Andreas Tussing is the founder and Co-CEO of Charles, a software that enables companies to sell products via messenger services.
In this episode, Andreas reveals why Charles relies on a mixture of automated messages and real people answering customer requests and how they want to bring personal service into digital commerce.
While conversational commerce is nothing new in Asia, the trend is still relatively new in Europe. So we also explored how this development might accelerate over the next years. -
Valerie Bures-Bönström has always used sports to gather energy and confidence. So it’s not a coincidence that she already founded three companies focusing on health and motion.
In this episode, we’re speaking with Valerie about her latest adventure: her startup VAHA. The product is a mix of hard- and software, coming in the shape of a mirror. The clue: the mirror functions as a display and can show the user workout videos or offer live classes. Through built-in sensors, the mirror is able to give feedback and correct the execution of exercises.
In our interview, she does not only tell us what she envisions for VAHA, but also explains how she and her team laid the technical foundation of their software. -
Missing episodes?
Sascha Meyer is responsible for the product vision at MOIA with the focus to create a seamless digital and physical experience. Ralf Sigmund leads the technical development of the ride-pooling service and takes care of MOIA's core: its algorithmens.
In the episodes, the two c-level executives share interesting insight about MOIA, their business model and how to operate a ride-pooling service when social distancing is the new standard. -
Kelly Goetsch is the Chief Product Officer of commercetools and responsible for the overall product visions for the e-commerce platform.
In this episode, we talk with Kelly about the core principles of commercetools, the next big thing in online retail and his very own learnings on being a leader. -
As the CEO and co-founder of Lindera, Diana Heinrichs aims to digitize health care and maintain the mobility of our aging society.
In this episode, we talk with Diana about the lack of innovation coming from Germany and how digital health providers can simplify processes and reduce friction. -
Carmen Köhler is the first analogue astronaut and works for the Austrian Space Forum to explore Mars-like environments on earth.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH, we talk to Carmen Köhler about her journey from being a hairdresser to work in the aviation sector. She explains how exploring space helps humankind and why we need more female astronauts. -
This year, diconium celebrated its 25th birthday. Along with several guest we venture a look into the future to find out what comes next. Our core topics were mobility, e-commerce and sustainability.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH, our hosts Geraldine de Bastion and Brad Richards discuss the event and its highlights including Pascal Finette, Joana Breidenbach and Dame Stepahnie Shirley. -
Kenza Ait Si Abbou has dedicated herself to the mission of making AI more understandable to consumers. She recently wrote a book that explains how technology powers our everyday lives and is a very vocal member of the tech scene in Germany. Apart from all that, she works as a Senior Manager Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at Deutsche Telekom.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH, we talk to Kenza about how our unconscious bias gets reproduced in algorithms and AI applications. Luckily, she also has some tips on how we can overcome our bias and create more inclusive programs. -
LeanIX is often described as the Google Maps for IT - it helps big companies to get transparency about all software products and services they use and shows how they relate to each other. The product is not only used by large corporates such as Zalando and Bosch but they also recently closed a Series D funding round of $80 Million.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH, founder and CEO of Lean IX, André Christ, explains how his software works and why Bonn is a great location for a young company looking for talent. -
Delivery Hero started as a simple app providing a connection between restaurants and hungry people. In recent years, they transformed from a marketplace to a logistics company and introduced their own form of speedy delivery, called quick commerce.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH, Delivery Hero’s CTO Christian Hardenberg explains the technical challenges of growth and how he handles migrations projects. He also shares some insights of their new plan to deliver groceries and household goods in under 60 minutes. -
Oliver Gürtler is responsible for Cloud and Enterprise Business at Microsoft Germany. In this episode of REWRITE TECH, he talks about the state of digital transformation in Germany and especially how SME businesses try to implement it into their processes. He also underlines the many advantages of clouds and Microsoft's approach with Azure.
More about Oliver Gürtler and his job at Microsoft Germany: https://medium.com/rewrite-tech/oliver-guertler-microsoft-germany-82ee684dbdc4 -
Janina Mütze was only 24 when she co-founded Civey, an online market research tool. Now, five years later Civey has the largest panel of opinion and market research in Germany and their tool is embedded in several news websites. In this episode of REWRITE TECH, Janina explains how Civey works and how they make sure to show representative results.
More about Janina Mütze and Civey: https://medium.com/rewrite-tech/janina-m%C3%BCtze-civey-our-purpose-is-to-understand-peoples-opinion-better-75408e21d439 -
As the CTO of the Car.Software Organisation, Björn Goerke has one ambitious mission: building a tech company within the Volkswagen Group. In this episode of REWRITE TECH, he explains the full scope of the project and what kind of mindset he wants to establish within the organisation. He also revealed what he personally finds exciting about his new job and why Car.Software Org might be the hottest place to work right now.
In this episode of REWRITE TECH our hosts Geraldine de Bastion and Brad Richards meet diconium's Co-Founder Andreas Schwend and the newly assigned Managing Director Anja Hendel. They talk about the current challenges in the mobility and automotive industry and how companies can drive innovation.