Religion & Spirituality – Singapore – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Daily sparks to ignite prayer: a passage from the gospel, an idea, an anecdote and a priest who speaks with you and with the Lord inviting you to share your intimacy with God.

    Find your moment, consider you’re in his presence, and click play.

    All information on our website:

  • Like other forms of meditation, Christian meditation starts with mindfulness. Unlike them, it is essentially a dialogue with the "Love that moves the sun and the other stars" (Dante), and leads to a deeper friendship with Jesus Christ. In these recordings, Opus Dei priests reflect and pray out loud to stir hearts to this dialogue. A new meditation is released each week.

  • The “Good Witch of Hollywood,” Patti is a Psychic-Medium and “Good Witch” best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel’s #1 show GHOST ADVENTURES. She is the international best selling author of OLD WORLD MAGICK FOR THE MODERN WORLD: TIPS, TRICKS, & TECHNIQUES TO BALANCE, EMPOWER, & CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Patti’s body of work includes appearances on MASTER CHEF, AMERICAS GOT TALENT, graced numerous magazine covers and conducted seances on radio, film, and TV.

  • The Occult Unveiled Podcast reveals secret rituals, strange experiences, and miracles by adept practitioners giving the listener a rare look into controversial, even scary, spiritual beliefs and practices.

  • A podcast designed to encourage believers to live and date in a way that honors Christ. Tovares and Safa’s passion is to see couples maintain godly relationships and honor Christ in all of their actions. There are some topics that seem “taboo”, but that’s why believers stay bound in sin. On this podcast we will address everything the Church may be silent on to encourage you all to see what the Bible says. Support this podcast:

  • A weekly radio radio program hosted by the Archdiocese of Baltimore airing each Sunday following the broadcast of the Radio Mass of Baltimore.

  • Kingdom Real Estate Investors is the leading community for Kingdom leaders seeking to advance God's kingdom through real estate investing.

    Are you a Kingdom minded real estate investor who is seeking to advance God’s Kingdom outside the church walls? Do you desire to know how to live for Christ powerfully and boldly in the marketplace? Do you see capital as a means for influence? Is financial freedom just the halfway point for you on the path to greater kingdom impact?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, welcome to the Kingdom REI podcast! In this show, Ellis brings on amazing Christian entrepreneurs and investors to talk about godly ambition, what it takes to be successful in business, real estate investing, using capital as a means for influence, how to stay grounded in your faith while growing in business, the kingdom of God, wealth building tips, financial education, and so much more!

    To learn more about our community of investors, visit

  • The City Yangon Podcast မှ အားလုံးကိုကြိုဆိုလိုက်ပါတယ်။The City Yangon Podcast မှ အပတ်စဉ် တရားဟောချက်များသာမက Bible Study series, Leadership & Marketplace series နှင့် Family & Marriage series များမှ သင်ခန်းစာများကိုလည်း သင်ယူ လေ့လာ ခွန်အားယူနိုင်မှာ ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ကျွန်တော်တို့ရဲ့ အမှုဆောင်လုပ်ငန်း နှင့် ပတ်သက်ပြီး ပိုမိုသိရှိလိုပါကFacebook Page - The City Yangon | Youtube Channel - TheCity TV နှင့်Website - တို့မှာ ဝင်ရောက်လေ့လာနိုင်ပါတယ်။ ဘုရားရှင် အထူးကောင်းကြီးပေးပါစေ။

  • Die program “Die Bybel vir Vandag” is deel van die wêreldwye bediening van Thru the Bible. Die studiereeks is oorspronklik deur Dr J. Vernon McGee ontwerp en is al in meer as 100 tale en dialekte vertaal en aangepas. Dit is ’n daaglikse radioprogram van 30 minute wat die luisteraar sistematies deur die hele Bybel neem. Hierdie programme is nou ook aanlyn tot u beskikking. Ons is bly dat u aangedui het dat u meer van God se Woord wil leer deur na hierdie programme te luister. Ons beveel aan dat u ten minste na een program per dag luister, Maandae tot Vrydae. Indien u daarmee volhou sal u die hele Bybel in die volgende vyf jaar bestudeer.

  • Creation.Live is a show where ICR scientists will gather with subject matter experts, apologists, and other special guests to discuss pressing issues—whether that be current research at ICR, new information that has come to light in the scientific community, or something else entirely that impacts how science ultimately points to our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever the topic, we hope these conversations are encouraging and enlightening in an increasingly chaotic world.

  • This podcast features messages from Freedom Ministries in Colorado Springs with Mike Popovich, and special guests like Brad Jersak, Andre Rabe, Baxter Kruegger and Francois du Toit.

  • David and Mercy Kim are committed to the simple yet powerful message of sharing Christ and loving people, particularly focusing on equipping the Myanmar Christian Community in areas of worship, teaching the Word of God, and delivering practical workshops. Visit our website

  • Sermons preached at Apologia Church ::

  • Apologetics Profile is a weekly podcast discussing apologetics, world religions, atheism, cults, the occult, alternative religions, controversial doctrines and spiritual practices. We are an evangelical Christian organization dedicated to respectful conversations from a biblical perspective. Apologetics Profile is a production of Watchman Fellowship, a non-profit Christian apologetics ministry focused on interfaith evangelism and discernment. For more information, visit:

  • World renowned psychic Char Margolis hosts this hour-long weekly radio/web show exploring all things metaphysical, spiritual, & paranormal. Featuring special guests, psychic readings, and alternative healers, Char helps the audience understand and connect with the spirit world, enhancing their own intuition and enlightenment. Join Char on the journey of discovery and personal growth that is CharVision!

  • Let's Get Real is a Christian podcast show from Malaysia that aims to share the love and light of Christ to the next generation through real conversations and personal testimonies; one faith story at a time!

  • 宗喀巴大師所造《菩提道次第廣論》,統攝佛法三藏十二部的心要,引導從凡夫到成佛之間無所缺少的修行次第,猶如開啟一切佛法寶藏的鑰匙。日常老和尚深見《廣論》教授之殊勝,畢生於漢地弘揚本論,並留下160卷講說錄音帶,清淨法音普傳十方。真如老師自2018年起,依循老和尚前說重新宣講《廣論》,同時廣引諸大經論,結合現今修行人狀況,提供循序漸進的修心指南,名為《廣海明月》。

  • Capital Community Church is located in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, and is pastored by Lead Pastor, Jack Leaman and Assistant Pastor, Matthew Woodward.

    For more information about our church, find us online at:


  • This podcast is dedicated to Morning Prayers, Inspirations, Motivation, and Positive Affirmations that will provide you with the inspiration and support you need in your Christian Walk of Faith.

    Support the channel by purchasing on of our readings:

    Speak It Into Existence: Affirmative Prayer for Everyday LivingUnlock the Transformative Power Within You!In a world where intention and belief shape our reality, "Speak It Into Existence: Affirmative Prayer for Everyday Living" invites you on a journey of profound self-discovery and manifestation.Explore the realms of intention, the science of affirmation, and the fusion of spirituality with modern psychology. Uncover the potential of your thoughts, words, and emotions to sculpt the life you desire. Whether you seek personal healing, stronger relationships, career success, or a better world, this book offers a blueprint to harness the energy of Affirmative Prayer.Key Highlights:
    Discover Your Creative Potential: Learn how Affirmative Prayer transforms your intentions into reality, bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding.Master the Language of Manifestation: Dive into the power of words, discovering how positive affirmations resonate with the universe to manifest your desires.Heal and Transform: Witness the synergy of intention and emotion, unlocking the pathways to physical and emotional healing.Navigating Challenges: Empower yourself with the tools to overcome obstacles, shift limiting beliefs, and align with a future filled with possibility.Unleash the Collective Force: Embark on a journey beyond personal transformation, using Affirmative Prayer to influence global harmony, environmental healing, and world peace.Real-world Insights: Immerse yourself in stories of individuals who have harnessed Affirmative Prayer to navigate life's challenges, transform their relationships, and shape their careers."Speak It Into Existence: Affirmative Prayer for Everyday Living" is more than a book; it's a guide to becoming the conscious creator of your reality. With practical techniques, personal anecdotes, and a blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, this book empowers you to manifest your dreams and embark on a journey of limitless possibilities.Embrace the power of intention. Harness the energy of belief. Speak your desires into existence!

    Never Ending Faith*A Faith Prayer Journal: A Prayer Journal That Will Help Me When Doubt Causes Me To Lose Faith

    Faith is often thrown around a lot. It is, however, the lifeblood and soul of the Christian Church. Perhaps more importantly, it is our glue. It will often help us when we feel lost or shaken. Doubt is a normal part of life and will always creep into our lives at some point.

    Doubt can take many forms. It may manifest as a clearly articulated rebellious denial or quiet distrust of God. Or it could be anger that causes distance and creates anger. Doubt can be good for your faith, but it can also cause you to miss opportunities to grow closer to God.

    Matthew 21; 21Jesus replied and said to them: Verily, I say to you that if you believe and don't doubt, you'll not only do the work of the fig tree but also the work of this mountain.This classic passage outlines Jesus' emphasis upon faith.

    Yet, it is difficult to describe this in modern times. Faith does not mean abandoning the task at hand or letting things go to the winds. Faith should be followed and supported by action. Faith is doing something that is motivated by the belief God is with us and knows our destiny.

    This (52) Week Prayer Journal will give you the everyday tools to monitor, build, and confess our Faith to victory in Jesus name.

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