Gobierno – Portugal – Podscasts recomendados
É mais que uma entrevista, é menos que um debate. É uma conversa com contraditório em que, no fim, é mesmo a opinião do convidado que interessa. Quase sempre sobre política, às vezes sobre coisas realmente interessantes. Um projeto jornalístico de Daniel Oliveira e João Martins. Imagem gráfica de Vera Tavares com Tiago Pereira Santos e música de Mário Laginha.
Susana Peralta, Luís Aguiar-Conraria, Jorge Fernandes e João Marques de Almeida são 4 comentadores que estão fora do baralho partidário. Um debate sempre vivo sobre política e políticas com moderação de Vanessa Cruz.
Todas as semanas três jovens mulheres juntam-se para falar sobre os temas quentes da semana política. Com Rita Saias, a humanista não alinhada, Adriana Cardoso, a centrista da Big Pharma, e Leonor Rosas, a esquerdista irremediável. Com moderação de Rita Carvalho Pereira.
BBC Investiga reúne todos os podcasts narrativos originais da BBC News Brasil. A cada temporada, uma nova grande história é contada em vários episódios.
São a geração mais qualificada, influenciam, mas ainda não decidem. Os jovens, a política e as causas que defendem. João Maria Jonet, André Abraão, Francisca Figueiredo, Maria Miguel Simões, Maria Escaja, Daniel Ferreira, Bianca Castro, Guadalupe Amaro e Israel Paródia são a Minoria Absoluta. Todas as semanas, duas vozes da nova geração debatem, na TSF, o estado do país e do mundo. Com moderação de Francisco Nascimento.
Parceria com a ONU num espaço dedicado à divulgação dos princípios básicos consagrados na carta dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas.
3ªfeira _ 6h40 -
A história do Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) em cinco capítulos.
O "Ciclo de Conversas - Rumo à Neutralidade Carbónica 2030" é uma iniciativa da Câmara Municipal do Porto, com 10 sessões, que pretende dinamizar a implementação de projetos para o Porto alcançar a neutralidade carbónica em 2030.
Welcome to the Risk Calculus, a podcast from the UC Berkeley Risk and Security Lab, where we explore pressing questions at the intersection of technology and national security. In our first five-part mini-series, Professor Andrew Reddie takes a deep dive into an old way of thinking about risks that is being applied in new ways both here at the lab and beyond—wargaming. The renaissance of wargaming in academic and policy circles, along with a growing public interest in this approach to risk analysis, make it an ideal time to examine the method's past, present, and future. What is a wargame? Who designs and plays these games? And how should we interpret what they tell us? To unpack these questions, Andrew is joined by guests working at the cutting edge of research and practice.
At the end of his two terms in office, Ronald Reagan viewed with satisfaction the achievements of his innovative program known as the Reagan Revolution, which aimed to reinvigorate the American people and reduce their reliance upon Government. He felt he had fulfilled his campaign pledge of 1980 to restore “the great, confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism.”On February 6, 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born to Nelle and John Reagan in Tampico, Illinois. He attended high school in nearby Dixon and then worked his way through Eureka College. There, he studied economics and sociology, played on the football team, and acted in school plays. Upon graduation, he became a radio sports announcer. A screen test in 1937 won him a contract in Hollywood. During the next two decades he appeared in 53 films.From his first marriage to actress Jane Wyman, he had two children, Maureen and Michael. Maureen passed away in 2001. In 1952 he married Nancy Davis, who was also an actress, and they had two children, Patricia Ann and Ronald Prescott.As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Reagan became embroiled in disputes over the issue of Communism in the film industry; his political views shifted from liberal to conservative. He toured the country as a television host, becoming a spokesman for conservatism. In 1966 he was elected Governor of California by a margin of a million votes; he was re-elected in 1970.Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush. Voters troubled by inflation and by the year-long confinement of Americans in Iran swept the Republican ticket into office. Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter.On January 20, 1981, Reagan took office. Only 69 days later he was shot by a would-be assassin, but quickly recovered and returned to duty. His grace and wit during the dangerous incident caused his popularity to soar.Dealing skillfully with Congress, Reagan obtained legislation to stimulate economic growth, curb inflation, increase employment, and strengthen national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit.A renewal of national self-confidence by 1984 helped Reagan and Bush win a second term with an unprecedented number of electoral votes. Their victory turned away Democratic challengers Walter F. Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro.In 1986 Reagan obtained an overhaul of the income tax code, which eliminated many deductions and exempted millions of people with low incomes. At the end of his administration, the Nation was enjoying its longest recorded period of peacetime prosperity without recession or depression.In foreign policy, Reagan sought to achieve “peace through strength.” During his two terms he increased defense spending 35 percent, but sought to improve relations with the Soviet Union. In dramatic meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, he negotiated a treaty that would eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Reagan declared war against international terrorism, sending American bombers against Libya after evidence came out that Libya was involved in an attack on American soldiers in a West Berlin nightclub.By ordering naval escorts in the Persian Gulf, he maintained the free flow of oil during the Iran-Iraq war. In keeping with the Reagan Doctrine, he gave support to anti-Communist insurgencies in Central America, Asia, and Africa.Overall, the Reagan years saw a restoration of prosperity, and the goal of peace through strength seemed to be within grasp.
Podcast do Instituto Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros
Perestroika é um podcast de política internacional concebido e dirigido por Filipe Barroso, que também aborda matérias relevantes de política nacional, cultura e o que consideramos interessante neste mundo global.
Produção: Raquel Carvalho
Música: João Pedro Trindade
Logotipo: Marta Inácio -
A partir do Parlamento Europeu, Catarina Caria entrevista vários protagonistas da Europa, de eurodeputados a académicos. Não perca o podcast da SÁBADO sobre a União Europeia, todas as semanas.
This is my first try to get to know myself and my ideas based on what I know so far about politics, psychology, sociology, history, public policy and society. I have a BA in Political Science and an MA in Political Science from Central European University.
PLÁGIO, é uma conversa a dois com um convidado.
Todas as semanas Bruno Lemos e Filipe Gomes juntam-se a um convidado para plagiar os podcast’s de que gostam. É mais do que um debate, é menos do que uma entrevista. É uma conversa com contraditório em que, no fim, todas as opiniões interessam. É um debate em que nunca ninguém perde, porque todos têm razão. -
FedScoop is the leading tech media brand in the federal government market. Built on a foundation of award winning journalism, we’ve grown to become this community’s platform for education and collaboration with our website, newsletter and events. FedScoop gathers top leaders from the White House, federal agencies, academia and the tech industry to discuss ways technology can improve government and identify ways to achieve common goals.
Para muitos, é a mais importante eleição de sempre nos EUA. Trump ou Kamala: quem conquistará a Casa Branca? O duelo entre o ex-Presidente republicano e a atual vice-presidente democrata. Com Germano Almeida, Ricardo Alexandre e Cristina Lai Men. Parceria TSF com a FLAD.
Redefining the role of diplomacy is the what. Global security and inequality are the why. Still finding out the how.
Presented by Maria Luísa Moreira, Founder & CEO of The Gender Diplomat
For more details visit thegenderdiplomat.com
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Os Von Calhau! juntam vários mundos na mesma emissão. Uma viagem inspirada nos primórdios da rádio, quando a ciência e o além se confundiam. A eternidade num pedaço de estática, o absurdo sem intervalo.Uma encomenda de Aveiro 2024 - Capital Portuguesa da Cultura.
Listen to new episodes of The Rouss Review - the City of Winchester, Virginia's official podcast - on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. The Rouss Review covers Council meetings, timely subjects, City events and programs, and more.
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