
  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Brenda Plascencia to the show.

    Brenda joins me from Houston, Texas, USA. Originally from Mexico, Brenda shares how Homeopathy was the go-to medicine for her family, and how her great-grandmother and great-uncle were Homeopaths.

    We talk about Homeopathy in Mexico and its availability, and what led Brenda to study Homeopathy.

    Brenda shares her love for the art, and how Homeopathy can be so useful and productive for acute ailments, alongside the commonly referred to remedies she uses in practice for seasonal allergies based on location and geography.

    We also touch upon Autism and its rise, and the importance of detoxification due to the chemicals that we are constantly bombarded with through food and airborne pollutants.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes the amazing duo that is Dr. Alastair Gray and Denise Straiges, who join me from Philadelphia, USA, for Part 1 of an exclusive 3-part sit down to talk about Homeopathy and the work of both Alastair and Denise.

    Philadelphia is the birthplace of American Homeopathy, as Dr. Constatine Hering, originally from Germany, brought Homeopathy to the U.S. in the early 19th century and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    In Part-1 of this 3-Part exclusive, both Alastair and Denise talk about the history of Homeopathy in the US, notably on Dr. Constantine Hering, Dr. James Tyler Kent and others that followed.

    We have a delightfully fun filled conversation with laughs along the way as we talk about Homeopathy, share anecdotes, and look at the lineage that currently stands from the legendary greats of the 19th century.

    We touch upon the efficacy of Homeopathy and what differentiates it from conventional systems, what is the driving force for health and wellbeing.

    This is truly a not to be missed episode of the Homeopathy Health Show!

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Ananda More to the show.Ananda is a Registered Homeopath, filmmaker, and health freedom advocate, and has been in practice since 2005. She is most recognized for her documentary film, Magic Pills. The film challenges the mainstream media's narrative on homeopathic medicines. The film explores the science, stories, and large-scale evidence from around the world. Ananda was co-owner of Riverdale Homeopathy for 17 years, a cherished hub for homeopathy in Canada, providing homeopathic remedies, books, and courses.

    She has taught for the American Medical College of Homeopathy, and used to teach homeopathy for travel at GAP Adventures.

    She now teaches homeopathy to home prescribers through her course on-line portal Off-Grid with Homeopathy and her course Home Alchemist.

    Ananda is a certified Heart Freedom Method practitioner, and teaches homeopaths how to use this deep shadow work to support case taking.

    We talk about Amanda’s work around the world, her project ‘Homeopathy Off Grid’ and the work on her documentary Magic Pills.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Robert Field from Nevada USA, founder and chancellor of the Resonance School of Homeopathy to the show.

    Robert has an incredibly inspiring journey to Homeopathy and talks about how this ‘service to humanity’ materialised after he decided to take a break with the family and travel around the world as a way to heal together as a result of the suffering of his wife from a health issue.

    This trip opened the door to Homeopathy, and one thing led to another, eventually resulting in Robert being attracted to Homeopathy and its incredible healing potentials.

    In this fascinating episode, Robert shares his journey thus far, and the experiences that have shaped him as a Homeopath.

    We talk about spirituality, resonance, Homeopathy and the ‘right time’ for goodness to materialise. Robert has a wealth of knowledge and teaches every weekend at the Resonance School of Homeopathy.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Juliana Keiko Hayashi from Brazil to the show.

    Juliana is a classical Homeopath in Brazil and has studied with Professor George Vithoulkas in Greece, practicing now near the St. Paolo area of Brazil.

    We talk about Juliana’s journey to Homeopathy and how the results on improving the health of her daughter led to her subsequent interest.

    Juliana, who is half Japanese and half Brazilian, shares her experiences of Homeopathy in Brazil, the culture, practicing in clinic and the importance of Homeopathy for providing lasting health restoration.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes John Morgan, founder of Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy in the UK.

    John was part of the recent Homeopathy Health Show Summer Exclusive, where I did a ‘Walk & Talk’ at the main pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells, providing a real time experience of the workings of the pharmacy on a given day. To see the Walk & Talk, visit my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@like_treatslike and take a look under the EXCLUSIVES SECTION for the 5-Part Special on Helios.

    In this podcast episode, John shares his journey to Homeopathy, how he founded Helios with his wife, and the preparation of Homeopathic medicines in the decimal, centesimal and LM potencies.

    We talk about healing in general, the efficacy of Homeopathic medicines and the many new provings of remedies that are taking place.

    John also shares his wisdom on the polycrest remedies and where the ‘newer’ remedies fit in to everyday practice.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes returning guest Dr. Farokh Master to come and share his wisdom on the question of Homeopathic potencies and their selection.

    Dr. Master gives case examples along the way and talks about the methods he utilises to select the correct potency alongside best practices.

    We also discuss the myriad of mental health conditions that are prevalent and how best to treat complex pathology.

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  • In this episode, I welcome back Elizabeth Adalian, who you will remember guested back on Episode 38 of the show, and Dr. Nigel Hargreaves, a Homeopath and Climate Scientist.Elizabeth has been a practising homeopathy for over thirty years and has taught homeopathy in the UK and in different countries around the world.

    Joining Elizabeth is Dr. Nigel Hargreaves who has a background in engineering, climate change and sustainability, and carried out research on energy systems for his PhD. Nigel met Elizabeth in the 1980s after working in Asia and Africa and benefitted from her life-saving treatment with homeopathy from illness he had developed.

    His career in homeopathy started in the 1990s at the London School of Homeopathy where he studied for his Licentiate and later started a practice focussed on helping people recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

    Now working in the fields of energy decarbonisation and environmental regeneration, Nigel believes homeopathy has a critical role to play in building mental, emotional and physical disease resilience as we face increasingly threatening and complex global challenges. I ask both Elizabeth and Nigel about their new book, Flourishing Against the Odds: Homeopathy for Our Rapidly Changing World.Flourishing Against the Odds: Homeopathy for Our Rapidly Changing World, presents a homeopathic toolkit not only for professional homeopaths, but also one which will appeal to other therapeutic modalities.

    It is aimed at treating individuals facing the challenges arising from the impacts of major events in today’s rapidly changing world.

    These traumatising events include the manifold instances of population displacement from wars, toxic environmental pollution, the Covid-19 pandemic with the associated mental and emotional fallout from authoritarian lockdowns, as well as the growing threat of climate change and algorithmic media which has eroded trust and driven political and identity polarisation.

    This new book offers a guide to practitioners working in contemporary times to support thriving in their patients, within a world of disarray and disconnection.

    A transgenerational practice model is presented in Part 1 and a Materia Medica of homeopathic remedies in Part 2, selected to help readers navigate their way in repairing and restoring the health of their patients to flourish against the odds.Be inspired and join the conversation.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Dr. Christina Chambreau to the show to talk about her work as a Homeopathic Veterinarian, author and teacher.

    Dr. Chambreau is an internationally known homeopathic veterinarian, lecturer and author. She graduated from the University of Georgia Veterinary College in 1980.

    Several years later a client told her about homeopathy and a local veterinarian sent her bottles of Cantharis and Urtica from the Washington Pharmacy for “bladder problems.” Months later a cat with cystitis came into the practice and was able to stop taking antibiotics for the first time in 3 years after taking one or both of “this stuff that might help your cat”.

    Very interested, Christina attended a class at the National Center for Homeopathy Summer School taught by George MacLeod and began using homeopathy in her veterinary practice. Her successes (those initial miracles that keep us studying homeopathy) encouraged her to take a second class the next year with Dr. MacLeod and began Dr. Paul Herscu’s yearlong training program. By then, Dr. Pitcairn was offering annual weekend classes on homeopathy for animals which she religiously attended. Since 1988 she has used primarily homeopathy in her practice and began teaching.

    She is a co-founder of the Academy Of Veterinary Homeopathy, was on the faculty of the National Center for Homeopathy Summer School teaching repertory and animal classes, was an adjunct faculty at the Maryland Veterinary Technician Program and is on the faculty of the Holistic Actions for animal health which is based on homeopathic principles.

    She teaches courses on homeopathy and holistic health virtually and around the world to lay and veterinary students. Her commitment is to de-mystify homeopathy, to show how healing of all types follows the principles of the Organon and to have people realize the power (for good and bad) of remedies, and how this approach helps our environment. Using the principles of homeopathy, she shows how to experiment with the myriad healing modalities available and evaluate their results properly. Writing the Healthy Animal’s Journal (and now the dog and cat ebooks, soon the horse journal, too) was needed so people could easily track the symptoms and essence of their animals to be able to evaluate the direction of response to any treatments. She is very practical and eschews “Do this because it worked for me…” suggestions, rather teaches the underlying principles whenever possible.

    She also wrote the kindle book – Fleas Be Gone: A holistic veterinarians guide to natural flea control. She is co-author of the Homeopathic Repertory: A Tutorial (Karen Allen) and How To Have A Stress Free Wedding (Mort Orman).

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes returning guest Dr. Jan Scholten to the show to share his groundbreaking research on the periodic table of elements and to help answer the question of ‘Who Am I’.In this inspiring conversation, we talk about a great many things, including the development of the periodic table, the link to Homeopathy and to the life cycle we each go through.We talk about relationships, learning, development and the affections of disease according to the periodic table.In his new book ‘Cure is Freedom’ Dr. Scholten talks about the many personalities we carry with us, which can define us and even shape us, masking the ‘true self’ that we all have.

    Dr. Scholten offers his insight on the self-healing qualities of human beings, our core self and the ‘Who Am I’, irrespective of the personalities we have, which remains the ‘core true self’. As Dr. Scholten puts it, “Personalities can change, but the ‘I’ cannot.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Giovanna Franklin to the show to share her passion for gemstones and how they work alongside Homeopathy and Homeopathic remedies.

    Giovanna isa Homeopath, mother, teacher, author of several books and a fellow podcaster.

    When her youngest child was diagnosed with autism, she became determined to help her son. Along the way, she found homeopathy and her life mission to help others on the way to recovery.

    In 2022 she published a book on gemstone remedies: Gifts from the Earth-Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy, which combines her life-long interest in gemstones with her passion for homeopathy.

    A truly insightful conversation on health, wellbeing and the love for serving others through Homeopathy.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes returning guest Ian White to the show to share his discoveries on the healing properties of the Australian Bush Flower Essences.

    Ian was a guest on Episode 40 of the Homeopathy Health Show, and since that time he has been busier than ever promoting the healing benefits of the bush flower essences, alongside becoming a grandad for the first time.

    In this episode we talk about the process that Ian uses to source and identify the bush essences and the differences between Homeopathy and the bush essences with regards to provings of the doctrine of signatures of remedies/essences.

    Ian also shares his experiences of sourcing the essences and the steps he follows that lead to a successful essence.

    Two special bush essences are discussed in detail in this episode, namely, Bush Fuchsia and Dog Rose, and their applicability to emotional balance.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes the Dr. Shekhar Algundgi from Mumbai, India to the show to share his work, teaching and insights on effective case taking techniques.

    Dr. Shekhar has been a renowned figure in the Homeopathic world over the past 20 years, acclaimed for his proficient oratory skills, deftly effective teaching and concrete concepts.

    In 1990, Dr. Algundgi founded the Swara Homeo Clinic, situated in the western suburbs of Mumbai, and from here a journey of over 30 years has seen an incredible success in treating complex chronic diseases. It is not only evidence based treatment but also the restoration of health of the suffering of humanity at a deeper mental and spiritual level.

    Dr. Algundgi has a unique way of understanding the complex human nature from various aspects and angles, the true mind-body relationship, enabling him to arrive at the innermost essence of each individual.

    Recently, Dr. Algundgi introduced the Homeo Gurukul, a retreat for sharing knowledge in the picturesque Konkan eco-friendly environment in India. The idea of imparting knowledge in a classroom pattern but in the natural open surroundings of Konkan has been warmly welcomed globally.

    The Gurukul teaching is conducted in a setting respecting traditions, to impart the fundamentals of Homeopathy while making way for sharing the latest contemporary advancements.

    Dr. Algundgi has taught around the world, including Austria, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Spain, Singapore and the UK.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes the Lisa Rooney and Kelly Harrigan to the show to share their work at Homeopathy Haven.

    Lisa is a life coach, healer and Homeopathic educator, and Kelly is a Practical Homeopath and certified health and wellness coach.

    In 2008, Lisa Rooney and Kelly Harrigan crossed paths at a Holistic Moms Network event in Illinois, instantly connecting over their shared dedication to holistic living and natural child-rearing, encompassing their five young children.

    Their joint exploration led them into the realm of Homeopathy, as they participated in a local study group led by a Classical Homeopath.

    We talk all things healing, both Lisa and Kelly’s advanced degrees, and their work on educating future Homeopaths with the skills and courage to be able to help others in acute and chronic health issues.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Rachel Roberts, Chief Executive of the Homeopathy Research Institute, a UK based charity that is dedicated to promoting high quality research in Homeopathy around the world.

    The charity was founded by physicist Dr Alexander Tournier and is now very much a leading research authority on Homeopathic research, answering the questions of the efficacy of homeopathy, its viability in healthcare, safety and vast application in human and animal health as well as the health of crops and soil.

    Rachel Roberts has worked at the institute since 2010 and is a graduate with a 1st class honours degree in biological sciences, specializing in physiology.

    Rachel shares her journey to Homeopathy and the groundbreaking work of the HRI in presenting high quality studies on the efficacy of Homeopathy in various health scenarios and applications.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Wanda Smith-Schick and Cristina Garelli from Homeopathic Integration for the People (HIP), a 501(c)(3) Homeopathic organisation of its kind in the US.

    HIP supports people suffering from physical, cognitive and emotional health issues, with pop up community clinics being held throughout the United States.

    Essentially, the work of Wanda and Cristina is to help those underserved in their time of need, with HIP providing an opportunity for to train as a Homeopath when volunteering at such clinics.

    Wanda has a background in film production in Hollywood, but it was her calling to help others that led her to the path of Homeopathy and eventually becoming HIP’s board president.

    Cristina, the clinic director for HIP, volunteers full time at the clinics, and although she is originally from Italy, is fluent in Spanish, thus helping bridge the gap for those who Spanish speaking.

    A fascinating insight into one of the thousands of such organisations around the world that help serve those in need through Homeopathy.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes returning guest Dr. Rajan Sankaran to share his insights and discoveries.

    In this episode, Dr. Sankaran talks about the new Miasms that he has discovered and why there is a need for additional miasms over and above psora, syphilis and sycosis. In his unique way, Dr. Sankaran shares his thought process on their timely inclusion into a Homeopath’s practice, and how one should work on matching remedies to situational outcomes.

    Something very close to Dr. Sankaran’s heart is Raga therapy, which he started back in 2013. Raga therapy is the use of melody and song to help heal a patient.

    Dr. Sankaran talks about his work on Raga Therapy, the history of Raga and what sets it apart in terms of healing and wellbeing. We are also treated to an EXCLUSIVE Raga by Dr. Sankaran himself.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Caroline Gaskin, AKA The Menopause Homeopath, to this week’s episode.

    Caroline is a hormonal health expert, focusing upon complementary health, holistic parenting, leading an organic lifestyle and permaculture.

    She is one of the UK’s leading Homeopaths and is a Flower Essence Prescriber & Health Coach with over 20 years’ experience.

    In this episode, Caroline talks about her background working in a print studio, the importance of establishing balance to overcome the fright/flight adrenal response we may encounter, and the work she has been doing to help women in menopause.

    We talk about the importance of understanding peri-menopause and true-menopause, and the role of the kidney/adrenal/ovary meridian or axis in establishing balance in the body during this phase of life.

    Tapping into her vast knowledge and understanding of menopause, Caroline talks about the need to keep emotions in check and how Homeopathy can bring relief and equilibrium during the entire phase of menopause.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes Homeopath, Author and Teacher, Dr. Manish Bhatia to the show.

    Dr. Bhatia is the founder of the online platform hpathy.com, a leading online Homeopathy portal providing resources on Homeopathy, in the form of articles, research papers, and case-reviews. This online portal boasts an impressive ½ million visitors each month.

    Dr. Bhatia talks about his background as a computer software programmer, what led him to Homeopathy, and how we founded hpathy.com, and how he subsequently established the Asha Homeopathy center, one of the leading classical Homeopathy centers in India today.

    We also talk about the marvellous 3-volume work that he has authored, Lectures on Organon of Medicine, and why it is so needed for modern times.

    Dr. Bhatia also shares his insights into how one can practice Homeopathy without getting overwhelmed by the many systems that exist, and how best to get a firm footing, and grounding, in the basic principles of Homeopathy.

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  • The Homeopathy Health Show welcomes returning guest Colin Griffith to the show for two dedicated episodes focusing upon Homeopathy and its link to Astrology, and Colin’s work at introducing 36 brand-new Homeopathic remedies for the 21st century, which he introduces in his new book, the New Materia Medica Volume 3.

    Colin talks in depth about the positive role of astrology in Homeopathy and how we have transitioned from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius, what this new-age means for us, the energy fields that are work, and how it links in to the current state of the world and of individualistic thinking.

    We also discuss some of the new remedies that Colin introduces in his book, namely the remedies Australian Sandstone, Blackbird Song, Taconite and Iron Pyrite.

    A truly fascinating insight from a leading mind on how to interconnect methodologies and how new remedies can help for the future of Homeopathy.

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