idea from the book itself.

    Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

    Reconnecting with your vision Accepting the truth, reflected back to you by others Getting reacquainted with yourself Becoming your greatest fan

    Whether you are struggling with your sense of self or are boldly becoming who you’ve always meant to be, both have their foundation in remembering who you are - so check out this episode of BOSS™ Talk to set that cornerstone piece for yourself.

    Remember you can do what you love in the marketplace without sacrificing yourself to do it. So until next time, be sure to subscribe to the show and continue to battle your overwhelm with systems and self-care and walk out your own boss talk.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 18: Refocusing on The Vision with La’Vista & Tanika MarionMade! Jones says Marion is where her heart is NEW BOOK ALERT: The BOSS™ Shift Other books by La’Vista

    Connect with BOSS™ Talk

    If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. Published episodes will come directly to your favorite podcast app and if you are not subscribed, there is a good chance you will miss out.

    If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on Apple Podcasts with a short review. Doing so will help me reach more entrepreneurs just like you - ready to leverage systems and self-care to do life and business on their own terms.

    Connect with La’Vista personally by sending her a DM on Instagram or on LinkedIn

    At the crossroads of vision and overwhelm right now? Schedule a complimentary Connection Call with La’Vista Jones - you have the capacity to fulfill the vision and take care of the visionary and she wants to show you how to do both.