Alice is back with a new book! Her newest creation is a wonderful reminder to us all that being human isn't easy, it takes practice but it's well worth it. Enjoy this interview that we had with her talking about some of the themes she covers in the book!
Featuring- Alice Connor
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Buzzwords: Been a while, Microphone demands, College ministry, Wisdom sayings, Day camp interruptions, Thank you brain, Breaking down binary, Spoiler alert, Asking is scary, Thought grenade, Safe vs. comfortable, Discomfort as invitation, Y'all and Jesus
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Alright! It's Summertime which means it's time to head out to the lake or beach. Who has time for church when the water is calling? This week we're talking about the trend of people leaving church (not over the summer), a couple of articles that discuss it and what our role might be in it.
“Dear Church, Here’s Why People are Leaving” - John Pavlovitz: https://johnpavlovitz.com/2019/05/14/dear-church-heres-why-people-are-leaving/
"10 Predictions About The Future Church And Shifting Attendance Patterns" - Carey Nieuwhof:
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Buzzwords: Who's bad?, #ordinationroadtrip, Eat a salad, Podcast is coming apart, Speak about what matters, No magic bullet, Gospel calling, Where are you centered, Relevant!, Emulating the voice of Jesus, Meet mystery
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Missing episodes?
Get ready for a live episode! Kyle and Jonathan did this episode during their Synod Assembly as after-dinner entertainment. They interviewed local Ft. Worth musician Josh Irwin who shared his strong "Struggle Well". Enjoy the interview in the live sound atmosphere!
Featuring- Josh Irwin
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Buzzwords: Different than normal, I'm gonna win!, Physical comedy, Life of a musician, Daniel Tiger incursion, Bells and boilers, Started w/ no, God knocking, Still learning, Rapid Fire Round
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Do you like gifs? Do you like Bitmoji? Do you even know what those are? The guys talk non-word ways of communicating including the things they have no idea about. There is also a fun challenge for you, our dear listeners.
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Buzzwords: Nerdy intros, Breakfast popcorn?,YOLO!, Easter clothes, Google is a friend of mine, Kyle's on fleek, Spiritual gifs, Safe text space, Texting devotions, On your side, Challenge
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What do a two-pound chicken strip, the NCAA, and trust have in common? We're not quite sure either except they all make an appearance in this episode. Come listen to us struggle to define trust because really... we'll know it when we see it.
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Buzzwords: Betrayed by knowledge, Helmet full of corn, Trust fall, Schrodinger's bracket, Bad Luther joke, Shady stuff, Showing up, Define by negative, Work to do (always)
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Have you ever thought about what you're purpose is in life? Then this might be the episode for you! (If you can make it past all the church words.) We're talking about the lovely path of discernment, where our world and faith and what God has to say about what we do all meet together.
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Buzzwords: A new car!, A lotta selfies, Back in my day, Hard to separate, Reserved?, Different Luther, Loving your neighbor, Finding fulfillment, Internal and external, Announcement, Church bells and Basement Boilers
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This episode we set the record straight: sometimes we need another perspective on things. That's why we brought on Lauren Wolcott who really changed our perspective on how to be a modern church looking to talk to modern people. It's about meeting human needs, not building robot pastors to try and be cool. Let's get modern!
Featuring- Lauren Wolcott
To Learn More check these out:
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Buzzwords: No long intro, Lutheran education, Fostering creativity, Ya missed me, Just Googled it, Love of Liturgy, Worship, New pair of lenses, Robe on the floor, Stabilize...enhance...expand, and Unapologetically uncool
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Want to play a game? Sometimes the way in which we try and welcome people ends up being...terrifying. Especially during the designated welcome hour. It's good that we try and we keep on trying, but we're not even close to having it all figured out. We reflect this week on how we present ourselves as church and try not to seem desperate.
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Buzzwords: All that shame worked, Squad of 1, Nervous sweating, Pencil shiv, Listener feedback, See me but don't smother, Kingdom looks a lot of different ways, Update your website, Open to opportunity, and Positives and negatives
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Like the weather in Texas, this episode is all over the place. From Game of Thrones to WWE. Church annual meetings to liturgical worship...this one has it all (with some Polar Vortex for good measure). There are a lot of things that can connect to our faith and connect us to God. What are some of those things for you?
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Buzzwords: Marvel at my vocabulary, It's just winter, Game of Thrones watch, Leaning into lame, New revelations, Are we gonna hit that number?, Another boring church thing, Concrete reminders, A glimpse of the kingdom, Bells and Boilers
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Do you have any friends? Do you have a best friend? Do they have a big coat too? Making friends can be hard sometimes. That's why you have your podcast buddies to be with you whenever you want! Seriously though, more and more folks seem to be looking for those elusive friends to share life with. That's, of course, why you come to us who have no idea what we are talking about for help. At the very least, we're in the same boat as you.
Article- Wish You Had More Friends? By Clint Schnekloth https://www.patheos.com/blogs/clintschnekloth/2019/01/wish-you-had-more-friends/
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Buzzwords: I do what I want, Laid back people, Coach Kyle, Run accolades, Where do you go?, Intentions change, Adapt with it, Just putting stuff out there, Jesus is a friend of mine, Would you rather?
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We have an interview that Lorne recorded in 2018, but it's a perfect way to start 2019. He talks with author Kathy Khang about her most recent book about finding your voice and some ideas on how to use it. Sometimes using your voice requires some listening. Sometimes it's about not jumping into the social media fray. Sometimes it takes some guidance to know what voices to listen to. We hope this episode inspires you to find your voice and raise it up in this coming year.
Featuring- Kathy Khang
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Buzzwords: Campus ministry impact, Shared experience community, Blown paradigms, Discipleship book, Faith impacting the way we live, Internalized messages, Listening outside yourself, Example of Christ, Mindful and thoughtful, Going to fail, Apologies
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Christmas is over, so now what? Epiphany! What are your Epiphany traditions? If you're like Jonathan probably just packing away Christmas decorations. There are actual traditions out there and we explore some of them this week. Come get an idea or two to try out on January 6th!
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Buzzwords: Eco-terrorist, Angel fight, Solar light fail, Public apology, The culmination, Kyle loves him some magi, 'Sence it up!, Could have had cake, The Witch's Revenge, Calorie Ridden Irresistible treats
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CHRISTMAS! Or ADVENT for the more liturgically minded among us. In the spirit of the season, we give you our Christmas episode with safety tips, reviews of a holiday beverage, the run to Bethlehem and a special gift for you at the end. Enjoy the season and have a Merry Christmas!
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Buzzwords: Reindeer naming conventions, Kyle's full of glitter, Stronger together, Juniper lattes for all, Only holly and jolly, Head on a swivel, Dip the unlit, Camp out!, Story speaks for itself, Get your run on
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We're going back to the future for this episode. Welcome to the very first episode that we recorded as Kyle, Kyle and Jonathan. We tackle the question of the church modernizing. We have all these different tools at our disposal but feel a bit behind in using it. What does the future hold for the church?
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Buzzwords: Da memes, Jonathan works on a laptop, Kyle's a caveman, Kyle's a tree killer, Tech terror, Getting out ahead, Geocities still open?, Not ready yet, Will robots take your job?, Angryaltarguild.com
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What parts of worship seem a little...stale to you? Do you feel like you're going a bit numb? Many of us want a faith that inspires us and has life changing implications, but that doesn't always come across. We talk this week about those times and what might help. Perhaps a run?
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Buzzwords: Kyle on the farm, The Moving-Baking-Farming Co., Run to Bethlehem, Dad bod, Have we mentioned we love questions?, Trying to help, This is my Cheeto..., Create space, Promises still happen
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Do you have a female pastor? Have you ever interacted with a female pastor? Wonder what sorts of things they have heard? Today we get a small taste of the stories and experiences of women in ministry from our friends Amy and Amy (also with the help of a Youtube video). Strap in church! We're going places.
Special thanks to the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA for their work on "Seriously? Women in Ministry Video" The full video can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTcaAkG86QQ&t=1s
Featuring- Pastor Amy Gillespie and Pastor Amy Diller
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Buzzwords: Nothing new, Taking it to another level, Jonathan inserts foot already!, Guidance would be nice, Appreciating perspective, The guys look sad, Just you wait, Local and larger church, start small...build larger, Don't assume,
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There comes a point in time in every podcast's life where some changes happen. This podcast is not immune. With this episode, we mark the closing of one era and the ushering in of a new one. Thanks to everyone who has loyally listened so far and we look forward to continuing with you into the future!
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Buzzwords: Big announcements, Alex is on a horse, Transitions, If you thought that was awkward, Fresh pastor, Dr. Lorne, Advice from the veterans, Grandpa Kyle, Your rest has begun, Looking back
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We've got a repeat guest from our early days and she is still propping us up. Jacqueline Bussie has a new book out called Love Without Limits. It has an interesting backstory and speaks profoundly to our current culture. Remember, you are loved by a God without limits and called to do the same in the world!
Featuring- Dr. Jacqueline Bussie
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Buzzwords: Break out your Patagonia's, Celebration of love, Can't delete your friends, Compassionate listening, Alex has homework, Goodwill and Good faith everywhere, Rediscovering of shared humanity, The lie of the single story, Engaging each other, Love is not agreement, Share the epic fails
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How do we kick off the next 100 episodes? Same way we always do...with a bunch of random transitions and topics. Fall is coming and it's an opportunity to get back in a church routine. It's also a good chance to try some new things. Get ready to bless your backpacks, kick-off Sunday School, and dive into the Fall.
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Buzzwords: Longevity award?, Trunk or treats, Lorne in a dunk tank, Video promotions, Worship Task Force, How can church help?, Committing to a new normal, Showing back up in the Fall, Trophies on trophies
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We've finally recovered from the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston and it's time to reflect on it. You asked us so many great questions! Alex and Kyle talk about two of them this week in addition to some general reflections about the Gathering: How do we feel comfortable with change? How do you know if it's a feeling or a sign from God?
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Buzzwords: Haitian Hotdish, Face tattoos, Kyle's blown away, Alex's talk fuel, Booth comparison, DIY podcast, Non-stop event, Acute BS detectors, Growin in flexibility, Honoring the experience, Hearing God out and about
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