
  • In our first episode back after the summer break we discuss the experiences of Indigenous People, exploring issues of resilience and social justice and examining lessons for social work. Helping Andy to explore this incredibly important issue are Professor Hilary Weaver and Professor Janet Walker. 

    Hilary is Professor Emeritus of Social Work at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, the Indigenous Commissioner for the International Federation of Social Workers, and the Board Chair of the United States Council on Social Work Education. She is has written on a variety of issues impacting Indigenous Peoples, including social policy, health and well-being, intergenerational trauma, education and environmental justice. Hilary is Lakota and has lived much of her adult life in Haudenosaunee territory in Western New York. 

    Janet is Professor Emeritus of International Social Work at the University of Lincoln and Chair of the British Association of Social Workers International Committee. 

    During the conversation several documents are referred to. They are:

    The International Federation of Social Work statement on International Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2024

    The Council on Social Work Education Statement of Accountability and Reconciliation for Harms Done to Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

    The Council on Social Work Education Teaching Guide: Repairing Harms Done to Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • In the last episode of the podcast before we take a break for the summer, Andy and guests have an opportunity to reflect on the outcome of the UK general election and explore what the changed political landscape will mean for adult social care in England, reflecting on potential impacts for social workers and people who use services. 

    Andy is joined by Vice Chair of BASW England and Co-Chair of its Adult Thematic Group, Jackie Mahoney, BASW UK Council member and Expert by Experience, Mark Lynes, and BASW England’s Policy & Campaigns Officer, Josh Dixon.

    The episode begins with reflections on the changed political landscape and touches on BASW’s campaign to remove the Universal Credit two-child limit. The conversation then switches to focus on priority issues in adult social care in England and the importance of coproduction and meaningful involvement of experts by experience in the design of adult social care services. Mark’s contribution to the discussion on coproduction was itself coproduced and he wishes to thank his colleague, Omar Mohammed for his support.

    The conversation concludes with a discussion about the need for investment in increasing the amount of good-quality social housing in the UK and BASW’s call for on-going investment in specialist and supported housing.

    The BASW 2024 general election manifesto referenced in the discussion is available here.

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  • In this episode, number 84 in our series, Andy McClenaghan and guests discuss Operation Encompass—a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.

    Andy is joined by founders of Operation Encompass, David Carney-Haworth OBE and Elisabeth Carney-Haworth OBE, and social worker James Draper. James is Designated Officer for Child Protection at the Northern Ireland Education Authority. Together they explore the benefits of the project along with the merits and challenges of multi-agency working.

    Operation Encompass launched in February 2011 and it is conservatively estimated that over 1.5million children have been supported as a result.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • In this episode we explore reflective supervision—what it is, how it can benefit social workers by improving their wellbeing and job satisfaction, and ultimately, how it can improve practice.

    The Social Workers Union, in partnership with Buckinghamshire New University has recently published a best practice guide on reflective supervision which you can access here. 

    John McGowan, General Secretary of the Social Workers Union, Professor Jermaine Ravalier from Buckinghamshire New University, and Social Worker Chrissie Beatty who works for BCP Council join Andy McClenaghan for an in-depth discussion about reflective supervision.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Andy is joined by Bekah Pierre and Alice Spencer to discuss the wonderful anthology—Free Loaves on Fridays. 

    Free Loaves on Fridays is a collection of stories and essays, poems, reflections and open letters, detailing the lives of care experienced people. It is a special work—bursting with humanity. As diverse as the experiences of its contributors, the anthology viscerally details pain and trauma, while celebrating the life changing impacts of love and acceptance in foster and adoptive families, and the transformative potential of child-centred, relationship-based, trauma-informed social work.

    Both Bekah and Alice have experience of living in care and contributed chapters to the book. Bekah also edited the anthology.

    It is available now, published by Unbound. You can buy a copy here. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • School social work is long established in the USA but in its infancy in Northern Ireland. This episode examines the nature of school social work with a view to learning from the discipline in the United States and exploring how this understanding can be applied to the emerging practice in Northern Ireland. 

    Andy is joined by Robert Lucio, Associate Professor and Online Program Director at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Social Work, Chair of the NASW School Social Work Section Committee and a Board Member of the School Social Work Association of America, Orlaith McGibbon, Independent social worker and Chair of the British Association of Social Workers Northern Ireland, and school social worker Charlene Hill based at St Ronan's College in Lurgan.

    During discussion about approaches to assessing the impact of school social work, reference is made to the Social Workers in Schools (SWIS) Trial conducted in England between September 2020 and July 2022. The project report and evaluation can be accessed here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Following our last episode exploring the BASW UK General Election Manifesto, we examine the issue of poverty and what needs to change to improve the circumstances of millions of people across the UK. 

    Comprising two sections, first Andy is joined by friend of the podcast, social worker and anti-poverty campaigner, Dominic Watters, and Director of Policy, Research and Impact at the Trussell Trust, Helen Barnard. They discuss the scale of foodbank use across the UK and consider the specific challenges facing unpaid carers and care experienced people. 

    In the second section, Andy speaks with BASW UK Chair, Julia Ross about why she has placed campaigning to challenge the impacts of poverty and the factors which cause poverty at the heart of her priorities as she leads the Association.

    During the discussion Dominic refers to the Food Foundation report, Food insecurity among single parent families. You can access it here

    BASW’s General Election Manifesto outlines the Association’s anti-poverty, housing and mental health asks mentioned by Julia.

    You can access the Trussell’s Trust’s various briefing papers here (the papers are at the bottom of the page).

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A general election is coming. When it will be, no one is quite sure, but what we do know is what needs to change to improve situations for social workers and the people who use social work services. This is the focus of this episode of Let’s Talk Social Work as Andy McClenaghan and guests discuss the asks outlined in the British Association of Social Workers 2024 General Election Manifesto.

    Joining Andy are Kerri Prince, BASW’s Public and Political Affairs Lead, and Martin Sexton, outgoing Chair of BASW’s Policy Ethics and Human Rights Committee.

    The conversation centres around the five manifesto asks BASW is prioritising. They are:

    Scrap the two-child limit and benefit capRepeal the 2023 Illegal Migration ActIncrease the non-taxable mileage rate allowance to 60p a mileThe need for a new mental health ActThe reform of social work student bursaries

    There are forty asks in total in the manifesto. You can read them all here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • With independence comes opportunities as well as risks. Andy McClenaghan is joined by Independent social workers Michelle Strain, Jo Fox and Gareth McGibbon to explore the benefits as well as the costs of stepping out and practicing as an Independent social worker.

    They discuss the variety of roles Independent social workers undertake, how to maintain a healthy work life balance when you are your own boss, the challenges of marketing yourself, how to ensure sufficient peer support, and keeping up to date with developments in practice and regulatory requirements.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A first for Let’s Talk Social Work, Andy McClenaghan and guests discuss the benefits of coaching in social work. The conversation explores what coaching is and how engaging in coaching can be an opportunity to receive support and guidance, develop skills and navigate career paths, and how it is a helpful way to engage in self-reflection. 

    As well as looking at what coaching is, the discussion examines what it isn’t, exploring how it differs from counselling or psychotherapy. The episode also explores who can benefit from coaching and how to get involved.

    Joining Andy are professional coaches Tinu Ashaye, Keith Dyer and Kate Cuthbertson. Tinu, Keith and Kate are all social workers who between them have a wealth of practice experience. Kate also oversees BASW’s Social Work Professional Support Service, which is discussed in detail during the episode.

    For more information on BASW’s Social Work Professional Support Service, please visit the BASW website.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • “If health has stopped improving it is a sign that society has stopped improving.”

    These are the words of Professor Sir Michael Marmot in the report Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years on.

    In this special episode of Let’s Talk Social Work, made to celebrate World Social Work Day 2024, Andy McClenaghan and guests, Sir Michael Marmot and Dr Ruth Allen, explore how poverty, inequality and social disadvantage impact health outcomes, life expectancy and quality of life. 

    Sir Michael is a world-renowned expert on public health, Director of the Institute for Health Equity and author of The Health Gap: the challenge of an unequal world, and Status Syndrome: how your place on the social gradient directly affects your health.  

    Ruth is the Chief Executive of the British Association of Social Workers. Ruth has had a long career in the field of mental health social work and prior to joining BASW was Director of Social Work at South West London & St Georges' Mental Health NHS Trust.

    Although poverty is an issue that has been discussed a number of times on the podcast, as so many of the problems which social workers support people to address are rooted in or exacerbated by poverty, we haven’t previously looked at the social determinants of health and the extent to which inequality affects health outcomes. There are no guests better placed to discuss the social determinants of health and their relevance to social work policy and practice.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dignity, respect, empowerment: adult safeguarding explored with Dr Jeremy Dixon

    Episode 75 of Let’s Talk Social Work explores adult safeguarding—the policies, procedures, and practices aimed at protecting adults who may be at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. 

    This is work guided by principles of dignity, respect, and empowerment and social workers play a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns about the safety and well-being of adults who may be experiencing harm, or who are at risk of harm.  

    For the conversation, Andy McClenaghan is joined by Dr Jeremy Dixon, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences at the University of Bath. 

    They discuss the findings of Jeremy’s research which examined understandings of—and approaches to—adult safeguarding, as detailed in his recent book, Adult Safeguarding Observed. The book is available now, published by Policy Press.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This episode explores social work and government policy in Wales. That’s not unusual for Let’s Talk Social Work, but what is a little different is that we will be considering these issues with the focus placed on an individual and the role they have played in shaping both.

    Since 2018 the Welsh Government has been led by Mark Drakeford. A former social worker and social policy academic, Mr Drakeford held the posts of Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Minister for Health and Social Services before becoming First Minister. In December he announced he will stand down as leader of the Welsh Labour party and First Minister in March 2024.

    Andy is joined by social workers Abyd Quin Aziz, Reader in Social Work at Cardiff University and BASW Cymru committee member, and Plaid Cymru member of Gwyned Council, Councillor Delyth Lloyd Griffiths. They explore how Mark Drakeford’s time in office has influenced the Welsh Government’s approach to social work, and the extent to which wider Government policy has been informed by social work values.

    Image attribution—User: (WT-shared) Cardiff at  wts wikivoyage, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This episode of the podcast features discussion of issues that may cause distress, including sexual harm and abuse by siblings, and listener discretion is advised. 


    In this episode, Andy is joined by social worker Anna Glinski, Deputy Director for Knowledge & Practice Development at the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse. They discuss the challenging issue of sibling sexual behaviour and explore how social workers should respond to instances of inappropriate, problematic and abusive sexual behaviour between siblings.

    Among the issues discussed, they consider the prevalence of sibling sexual abuse and the extent to which the issue is understood within the profession. They examine what causes children to become engaged in inappropriate, harmful or abusive sexual behaviour with their siblings, and how social workers can take a whole-family approach to supporting the children involved.

    In 2023 the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse published guidance on responding to sibling sexual behaviour. The document can be accessed at


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The first episode of Let’s Talk Social Work of 2024 explores a fantastic, coproduced training project run by the Western Health and Social Care Trust which equips social workers to better support families affected by addiction.

    The discussion examines the effects addiction has on families and overviews the first-hand impacts that social work involvement can have when a parent is struggling with addiction. The episode also addresses why a service user-led approach is critical to increasing understanding and delivering real improvements in outcomes for children and families.

    Andy is joined by Sarahlee, a parent and expert by experience who was instrumental in creating the Meet me Where I’m at project, and Western Health and Social Care Trust social workers, Claire White and Serla Meenan.

    At the start of the episode Andy mentions the Have Your Say workforce survey for social workers and social care workers in Wales. You can find out more about the survey and take part here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • In this episode, made to mark Human Rights Day, we’re examining a really fascinating subject—the Promote the Vote project. The project helps social workers support people with learning disabilities to make use of their right to vote.

    Despite the UK being a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities—Article 29 of which ensures the right for disabled people to vote—barriers remain which can prevent people from exercising this right.

    Joining Andy to discuss how Promote the Vote is helping people with a learning disability overcome these barriers are Hafsa Akhtar an expert by experience, Elaine James, Head of Service for Learning Disabilities and Preparation for Adulthood at Bradford Metropolitan District Council and Amani Ali, National Management Trainee also based at Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

    BASW’s UK-wide social work survey

    Each year, BASW surveys social workers and social work students to identify the profession’s priorities for the year ahead. 

    This year’s survey is exploring views on current working conditions, on issues of environmental, professional and social sustainability, and social workers’ views on supporting people to participate in voting in the next General Election.

    The survey is open until Monday 8 January 2024 and results will be anonymised prior to analysis.

    It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and is available here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This episode explores the findings of the Social Work with Older People research project led by the University of Birmingham and the University of Bristol. The project has sought to examine the role social workers play in supporting older people, carers, and families to transform situations. It looks at the barriers which can impede the delivery of high quality and effective services and outlines a series of recommendations concerning how social work can better meet the needs of older people.

    Joining host Andy McClenaghan are Dr Paul Willis, who at the time of recording worked for the University of Bristol and is now Professor of Adult Social Care at Cardiff University, Nargis Kapasi, a member of the project’s Expert Advisory Group, former social worker and someone who has lived experience as a carer, and Gerry Nosowska, Director at Effective Practice, Co-host of the Helpful Social Work podcast and former Chair of BASW UK.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This episode is a break from the norm. It doesn’t explore an area of practice, a social policy issue or a campaign. Rather, it is a discussion of a life in social work. The life in question is that of Patrick O’Dea who earlier this year published his memoir—I who had it figured out. 

    The book charts Patrick’s upbringing in 1950s Dublin, his years as a social work student at Trinity College, his beginnings in youth and community work and a career in probation. It comes full circle to overview Patrick’s position as a social work educator in his alma mater and on to his work advising a Hedge Fund—a role the young 1970s utopian may have had questions about. 

    You can purchase a copy of I who had it figured out here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • What does it look like when experts by experience are fully involved in shaping and informing social work education? 

    What does the role entail? 

    How can universities avoid tokenism and ensure meaningful engagement? 

    What are the benefits for social work students, people who use services and the experts by experience themselves?

    To address these questions and many more, host, Andy McClenaghan is joined by Rebecca Regler who earlier this year wrote in the British Journal of Social Work about her journey from being a social worker, to a service user, to an expert by experience, and Cherie Carlton, Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead from the MA social work practice, Think Ahead, at Middlesex University.

    You can read Rebecca’s article, My Journey from being a Social Worker, to a service user, to an expert by experience here.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Social work is a demanding role and even under the best of circumstances, as social workers support individuals to improve life opportunities, they will face difficulties and stresses associated with their work. Andy McClenaghan is joined by Dr Jennifer Simpson and Sam Pulman to explore the theme of resilience in social work. 

    Jennifer is Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Course Leader for MA Advanced Social Work at Nottingham Trent University and Sam previously worked as a frontline social worker with children and families, and as a social work manager before embarking on her doctoral studies. Both are closely involved with the work of the Social Workers’ Educational Trust.

    First the conversation considers how social workers can withstand and recover from the pressures and stresses they face. Then the discussion moves on to examine whether a focus on resilience gives an easy out for organisations which overburden and stretch their social workers beyond what is manageable and ask if resilience as an individual quality is really what we should be focused on.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.