Kinder und Familie – Kroatien – Empfohlene Podcasts
Prvi hrvatski podcast o majčinstvu. Bez tabua. Bez cenzure. Iskreno o majčinstvu.
Pozdravljeni v najbolj poslušanem slovenskem podcastu za starše in bodoče starše, kjer z različnimi gosti pokrivamo tako strokovne kot lifestyle tematike, ki se navezujejo na otroke, vzgojo in starševstvo. Več zapisov in epizod lahko najdete na, za kakšno idejo, komentar ali vprašanje pa pišite kar na [email protected] 💙
Il mondo della genitorialità non ha più segreti per Diletta Leotta: ha imparato tutto quello che c’è da sapere e ora non ha più nessun dubbio! Beh ma magari…
Nella quarta stagione di “Mamma Dilettante”, il podcast dedicato alla genitorialità, Diletta approfondirà in compagnia di molti amici e tantissimi nuovi argomenti legati al meraviglioso universo che lega genitori e figli, per superare i dubbi che naturalmente si formano a proposito del “mestiere più difficile del mondo”.
Niente paura, è tutta una scoperta!
Produzione Dopcast -
Emisija namijenjena djeci u dobi od pet do petnaest godina koja radiofonijskim sredstvima u izvedbi profesionalnih glumaca predstavlja djela suvremenih hrvatskih književnika za djecu i mlade, dramatizacije poznatih klasika dječje književnosti te važne lektirne naslove.
Ever wonder if your kids have it in them to be a killer? It's okay, we've all had the thought once or twice. And if you're willing to admit that, you'll love How Not to Raise a Serial Killer.
On this podcast, criminal psychologist Dr. Michelle Ward digs into the childhoods of some of the most notorious criminals and killers in order to learn from them and prevent future tragedies. Dr. Ward will use her expertise to determine what went wrong with each killer (a brain injury, an undiagnosed illness, a specific trauma) with the help of a fellow mom/non-expert who can weigh in about their own taboo parenting fears. Because on our better days as parents, we want to know how to raise good humans. But on our worst days, we at least want to know that we're not raising a future serial killer. -
No One Told Us the truth about parenthood. WHY?!
Welcome to No One Told Us, the podcast where we uncover the raw, unfiltered truths about parenthood. I'm your host, Rachael Shepard-Ohta, mom of three and founder of Hey, Sleepy Baby. Each week, join me as we dive deep into the joys, challenges, and surprises of raising children with a mix of expert insights, personal anecdotes, and candid conversations.
From navigating postpartum anxiety to mastering the art of making mom friends, and from introducing solids to tackling tantrums, we cover it all. Whether you're a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, this podcast is your go-to resource for honest advice, relatable stories, and plenty of laughs along the way.
Join me as I sit down with experts in their fields, as well as friends, family, celebrities, and influencers, to share their experiences and wisdom on everything from sleepless nights to rocky relationships. No topic is off-limits, and no story goes untold on No One Told Us.
So grab a cup of coffee, pop in your headphones and join the conversation. This is the podcast everyone needed before they had kids- because now that those little ones are here, there's a lot to unpack. So let's pull back the curtain on becoming a first-time mom (or dad!) to share the good, the bad and the ugly. A little education, a little fun, and a whole lot of heart goes into each and every episode of No One Told Us to have you feeling less alone and way more empowered. -
Tonska knjiga je audio book na srpskom jeziku. Čitamo i pričamo za Vas kratke priče iz celog sveta.
Are you an Audacious Mama? An ambitious single mom in business who's raising kids and building a profitable business to support her vision for success? If so, you're in the right place!
Audacious Mamas take bold risks, step outside the box, and create a life and business that aligns with their deepest desires for freedom, flexibility, connection, and wealth. And you, my friend, are one of them!
Steph's entrepreneurial journey began eight years ago when she escaped a controlling and abusive relationship. Since then, she's been on a mission to heal and create a peaceful, happy life while making money doing what she loves.
Join Steph as she shares tips and strategies for single mom survivors. Tools to get more business with less effort, develop an expansive and resilient mindset, and become more efficient to free up your time while growing your income. She also interviews victorious mama entrepreneurs and ambitious women who share their secrets on balancing it all, and achieving success.
Don't miss out on all the Audacious Mama goodness! Hit follow and check out this episode Survivor to Successful Mompreneur with Emma Ferrick to learn, grow, and thrive as an Audacious Mama! -
Join Mr Funk, a dad of 3, as he talks about everything and anything on his mind. He’ll talk about his kids, his fiancée, his dogs, life so far, media and anything else that crosses his mind. Listen as he talks thoughts, truth and opinion and roasts some people along the way.
The Supreme Resort analyzes and compares two similar attractions in Disneyland Walt Disney World to settle once and for all which is the supreme!
Amanda and Adriana are friends and new moms who are on a mission to normalize cosleeping, real motherhood, and coffee at 5pm. The ladies get behind their mics every Sunday to interview some of the best experts in the field of parenting with your questions, and share parts of their own journeys while aiming to keep it as authentic as possible. They say "it takes a village", and these mamas are here to welcome you into theirs! Support this podcast:
One minute of natural sounds birds singing in the morning
Dobro došli u podcast "Mame kod Lane". Moje ime je Lana, po profesiji sam glumica, a definitvno najveća, najzanimljivija i najluđa uloga koju igram je uloga mame pa se tako i rodila ideja za podcastom Mame kod Lane. Nadam se da ćete uzivati u iskrenim razgovorima bez filtera s mojim gostima, poznatima mamama i tatama, ali i stručnjacima iz raznih područja roditeljstva, koji su i sami roditelji te da ćemo zajedno dijeliti i izmjenjivati međusobna iskustva, izazove, uspone, padove, lijepe i manje lijepe trenutke i teme s kojima se kao roditelji susrećemo.
Beth Parillon is a life coach with Ocean Organics Wellness & Coaching will discuss all things as they relate to down syndrome. I will share my personal stories, insights, my successes and my epic failures of raising my daughter with down syndrome. I will help guide you through this new journey of raising your child with down syndrome . Are you ready to get down?
Big Stories for Little Ears helps explain the life lessons that adults struggle with most, written to support and guide kids as they experience big feelings, perhaps for the first time. Also look for stories about food and cooking to inspire and empower kids to participate in the kitchen. Stories are read in a bedtime-friendly tone. -
Ovo je mjesto za vas ako ste roditelj kojem nedostaje vremena, energije i ideja za rješavanje svakodnevnih izazova u odgoju, a želite izgraditi bolji odnos s djetetom. Odgoj zahtijeva iznimno puno strpljenja i vremena, a u društvu u kojem je natrpana „To do“ lista stvar prestiža, upravo je to ono što svakom roditelju nedostaje. Kroz konkretne i primjenjive savjete pokazat ću vam kako ćete biti bliži svakodnevici i odgojnim rezultatima koje želite ostvariti.
Glorija Peranić je prva Međunarodno certificirana edukatorica roditelja po principima pozitivne discipline u Hrvatskoj, Magistra eduka -
Parents of young children and parents-to-be: you're in the right place! This podcast takes a kind and respectful view of your child's development during pregnancy and first 3 years. Host Ann McKitrick brings a unique perspective through 30+ years as a child development professor, parenting coach, teacher educator and mentor and most importantly, as a parent. Subscribe now for expert interviews, insightful advice, and real stories about raising a little one in the world today. Go to for show notes, downloads and resources for each episode. Support this podcast:
Little Ones is passionate about helping families sleep.
Established in 2016, Little Ones are the OG online baby sleep programs and have now helped over 300,000 tired parents worldwide teach their babies and toddlers excellent, lasting sleep habits in a kind, evidence-backed way.
We would love to solve your little one's sleep challenges, so listen to our podcasts, visit us at or download the Little Ones App from your app store. -
This podcast is intended for your children. These children's stories are selected by our team. Let dreams, surprise, and magic fill their daily lives. Happy listening!
Podcast by Bill Beausay
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