
  • Being ✨authentically you✨ It’s not as easy as it sounds but will inevitably be one of the most profound journeys you will choose to take in your lifetime. This week on Soul Healing Conversations we venture into the depths of authenticity and self-discovery.

    Join me (your gal Roz) as I engage in a soul-stirring dialogue with the remarkable Shonne Williams. Get ready to be inspired as Shonne fearlessly unravels the impact of her family's dynamics on her journey to embracing her true self.

    Growing up under the weight of societal expectations, Shonne knows all too well the stigma around discussing family matters openly. But in this episode, she breaks generations of silence, offering a candid glimpse into her path of self-exploration and empowerment.

    Highlights from the episode:

    Unveiling the power of self-discovery through personal stories.Navigating family dynamics and their lingering influence.Embracing introspective mirror work for healing and growth.Finding serenity and self-assurance through solitude.Decoding the subtle yet profound messages that surround us

    Tune in to this enriching conversation as Shonne Williams lays bare her journey of authenticity, resilience, and self-love. If you're on a quest for personal transformation and eager to rewrite your own narrative, this episode is a must-listen.

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Uncaged Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of private 1:1 coaching:





    Email: [email protected]


  • Listen up y'all, it's time to embrace that big d*ck energy!

    If you've been muting yourself, holding back your opinions, or doubting your brilliance, this podcast episode is the wake-up call you NEED in ya life. You're stuck in a minimized version of yourself, lacking in confidence, and that's not gonna cut it.

    From wallflowers to head-turners, from whispering "I can't" to shouting "Hell yeah, I can!" - tune in to discover the secret of confident humility, how to own it, and we'll unravel the signs of lacking confidence.

    Podcast Highlights:

    What a family of skunks taught me about confidenceWhat is confident humility?Crushing the doubt by shifting the narrativeA game plan to unleash unstoppable confidenceConfidence check: how to spot a lack of confidenceEmbrace Discomfort: Fueling Your Rise with Negative Vibes

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


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  • Failure is a MYTH! Society's fed us a load of nonsense: we must be flawless, never make mistakes, and avoid failure at all costs. I'm here to tell you that's straight BS! Your fear of failure is stopping you from reaching your true potential. In this episode, I’m sharing practical tips on facing fear, clearing and balancing energy, and reframing our perspective so that we can learn to use failure as a stepping stone to success.

    Don't miss this empowering conversation to understand how ultimately, failure is your friend. Move beyond perfectionism, reclaim your power, and start getting sh*t done!

    Podcast highlights:

    Exposing the Truth: There's No Such Thing as Failure!How to Navigate Triggers and Grow Through InsecurityThe benefits of energy healing as you move through the fearReframing Your Mindset around Fear and OpportunityGetting unstuck from perfection and gaining forward momentum

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Get ready to break free from the self-limiting beliefs holding you back: "I'm too old," "I lack experience," "I can't afford to make mistakes" – we've all been there. But guess what? These self-limiting beliefs are just lies! It's time to reclaim your power and step into your true potential.

    Join me in this episode as we unravel the destructive connection you’ve made between worth and accomplishments. Repeat after me: "I want to decouple my ‘doing’ from my worthiness."

    Realign your sense of worth as I equip you with powerful tools to unlock your limitless capabilities, embrace your true worthiness, and unleash your inner badass!

    Podcast Highlights:

    Discovering your worth beyond achievementsUnmasking the wounded Masculine & FeminineDisconnecting your ‘story’ from the truthThe impact of the self-deceptionHow to Interrupt low-vibe patterns Techniques to shift your energy, re-align your sense of worth & heal the masculine & feminine energies.

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • The most common struggle many of us women of color face: Not knowing what the hell we want!

    Allowing yourself to aimlessly wander around in the “I don’t know zone” for too long leads to a people-pleasing, overworked, resentful, disappointed you… a surefire way to NOT get what you want. In this week's episode, I’m sharing 5 essential practices to peel away the layers of uncertainty, dive deep to hear your intuition, and Master the art of knowing what you want so that you can start taking ACTION to create it.

    This episode is all about finding your inner compass, getting crystal clear on your desires, and reclaiming your power!


    The struggle is real: Discover why so many women of color are stuck in the "I don't know" phase and how to break free from it once and for all! Uncovering your authentic desires: Learn the five powerful steps to gain clarity on what you truly want in life. Explore the practice of self-reflection and how it can unlock a whole new level of self-awareness. Learning the balance of productive feedback.Body talk: Discover the importance of body awareness and how it can tune you into your inner wisdom.Making it a habit: Learn how to incorporate self-reflection exercises into your daily routine and start visibly seeing the changes you now know you want.

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


    STARSEED ACADEMY COACH TRAINING: Next cohort begins June 29th

    Enter the Code “Roz111” upon application for $111 off tuition!

  • My daddy used to tell me all the time: ”Stop letting people live rent-free in your head”. When you let any and everybody occupy prime real estate in your mind, dictating your actions, emotions, and feelings, you’re voluntarily chucking your power out the damn window. Join me in this week's episode where I’m sharing my top tips on how to switch up your energy, adopt an IDGAF attitude, shift your focus inward, and prioritize your own growth, happiness, and authenticity.

    Podcast Highlights:

    Your people-pleasing is selfish - it’s a form of controlWorried about what other people think? Take these 3 stepsUnderstand yourself to unlearn harmful beliefsEvaluate your social circle and cultivate empowering relationshipsReframing your perspectiveThe BEST power move in my toolkit for an IDGAF attitude

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Time and again we turn to family, friends, and partners to ask: "Am I doing this right?", "Should I have done that?", "Could I have done better?" it's natural that we turn to those we love and trust to validate our choices... but what if that need for external validation is only overshadowing our self-worth, self-assurance, and power of intuition?

    If we cannot give ourselves the validation we seek from others we become insecure and disconnected from our true selves... we cannot stand fully in our power.

    Join me in today's episode to discover the transformative power of self-acceptance and appreciation with practical strategies and valuable insights to break free from the validation-seeking cycle that's keeping you from your full potential.

    Podcast Highlights:

    How lack of self-validation leads us to seek validation from others.Tapping into like-minded communities that really 'get' youHow to practice self-validationEmpowering through vulnerabilityWhat happens when you don't feel seen/validate yourself"What do I wish I was seen for?"

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Listen up y'all! It is time to STOP hiding your authentic self and START embracing every aspect of your being, even if that means not meeting the expectations of others... or even the unrealistic expectations you have for yourself.

    If you feel yourself living your life under the pressure of shoulds and have-to's then this episode is for you. By breaking free of the expectations and unrealistic ideals of who you should be, you will find yourself getting places much faster on your healing & transformation journey. It's time to bring awareness to your contradictions, and duality and ask yourself some important questions to rediscover who you truly are and who you want to be. In today's podcast, I’m sharing some wisdom and a couple of anecdotes on this topic to help get you back on the path to becoming your most empowered and authentic self.

    Podcast highlights:

    Being mindful of your contradictions and your dualityWhat actually happens when you try and meet others (and your own) unrealistic/high expectationsThe duality and polarity that we all have within usBeing honest with ourselves about who we are and some questions to ask ourselves instead of hiding behind a mask or trying to meet expectationsLetting go of the shame in embracing the fullness of who you are

    Follow up with these journaling prompts:

    What expectations am I trying to live up to and why?What parts of myself am I hiding because I’m trying to avoid shame, judgment or rejection?What do I believe about (insert your own topic)?What behaviors do I have that contradict my beliefs?Do I stand in my polarity and contradictions confidently or are they based in shame and why?How does my duality affect my relationships?How can I better communicate my duality and polarity to people?

    Did these journal prompts bring up some new realizations? Drop a COMMENT and let me know!

    Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.


    April Birthday Special Intuitive Readings ➡️

    April Birthday Special Power Hour Coaching Sessions ➡️

    Send me some birthday love:

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Take a pause with me for a second and take a breath, cause y'all mercury is retrograding and it's time to go with the energy of this retrograde and SLOW DOWN.

    I've noticed some recurring themes in the conversations I'm having recently: you want other people's input to help you make decisions, you're ignoring your intuition in favor of the "safety" of your current situation (cause you're scared that there's nothing better for you) and you're giving away your power. With retrograde comes many illusions - some of which will reaffirm the above - but don't let this retrograde trip you up!

    In today's episode, I'm going to share with you some insight so you can really take advantage of this time. Give yourself permission to recharge, reclaim your energy, and re-evaluate your situation and values.

    Podcast Highlights:

    Mercury retrograde: what it is and how it affects usTaurus season: the energy of value and dependabilityThe illusion of retrograde: why it's important to not get tricked by itManifestations of illusions: self-doubt, complacency, attachment to unsuitable opportunitiesHow to use retrograde energy to take a pause and slow down in life

    🎬Youtube video on Breaking Free from Expectations:

    Don’t forget to COMMENT your thoughts & SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Dwelling on past experiences is seriously co*k blocking your fulfillment and growth. I’m about to give you a dose of hard truths on how living in the past will keep you in a blame-shame-guilt cycle and keep your truest, empowered self and a fulfilling life at arm's length. From struggling to adapt to new people and situations, stirring up negative emotions and limiting beliefs, to preventing us from healing and moving on - no good can come from holding onto the past. Listen and learn how to identify if the past is tripping you up and how to let that sh*t go so you can fully indulge in the present moment… and enjoy the ride.

    Podcast Highlights:

    How living in the past negatively impacts your present life3 ways living in the past can stop growth and positive change4 negative consequences of living in the pastThe importance of focusing on the present moment and not letting the past and future control our lives.10 actionable ways to get your head in the present moment


    April Birthday Special Intuitive Readings ➡️

    April Birthday Special Power Hour Coaching Sessions ➡️

    Send me some birthday love:

    Did this episode stir something up in your soul? SUBSCRIBE for more honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Uncage your true self. Become healed, empowered, renewed, and live fulfilled with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • How can we manage anger? Practical guidance on identifying and connecting with your emotions so you can steer towards a healthier, happier you. In this episode, I’m sharing techniques for self-regulation that will place the power back in your hands when big emotions, like anger, bubble up to the surface. Through conscious observation, we can turn self-destructive actions and reactions into growth and empowerment. Listen to this episode of Soul Healing Conversations for insightful tips, techniques, and a safe, supportive space to explore and improve emotional well-being.

    Podcast Highlights:

    Techniques for observing the emotionBreathing & visualization techniquesStrengthening your body-mind connectionThe importance of moving through angerIs your anger stopping you from dealing with the core issue?Healthy ways to process anger

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Oftentimes we find ourselves in unhealthy dynamics with our anger because we try to deny it.In today’s episode, we are deepening our awareness and connection to anger - where does it come from? How does it present for you personally? What are the effects of anger? If held onto for too long your rage can have deep implications for your relationships, career, and physical health, keeping a life that FEELS good at bay.

    There are no bad feelings, we just need to learn how to open up the lines of communication.

    What anger is & why you actually need itThe psychology of anger as a natural automatic responseHow our body responds to angerThe 3 types of anger (do you know which is your default!?)Where anger comes fromThe importance of self-awareness in emotional response

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • There is life beyond fear-based thinking, moving, and choosing. Episode 52 explores the intersection of fear and NLP with special guest Karla Gregg. Join Roz Kincaid as they dive into the origins of fear and the role that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can play in helping individuals confront and resolve these fears. With Karla's expertise as a personal growth coach and NLP master practitioner, this episode promises to be a powerful and insightful conversation on how to harness the power of our values, vision, purpose, and story to overcome fear and become our true selves.

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    Ho'oponopono for Self love & Radical Forgiveness: ​​





    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • WARNING: If you ain’t ready to ask the hard questions about the core ideology by which you live your life then go ahead and press skip now. Today’s episode is gonna get real… like really real.

    In this episode, I welcome bold, vibrant Natalie Marconi, a psychic, energy worker, and shaman who uses her gifts to empower black and brown communities to heal from trauma and find purpose in their pain. She believes that each individual has the power to self-direct their healing journey and make the choice for positive change. Together we’re exploring the fear around stepping out of the world's conditioning and into our own spiritual power.

    Natalie speaks passionately and says nothing but the truth. She is worth listening to!

    Trigger warning: This episode contains discussions of sensitive and potentially triggering topics such as mental health, trauma, and suicide. Listener discretion is advised.

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:



    Tick Tock:



  • It’s time to stop asking and start acting - Let’s get into HOW you can step into your empowerment and receive all that you’ve been wanting. 2023 is bringing significant shifts to all of us. We've got new energy and opportunity for transformation, so why not take advantage of it? In this episode of Soul Healing Conversations, I’m bringing you the 5 pillars of empowered transformation so that you can start taking action toward self-empowerment today.

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Are you blissfully ignoring all the ways that you’re contributing to your own disempowerment?

    It’s time to get out of your own way, wake up, and take the necessary steps to overcome these behaviors so that you can become the powerful woman you know you’re capable of.

    Today we’re talking about 4 key ways that you could be contributing to your own disempowerment, from self-worth and ego talk to being your own best advocate and asking for help - particularly as a strong black woman with deeply rooted familial beliefs that they gotta carry everything and everyone around them.

    Spoiler alert, you don’t and you shouldn’t!

    Did this episode speak to your soul? SUBSCRIBE for honest, open, real talk about real life, spirituality, healing, and taking ACTION to build the life you truly want.

    And don't forget to leave a COMMENT. Join the conversation, and be empowered 👇🏾

    🦋I have spaces available in my Empowerment Private Coaching program! Discover your inner strength. Follow your unique path. Freely live your joy. with 6 months of 1:1 Coaching:


  • Are you letting fear stifle your connection to your Higher Self and intuition? It’s time to let that sh*t go. Join me as I dive into how fear is often based on false evidence and that we can overcome it by embracing and trusting our spiritual gifts. Learn how to listen to your intuition with clarity through the 4 Clairs and that by getting still and quiet you can build confidence and trust in your intuition… and ultimately become less of a scaredy cat.

    If you missed Ep.47: Intuition Part 1 go listen to that first by flipping back an episode & don’t forget to leave a review, like, and share!


  • Intuition is that instinctual feeling which is almost always RIGHT… we all got it, and we all need it!

    It’s that kick in the gut and inner compass guiding you to what is right and true for you but the kicker is you have to develop it. Join Roz Kincaid on this episode of Soul Healing Conversations to discuss how we can develop our intuition despite external influences such as religion, the biological operating systems of the body, and the emotional blocks that keep our intuition in hibernation.


  • Healing isn’t a linear or painless process. It requires a certain level of courage, self-trust, and awareness to acknowledge the wounds within you and take the steps towards a more healed you. Join Roz Kincaid and her fascinating guest Maralis Self, an energy worker in the healing arts, as we discuss:

    Real and relatable experiences in the healing processAlternative methods of connecting to SourceAnd how your intuition will empower you throughout your healing process.

    Maralis Self is an entrepreneur & military spouse. She runs a multi-faceted business. Her work as an energy worker in the healing arts focuses on mind, body & spirit wellness. She is also a certified yoga teacher. As well, she provides virtual assistant services for women-owned businesses, providing content creation, ghostwriting, podcast & social media management.

    Learn more about Maralis’ work on IG empoweredenergy_ or at ​​

    Don’t forget to leave a review, like, and share!


    RESOURCES: Take Me To the King, Tamela Mann (Song):

  • Sometimes things get messed up for all the right reasons. God got us, y'all. Ain't no doubt about that. I met today's guest through a mess up - Danielle Waldman, host of Back to Being Podcast, a somatic practitioner and meaningful community creator. Danny's drive to lead community spaces was born from a lack of intimate relationships in her formative years. After decades of searching for purpose, and years of traveling, Danny was able to swap poor body image, people pleasing, and a good girl mentality for the incredible work she does today as a Somatic practitioner working with "the power of Being in a world full of Doing."

    Learn more about Dani’s work on IG @dani_autumn_ or at

    This is one episode y'all don't want to miss! Don’t forget to leave a review, like, and share!