Education – Slovakia – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Learning and speaking a second is a skill that anyone who acquires the skill is set for profitable journey in every spheres of life. Support this podcast:

  • Aprendamos kichwa
    Alli shamushka mashikukuna, kayman ñukanchik yuyayta rimanapash llamkaypash kichwamanta kawsaymanta wiñachinchik.
    Shunkumanta yupaychapani.

    Welcome to our podcast about Kichwa culture, environmental science and Quechua.
    Aprendizaje de la cultura y del idioma kichwa unificado del Ecuador y su relación con la pedagogía de la madre Tierra AllpaMama
    Agradecemos tu apoyo económico en nuestra página web

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    Contacta nuestras clases privadas y grupales:
    +593 983152042, telegram, whatsapp
    [email protected]

  • Inspire and Be Inspired! Motivational Speeches to Fire Up Your Self-Confidence!This podcast is filled with motivating words from some of the most influential leaders, thinkers and change-makers to light your inner fire. Their stories, struggles and insights will guide you to become successful and achieve great things in your life.Speakers: Les Brown, Kobe Bryant, Ray Lewis, David Goggins, Bo Jackson, Connor McDavid, Usain Bolt, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Conor McGregor, Michael Phelps, Venus Williams, Babe Ruth and more amazing & great people.More Life Lessons at

  • // Find Your Spark & Pursue Your Passion While Raising Littles //

    Hey Mama,

    Welcome to The Made To Be Podcast

    Do you feel like you’ve totally let go of who you are outside of being a mom? Does it seem like you’re living without any sense of purpose or fulfillment beyond your role as a mother? Do you absolutely love being a mom, but feel like you’ve neglected every other part of you, and ignored or maybe even forgotten the gifts, talents, and interests that make you who you are?

    Do you wish you could stop feeling guilty for wanting to pursue your dreams and goals in the midst of motherhood?

    In this podcast, you’ll learn how to reject toxic mom culture and break the cycle of martyr motherhood, and claim the truth that who you are outside of being a mom matters too.

    My mission is to equip you to get unstuck, take action, and help you reignite the fire of your passions, interests, and goals so you can step into your dreams with faith and confidence. We’ll dive deep into the topics of faith-based identity, mindset, and personal growth strategies, giving you the tools to overcome limiting beliefs, fear of failure, perfectionism, and other obstacles that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Each week, you’ll walk away with practical tips to help you grow in self-awareness and empower you to become the fully expressed woman you were always meant to be.

    If you’re ready to say yes to your calling and reject the lie that you have to choose between raising a family or pursuing your God-given passions – you’re in the right place.

    Hi, I’m Mary Smith, mom of 4, and certified life coach. Even though I always knew being a mom would be my greatest calling, what I didn’t know was how easy it would be to fall into living out a narrative of motherhood that I didn’t actually choose for myself. I struggled with the idea that I had to let go of the pursuit of anything outside of being a good mom. I was fighting this inner battle of desiring to rediscover what I loved to do beyond my role as a mom but ultimately believing that having goals and dreams outside of motherhood was selfish.

    And so for years, I tried to live out my motherhood the way I thought I should and as a result headed deep into a struggle with losing sight of who I was as I faded further and further into the background, fell into comparison traps, and battled with self-doubt.

    I finally realized that if I was going to find true freedom, peace, and joy, I had to stop allowing the world to tell me who I should be and instead let God tell me who I am and what HIS dreams are for my life…and pursue them unapologetically. With four daughters of my own, this is something I am SO passionate about modeling and while it’s been a journey that has had its ups and downs, twists and turns, and detours, it’s one I am truly grateful for. And now, I get to help you do the same.

    If you’re ready to let go of the shame, stories, and shoulds keeping you boxed in and unfulfilled and trade it for a life where you lean in to what lights you up, reclaim your self-worth, and chase your dreams – this podcast is for you.

    I am so excited that you’re here. It’s time to take that first step, hit subscribe, and tune in — it’s time to become who you’re made to be.

    Join the Made To Be Facebook Community:

    Connect With Me:
    [email protected]

  • I am here to have fun and talk about various topics in English as a non-native speaker. I hope you enjoy it.:)

  • Mental Magic is a podcast where we take a deeper dive into mental health, answer the common questions people ask, and do our part to break the stigma surrounding mental illness. Support this podcast:

  • Zločin ženstvo je podcast, ktorý ponúka podporu, porozumenie a motiváciu. V každej epizóde sa rozoberajú rôzne problémy a výzvy, ktorým čelia mladé ženy v dnešnej dobe. Či už ide o osobné príbehy, skúsenosti a rady, ako sa vyrovnať s tlakom spoločnosti, náročnou kariérou, rodinnými očakávaniami, vzťahmi, sebavedomím a sebaláskou.
    Podcast je určený pre všetky ženy, ktoré hľadajú inšpiráciu a podporu. Zločin ženstvo je podcast, ktorý vám ukáže, že nie ste samy a že byť ženou je úžasné.

  • A Spiritually led podcast dedicated to growth & intellectual conversations that will help you make sense of life. Support this podcast:

  • Rozhovory o tom ako ísť za svojimi cieľmi a snami. Inšpiráciu prinesú ľudia, ktorým sa ich sny už poradilo splniť a odhalia prečo sa oplatí nasledovať svoju túžbu. :)

  • Osvojené múdrosti a získané skúsenosti z oblasti produktivity a voľného času, vzťahov a duchovna. Ak sa ti páči obsah podcastov a chcel by si to oceniť a podporiť celý projekt, budem veľmi vďačný: SK72 1100 0000 0029 3412 9122

  • Prvý kvízový podcast na Slovensku z dielne portálu Plníelá Jednotlivé epizódy sú zamerané na jednu konkrétnu tému a otestuje vaše vedomosti prostredníctvom 10 otázok s možnosťami a), b), c). Po zaznení správnej odpovede sa o danej téme dozviete ešte niečo navyše.

  • Nebuď mimo je podcast webu eMimino, ve kterém se snoubí hlas odborníků s vašimi příběhy.

    V #Rozhovoru se naplno věnujeme našim hostům. V #Diskuzích odpovídáme na otázky a příběhy, které jste nám poslali do redakce.

    Nebuď mimo, můžeme v tom být spolu!

  • Podcast je určený pre vás študentov, uchádzačov, absolventov ale aj pre všetkých záujemcov o stavebné vymoženosti. Zameriavame sa v ňom nielen na život na fakulte, ale aj na inovácie a trendy v stavebníctve a určite predstavíme aj niektoré zaujímavé projekty, do ktorých je naša fakulta zapojená.

  • Slovenčina je fascinujúca, slovenčina je sexy a aj ty môžeš vedieť po slovensky. Potrebuješ ale dobrý materiál a veľa kontaktu. Preto ti prinášam podcast Slowenčina, ktorý je tu pre všetkých, čo sa učia slovenčinu ako cudzí jazyk.

  • The Ikigai Project is a collection of interviews with people from all walks of life about what drives purpose in their lives. Join your hosts, Peter Nakamura and Marc Henry, for a stroll into the world of Ikigai and find the courage to become who you're meant to be.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dá sa z histórie poučiť?

    Vypočujte si aj Vy podcast renomovaného Doktora Histórie a archeológie Pavla Žebráka, ktorý Vám prerozpráva všetky svoje dosiahnuté vedomosti a skúsenosti.

    Overené fakty okorení interpretáciami a vtipom.

    Ak vás baví história a myslíte si, že sa z nej dá poučiť, tento podcast je práve pre vás.

    Čím starší, tým krajší a múdrejší - Pavel Žebrák

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Množstvo zaujímavých blogov z celého sveta, ktoré pre vás píšu sprievodcovia cestovnej kancelárie BUBO, si môžete prostredníctvom hlasu umelej inteligencie už aj vypočuť. Pod každým podcastom nájdete aj link na originálny blog doplnený fotografiami a videami.

  • Join PhD and professional juggler Jesse Joyner, and PhD and minister Stephen Grosz as they interview people in diverse crafts and trades (from beekeepers to song writers to sword swallowers). Through a discussion of relevant learning research and Scripture, the Holy Fools consider how integrating one’s faith and work, as a craft, might serve to feed and form the soul.