
  • I’ve been a digital marketing agency owner for over 20+ years, and needless to say, my business has changed so much in the last two decades. What worked for me fifteen, ten, or even two years ago doesn’t necessarily work today. I’m constantly looking at my business and trying to optimize, refresh, and revamp my current sales funnels, and I always recommend that my clients do the same.

    But I was thinking the other day, what if I lost my entire business, all the contacts, all the automation, and all the sales funnels I’ve created for it? What would I do to start from scratch and rebuild my successful online business? With my marketing agency, I help new (or relatively new) online businesses do that all the time. So today, I will take you on that theoretical step-by-step journey of building a successful online business from scratch. Let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    -Play Detective
    -Identify the Solution
    -Reverse Engineering
    -Setting Up the Logistics
    -Building Visibility
    -What’s the Catch?!

    Links for This Episode:

    -Marketing Office Hours
    -Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    -How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team
    -Schedule a free call with Jennie today

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    -Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    -Website: jennielyon.com
    -Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll add new content weekly; you might miss out if you're not subscribed. Subscribe now!

  • Strategic organic content is the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy, including in written, audio, and video formats. As an online business, your organic content is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, build trust, create a genuine connection with your audience, and attract your ideal clients.

    But here’s the catch—not just any content will get these results. You can’t create content based on your inspiration or generic social media prompts from Pinterest and expect it to convert into sales. Today, we will discuss how to get more strategic with your organic content and utilize this strategy to attract and convert your ideal clients.

    Content Overview

    🔹 What is an ICA, and Why You Need One
    🔹 The Power of Content in a Marketing Strategy
    🔹 Aligning Your Content with Your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA)
    🔹 Creating Content Funnels to Guide Your ICAs
    🔹 Measuring Success and Making Adjustments
    🔹 Your Next Action Steps

    Links for This Episode

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly, and if you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

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  • You’ve been working hard on growing your email list with a free offer, which we call a lead magnet, and it’s been creating some new contacts for your email list. But, those contacts aren’t converting into paying customers,

    Today, I’m going to troubleshoot this very common problem with you and see if you can identify which opportunity for improvement you can find for your online business. Let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹 Things don’t match up

    🔹 Lost in the funnel

    🔹 Email epic fails

    🔹 Lack of Clarity

    🔹 “Set it and forget it” strategy

    🔹 How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing can help

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly. If you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

  • Running a successful online business is not for the faint of heart. Building your business from the ground up takes strategy, grit, determination, and TONS of work. As business owners, we know that work is worth it, but what if you’re missing an essential element that’s holding you back?

    When I talk to online business owners, they usually blame their lack of social media followers, absence of an email list, or even their own calendar for their business's lack of growth. I can usually guess they haven’t done this essential step in the first 15 minutes of speaking to them. Can you guess what it is?

    Let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹 Build It, and They Will Come?

    🔹 What is an Ideal Client Avatar?

    🔹 Dig Deeper

    🔹 Using Your ICA to Grow Your Business

    🔹 Your Next Steps

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly. If you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

  • Sometimes, I think about how much things have changed since I started in the digital marketing industry over 23 years ago. Inevitably, those thoughts always make me think about how things will change in the future.

    With social media and the online space being about grabbing attention, the trends are the big things to follow. The trends I’m talking about today are more about how your online business operates in the online space, and they’re ones I believe you need to be watching as an online business owner wanting to scale your business. So, let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹 The Growing Role of AI
    🔹 Remote Work and Global Talent Pools
    🔹 Emphasis on Data Privacy and Security
    🔹 Agile Marketing: Adapting to Rapid Changes

    🔹 More Heart, Less Show

    🔹 The Hybrid Model: Combining In-House and Outsourced Teams

    🔹 Keeping Up With the Trends

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly, and if you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

  • First, I want to highlight that this is our 200th blog from Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing… which seems unbelievable.

    For this 200th blog, I was thinking of doing something different. I decided to share some controversial online business digital marketing opinions that I hold as a digital marketing agency owner with over 23 years of experience.

    Believe me, I’ve seen it ALL. There are things that are popular right now that I just don’t really get the hype for, and there are things that marketing “gurus” on the internet are sharing that I just don’t fully agree with.

    Of course, these are just my opinions based on my personal experiences. If you’re doing any of these for your online business, take this as an opportunity for a different perspective. That’s all!

    Without further ado, let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹 #1: Substance > Trends

    🔹 #2: View Counts are Vanity Metrics

    🔹 #3: Branding Matters

    🔹 #4: Spending More Money Does Not Make More Money

    🔹 #5: Posting on Social Media is NOT Marketing

    🔹 #6: Not Just Anyone Can Do Marketing

    🔹 #7: Marketing Must Evolve

    🔹 #8: Marketing is a Long Game

    🔹 My Advice as a Digital Marketing Agency Owner

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours:
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path:
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team:
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today:

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation:
    🔹 Website:
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly. If you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

  • From experience, I can say that launching a new offer can be exciting, inspiring… and also very overwhelming. You’re excited to put something new into the world, and you’re ready for your business to reach the world in a new way… but you’re on pins and needles, hoping your launch will be a success.

    As a digital marketing agency owner for 23 years, I can confidently say I believe I’ve seen it ALL when it comes to digital marketing do’s and don’ts, and since fall is a popular season for businesses to launch new offers, I wanted to compile some of the most common marketing mistakes I see businesses making when launching an offer, and how to avoid them. Let’s get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹Information Overload

    🔹Post and Ghost

    🔹Giving It Away


    🔹Flying Solo

    🔹Ask Me Anything

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly. If you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

  • If you’ve been considering outsourcing your marketing to an outside professional, but you’re not sure WHO to trust to take your business to the next level- this one’s for you!

    As the CEO of a full-service marketing agency, I’ve had many clients share their horror stories from working with other marketing “professionals” and the red flags they missed before hiring them. As someone who has been in this industry for over 20 years, I wanted to help you understand what to look for in a marketing agency. And stay until the end because I will give you the top 10 questions to ask a marketing agency before you sign a contract. Let's get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹First Impressions
    🔹Services Offered
    🔹Strategy versus Implementation
    🔹Walk the Walk
    🔹Communication is Key
    🔹Questions to Ask Before You Hire
    🔹How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team

    Links for This Episode:
    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

    Rate, review, and subscribe to Apple Podcasts. If you like what you hear on the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I would love to hear what episodes you enjoy the most!

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. I'll be adding new content weekly, and if you're not subscribed, you might miss out. Subscribe now!

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  • As the CEO of a digital marketing agency, I have the privilege of working with businesses that are just starting out to multi-million dollar corporations. After over twenty years in this business, I can tell you that there's a major indicator of future success for online businesses.

    Businesses bound to succeed understand that marketing is an INVESTMENT, not an expense.

    But how does spending money on digital marketing make your business more money? We'll discuss three different ways you can invest in your business's marketing and the pros and cons of each. Let's get into it.

    Content Overview

    🔹Marketing as an Investment

    🔹Time is Money

    🔹Paid Advertisements

    🔹Automations and Software

    🔹Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

    🔹Stay Tuned
    🔹How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

  • What I love about running a digital marketing services agency is playing detective. When you're running an online business, things are not always what they seem. I love working with my team to help business owners figure out the REAL reason for their challenges and struggles.

    You're here because you feel like something is "off" with your business, but you can't put your finger on it. If you're facing any of these six issues, then it's time to upgrade your marketing strategy. Let's get into it!

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

  • Launching a new offer is a huge milestone in your business. No matter how much time and planning has gone into this new offer of yours, you've probably had a moment of worry about what happens if no one purchases this new offer. So, today, I'm giving you some expert marketing strategies that we implement for our clients launching a new offer to be set up for success.

    Launching a new offer effectively requires a blend of strategy, creativity, and expertise. At Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing, we specialize in creating customized marketing strategies and plans tailored to your business's unique needs. With over 20 years of experience, we offer a full-service digital marketing agency with options to fit your individual business goals.

    Links for This Episode:

    🔹 Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
    🔹 Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
    🔹 How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
    🔹 Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

    Get in touch with Jennie:
    🔹 Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
    🔹 Website: jennielyon.com
    🔹 Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

  • Hey there, friends! Today, I'm thrilled to discuss one of the most critical topics for any business owner: understanding the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. These two elements are foundational to any successful marketing effort, and knowing how they complement each other can significantly impact your business's growth and success. Let's break it down in detail.

    Content Overview

    🔹Marketing Strategy: The Big Picture
    🔹Value Proposition
    🔹Target Audience
    🔹Key Messaging
    🔹Long-Term Goals
    🔹Competitive Analysis
    🔹Marketing Positioning
    🔹Marketing Plan: The Roadmap
    🔹Marketing Campaigns
    🔹Timelines and Milestones
    🔹Budget Allocation
    🔹Marketing Channels
    🔹Content Calendar
    🔹Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    🔹Why A Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan Are Both Essential
    🔹Alignment and Focus
    🔹Integration and Adaption
    🔹Measurement and Improvement
    🔹Continual Evolution
    🔹How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help
    🔹Comprehensive Marketing Research
    🔹Tailored Marketing Strategies
    🔹Detailed Marketing Plans
    🔹Continuous Optimization

    Links for This Episode on understanding the difference between a marketing strategy and marketing plan.

    Content Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendar Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use Our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!

    View more content and free downloads at https://jennielyon.com/blog

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Get in touch with Jennie: https://jennielyon.com
    🔹Book a Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/free-consultation
    🔹Listen to the Digital Marketing Made Simple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/digital-marketing-made-simple-with-jennie-lyon/id1518193466
    🔹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jennielyonmarketing
    🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JennieLyonMarketing/
    🔹Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennielyonmarketing/
    🔹X: https://twitter.com/jennielyon
    🔹LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennielyon/?trk=author_mini-profile_title
    🔹Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/JennieLyonMarketing/

  • Hey there, small business owner! I get it—running a business is no small feat, and when your marketing efforts hit a wall, it can feel like you're spinning your wheels. You’ve got some great paid offers, but without a steady income stream, it’s like you’re riding a roller coaster of feast and famine. You've been writing content, posting on social media, and sending the occasional email, but something’s just not clicking. Well, guess what? You’re not alone!

    Many business owners find themselves in this exact position. Today, I’m here to help you breathe new life into your marketing strategy, boost your revenue, and reignite that spark that got you started in the first place. Let’s dive in!

    Content Overview

    🔹Identifying Where You’re Stuck
    🔹Analyzing Your Current Marketing Strategy
    🔹Setting SMART Clear, Achievable Goals
    🔹Exploring New Marketing Channels
    🔹Building a Flexible Marketing Plan
    🔹Ready to Revitalize Your Marketing Strategy?
    🔹Feeling Inspired? Ready to Take Action?

    Links for This Episode on how to breathe new life into your marketing strategy.

    SMART Goals Worksheet
    https://jennielyon.com/SMART Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use Our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!

    View more content and free downloads at https://jennielyon.com/blog

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Get in touch with Jennie: https://jennielyon.com
    🔹Book a Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/free-consultation
    🔹Listen to the Digital Marketing Made Simple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/digital-marketing-made-simple-with-jennie-lyon/id1518193466
    🔹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jennielyonmarketing
    🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JennieLyonMarketing/
    🔹Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennielyonmarketing/
    🔹X: https://twitter.com/jennielyon
    🔹LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennielyon/?trk=author_mini-profile_title
    🔹Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/JennieLyonMarketing/

  • You only have a few moments to capture the attention of your audience. Once you have their attention, how do you keep it? Enter the lead magnet. A lead magnet is your secret weapon to grabbing their attention with a value-packed free offer that they can’t ignore. And you can keep their attention by nurturing those relationships.

    How do you create a lead magnet that resonates? It’s a combination of items including an offer that is irresistible packaged with compelling messaging, beautiful design, and a call to action they can’t ignore.

    Today, let’s dig into the blueprint for crafting a lead magnet that not only embodies your brand but resonates with your audience, supercharging that relationship and sending you audience on a journey that ends in conversion. Let’s get into it!

    🔹Understanding Lead Magnets and Their Importance in Online Marketing

    🔹What is a Lead Magnet?

    🔹Why Lead Magnets are Crucial for Your Email List and Digital Marketing Strategy

    🔹Identifying Your Target Audience

    🔹Knowing Your Audience’s Pain Points

    🔹Segmenting Your Audience for Personalized Lead Magnets

    🔹Types of Lead Magnets and Choosing the Right One

    🔹Ebooks, Checklists, and Webinars: Pros and Cons

    🔹Interactive Content: Quizzes and Calculators

    🔹The Creation Process: From Concept to Launch

    🔹Brainstorming and Validating Lead Magnet Ideas

    🔹Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition

    🔹Designing and Writing Your Lead Magnet

    🔹Optimizing Lead Magnet Landing Pages for Conversion

    🔹Key Elements of a High-Converting Landing Page

    🔹A/B Testing and Analytics for Continous Improvement

    🔹Promoting Your Lead Magnet Across Digital Platforms

    🔹Social Media Strategies and Paid Advertising

    🔹Email Marketing and Content Syndication

    🔹Measuring Success and Refining Lead Magnet

    🔹Key Metrics to Track and Analyze

    🔹Using Feedback to Enhance Your Lead Magnet

    🔹Common Pitfalls in Lead Magnet Creation and How to Avoid Them

    🔹Overcoming Obstacles and Legal Considerations

    🔹Ensuring Relevance and Value Over Time

    🔹The Future of Lead Magnets in Digital Marketing

    🔹Emerging Trends and How to Stay Ahead

    🔹Final Thoughts and Next Steps

    Links for This Episode on creating a core lead magnet that your audience can’t ignore

    ICA Template
    https://jennielyon.com/ICACore Lead Magnet Workbook


    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Starting a membership program can seem daunting. Especially when your audience size is small.

    You might be asking, "Can I start a membership with a small audience?" The answer is a resounding yes.

    In fact, a small audience can be a powerful asset. It allows for a more personal connection. It fosters a sense of community.

    This podcast will guide you through the process and provide actionable insights on leveraging a small audience for membership growth. Let’s get started!

    🔹Understanding the Power of a Small Audience

    🔹Defining Your Value Proposition

    🔹Creating Exclusive Content for Members

    🔹Leveraging Social Proof to Attract Members

    🔹Email Marketing: Converting Subscribers to Members

    🔹Building a Community Around Your Membership

    🔹Membership Tiers: Catering to Different Audience Segments

    🔹Member Retention: Keeping Your Audience Engaged

    🔹Utilizing Feedback to Improve Your Membership Program

    🔹Personalization: The Key to Connecting with Your Small Audience

    🔹Case Studies: Success Stories of Small Audience Memberships

    🔹Setting Realistic Membership Growth Goals

    🔹SEO and Content Marketing for Membership Attraction

    🔹Starting Small and Scaling Up

    Links for This Episode on starting a membership with a small audience.

    Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarDiscover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Creating killer content each week is no small feat. It requires a deep understanding of your audience, a knack for storytelling, and a strategic approach. But why is content so important?

    As you most likely know, content is king. It's the lifeblood of your online presence, the fuel for your marketing engine.

    Good content can attract, engage, and convert your audience. It can turn strangers into followers, followers into customers, and customers into advocates.

    But creating good content is easier said than done.

    You need to know what your audience wants. You need to deliver it in a way that's engaging and easy to digest. You need to optimize it for search engines and social media. And you need to do all this consistently, week after week.

    That's where content creation strategies come in.

    These are the methods and techniques that successful content creators use to produce high-quality content on a regular basis. They help you plan, create, and distribute your content in a way that maximizes its impact and reach.

    So, are you ready to take your content creation to the next level?

    Let's dive in.

    🔹Understand Your Audience Deeply

    🔹Audience Research Techniques

    🔹Creating Ideal Client Avatars

    🔹Tailoring Content to Audience Needs
    🔹Leveraging Audience Feedback

    🔹Optimize Content for SEO and Conversion

    🔹SEO Best Practices for Content Creation

    🔹Crafting Compelling Headlines and CTAs

    🔹Using Analytics to Refine SEO Strategies

    🔹Develop a Consistent Brand Voice and Style

    🔹Establishing Your Brand Voice

    🔹Content Style Guidelines

    🔹Maintaining Brand Consistency Across Platforms

    🔹Plan and Schedule Your Content

    🔹Benefits of an Editorial Calendar

    🔹Generating and Organizing Content Ideas

    🔹Batch Creating and Scheduling Content

    🔹Repurpose and Promote Your Content

    🔹Maximizing Content Reach Through Repurposing

    🔹Effective Content Distribution Channels

    🔹Leveraging User-Generated Content and Social Proof

    🔹Recap of Key Strategies

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for this episode on cranking out weekly content.

    Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarDiscover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Growing a business is a challenging task. It becomes even more daunting when you're working with a limited budget.

    But what if I told you that you could significantly grow your business with just $500 a month? Yes, it's possible. And the secret lies in leveraging digital marketing and a virtual assistant.

    Digital marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to reach a global audience, engage with customers, and drive sales. All without breaking the bank.

    A virtual assistant, on the other hand, can help you manage your digital marketing tasks. They can handle everything from social media management to content creation, email marketing, and more. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

    But how exactly can you use digital marketing and a virtual assistant to grow your business? That's what we're here to discuss.

    In this article, we'll explore 3 types of marketing you can collaborate with a digital marketing team and virtual assistant on for $500 a month.

    So, whether you're a small business owner, a startup founder, or an entrepreneur, this article is for you. It's time to take your business to the next level without spending a fortune.

    Ready to get started? Let's dive in.

    🔹Content Creation: Engage and Inform Your Audience for $500 a Month

    🔹Content Research and Planning

    🔹Writing and Editing Your Content

    🔹Video Production and Editing

    🔹Podcast Production and Promotion

    🔹Time Management and Productivity

    🔹Social Media Marketing: Build an Engaged Community for $500 a Month

    🔹Social Media Strategy Development

    🔹Social Media Content Creation and Scheduling

    🔹Social Media Community Management

    🔹Social Media Advertising

    🔹Social Media Performance Tracking and Analytics

    🔹Email Marketing: Build an Engaged List of Raving Fans for $500 a Month

    🔹Building an Email List

    🔹Email Campaign Strategy

    🔹Email Content Creation and Personalization

    🔹Email Automation and Drip Campaigns

    🔹Email Marketing Performance Tracking and Analytics

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on growing your business with $500 a month.

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Use our Digital Marketing Team
    https://jennielyon.com/vateamHow to Start a Podcast Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/podcast Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarSchedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • Podcasting has become a powerful medium for storytelling, education, and entertainment. It's a platform that allows creators to connect with audiences on a personal level. But how do you ensure your podcast reaches the ears of those who would most appreciate it? How do you grow your audience and promote your podcast effectively?

    These are questions that many podcast creators grapple with. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide you with actionable podcast marketing tips. These tips will help you enhance your podcast promotion efforts and boost your audience growth.

    So, if you're ready to take your podcast to the next level, let's dive in.

    🔹Understanding Podcast Marketing
    🔹Defining Your Podcast’s Unique Value Proposition
    🔹Identifying Your Target Audience
    🔹Crafting Quality Content
    🔹SEO Optimization for Podcasts
    🔹Leveraging Social Media for Podcast Promotion

    🔹Collaborations and Networking

    🔹Email Marketing for Podcast Promotion
    🔹Encouraging Reviews and Ratings
    🔹Paid Advertising and Sponsorships
    🔹Analytics and Feedback: Measuring Success
    🔹Repurposing Podcast Content

    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on podcast marketing.

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizHow to Start a Podcast Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/podcast Content Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/contentcalendarICA Template


    Making the Most of Social Media Workbook
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediaworkbook SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/seo Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • One trend in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape has taken center stage: Social Media Stories. These fleeting, 24-hour posts have become a powerful tool for brands and businesses.

    But why are Stories so popular? The answer lies in their short-lived nature.

    Stories offer a fresh, engaging way to connect with audiences. They provide a sense of immediacy and exclusivity that traditional posts can't match, leading to a surge in their use across various social media platforms. From Instagram to Facebook, TikTok to LinkedIn, Stories have become a staple of social media marketing.

    But how can you harness the power of Stories for your brand? How can you create compelling, engaging Stories that resonate with your audience? And how can you integrate Stories into your overall marketing strategy?

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹Understanding Social Media Stories and Their Impact
    🔹What Are Social Media Stories?
    🔹The Psychology Behind the Popularity of Stories
    🔹The Short-Lived Nature of Stories and User Engagement
    🔹Statistics on Social Media Stories Usage and Effectiveness
    🔹Crafting Your Social Media Stories Strategy
    🔹Aligning Stories with Your Marketing Goals
    🔹Platform-Specific Strategies for Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and More
    🔹Creating a Content Calendar for Stories
    🔹Measuring the Success of Your Stories

    🔹Best Practices for Engaging and Visually Appealing Stories
    🔹The Role of Visual Storytelling in Brand Narrative
    🔹Tips for Creating Compelling Story Content
    🔹Utilizing Interactive Features to Boost Engagement
    🔹Story Highlights: Curating Your Best Content
    🔹Adapting Content for Different Audience Segments

    🔹Navigating Legalities: Music, Images, and Video Content
    🔹Case Studies: Brands Excelling in Social Media Stories Marketing
    🔹Brand Storytelling Success Stories

    🔹Innovative Uses of Stories in Marketing Campaigns

    🔹The Future of Social Media Stories Marketing
    🔹Upcoming Trends and Features to Watch
    🔹Integrating Stories into Your Overall Marketing Strategy
    🔹Recap of Key Takeaways
    🔹This Week’s Homework

    Links for This Episode on How to Use Social Media Stories in Your Marketing

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizContent Calendar Template


    Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

  • You know you should be marketing your business. Still, as a small business owner, you're most likely already wearing many different hats, and adding marketing to your never-ending list of to-do items can feel overwhelming.

    If you don't have experience in marketing, it can not only feel overwhelming; it can be a rabbit hole that you get sucked into again and again. The solution? A digital marketing virtual assistant!

    This week, Jennie talks about:

    🔹What is a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹How Do I Start Working with a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹Stage 1: Foundation
    🔹Branding, Messaging, Ideal Client Avatar Development & Funnels (Lead Generation)
    🔹Stage 2: Promotion
    🔹Content Marketing, Email Marketing & Social Media Marketing
    🔹Stage 3: Scale
    🔹More Funnels, Online Courses, Webinars, Memberships, Launches and Paid Advertising
    🔹Tips for Selecting the Right Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹Integrating a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant into Your Business
    🔹Overcoming Challenges and Building a Strong Working Relationship
    🔹Measuring the Impact of Your Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant
    🔹The Future of Digital Marketing And Virtual Assistance

    Links for This Episode on How to Start Working with a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business

    Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
    https://jennielyon.com/quizBrand Building Workbook


    How to Create Your Core Lead Magnet
    https://jennielyon.com/websiteauditIdeal Client Avatar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/ica SEO Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/SEO Social Media Calendar Template
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediacalendar Weekly Social Media Checklist
    https://jennielyon.com/socialmediachecklist Holiday Hashtag Calendar
    https://jennielyon.com/hashtags Schedule a free call with Jennie today!
    https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie How to Use our Digital Marketing Team

    Get in touch with Jennie:

    🔹Free Consultation
    🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing