Kinder und Familie – Finnland – Empfohlene Podcasts
Perusasento-podcastissa Elli Kinnunen ja Ninja Korpelin keskustelevat koirien kanssa harrastamisesta ja kisaamisesta sekä koiraperheen arjesta. Keskeisessä asemassa ovat kouluttaminen ja koiran käytöksen ymmärtäminen. Lisäksi luvassa on suoraa puhetta koiraharrastuksen haasteista ja ongelmista.
Luennot: -
A behind-the-scenes look into the reality of dog training, behavior, teaching, and learning. We love our dogs, we love our jobs, but sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes at the end of the day, you just need a drink and friend who gets it. We'll keep it fun, and keep it real.
The podcast where we wonder together about the story of God. We Wonder is a contemplative devotional for children, and the grown-ups who remember that we are God's children too.
Parents! We CAN change the world, starting with the way we're parenting our future.
Up to this point in history, children have been seen as less than and parented in a way that uses power over a child. Most of us were parented in this way but there is a shift in thinking about the way we raise our kids. Parents don’t feel good about using shame, blame, criticism, punishments, and even rewards, to get their kids to listen. Parents are wanting a different way because they know from their own childhoods this type of parenting hurts and leaves us with scars we take with us through our adulthood.
Each one of my episodes is designed to help you navigate the difficult journey of parenting but in a way that is more peaceful and intentional. I’ll show you how to get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling, punishments and rewards. I’ll show you how to understand your own feelings and those of your kids.
My intention is to bring you to a place where you feel connected with your kids and yourself (we often get lost when we become parents!). Tune in weekly for all the inside tips, tools and tricks I teach my private clients to help you build the family you always wanted, and to become the parent you always envisioned you would be. I promise to provide you with fun and entertaining content that will leave you seeing your kids and your reactions in a whole new light!
Please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps, and leave you feeling inspired! I am always grateful for every person who subscribes, leaves a review and rates my podcast 5 stars. -
Lasten sadut -podcastin kaikkia jaksoja voit kuunnella täysin ilmaiseksi yksinoikeudella Podplayssa. Sieltä löytyy nyt myös ihan uudet viidennen kauden sadut! Lataa Podplay-sovellus puhelimeesi tai kuuntele osoitteessa
Lasten sadut ovat Minna Kivelän ja Paula Norosen käsikirjoittamia ja näyttelemiä äänisatuja lapsille. Tarinoissa seikkailevat muun muassa Pahismummo, Jaska ja Taikakakkakikkare, bilekissat sekä oravat Mauri ja Vesa. Minna on tullut yleisölle tutuksi mm. sarjoista Närpiäiset ja Kätevä emäntä. Paula puolestaan tunnetaan Supermarsu-kirjasarjasta ja useista tv:n huumoriohjelmista. Äänituotannosta vastaa Kim Wirtanen. -
Äititreffeillä keskustellaan monipuolisesti äitiyteen sekä vanhemmuuteen liittyvistä teemoista rennon rehelliseen tyyliin sekä omia aitoja kokemuksia jakaen. Keskustelua vetämässä kolme äitiä: Sara Vanninen, Kaisa Turunen ja Janni Keituri.
Kaikki meidän jaksot löytyvät podcast- ja äänikirjapalvelu Podimosta!
Kun rekisteröidyt nyt, voit kuunnella Äititreffejä ja kaikkia Podimon sarjoja ja äänikirjoja 45 päivää ilmaiseksi! -
Kennelliiton podcastissa Hyvää elämää koiran kanssa keskustellaan koirista, niiden omistajista ja elämästä hauvojen kanssa. Olitpa uusi tai vanha koiranomistaja – tai ehkä haluat oman pennun – tämä podcast on sinua varten. Julkaisijana Genero.
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis.Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more!Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogsYoutube -
Husbands and wives were designed to be different. You want different things in marriage and intimacy on every level (emotional, spiritual, and physical).
Whether you're a wife or a husband, whether you're suffering or pretty good... and you're looking for Bible-based insights and scriptural practical guidance on how to transform your marriage, you've found the right podcast!
We have "transformation stories" that will inspire hope that putting into practice these principles, by God's grace, can truly change your intimacy completely.
If you're looking to see how to transform your marriage sign up for a free Clarity Call, we can hear your story and work with you to determine if we are confident we can help you: -
Pappalandia är Vasabladets egna pappapodd. Den görs av småbarnsföräldrarna Johannes Björkqvist, Jonny Huggare Smeds och Tomas Esselström. De diskuterar de stunder när livet går som på räls, men även de stunder då allt är kaotiskt och det är minus på sömnkontot.
The Hunting Dog Podcast is a series of interviews with friends, family and industry professionals all related to the world of hunting with dogs. Expect minimal good information, lots of stories of past hunts and opinions that are not necessarily those of the management.
Keskeneräiset äidit on podcast sinulle, joka haluat kasvaa lempeästi kohti omannäköistä äitiyttä, onnistuen ja epäonnistuen, omaa tietäsi etsien. Me olemme Petra ja Säde, kaksi äitiä, opettaja ja lääkäri. Pohdimme äitiyttä, arjen haasteita, parisuhdetta, hyvinvointia, lasten kasvatusta ja muita ajankohtaisia aiheita arjen realismin keskeltä huumorilla ja akateemisella ajattelulla maustettuna. Tervetuloa mukaan!
After you drop the kids off or put them to bed, turn on “Childish”. Hosted by real life friends, parents and award-winning podcasters Greg Fitzsimmons (Fitzdog Radio) and Alison Rosen (Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend), Childish will help you laugh about the struggles and joys of parenthood, grow closer to your children, learn something useful and maybe even put the spark back into your love life. This is safe for work. As long as you work in a meat packing plant.
If you work with kids, families, or clients impacted by trauma, you’re in the right place.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is your go-to podcast for real conversations about trauma, attachment, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.
Every other week, host Kirsty Nolan sits down with experts in attachment, trauma, and child development to talk about the stuff that really matters—how trauma shapes behavior and development, how to build stronger relationships, and how to bring these insights into your daily work.
Looking for practical tips you can actually use? Wondering how to better support your clients? Curious about the latest research in attachment and trauma? We’ve got you covered.
With nearly 2 million downloads, over 300 episodes, and a loyal community of listeners, the Attachment Theory in Action Podcast helps professionals like you grow and learn—all in under an hour, every other week.
Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, social worker, parent, or simply someone who cares deeply about helping others, this is a space for learning, growth, and inspiration. Hit follow, and let’s dive into the work that changes lives.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is brought to you by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. The Knowledge Center has equipped thousands of educators, clinicians, and helping professionals on the latest trauma-informed, attachment based strategies. Visit to learn more.
Want to jump behind the mic and share your expertise? Visit to fill out our form to be a guest. -
As the parents of 5 kids, we know what it's like to be in survival mode. To feel like you're just trying to get through the day. We have found that it's the simple, every day joys that make parenting more fun. We help parents laugh a bit more and create fun in day to day parenting. Listen to our podcast for simple ways to have fun as a family. Visit us at
The path to calm, confident, and in-control parenting starts now. The Play Therapy Parenting Podcast is hosted by Dr. Brenna Hicks, The Kid Counselor®. All content, no fluff.
You’re a foreigner living in Finland getting ready to conceive a baby, give birth, or maybe you’re already navigating the postpartum and life as a parent. This podcast will introduce you to some amazing people who support families just like yours. My name is Danielle Bensky, a mother and postpartum doula specializing in maternal well-being and psychology and every week on Monday I’ll be interviewing a new guest who will share their unique set of skills and knowledge, helping you feel less alone and more supported. This podcast is brought to you by The Nest - Helsinki International Doulas+.
Jeg sitter på barnet sin sengekant og fortelle fine historier og snakker rolig med de så de kan finne roen og få sove godt.
De kan blant annet bli med inn i drømmeboblen og bli kjent med de som bor der.
Godnatthistorier, finne roen, sove trygt og godt.
Musikken i podkasten er laget av Emilie Sture Ljung -
Satuja lapsille
Kaunistelematonta, rohkeaa ja rehellistä keskustelua koirista ja koiranomistajuudesta nykytieteen valossa. Podcastin juontajana toimii koiriin erikoistunut toimittaja Stefanie Lindroos, ja jaksoissa vierailee vaihtelevia eläinalan ammattilaisia keskustelemassa polttavista ja joskus ristiriitaisistakin koiramaailman aiheista.
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