Musik – Slowakei – Empfohlene Podcasts

  • Interviews and the behind the scenes workings of movies, music, politics and all things entertainment.

  • Bandurko a Katežinka sa stretli v zadnej lavici aby ti priniesli tvoj nový obľúbený podcast. Zadná lavica je miesto kde neplatí žiadny súcit ani rešpekt. Ak sa urazíš, tak si presadni inam.

  • Prepare for lift-off, as dEVOLVE delivers “The Launch”! 60 minutes of cutting edge and genre bending dance music, highlighted by dEVOLVE’s fan favorite bootleg mashups, remixes and original music.Follow dEVOLVE at:

  • Každomesačná show, ktorú mixuje mladý DJ LiMix & friends. Môžete očakávať pravidelné epizódy, kde okrem LiMixa vystúpi stále iný DJ zo Slovenska alebo Česka so svojím Guest Mixom.

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  • Up All Night Radio, your bi-weekly radio show, is designed to keep you up all night, dancing and having a great time. CARSTN lights up the stage with his signature style, spreading vibrant yellow vibes and pure happiness. From the heart of South West Germany, he’s making waves in the dance music scene, securing a major deal with Sony Music Columbia and establishing himself as an up-and-coming talent. „Up All Night“ is more than just a radio show; it’s also CARSTN’s very own dance music label. Every episode guarantees a diverse mix of dance genres and always features a special guest DJ, whether they’re a local hero or an international star. Think bright, think yellow, think happy – that’s the vibe we’re all about. Join CARSTN on „Up All Night Radio“ and turn your night into an unforgettable dance party!

  • Separatik is a DJ from Slovakia.

    Behind the decks is Separatik always cheerful and famous for his lively manners. He considers for the most important at each party that he as a DJ is leading person of the dance floor and accordingly he must empathize with people who come to party and become one of them. This has thrived thanks to superior song selection, interactive contact with people and his positive energy.
    In Separatik’s live sets you can hear combination of different music genres e.g. electro, future, progressive, tropical, tech, latin, disco house, which are mixed precisely and dynamically.
    Currently Separatik plays parties in clubs across whole Slovakia.

    Info & Booking: [email protected]

    Support me:

  • Label's Philosophy:
    Perkussiv’s main focus is to release quality and deep-hearted music from around the globe, both Techno and Drum and Bass.

  • Two seasoned musicians and long-time friends discuss the most prominent classic jazz albums in addition to reviewing new and modern albums and artists. Join KC-based saxophonist Max Levy and Organist Dwain Gunnels as they take a deep dive into jazz albums of all different shapes and sizes.

  • A weekly podcast all about Coldplay! Hosted by Monica (she/her) and Daniel (he/him), we give you all the news and happenings about the band formally known as Starfish! Made by Coldplayers for Coldplayers.

  • Branislav Gombarský a.k.a. Gombo, je voľnomyšlienkar a podnikateľ v kultúrno kreatívnom priemysle z Martina.

    Hudbe sa venuje už od mládeneckého veku. Ako DJ sa v začiatkoch svojej kariéry snažil držať pôvodných hodnôt Americkej tanečnej kultúry 80. a 90. rokov. Intenzívne poukazoval na dedičstvo, ktoré nám zanechal Larry Levan, jeho Paradise Garage a klub Warehouse Frankieho Knucklesa, podľa ktorého House, ako hudobný štýl dostal pomenovanie. Postupom času sa nebránil však novým trendom a dával im voľný priestor. V jeho setoch znejú tracky prevažne z labelov Defected, Glitterbox,Toolroom, King Street Sounds a Glasgow Underground.

    Ako hudobný podnikateľ je od roku 2014 rezidentom úspešného Žilinského klubu *enjoyclub. O rok neskôr sa tu stal aj produkčným managerom a v tejto funkcii tu pôsobí dodnes. Zároveň je zakladateľom a organizátorom najväčšej tanečnej akcie v Žilinskom kraji - Friday Mass Open Air, ktorú každé leto pravidelne navštevuje takmer 2000 ľudí. Jeho srdcovou záležitosťou je undergroundový projekt Strictly House, ktorý vyjadruje jeho vzťah k tradičnej house music kultúre. Zároveň je spoluorganizátorom najúspešnejšieho undergroundového projektu na Slovensku Dark Room.

    V súčastnej dobe pôsobí Gombo skôr ako promotér, ktorý sa snaží spájať, vytvárať a podporovať komunity mladých ľudí, organizovaním rôznych kulturných podujatí a workshopow, na platforme občianskeho združenia Music is the message. Zároveň je spolumajiteľom spoločnosti AudiologicPRO, s.r.o., ktorá sa snaží svojim inovatívnym prístupom kvalitne a nadčasovo technicky zabezpečovať rôzne druhy kultúrnych podujatí.

  • Vítejte na mém podcastu. Mé jméno je Jiří Korynta a jsem multi-instrumentalista a dirigent Pražského filmového orchestru.

  • Home Of DJs (Pty) Ltd. is a professional network for music related content and creation (both audio and video), we have a network of professionals who carefully research music for our weekly podcast show as well as are responsible manage the releases of each and every show (whether by residents or submitted by guest DJs/producers) through a strict process to ensure validity and quality of each and every episode.

  • Dj Mad Scientist, From Long Island, NY with 21 years of Experience under his belt. From Concerts to Night clubs to Corporate events, he has done it all. His WIDE music selections mixed with his turntable scratching and blending techniques will leave your mind amazed and your body exhausted! Whether its two people or 25,000 people he always gets the crowd moving no matter what age, race, or creed. Dj MAD SCIENTIST THE BEST CHOICE!

  • ★ radioshow DJ Camp On Air
    ★ podcast História DJingu na Slovensku
    ★ DJ Camp label

  • Zoznam:sa ide do hĺbky, v ktorej sme všetci rovnakí. Zaujíma nás čo, ale aj prečo. V hosťoch hľadáme autentickosť a človečinu.

    Podcast vznikol v spolupráci,, a s hudobníkom Filipom Jánošíkom Lehotským, ktorý sa ujal roly moderátora.

  • DJ Geri presents his own radioshow in,,, worldwide radiostation’s. Suscribe to this podcast and get a weekly update on the favourites tracks of DJ Geri.

  • Campfest ľudia, ktorý tvoria festival a majú zaujmavé storky, ktoré sa oplatí pocut. Otazky dostavaju nahodne z brutalne uprimnej platformy

  • Stashed is a label project with an objective to un-earth raw new talent as well as established producers.

    Stashed Sessions on Select Radio every Friday night at 1!
