Religion und Spiritualität – Polen – Empfohlene Podcasts
Семья, лидерство, финансы, история церкви, христианство, Roman Savochka
Podcast o mitologii słowiańskiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem demonologii i odrobiną historii. Czemu topiono Marzannę? Dlaczego nasi dziadkowie bali się południc? Co różniło Swaroga i Swarożyca? Jakie tałatajstwa nie dawały spać po nocach naszym przodkom i w co tak w ogóle wierzyli dawni Słowianie?
kontakt - admin[ ]
Logotyp i grafika - Bartłomiej Wąsacz -
The Soul Tribe Podcast was created to help you navigate through the world of spirituality, wellness, and self-development in an easy, grounded and relatable way. We break down everything from the Akashic Records, manifesting, spirituality and so much more! We want to help expand your boundaries and bring the spiritual world to you in a fun and easy way! Get ready to be inspired with tips, tools and easy to digest information.
Our mission with this podcast is to work towards the evolution of the subconscious unity. -
Learn the profound, ancient and revolutionary science of numerology. Discover how your full name and date of birth reveal the story, purpose, direction and potential of your life. Expand your horizons, refine your intelligence, get to know yourself on the most subtle and intimate levels. -
Explaining all the aspects of the religion of Islam from authentic sources such as the Quran and the Sunnah, while answering the most common questions and addressing stereotypes and misinformation about the religion in a simplified way.
This podcast is for anyone who wants to understand the religion of Islam. So, if you are remotely interested in Islam, want to become a Muslim, or new a Muslim, or you are already a Muslim who wants to learn more about Islam... this podcast is for you.
For Donations: CashApp: $delvingintoislam -
Podcast by Fabian Błaszkiewicz
TRUE Crime подкаст о том, где мы рассказываем о реальных историях, преступлениях и событиях, где факты реальности находятся на грани с паранормальным...
Рассказываем кейсы про страшные преступления, необъяснимые события. У нас есть всё, что нужно, чтобы наполнить смыслом твою поездку на работу, скоротать время на ней и просто насладиться TRUE Crime!
Мы собираем все материалы из разных источников и делимся с тобой этими событиями, предлагаем вместе попробовать разгадать эти таинственные и запутанные истории...
#немногомата #чёрный юмор
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Приятного прослушивания)❤ Будем рады обратной связи, очень жду Вас в телеге - там также публикуем всю инфу и общаемся :)
Somewhere along the way, many of us were forcefed the idea that philosophy is boring and esoteric. What? Philosophy is, in fact, rebellious and therapeutic! Using humor, personal anecdotes, and much hubris, the Schrift provides fresh and unexpected answers to life's most tricky and fateful questions. The anchor of the Schrift is the weekly reading of the Torah. These passages are analyzed not as religious dogma but as brilliant pieces of literature and anthropology which bring ancient wisdom back into our lives. The greatest philosophers and writers of the German canon also weigh in on these questions during the Schrift. Finally the lectures incorporate Buddhist teachings and the practice of Yoga to bring together East and West, body and mind, eternity and the moment. And the Schrift will always give you a "life tip" to carry with you along the way. IG: stevehead0001 [email protected]
Join us as we talk about all things related to mindfulness, Reiki, metaphysics, tarot, astrology, the law of attraction, magic, and more. Support this podcast:
Learn how to live in and from the sweet empowering presence of Jesus in your daily life.
Many Christians feel frustrated because they don’t grow spiritually. The Deeper Christian Podcast helps equip Christians to understand the Word of God and cultivate a passionate love for Jesus that turns the world upside down.
Whether you want to learn how to study God’s Word, grow in your faith, cultivate a powerful and effective prayer life, share the Gospel boldly, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, live victoriously, or transform the world through the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit, the Deeper Christian Podcast with NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) will encourage and equip you to grow spiritually and live a Christ-centered life. -
Are you struggling with being a wife and mom?
Do you believe that motherhood has the potential to be way easier than society tells us?
Do you want to have a beautiful godly marriage, raise your children in the Lord, and create a Christ-centered home?
Do you want to know how to teach and train your toddler so that you can have more peace and enjoyment in your daily routine and your home?
There’s a way to simplify and organize your life, so you can spend quality time with God, enjoy a healthy marriage with your husband, teach your kids, and maintain a tidy home, all while still having the time to take care of yourself. And yes, motherhood can be easy when we partner with God and invite Him into our homes and onto our journey.
Hey, I’m LaRissa J. wife, toddler mom, Christian personal development coach, and content creator.
Wanna learn how I went from being a burnt-out mama & classroom teacher to who I am today?
In this podcast, I will teach you how to:
> Grow as a godly wife and apply biblical principles for a beautiful godly marriage
->Create a peaceful, organized, Christ-centered home simple habits and routines
->Develop your faith and apply God’s word to your personal life and see results
->Train your toddlers and teach your children the Bible and instill Christian values into them at an early age
->Educate your little ones in a way that prepares them for academic success at an early age.
->Partner with God to stop surviving and start thriving as a wife and mother
So, get comfy and grab a cup of tea, a cute notebook, and your colored pens. I’m about to show you how to go from the world’s definition of normal, average, and whatever else they say, to experiencing marriage, motherhood, and family life God’s way!
If you find this show valuable and would like to support this ministry, here are some next steps:
1. Subscribe to the podcast.
2. Leave a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts sharing how this show has blessed you.
3. Share the show with someone who could benefit from it.
4. Email me: [email protected]
LaRissa J -
Wystartowaliśmy z nowym, super ważnym dla nas podcastem z „Dzienniczkiem” św. Faustyny!
Będziemy go czytać od deski do deski, a s. Gaudia będzie nam pomagać zrozumieć te czasem niełatwe treści i odkryć w nich ważne inspiracje na naszą osobistą drogę.
Czytamy „Dzienniczek” od początku do końca, w każdym odcinku skupiając się na kolejnym fragmencie (po kilka / kilkanaście numerów na jeden odcinek).
🎥 Publikujemy nowe odcinki w niedziele o 17:00, co daje nam cały tydzień na to, by te treści w nas pracowały, by nas inspirowały!
Podcast tworzony przez s. Gaudię Skass (ISMM). -
الموسوعة الحديثة لتلاوات الشيخ المنشاوى-التلاوات الاذاعية المتفرقة
يمكنكم التواصل على هذة الصفحة للاقتراحات
يمكنكم التواصل على هذا الايميل للاقتراحات
[email protected] -
This episode is of the Story of Noah (PBUH). It is a brief story and is described in simple words. This episode is family-friendly and everyone can listen and enjoy it.
Humble advice from Swami Avatar Puri for inspiration and guidance. Relatable words of wisdom regarding topics concerning physical health, mental well being, and spiritual embodiment and expansion.
"Paralaksa" to cykl felietonów tworzonych przez Chrisa Miekinę z serwisu Nowa Atlantyda ( Słuchaczy chcących wesprzeć nasze radio zapraszamy pod ten link:
Ks. Krzysztof Gryz - o Bogu, Kościele, wierze i życiu - #pokatolicku
Join hypnotherapist and medicine woman Keely Meta in refreshing and challenging conversations decolonizing and demystifying spiritual practices, the healing journey, psychic development, mindfulness, western yogi capitalism and embracing multiculturalism in a (trending) homogenized world.
المصحف المعلم للأطفال لشيخ القراء محمود خليل الحصري.
اللهم جازه عنا خيراً. - Mehr anzeigen