
  • Welcome to another inspiring episode of "FearLESS Parenting." In this podcast episode we're going to shed light on the Godly purpose of our lives as parents and guardians. Parenthood brings immense joy, but it also opens doors to a deep sense of responsibility. In this episode, we will explore how parents can both find and live out their Godly purpose, even amid the challenges of this fast-paced world.

    Download the Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose exercise sheet by "Clicking Here"

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute. Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Here’s a link to a Iist of Christian Values I got from a christian website, that I wanted to share with you: https://www.compassion.com/about/christian-values-list.htm

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Welcome to another inspiring episode of "FearLESS Parenting." In this podcast episode we're going to shed light on the Godly purpose of our lives as parents and guardians. Parenthood brings immense joy, but it also opens doors to a deep sense of responsibility. In this episode, we will explore how parents can both find and live out their Godly purpose, even amid the challenges of this fast-paced world.

    Download the Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose exercise sheet by "Clicking Here"

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Here’s a link to a Iist of Christian Values I got from a christian website, that I wanted to share with you: https://www.compassion.com/about/christian-values-list.htm

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

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  • Welcome to another inspiring episode of "FearLESS Parenting." In this podcast episode we're going to shed light on the Godly purpose of our lives as parents and guardians. Parenthood brings immense joy, but it also opens doors to a deep sense of responsibility. In this episode, we will explore how parents can both find and live out their Godly purpose, even amid the challenges of this fast-paced world.

    Download the Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose exercise sheet by "Clicking Here"

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • The main goal of this episode is for every dad out there to know that they can become a great dad without having to give into their self doubts and limiting beliefs. We are all human and we all struggle, at some level, with both self-doubt and limiting beliefs. This episode discusses ways you can move past your limiting beliefs. And at the same time you are pushing past your limiting beliefs, you'll provide your children with a living example of how to push past their own limiting beliefs.

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • When experiencing the joy of becoming the best version of yourself as a dad, a father, a chief role model is to rise above the limiting belief that you are insufficient as a role model. I hear to tell you dads, that you can be a role model that is a Christ like servant leader. You have it with in you to provide the example for how your children should live their lives.

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Real men cherish their wives both in thought and in action. Proverbs 31 gives us great insight on why we should cherish our wives and praise them as God intended. Real men realize that because God has given them this awesome gift which makes them complete and strengthens them; we should be thankful. We should give praise to God and to this wondrous gift called our wives.

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Real men set the example in their home. They set an example for their son's to aspire to as christian men. They set an example for their girls, showing them the best example of being a christian husband and dad. Real men realize that what they do in the home, positive or negative, is acting as instruction being given to their children.

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Real men do the dirty little jobs like changing dippers, taking care of their sick children, provide mom with a much needed break and many other tasks. They make such sacrifices because they have their priorities in order. They place God first. They love their wives as Christ loved the church. After God their wife comes first. That's right first and that means before one's job or even ministry. Men, husbands and dads, we need to take the following scriptures to heart. We need to live them out loud everyday as we endeavor to become the best version of ourselves.

    Ephesians 5:25 and 28-31: 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
    28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Real men do not commit family violence because they have their priorities in order. They place God first. They love their wives as Christ loved the church. After God their wife comes first. That's right first and that means before one's job or even ministry. Men, husbands and dads, we need to take the following scriptures to heart. We need to live them out loud everyday as we endeavor to become the best version of ourselves.

    Ephesians 5:25 and 28-31: 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
    28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest is Sarah Maynard. Sarah is the founder and CEO of THE START EFFECT, a digital presence educational consulting company that teaches how to navigate the digital world and manage an online presence in a safe, healthy and beneficial way.

    Sarah is a passionate storyteller and lifelong learner. She has worked with kids for almost 20 years and she is a children’s book writer and illustrator and digital marketing communications strategist.

    Download Sarah's Digital Presence Audit Worksheet as promised: https://www.thestarteffect.com/digital-presence-audit- worksheet.html
    Sarah's Website: https://www.thestarteffect.com/

    You can download my three part interview with Sarah, as well as, download previous broadcast at: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com or

    Share my podcast site with others by clicking on (or copy and past into your browser) the following link: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com/share

    Get your copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest is Sarah Maynard. Sarah is the founder and CEO of THE START EFFECT, a digital presence educational consulting company that teaches how to navigate the digital world and manage an online presence in a safe, healthy and beneficial way.

    Sarah is a passionate storyteller and lifelong learner. She has worked with kids for almost 20 years and she is a children’s book writer and illustrator and digital marketing communications strategist.

    Download Sarah's Digital Presence Audit Worksheet as promised: https://www.thestarteffect.com/digital-presence-audit- worksheet.html
    Sarah's Website: https://www.thestarteffect.com/

    You can download my three part interview with Sarah, as well as, download previous broadcast at: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com or

    Share my podcast site with others by clicking on (or copy and past into your browser) the following link: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com/share

    Get your copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest is Sarah Maynard. Sarah is the founder and CEO of THE START EFFECT, a digital presence educational consulting company that teaches how to navigate the digital world and manage an online presence in a safe, healthy and beneficial way.

    Sarah is a passionate storyteller and lifelong learner. She has worked with kids for almost 20 years and she is a children’s book writer and illustrator and digital marketing communications strategist.

    Download Sarah's Digital Presence Audit Worksheet as promised: https://www.thestarteffect.com/digital-presence-audit- worksheet.html
    Sarah's Website: https://www.thestarteffect.com/

    You can download my three part interview with Sarah, as well as, download previous broadcast at: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com or

    Share my podcast site with others by clicking on (or copy and past into your browser) the following link: https://fearlessparenting.buzzsprout.com/share

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest this week is Isaiah Cruz. Isaiah is a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, specialized in addiction medicine. He has experience with depression, anxiety, bipolar, and various forms of addition. He is the founder of No-X. No-X provides anonymous treatment of pornography addiction with medication via telemedicine in all 50 states.

    Guest Links: https://www.no-x.net/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/no_x.telemed/ https://pin.it/7FtFvd4

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqA9mUn5LdR1-Q7e5rNo4A

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/No-Xnet-113120141412545

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/No_X_telemed

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest this week is Isaiah Cruz. Isaiah is a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, specialized in addiction medicine. He has experience with depression, anxiety, bipolar, and various forms of addition. He is the founder of No-X. No-X provides anonymous treatment of pornography addiction with medication via telemedicine in all 50 states.

    Guest Links: https://www.no-x.net/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/no_x.telemed/ https://pin.it/7FtFvd4

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqA9mUn5LdR1-Q7e5rNo4A

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/No-Xnet-113120141412545

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/No_X_telemed

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, he coaches ambitious executives & entrepreneurs to become top 1% communicators in their industry. He also has a popular YouTube channel called MasterTalk, with the goal of providing free access to communication tools for everyone in the world. But parents, in this interview, he's here to show you how your kids/teens can become "Rock Star" communicators.

    Guest Links: mastertalk.ca

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masteryourtalk/

    Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/brendenkumarasamy

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mastertalkyt/

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, he coaches ambitious executives & entrepreneurs to become top 1% communicators in their industry. He also has a popular YouTube channel called MasterTalk, with the goal of providing free access to communication tools for everyone in the world. But parents, in this interview, he's here to show you how your kids/teens can become "Rock Star" communicators.

    Guest Links: mastertalk.ca

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masteryourtalk/

    Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/brendenkumarasamy

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mastertalkyt/

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest host is Allison Lieberman. Allison is a licensed marriage and family therapist, mom of 2, and 2x postpartum anxiety survivor. She is the co-founder of Rooted in Harmony Counseling, a California-based group therapy practice dedicated to helping moms with anxiety, relationships, and parenting. Her passion is supporting new moms through their transition into motherhood

    Guest Links: https://www.rihcounseling.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choosingtherapy/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/choosing-therapy/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChoosingTherapy/

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • Allison Lieberman is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice with Rooted in Harmony Counseling. Her passion is supporting new moms through their transition into motherhood

    Guest Links: https://www.rihcounseling.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choosingtherapy/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/choosing-therapy/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChoosingTherapy/

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest, Jim White, has spent the last 40 years studying the topics of personal development, marriage and parenting. More importantly, He has also spent those 40 years applying these lessons and living his life as a husband, a father to 6 children and a grandfather to 12.

    Jim’s Call to action: https://www.familyenrichmentacademy.com/questions Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/familyenrichmentacademy/

    Website: www.familyenrichmentacademy.com

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5KxKx0WQAwmz5qKh5sapGA

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Family-Enrichment-Academy-136180778594580

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!

  • My guest, Jim White, has spent the last 40 years studying the topics of personal development, marriage and parenting. More importantly, He has also spent those 40 years applying these lessons and living his life as a husband, a father to 6 children and a grandfather to 12.

    Jim’s Call to action: https://www.familyenrichmentacademy.com/questions Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/familyenrichmentacademy/

    Website: www.familyenrichmentacademy.com

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5KxKx0WQAwmz5qKh5sapGA

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Family-Enrichment-Academy-136180778594580

    Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting.

    Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

    If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute.
    Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon.

    The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here"
    It’ll be the best $9.47 you’ll ever spend on yourself.

    Free Parental Resource "Embracing Parenthood: A Godly Life On Purpose": "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"

    Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!

    God Bless!!!