Cultura y sociedad – Corea del Sur – Podscasts recomendados
Tüm dünyadaki çözülmüş ve çözülmeyi bekleyen cinayet ve kayıp vakalarını beraber incelediğimiz Karanlık Dosyalar'a hoş geldiniz!
Ben Sezgi Aksu, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladığımız bu podcast serisinde dinleyici olarak sizleri davanın içine bir üçüncü şahıs olarak yerleştireceğiz. Meraklısını fazlasıyla doyuracak, daha önce deneyimlememiş olanlar için de bağımlılık yaratacak. Ne dersiniz? Hazırsanız başlayalım.
Optimizing Masculine & Feminine in Awakening Relationships
Join Richard and Nancy as they discuss a spiritual perspective of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, and share insights they’ve learned in their own relationship. -
Become a Paid Subscriber: Art Bell. Subscription available.
Монголоос гадаад руу гарсан олон мянган залуусын төлөөллийг зочдоор урьж, харь орон гэхээрээ бүх зүйл нь сайхан амьдрал угтдаг мэт ойлголтыг халах, чухам бодит байдал дээр ямар зүйл угтан авдаг тухай нээлттэй, ярилцах зорилготой подкаст. Гадаадад амьдардаг бүхэн амжилттай байдаггүй, бас сошл зураг дээрх шигээ байдаггүй гэдгийг та гадагшаа л гарчихвал болоо гэж бодож суугаа сэтгэхүй дээрээ олж мэдсэнээр юу хүлээж байгаа нь мэдэгдэхгүй тас харанхуй өрөөнд бидэнтэй хамт гэрэл асааж бодитоор харах юм. Даваа гараг бүр шинэ дугаар
Join comedian Chrissie Mayr as she interviews her favorite people. Comedians, Adult Film Stars, Television Personalities, and more!
La chiamavano “la Gran Dama del Mare”. Era uno dei simboli della rinascita italiana dopo la rovina della Seconda guerra mondiale. Il fiore all’occhiello della neonata marina mercantile; il più lussuoso e raffinato dei transatlantici; una nave magnifica che, seguendo quella che chiamavano “la rotta del sole”, trasportava migliaia di passeggeri da New York al Bel Paese: il gotha degli anni ’50, dalla politica alla cultura, dalla finanza allo spettacolo, per raggiungere l’Italia, viaggiava così. Fino a quando, in una tragica notte di nebbia, il 25 luglio 1956, al largo delle coste nordamericane, tutto cambiò, per sempre…
È accaduto sessantasei anni fa. E, come per la tragedia della Costa Concordia, un errore umano è all’origine di tutto. Ma le dinamiche della tragedia, la sua dimensione internazionale, il contesto storico, politico, economico, e le singole responsabilità, sono ben diverse.
E, forse, lasciano un fondo ancora più amaro. Di ingiustizia, di rassegnazione, di rimpianto.
“La Ballata dell’Andrea Doria”è una serie podcast di Archivio Luce, realizzata da Chora Media, scritta da Davide Savelli con la voce narrante di Luca Bizzarri.
La post-produzione è di Roberto Vallicelli.
La produzione esecutiva è di Valentina Meli.
Il fonico di studio è Filippo Mainardi
Per Archivio Luce: supervisione editoriale Chiara Sbarigia e Enrico Bufalini; coordinamento ricerche e materiali d’archivio: Cristiano Migliorelli e Nathalie Giacobino
Hanno partecipato: Maurizio Eliseo, Eugenio Giannini, Mike Stoller. -
When you're focused on work, you don't expect your next hour on the clock to be the most horrifying in your life. In Tales from the Breakroom, folks from around the world send us their scariest workplace encounters and we narrate them to you. Enjoy, and try not to clock out forever... Submit your scariest work experiences at
Le magazine cinéma de RFI. Chaque semaine, Élisabeth Lequeret et Sophie Torlotin vous font découvrir l’actualité du cinéma sur tous les continents. Diffusions : le samedi à 15h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
Entre nos lignes, c’est le podcast du site de critiques de livres Les Missives.
C'est une capsule sonore et littéraire pour dénicher de nouvelles lectures et repérer les ouvrages qui comptent.
Ce sont quelques lignes d’un auteur ou d’une autrice à découvrir à voix haute.
Entre nos lignes, c’est une dose de pensées inspirantes et engagées, proposées selon l'humeur ou l’actualité et lues par la comédienne Marie-Émilie Michel.
Une lecture sans commentaire où seuls comptent les mots.
Entre Nos Lignes donne à entendre des extraits de romans mais aussi de la poésie, des essais, de la nouveauté comme du classique.
Pour échanger ou m'envoyer vos coups de cœur littéraires et féministes @marieemiliem
Les livres dont on parle (et d'autres chroniques) sont à retrouver ici :
Musique : Cheuv et les Passagers (La Petite Seconde d'Eternité)
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
삶에 대해 좀 더 단순한 태도를 가지고 싶은 저의 일상, 운동, 연애, 책, 심리, 호주에 대한 이야기 등등 다양한 주제를 자유로운 방식으로 이야기하려고 합니다.
심심하거나 외로울 때, 집안일하거나 운동할 때, 일가기 전, 자기 전 언제든 누구나 듣고 싶은 팟캐스트가 됐으면 좋겠어요. 자주 많이 놀러 와주세요🧡
Instagram @doremipodsol
Youtube Hazel 한솔
I am a third culture kid, someone who grew up in a culture different than the one in which my parents grew up in. Specifically, I grew up in a Korean household, was raised in Brazil, and went to an American school - all at once. Now, I’m working full-time in tech (non-coder) in California. In this podcast, I share my experiences, thoughts, and conversations. Come tune in as I figure my way through life!
Mental Reps isn’t just a podcast, it's a state of mind: Our mission is to provide you with funny, authentic, truthful content - along with interviews from both established and rising stars who will provide insight in how they succeed in the game of life. We’re living in strange times, so keep your head on a swivel... and join us for another set of Mental Reps. - Hosted by Brian Wright.
My takes on life, love,relationships, sports and entertainment. Some things that may be said you may not like. You may agree. I just employ you to lean in listen and you might learn something. Or you may see some things differently.
[매주 수요일 오후 5시에 업로드 됩니다. ]
딩가딩가 놀고싶은 두 명의 돼지띠 친구들이 모여 만든 팟캐스트.
일상에서 문득 떠오른 생각들에 대해서 떠들고 놉니다.
(일상, 어른의 삶, 취미, 산책, 여행, 운동, 예술, 음식 등)
[떠든 사람]
1/ 윤 - 마음의 평화를 유지하지만, 뭔가 색다른 걸 해보고 싶은 열망이 많은
2/ 본 - 자신의 길을 찾는 중인
*contact : [email protected]
[New upload every Wednesday 5PM]
Dinggapig, A podcast made by two friends who want to hang around.
Talking about thoughts that suddenly pop up in our daily life.
(daily life, adult life, hobbies, walks, travel, exercise, art, food, etc.)
[Friends who chattered]
1/ Yun - Keeping peace of mind but trying something new.
2/ Bon - Finding her own way -
A Jeju-based podcast where host Mark Wilson-Choi meets folks from all different walks of life and asks them, "So what brought you to Jeju?"
Start here. Go everywhere. The Seattle podcast that showcases why Seattle is a world class city in the center of ideas and innovation that impact the entire world. This is a city that punches above it's weight and is a world class city even if others don't know it yet. We let you in on the city's great stories, diving deep into the city's most exciting and interesting issues via guests from the world of politics, TV, science, sports, music, and culture for often deeply insightful conversations. You will leave inspired.
(CHRP ON) :: [SINCE 2011] 모든 문화를 떠들어대는 근본 없는 이빨들의 비끕대화록 ::
The world's most dangerous podcast, hosted by Chad Dotson (Redleg Nation, Cincinnati Magazine, "The Big 50: Cincinnati Reds"), Nate Dotson, and a rotating cast of characters. The Riverfront is a deep dive into the daily trials and tribulations of the Cincinnati Reds, filled with witty banter and the occasional reference to Lisalverto Bonilla.
An Asian life profiling podcast,a weekly installment for all things Asian and Greene.
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