
  • "You're not bad a meal prepping - you just ran out of ideas."

    This is today's cover story Chef Bryan Curley's motto.

    Bryan is a private chef who runs a meal prep business in Southern California. Fortunately if you don't live in the area you can still benefit from Chef Curley's knowledge by signing up for his newsletter at where you receive mouth watering recipes delivered to your phone!

    In episode 177 you'll learn how to set yourself up for healthy meal prep with Chef Curley, a talented and opinionated chef who believes in personal accountability when it comes to your health.

    In addition to Steve's interview with Bryan you'll hear about how we are iterating and evolving and how we have much, much more in store for our YouTube subscribers.

    Expect to learn

    - The tools you need to get into meal prep

    - Simple tips to getting started

    - Where to get inspiration and ideas for your meal prep

    And much much more.

    Subscribe to The Evolved Man podcast on Spotify or Apple and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get all the information on how to become the most evolved version of you today!

  • The highest form of leadership for a man is being a father

    There is nothing more powerful and more difficult than the role of father

    You can't fire the kids when they don't perform

    Performance improvement plans and write ups don't work so well in this setting either

    And, what makes it even more difficult is the fact that the mistakes? The bad habits? They are often a reflection of the qualities our kids mimic in us, making them a mirror to our own failings.

    Recently Pete Durand wrote a post on LinkedIn detailing the 5 things his father taught him without ever saying a word.

    Join Pete, CEO of Cruxible Partners and Steve Cutler for a discussion on fatherhood in The Evolved Man 176 today!

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  • Poor gut health can affect

    - Mood

    - Mental Clarity

    - Focus

    - Digestion & Absorption of Nutrients

    And much, much more

    Join Steve Cutler for a conversation on all thing gut health and chronic inflammation with fitness coach Sami Nordlund on episode 175

    Listen today!

  • Ahh…the new miracle drug!

    Lose weight easily

    You don’t have to diet or exercise!

    It’s like magic!

    Or is it?

    With mounting lawsuits and ongoing discoveries of debilitating side effects semaglutide in all of its packaging is proving to be problematic for consumers who are using it for weight loss.

    In this episode Steve Cutler breaks down the four claimed mechanisms that the drug makes for weight loss and why you should be concerned.

  • Did you know that loneliness can be as harmful to your health as obesity?

    That's one of many takeaways from David Robson's new book The Laws of Connection

    David has quickly become one of my favorite authors

    From studying why smart people do dumb things to understanding the power of expectation to his latest research about how we connect with others Robson's work is a masterful blend of science and personal experience

    Listen to The Evolved Man 173 today and pick up the book on bookshelves Tuesday, June 4th!

    Follow David at

  • A few years ago I had the opportunity to see the great Jerry Lee Lewis in concert.

    As fun as it was, he was pretty old...he could barely make it on stage, let alone jump on the bench while playing the piano

    As fate would have it, however my wife and I had season tickets to the Utah Symphony where today's guest was performing a "Jerry Lee Lewis" type tribute

    Dave Bennett's show was the exact opposite of Jerry Lee's show

    Dave jumped on the bench while pounding on the piano

    The energy was infectious!

    And, through a photo we posted on social media of Dave doing his thing we got connected

    Dave and I found we had a mutual love for jazz, rock and roll and classic bodybuilding

    Join me for an engaging conversation with this dynamic performer about his life, his career and how taking control of his health has helped him perform and have more energy at his 40th birthday than ever before!

  • The rise of the social media influencer has brought an ever increasing tidal wave of misinformation about diet, nutrition, training and lifestyle.

    Beth Wolfgram is a colleague and professional that I’ve known and respected for close to 25 years. I first met Beth during my time at the University of Utah.

    She is an accomplished endurance athlete and has been the coach to thousands of athletes at all levels including collegiate and professional athletes.

    For over 16 years she worked at the dietitian for the Utah Jazz. Beth has worked for the University of Utah and Dartmouth College.

    In this episode we debunk misinformation from a viral sensation Tik Tok star, run through Beth’s common myths she has to debunk and detail out what it means to have a healthy relationship with food.

    All that and more on this episode of The Evolved Man.

  • There is no such thing as a "Paleo diet"

    As humans we have eaten a variety of foods throughout history. WHAT we have eaten and WHY we eat it has changed dramatically throughout time.

    In episode 170 the foremost researcher in food history Dr Ken Albala joins Steve to discuss what our ancestors ate, why they ate what they did and, what we can learn from it.

    Dr Albala has written/edited 27 books on the history of food and cooking and has recorded 4 video/audio series on the subject including

    Food: A Cultural Culinary History, The Great Courses/Wondrium, 2013Cooking Across The Ages, The Great Courses/Wondrium, 2019Bourbon: A History, The Great Courses and Audible, 2020History of the Pomegrante, In progress 2021

    Dr Albala is a professor of history at The University of The Pacific.

    Listen to episode 170 of The Evolved Man today!

  • Was the Dos Equis guy the most interesting man in the world?

    Or is it really Tom Fabbri?

    The Evolved Man 168 sees Mr Natural Universe Tom Fabbri join Steve Cutler for a mind-blowing conversation about how he went from standing on stage and winning a top title in bodybuilding to climbing 6 of the famed 7 far.

    An inventor, CEO, pilot and chef Tom Fabbri is the real life "most interesting man in the world."

    A man who gave a lecture to thousands of people across the world while standing on a mountain thousands of miles away, Tom personifies the American dream.

    Listen to episode 168 today!

  • The world is not set up for your health and happiness

    Convenience? Yes!

    Health? No!



    How do you

    Craft a body that

    Is strong and fit at any age

    Is lean and powerful without dieting

    Is a vessel for your mind, spirit and expression

    Join me in The Evolved Man 167 to learn my process

    How top performers in business craft a lean, strong physique

    Without endless hours of cardio and "dreadmill" work

    Without cutting out foods they enjoy eating

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade.

    Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • Limiting beliefs left unexplored will continue to run our lives.

    In Episode 166 Steve explores the Inquiry Method with Robyn Hawkins. The Inquiry Method is a process of questioning your stressful thoughts.

    in this episode expect to learn how

    Who you become when you believe limiting thoughtsStressful beliefs becomes a departure of who we want to be

    Inquiry brings to light

    Who you become and how you judge people and thingsHow we dissociate or how leave our bodies and how they Loop back to a childhood memory

    Listen to The Evolved Man 166 today!

  • The people you surround yourself with make or break your fitness goals.

    Hello my friends. Welcome back to the evolved man!

    Today’s guest is intelligent AND humble. Graduating suma cum Laude did not give her a big head, which we talk about in this episode.

    Michelle Brandenstein returns to discuss the power that your mindset has when getting in and staying in shape. Why your tribe matters and how you can carefully curate a tribe of people who help you become your best self. Why her trainer jumps on her back to tell her she did a good job after or during a set, why you should be eating fermented foods and much more.

    If you haven’t heard our first episode with Michelle please check out episode 75.

  • 5 fitness myths that need to go

    Join Steve for an episode of The Evolved Man where he drops his 5 myths that need to die.

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    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • It's my fault

    I am responsible

    I am accountable

    How often do you hear yourself saying these words? It seems like our society continues to go down a path of blame rather than a path of personal accountability.

    Today's guest is bestselling author and speaker John G. Miller. John wrote the bestselling book QBQ, The Question Behind The Question and has been speaking about personal accountability for 30 years.

    In episode 163 Steve sits down for a fun conversation with John on how we can learn the language or accountability and apply accountability and responsibility in our lives as leaders, parents and contributors to society.

    For more information about John, his books or to talk to him about speaking at your event go to

    Follow Us!

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    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • Are you struggling with low back pain? Do you suffer from knee, hip or shoulder issues?

    in episode 162 Steve discusses the 5 steps to moving past pain as well as 5 things to avoid when you are in pain.

    Follow Us!

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    EVOLVE Coaching:

    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • In episode 161 returning guest, strength coach and master trainer Mindy Buxton joins Steve for a conversation about how to embrace the aging process and challenge yourself throughout life.

    As Mindy comes to a pivotal birthday she has been able to accomplish something that had eluded her for her entire life. Mindy and Steve discuss Mindy’s journey and how, through the power of compounding she is well on her way to blasting past her original goal before reaching her birthday.

    Expect to learn how to keep motivation throughout the year and why questions are more important than goals on the fitness journey.

    For more information about Mindy go to

    Follow Us!

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    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • In this episode Steve breaks down how to set a goal and what the process of true evolution looks like.

    Expect to learn why most people fail and why most resolutions end. How to think about goals as long term pursuits and what the major difference is between those who do and those to don't.

    Follow Us!

    The Evolved Man Insta:

    Steve Cutler Insta:

    EVOLVE Coaching:

    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • Your diet sucks!

    All diets suck.

    That's why they don't last.

    In episode 158 Steve breaks down the problem with a strict, dogmatic diet approach and the alternative that can get you lean, strong and fit for life.

    Expect to learn how a practical approach that doesn't take away foods you love can help you live in a lean state longer, why cutting out some of your favorite foods is quick recipe for failure and how to frame food in a broader perspective where you don't need to feel guilty about what you are eating.

    All that and more on today's Evolved Man!

    Follow Us!

    The Evolved Man Insta:

    Steve Cutler Insta:

    EVOLVE Coaching:

    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt

  • Men in America are in crisis. They're shut down and while they "feel" sensations, emotions and feelings they are pushing them aside, ignoring them and feeding into the overall mental health epidemic.

    Returning guest Ashley Iverson joins Steve for an open discussion about how, through working with over 100,000 active duty military men and over 250,000 men and women through her yoga therapy practice she has been able to see first hand the power of working through emotions by exploring movement.

    Ashley's clinical, hospital-based program TRACX has helped over a quarter million men and women through the healing process. Now, through her new app and web platform Ashley is bringing her system to the larger population.

    Join us for a discussion on waking up from emotional blindness, how dreams can be a powerful tool to create a new life, how the power of silence can help you tap into your inner healing capacity and much more.

    You can get to know more about Ashley by listening to episode 73 where we talk about her background and what yoga therapy is.

    You can also find Ashley in our round table discussion on brain health and traumatic brain injuries where we had Ashley, Dr Alina Fong and Jen Salerno join us for an in-depth conversation about injuries and brain health.

    Ashley continues to impress with the great work that she is doing. It’s truly an honor knowing people like Ashley because she does some amazing work she does with many patients and specifically with active duty military men.

    Follow Us!

    The Evolved Man Insta:

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    W Myles Reilly Insta:



    The Evolved Man is produced by Steve Cutler, all rights reserved.

    Welcome to The Evolved Man where we are at war with the mediocrity of modern man.

    In a world with so much knowledge at our fingertips there few men with wisdom.

    Epictetus said that “it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

    The Evolved Man is for men like you who are willing to be open, vulnerable and aggressive learners. Men who are not afraid to disrupt and change. Men who are not afraid to jump in, try and challenge the status quo.

    It’s time we ditch the current conventional idea that we devolve with age, that the dad bod is our destiny and that the glory days are behind us.

    It’s time to upgrade. Your best isn’t behind you and I’m here to provide you with practical tools, a few tips and tricks and everyday wisdom to help you evolve into your highest form…strong, lean, smart, educated and emotionally intelligent..

    Now, let’s go to war…

    #evolve #theevolvedman #theevolvedmanpodcast #stevecutler #disrupt