Noticias – Indonesia – Podscasts recomendados
Duta Inspirasi Podcast (DIP) merupakan salah satu program dari Duta Inspirasi Indonesia supported by Kemenpora RI yang tayang setiap hari Rabu, Jumat dan Minggu. Podcast ini diisi oleh para Duta Inspirasi Indonesia Batch 11 dari 38 Provinsi di Indonesia dan tentunya menghadirkan narasumber yang inspiratif sehingga dapat menginspirasi dan memotivasi sobat inspirasi setiap harinya. Kami memiliki 12 segmen yakni #NGOBRAS #NGOBRAS SEPESIAL #SONGSATIONAL #PILDUN #KISI #MOSING #MOZAIC #G-STAIRS #NGEMIL #LIVE PODCAST #TONGSENG & #KUMISSo, Stay tuned yaa sobat inspirasi Indonesia ✨💫
New show. New mission. Long-time show hosts Bob Dunlap, a businessman from North Carolina, and Eric Matheny, a criminal defense attorney in Florida, have moved to the Freedom First Network to deliver weekly patriotic brilliance. Formerly of “Weekly Wrap-Up With Bob & Eric," the outspoken duo are ready to take it to the next level. America is at a crossroads. Bob and Eric are here to keep people informed about the right directions to go. Catch them every Saturday at noon Eastern as they discuss the important issues of the week.
Adulting is hard. Podcast YOLO (YOur Life with Ours!) berisi kumpulan cerita dari Iwet Ramadhan, Novita Angie, dan Dave Hendrik seputar kehidupan di usia dewasa.
Season 2 bisa didengarkan di channel RSJ (Ruang Siar Juara). Cek highlights seluruh episode di Instagram @yolopodcastid. Enjoy! -
Selamat Datang di Cuap-Cuap Cuan!
Di podcast ini, kamu bisa dapetin banyak info soal dunia ekonomi, bisnis dan investasi dengan cara yang fun serta menyenangkan. Langsung aja jelajahi playlist Cuap-Cuap Cuan yang full faedah di Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, dan Anchor. Kita upload episode baru tiap hari lho...
Kalo ada saran, kritik maupun pujian, langsung aja DM ke Instagram @cuap_cuan yaa...
Salam Cuan! -
Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region. Amir’s live updates and teachings, based on God’s Written Word, sift out the truth on current events amidst global media bias against Israel.
Through our website, free app, social media and Amir’s teachings in multiple languages, we are able to reach communities worldwide. His teachings abroad and in the land explain the central role of Israel in the Bible as a blessing to the nations and a way to bring them to the Word of God and the Mes -
Với các chuyên mục nhỏ như "Bình luận", "Câu chuyện thời sự", "Nhìn thẳng nói đúng", "Sự kiện và luận bàn", "Các vấn đề quốc tế", "Hồ sơ sự kiện quốc tế", ... chắc chắn sẽ cho bạn cái nhìn toàn diện, chính xác về các vấn đề sự kiện nóng đang diễn ra tại Việt Nam cũng như trên toàn thế giới.
Hãy search "VOV" trên ứng dụng để nghe các kênh khác của VOV. -
Thông tin về các vấn đề nội chính: Đảng, Nhà nước, Chính phủ, Quốc hội, Cử tri, Người dân, Tôn giáo hay Chính sách, Pháp luật ...Hãy search "VOV" trên ứng dụng để nghe nhiều kênh khác của VOV. Support this podcast:
The Final Word on all things Political and Pop Cultural. Comedic duo Frangela makes "Real News. REAL FUNNY!" Your positive "Back Up AND Black Up!" here to inspire you to #RESIST! Subscribe, review, and get a new episode each week! As a quick listen option, we also give you our classic "Idiot of the Week" in a separate podcast.
VOA This Morning menghadirkan serangkaian berita dan peristiwa terkini dari berbagai belahan dunia. Bersama tim VOA, VOA This Morning hadir setiap Senin hingga Jumat, dengan informasi yang akurat dan terpercaya, yang mendekatkan pada dunia.
Dans votre podcast "Un Français dans le monde", retrouvez des portraits de Français et leur parcours d'expats. Pourquoi avoir décidé de s'expatrier, comment se passe leur vie dans leur pays, rapport avec leur France natale...
Des centaines de portraits aux 4 coins du monde !
Podcasts produits par La radio des Français dans le monde ( -
Trade expert Lori Wallach cuts through the complexity and jargon to make trade policy and politics and the myriad ways it affects our daily lives accessible to all.
Episodes 1 - 43 were produced in partnership with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. -
Podcast for the Marxist Sociology Blog, affiliated with the Section on Marxist Sociology of the American Sociological Association. Interviews with Marxist-influenced scholars discussing their research and its broader implications for a non-academic audience.
Membahas berita dari sisi Jurnalis dan Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi
Blue Chip NOW! is a weekly market analysis podcast from Blue Chip FM a Blue Chip Partners, LLC production. Hosts Dan Seder, Matt Mondoux, and Daniel Dusina share their industry knowledge and insights to help make sense of what’s going on in the markets, plus look ahead to what’s on the horizon so you can be better prepared. The trio also covers a variety of investment management, retirement planning, and executive compensation topics to help ensure you are getting the most life out of your wealth.
More Than Just Hits || Ig/twitter: @sonoralampung || [email protected] || Marketing/Tlp: 0721-785765 || Kompas Gramedia Group
My podcast is about my point of view about journalism and mass media. I also talk about public issues, my self and my personal experience.
How to work with some of the most well known Australian journalists.
Podcastnya kawula muda.
Instagram :
Email : [email protected] -
Dr. Digby James Wren provides deep analysis on Geo-political and Geo-economic Risk, Global Trade and Investment Trends , Public Diplomacy Campaigns, Southeast Asia and East Asia Politics, China and the Belt and Road, and ASEANs transition to the emerging Multipolar order manifested in the BRICS+ and the Global Majority. - Mostrar más