Geschichte – Japan – Beliebte Podcasts

  • 歴史を愛し、歴史を知りすぎてしまった歴史GEEK2人と圧倒的歴史弱者がお届けする歴史インターネットラジオです。歴史というレンズを通して「人間とは何か」「私たち現代人の抱える悩み」「世の中の流れ」を痛快に読み解いていく!?笑いあり、涙ありの新感覚・歴史キュレーションプログラム!☆Apple & Spotify Podcast 部門別ランキング1位獲得!☆ジャパンポッドキャストアワード2019 大賞&Spotify賞 ダブル受賞!※正式名称は「古典ラジオ」ではなく「コテンラジオ」ですーーーCOTEN RADIO is an entertainment radio talk program for history , published by the crazy history geeks group "COTEN" in Japan. ☆Apple & Spotify Podcast in Japan category ranking No.1 !☆Japan Podcast Awards 2019 Grand prize and Spotify prize !

  • 歴史大好き芸人しろっぷじゅんぺいが、 歴史上の人物や出来事の中で「多分テストにも出ない」「知っていても誰も得しない」 そんなエピソードをお話する歴史バラエティ番組です!


  • 民俗学研究者の岸澤が、身近な物事から「民俗学」をやさしく紹介するポッドキャストです。



    リスナーのご感想、行事や暮らしの体験談もお待ちしています! 皆さんの情報が大切な民俗資料になります。


    岸澤美希|民俗学研究者 は、Twitterに生息しています👉 @tanukiink

  • 『ラジレキ 〜思わずシェアしたくなる歴史の話〜 』
    〜歴史 × ビジネス × 雑談ネタ × ゆるさ〜 意外な組み合わせを、"歴史大好き" りーとんと、"音の職人" そっしーの二人が織りなす、ゆるく聞きやすく、時に痛快に展開するポッドキャスト(Podcast)番組。

    ご質問・応援コメントはこちらから :

    Note :

  • Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.

  • Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano (born March 12, 1945) is an American gangster who became the underboss of the Gambino crime family. This is his story. Directed by James Carroll.

  • どこよりもゆる~く、世界各国の歴史を海外旅行気分でサラッと紹介していきます。現在サーバー関連で1~69回が聴けません。AUDIOBOOK.JPでは全ての回の番組が挙げてありますのでそちらでお聴きください。ご迷惑おかけします。

  • トルコ好きとアフリカ好きの二人が、毎回、世界遺産を紹介しながら、話を広げていくトーク番組。フリートークと雑学のコーナーもついでにお楽しみいただければ、これ幸いでございます☆

  • Since November 7, 2004 - The first, and longest running, professionally produced audio drama podcast! This family friendly new twist on "old time radio" features the adventures and exploits of the World's Most Brilliant Scientist, Dr. Floyd! Join Dr. Floyd as he tries to thwart the plans of his evil arch nemesis, Dr. Steve, all the while learning about the people and events that shaped the history of the Earth. If satirist Stan Freberg and Jay Ward, creator of Rocky & Bullwinkle, had created Mystery Science Theater 3000 mixed in a little Time Bandits and gave it an educational spin, the result would have been...The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd! The Podcast for Gifted Children and Adults!

  • Minute Women is your weekly dose of Canadian history and corny 90s nostalgia. We are best friends Grace McNutt and Linnea Swinimer and we are on a mission to tell the untold stories behind the iconic Canadian Heritage Minutes. Along the way, we uncover the funny, weird, and downright terrifying stories left out of Canada’s national history.

    Did you know John A. Macdonald's younger brother was murdered in a freak gin incident? Or that Sandford Fleming was going to call standard time "cosmic time"? Or that Governor Frontenac was a legendary jerk?

    Well, neither did we! Join us to learn more! A not-so-proud part of our national heritage.

  • Guided narrative history of the rest of the world. Each season we explore a different historical civilization from Africa, Asia or the Americas, from its beginning to its end, stopping along the way to talk about the people who lived in it and how they lived.

  • I'm TK, your guide to the past as we uncover the people, events, and little-known-facts hidden in the shadows of your old history textbooks. From empress baddies to activist profiles, turkey gods and the history of the toothbrush, tattoos, Pompeii peepees, and everything in between, you can find it all here. There is no telling how far we'll dig or how many "historical facts" we'll reexamine. No event too small and no topic too big, because this is For The Love of History.

  • 時代的變遷、人們的夢、臺灣歷史大秘寶。

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Basics of Sikhi Podcast is a relaxed talk show about Sikhism (Sikhi) and topics related.

    Most discussions and learning about Sikhi take place in a formal setting like a Gurdwara (Sikh temple), by way of Punjabi speaking Parchariks (educators) speaking to the congregation. In recent years, many educators have taken to online platforms such as YouTube & Facebook to inspire, educate and spread the message of Sikhi to the world, in English.

    Our successful and popular YouTube channel, Basics of Sikhi (be sure to subscribe!) has been hugely appreciated as a new, interactive and modern way of learning about Sikhi, especially by the younger generation, some of which who cannot speak or understand Punjabi so much.

    In a similar way, this Podcast, hosted by Sukhdeep Singh (Sikh educator at Basics of Sikhi) and Karanveer Singh (Sikh volunteer), is continuing that innovation by bringing learning about Sikhi to an informal and relaxed platform in the form of this talk show podcast. Sukhdeep & Karanveer will invite different guests to the Podcast to discuss various topics directly and indirectly related to Sikhi e.g. Sikh history, traditions, fitness, nutrition, mental health, music and the list goes on!...

    We hope you enjoy this Podcast and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Be sure to follow us on social media!


    🎙 Basics of Sikhi Podcast on YouTube:

    📱 Social Media:
    YOUTUBE: basicsofsikhi -
    INSTAGRAM: @basicsofsikhi -
    FACEBOOK: @Mighty.Khalsa.books -
    TWITTER: @Everythings_13 -

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  • 複雑な歴史もみるみるわかる。 暗いニュースを断ち切り、心も体も疲れ切っている現代人の「心に灯りをともす」をコンセプトにした歴史エンタメメディア『ほのぼの日本史』の音声verです。

  • 奪權、謀殺、愛慾,在奢華富麗的宮廷裡一幕幕上演

    合作請洽:[email protected]

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet. Powerful kings, warrior queens, nomads, empires and expeditions. Historian Dan Snow and his expert guests bring all these stories to life and more in a daily dose of history. Join Dan as he digs into the past to make sense of the headlines and get up close to the biggest discoveries being made around the world today, as they happen.

    If you want to get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

  • A podcast that blends worldly creepy historic places, ghost stories, legends, lore and true crime together for the spookiest neopolitan content you've ever heard.

  • 風も、雨も、自ら鳴っているのではありません。 何かに当たり、何かにはじかれ、音を奏でているのです。 誰かに出会い、誰かと別れ、私たちは日常という音を、共鳴させあっています。 YESとNOの狭間で。 今週、あなたは、自分に言いましたか? YES!ささやかに、小文字で、yes!明日への希望の風に吹かれながら、自分にyes!と言ったひとたちの物語をお聴きください。