
  • We used to get asked a lot WHY we homeschooled…like all the time….twenty years ago or more.

    Nowadays, reasons for homeschooling are as diverse as the number of people homeschooling. There are not just a handful of reasons any more—and many of the reasons (especially the fear-based ones) are not as prevalent as they were. (Not sure if this is all good….we need to fear some things for our kids.)

    After thirty-two years of homeschooling (and being done for two years now—well, done with our own kids, but not the 170 kids in our classes and part time programs!), we have narrowed it down to one big reason—with lots of sub reasons.

    Truly, TIME is the biggest reason that I would homeschool if I had it to do all over again—and is something I would like for you to at least consider in your decision to homeschool or not, go to school or stay home, continue on or end. Because TIME is big—and can never be redeemed.

    Blessings to you and your family on your journey! Enjoy every moment you have!

    P.S. Feel free to share this video. I don’t think it is something that people talk about a lot….but it was hugely impactful to our family!


    I. Starting Out

    A. Chose homeschooling out of fear of all of the “bad” stuff

    1. Bad peers

    2. Bad curriculum (secular)

    3. Bad environment

    B. “Pioneers” 1

    . We were afraid of everything (unfortunately)

    2. Very Bible-driven and character-focused (fortunately)

    II. Middle Years

    A. As older kids entered high school

    1. Moving away from fear a little and more into reality (these kids need occupations!)

    2. Focused in on academics while still keeping a character-basis and a relationship style of parenting

    B. Began writing curriculum and testing it with homeschooled kids

    III. Ending Years

    A. Relationships with adult kids and kids still in school

    1. Realized more and more it was the time we have had together

    2. Adult kids still needed the time

    B. Watched siblings as many as ten and twelve years apart develop close relationships

    IV. The NUMBER ONE Benefit of Homeschooling—Time

    A. Time cannot be duplicated, redeemed, or reallocated

    1. Average American mom spends 13.5 hours a week with her child; average homeschooling mom spends 77 hours a week with her child

    2. My own quick math

    a. 8 hours a day x 180 days

    b. Yields 1440 more hours per year that kids who are homeschooled are with their parents/siblings

    c. Probably between 1500 and 2000 per year with 9 hour days, bus rides, before and after school activities, etc.

    3. Any way you slice it, it is too much time to try to “make up for” on weekends or holidays or summers. The sheer number of hours is staggering.

    a. At 1500 hours a year x 13 years

    b. Nearly 20,000 hours

    B. Time that kids are with parents

    1. Who is going to shape your child during those 20,000 hours?

    2. Do we want it to be teachers and peers or us?

    C. Time to lean in to their strengths and weaknesses

    1. Academically

    2. Becoming who they will become

    3. Emotional support

    D. Time with siblings

    1. Who are your best friends here?

    2. Who matters more than anyone else here?

    E. Time equals influence

    1. “You will become the five people you spend your time with”

    2. Kids change according to who they are with and what expectations and allowances are made

    3. Time influence is the time of the people who ARE influencing your kids (you) and time that peers are NOT influencing your kids.

    F. The thing we put our time into is what grows

    1. Do we want the home to be the center of your child’s world or the school?

    2. If our kids go to school, we SHOULD put the effort and time into that school due to the number of hours are kids spend there (don’t send them then complain about everything!)

    3. Make your home the center of your family, not the school

    V. Summary

    A. Do I think all is lost if kids go to school?

    1. No!

    2. But it takes supernatural effort and work

    B. Co-ops, half day programs, Friday School, private tutors, even babysitters overseeing some work can all make it happen more easily

    1. Homeschooling doesn’t have to mean you do all the teaching

    2. It doesn’t have to mean that you love to teach

    3. It just means that you are going to do everything in your power to have as many of those 20,000 hours/ 2500 days be with you rather than away from home for their thirteen years of school.


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

  • Done Homeschooling Younger Sister

    Lisa went to and thrived in 9th grade—our year had been a successJoshua (2nd bday) and I spent our days learning, helping others, and learning how to manage a busy home (lots of people in and out!)Wrote preschool curriculum for Joshua

    Helping Others With Homeschooling

    Most local Indiana families were in Christian schools or had movedHad half dozen families (most in Ohio or out of our county) umbrella teacher (advantages & disadvantages)Continued presentations whenever asked

    Our Days

    StructurePlay datesOrganizingWorking in church children’s ministryField trips, park days etcFirst (of 6!) Levi Coffin field trips!

    Did you get one of my writing frameworks freebies yet? A week of writing projects with my video teaching! (Visit: https://languageartsladyblog.com


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtue.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Episode 10! Ready to wrap up our first year of homeschooling with the good and the bad!


    Learned to systematizeImplemented dailiesLearned so much about teaching and homeschoolingLisa was ready to go back to school in the fall—especially sociallyGlimmer of hope for the self-less marriage we desired


    It was hard workHad the beginning of “homeschool pride”—not the good kind!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Week in the life of….1983..our first year of homeschooling. Part II of II

    1. Social Anxiety

    2. Fear of people, running into store, bullied at school, low self esteem, anxiety

    3. Played clarinet in little church band

    4. Helped with small group—and blossomed in this environment

    5. Great success socially helping with nursing home services and visitation

    6. Exercise at Y; art classes

    7.. 2. Indiana law 180 days of equivalent instruction

    8. Counted school days (she seldom missed)

    9. Counted field trips

    10. 3. End of year academic results—tested by her school again

    11. Math—from 2nd grade level to 4th grade level

    12. Reading—from 2nd grade level to 6th grade level (even though her capacity wasn’t supposed to go that high!)


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Week in the life of….1983..our first year of homeschooling. Typical morningLisa dropped off 7:00 on my mom’s way to workIndependent list until I was readyJoshua 12-18 months old…get up, rock, sing, read posters on his wallOnce Joshua was ready for day/fed, I checked Lisa’s work so far and taught her reading and mathShe had joined little church band, so she had several independent activities on her list: Cleaning job, practice clarinet, silent reading, math drill, read to Joshua, misc assigned from our reading and math lessons, biography reading, geography workbook… 2. Typical afternoonI read history and science with herWe also baked, cooked, organized, and played with Joshua throughout the dayMost days were similarSaved some intense lessons for when Joshua nappedShe was picked up at 3:30 when Mom got off work unless it was art class or Y night or mid-week service

    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • (1.) Within a few months of homeschooling Lisa, we went to a character training seminar held at a local church/Christian school

    This was taught by Ron and Rebekah Coriele almost forty years ago. Mrs. Coriel told a story about the oldest daughter who told her friend she couldn’t be dishonest because…” my mom won’t see, but God will”We knew that his character-filled lifestyle was what we wanted for our family.

    (2) We began immediately.

    Nursing home ministry Explaining everything Character teaching Scheduling Deference DiligenceFollowing instructions

    (3) Our approach did have some downfalls that would later take us years to figure out and fix.

    Everything was black and white (which is good in parenting but not a great world view when trying to teach empathy etc ). We were choosy in who we should serve—and gave a negative impression to our kids about people who didn’t agree with us.


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • (1) My history of discovering Dailies.

    (2) If I can’t keep up with the dailies, how will I do harder and harder things with homeschooling and home management as our family grows?

    (3) Early on with Joshua as a toddler—Dishes, Laundry, and Trash every day before anything else.

    (3) Dailies grew as our family grew.

    Morning routines for kids for personal dailiesHouse Dailies—everybody’s daily chores My personal Dailies Evening Dailies

    (4) Peak of our homeschooling with several students

    Dailies—dishes, laundry, trash woven into daily chore sessions Youngest child who could do the job did it!

    (5) Today—two empty nesters with 100+ students coming in and out every day and 24 family members (10 little ones!) in and out

    We both have our Dailies for the house I have my personal Dailies in the morning and evening Still living the “Dailies” life!

    Check out my downloadable, undated “Prioritizing Planner”—where you’ll learn how to prioritize each day—after your dailies, of course!


    Subscribe to Language Arts Lady at the blog, YouTube, and I-Tunes so you don’t miss an episode of “Our Homeschool History” and “10 Minute Grammar”!


    Grab my freebie for the first two weeks of February—Keep Close Coupons. Perfect for ❤️ Day!



    Subject line: What do Dailies look like? (Our Homeschool History 6)

    Happy February, !

    This week’s episode of “Our Homeschool History” is more about those “Dailies”—specifically what Dailies looked like for us over the past forty years!

    1) My history of discovering Dailies.

    (2) If I can’t keep up with the dailies, how will I do harder and harder things with homeschooling and home management as our family grows?

    (3) Early on with Joshua as a toddler—Dishes, Laundry, and Trash every day before anything else.

    (3) Dailies grew as our family grew.

    Morning routines for kids for personal dailiesHouse Dailies—everybody’s daily chores My personal Dailies Evening Dailies

    (4) Peak of our homeschooling with several students

    Dailies—dishes, laundry, trash woven into daily chore sessions Youngest child who could do the job did it!

    (5) Today—two empty nesters with 100+ students coming in and out every day and 24 family members (10 little ones!) in and out

    We both have our Dailies for the house I have my personal Dailies in the morning and evening Still living the “Dailies” life!

    I want so many great things for you and your students!

    Love and hope


    aka language arts lady

    LAL—one-stop writing source for ages 8 to 18!

    P.S. Check out my downloadable, undated “Prioritizing Planner”—where you’ll learn how to prioritize each day—after your dailies, of course!

    P.S.S. Grab my freebie for the first two weeks of February—Keep Close Coupons. Perfect for ❤️ Day!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Come along with me on my journey to share Our Homeschool History.

    Here are some of the things I share in this episode:

    1) Always a big thinker/doer—huge responsibilities when 12; taking on big projects on student council; projects in teachers college were my delight (as long as they didn’t take art skills or laminating!); homemaker—endless projects!

    2) First year of homeschooling eighth-grade sister; Joshua was one

    3) Ray came home and took him by hand to show him projects (laminated shelf labels that I had colored out of coloring books, animals divided by jungle, farm, aquatic, etc, closets, and drawer, etc)

    4) Elaborate systems—laminated and contact paper boxes, put stickers on the baby wipe containers people gave me, so much detail that neither I nor anyone else could keep it up.

    5) Dishes, laundry, undressed toddler, etc all undone —Ray always rescued me as he affectionately called me a “closet lady”!

    6) Read sidetracked home executive—divided into dailies, weeklies, etc

    7) Learned about the dailies!!! These would come to make a significant impact on our homeschool and my mental health (!) in years to come

    8) Dailies—the things you do habitually each day—before other “extra” things

    Check out my downloadable, undated “Prioritizing Planner”—where you’ll learn how to prioritize each day—after your dailies, of course! https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-Prioritizing-Planner-2315748

    Subscribe to Language Arts Lady at the blog, YouTube, and I-Tunes so you don’t miss an episode of “Our Homeschool History” and “10 Minute Grammar”! https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling! I want so many great things for you and your students!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/ Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/ 2022-2023

    Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to Episode #4 of Our Homeschool History. I love this episode so much as I dig into one of my favorite topics—-littles! Oh, how I love the littles! Here is the scoop of today's episode: How we knew that homeschooling would become our lifeHow we learned early on that the secret to success with homeschooling lies in developing systems and structuresHow I designed my toddler’s day for learning, play, rest, character formation, and fun!How I used time well to teach my sister while also meeting our toddler’s needs.How we focused on creating a love for learning from babyhoodBaby choresMuch more! I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling! I want so many great things for you and your students!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10 Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to Episode #3 of Our Homeschool History.

    This episode delves more deeply into our first year of homeschooling—when I was twenty years old; was married for a year and a half; had a one-year-old toddler; had just graduated from Ball State University with an elementary education degree; and more:

    My young age of beginning homeschooling as a twenty-year-old teaching my eighth grade sisterHow I was thrusted into homeschool leadership as a twenty-year-old---teacher/covering for Ohio homeschoolers; vendor at the first Indiana homeschool convention; taught others about homeschoolingThe summer I read ten homeschool books, and we began going to homeschool conventions and seminarsMeeting Dr. Raymond Moore, the founder of Christian homeschoolingUsing one of the first curricula available early on—Home Grown Kids by Dr. Raymond MooreA tailored curriculum to Lisa’s level in each subjectBack to the basicsReading a few times a day: silent reading at her silent reading level; oral reading at her learning level; read aloud by me at her listening levelFocusing on taking her out of her comfort zone to help her become more social, self-assured, etc.Super successful year in which she went from second grade reading level to sixth grade reading level

    I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling!

    I want so many great things for you and your students!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE

    Our Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10 Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to Episode #2 of Our Homeschool History. I don't talk much about politics---ever! But our beginning to homeschooling was very politically and socially-driven (complete with home visits, principal meetings, and much more!). So this episode is about our first year with legal action, Dr. Raymond Moore's visit, fear, and a little politics.

    Here is the scoop of today's episode (my only political episode ever--I promise!):

    The first dozen families homeschooling in our little townThe first Indiana Homeschool ConventionHome visits, social workers, principal conferences, and more -Spending the day with Dr. Raymond Moore, the founder of ChristianHomeschooling during his deposition for a Union City familyLast family standing?Umbrella teacher for Ohio families in our areaLisa's tailor-made curriculum through Home Grown KidsHow much I ADORE homeschoolingMuch more!

    I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling!

    I want so many great things for you and your students!


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/

    Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish

    How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE Our

    Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

    How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/

    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/

    10 Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/

    Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart

    Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

    All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/

    How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to the first episode of a broadcast that will span a nearly-four-decade period of homeschooling! In today’s episode, I go back thirty-eight years ago when we began homeschooling my younger sister (eighth grade) with a toddler in tow: Why a 21 year old young mom who just graduated from college with a teaching degree was drawn to homeschoolingHow we “fell” into homeschooling, which would become a way of life for usWhat homeschooling was like in Indiana in the early 80’s—and how we attended the first state homeschool convention!The difficulty in getting materials then (and “under the table” purchases from Christian schools)The political climate during the early daysHow we were able to bring my sister up multiple grade levels on one academic yearMuch more! This episode is a little longer than what I’ll typically do. So keep watching for these ten-minute episodes and be motivated, inspired, and taught through my ups and downs, successes and mistakes.


    Look me up for more information and links to my resources:

    Language Arts Lady Blog

    Language Arts Lady Store

    Teachers Pay Teachers Store

    How I Teach YouTube Channel

    How I Teach Episodes

    Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel

    Our Homeschool History Episodes on LAL blog


    Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)

    10 Minute Grammar Podcast


    Facebook/Language Arts Lady

    Punctuation Puzzles

    2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring

    LAL Freebie of the Month

    How I Teach iTunes

  • Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching phrases, subject verb agreement, prepositions, and more!

    Quick Review of Part I of This Two Part Series (#51):

    CAVES—Capital, All makes sense, Verb, End mark, Subject; how to teach students torecognize a sentence with that acronym (see my CAVES posters and reference ring cardshere! (https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Sentence-Building-Posters-and-Reference-Rings-Grammar-Posters-6978892)How to help students memorize MANY subordinatorsThe value of using check sentences and mnemonics and clues!Using weekly Think Fast Grammar Quizzes from 3rd grade on to memorize parts ofspeech (Beginner and Advanced)

    On to this week’s content:

    Differences between phrases and clausesReasons for learning prepositionsHow to teach where a prepositional phrase begins and where it endsHow to teach students more than one hundred prepositions (Hint: Use oneof these packets from my TPT store— Bugs on a Log, Beauty and BeastPreposition Packet, or Preposition Packet)Writing with prepositional phrasesIsolating prepositional phrases to locate and match subject/verbPunctuating sentences with prepositional phrase openersMuch more!

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching sentences and clauses (phrases will be in episode #52).

    Here are some of the highlights of this episode:

    CAVES—Capital, All makes sense, Verb, End mark, Subject; how to teach students to recognize a sentence with that acronym (see my CAVES posters and reference ring cards here!) https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Sentence-Building-Posters-and-Reference-Rings-Grammar-Posters-6978892Independent clause vs. Dependent clauseSentence is independentSubordinate clause is dependentHow to teach students to recognize when they have written a subordinate clause vs. when they have written a sentenceWhat are subordinatorsUses for subordinatorsHow to help students memorize MANY subordinatorsThe value of using check sentences and mnemonics and clues!How to teach the creation of complex sentences using subordinate clauses and real sentences joined legally!Much more!

    It’s all here in this week’s HIT---where each week, I bring you tips, tricks, and techniques for teaching writing, language arts, grammar, and more (to grades two through twelve) drawing upon my 100+ curriculum books totaling over 50,000 pages.

    Note: This lesson came from The Write Right Quick Kit, an upper level, teacher, parent downloadable book!

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I talk about the littles. The second and third graders who aren’t quite through all of their phonics lessons yet (in many cases). The ones who would love to write if someone would take them by the hand and help them.

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching paragraph breaks and give a lot of my “paragraph theory” and “pre-writing theory.” Paragraph breaks is often a difficult concept for students. And teaching paragraph breaks is also difficult.

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I continue with more essay teaching for middle school/junior high—but with a “research slat” that helps this age group move from essay writing to report writing. And… you can use the Teacher's Notebook over and over again to teach any three paragraph body (optional opening and closing paragraphs) that are three aspects of one thing!

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teach a five-paragraph essay—a super-duper fun writing project for students in fourth through eighth grades (with tweaks for going lower or higher in grades for this assignment!). The reason I say it is super-duper fun is because my students light up when they get to write these fun five paragraph types of projects. They are fun essays that lean into research just enough to get students gathering info to make their essays sing!

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I am (once again!) excited to teach you how I teach! I’m especially excited because this episode involves teaching elementary students. Yay for the littles!

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

  • Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, we turn our attention to another mechanism to help students learn to write informational paragraphs. Writing informational paragraphs in which students get information from a source, outline from it, and write a paper in their own words based on that source’s content can be overwhelming. We teach students how to read, comprehend, and synthesize information by using various outlining approaches, mapping, brainstorming, etc.

    Find everything you need here!Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMaster (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebookFree writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebiesAll of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.comHow I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393