Kids & Family – Hongkong – Kiinan e.h.a. – Uudet podcastit

  • A series of real conversations with Australian mums and first time founders about new product development and small business success.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • 在這個新世代裡,我們都在面對家庭、職場、教育、健康、人際關係..等等的每一個領域。如何能夠活得開心與自由,健康與豐盛,取決於人內心的心態。透過自我的人生經歷,期待能激勵鼓舞你,邁向更美好的人生。


    Line ID:newinnovation


    📱 免費下載【SoundOn 聲浪】APP,完整收聽所有精彩節目。
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Sooopodcast 親子丼․親子台 4月開台啦~~~

    #親子丼 隨時點播有關小朋友題材的節目,內容千奇百趣。無論是『細聲講大聲笑』、『飛天遁地』、『寶寶心底話』、『聲音導航繪本』、『揹書包去返學』、『孩子講上班』的節目~

    #親子丼 都是一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台

    每逢週一 | 最新Podcast準時上架

  • Book 3 in the series of Arthurian legends - retold at an easy-to-read level for younger readers!
    Grown-Ups, want to listen to this audiobook in full with the whole family? Subscribe to Starglow Plus on Apple Podcasts at

  • 嗨,我是品希,一個居家工作的媽媽,這是疫情期間,我和孩子一起讀社會課本的內容,和大家分享。

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • "On The Go" is a Come Follow Me based podcast designed for families that are in the car and on the go. Each week scriptural stories are shared in a short and sweet kid friendly manner to keep little ears engaged and interested. In addition, simple questions are provided to encourage families to come closer to Christ all while utilizing family drive time.

  • Daily small but mighty stories for kids. Stories, images, and voices are A.I.—ideas are submitted by you.

    Each day, we release a new captivating tale crafted by our A.I. coauthors, bringing unique characters, worlds, and narratives inspired by listener-submitted ideas to life. Delve into a fascinating blend of genres, from the whimsical to the profound, all presented through engaging narratives, enchanting illustrations, and expressive voices.

    An exploration of a new kind of storytelling, powered by

  • Jason & Myles are coffee addicted dads that take you to the best coffee shops, introduce you to the incredible people in the coffee world and tell you the must-have drinks to order. Grab a cup and find out what it really takes to get the best cup of coffee and how to stay sane (or go insane) as dads!

  • Sillonnez Hochelaga-Maisonneuve en suivant l’histoire magique et cosmique qu’ont créé.e.s spécialement pour nous par des auteur.e.s du quartier.

    Découvrez le balado, mais aussi les illustration disposées sur une installation extérieure dans le quartier.

  • Подкаст о том, какие недетские вопросы ставят перед нами детские мультфильмы. Предназначение, дружба, эмоциональный интеллект, умение постоять за себя, внутренняя опора и даже утрата близкого человека.

    Как Эльза из Холодного сердца учит нас доверять людям, а слоненок Дамбо помогает справляться со школьной травлей? Какой в реальности была индейская принцесса Покахонтас? Как ворчун Карл из фильма Вверх показывает нам старость? Слушайте и обсуждайте с детьми или просто для себя раскрывайте тайны мультиков! Ведущая Мария Григорян - психотерапевт, автор блога по воспитанию детей и мама двух мальчиков.

    Этот подкаст делает студия «Богема» совместно с сервисом «Строки».

    Мария в соцсетях:

    Другая соцсеть @maria.promam
    Студия подкастов «Богема»:

  • 生孩子前,沒有人教過我們如何當個好家長,大家幾乎都是在小孩出生後,不斷在養育的五里迷霧中,摸索與跌倒,這常讓人感到挫折與無力……

    資深家長吳蕙名,是兩岸知名親職教育講師 、衛福部家長手冊編輯委員、作家、心理諮詢師、教保員,兒子大學將畢業。


    ★ ★ ★





    不再秒崩潰!不大吼大叫的淡定教養法:24個父母穩定情緒策略x 14項親子共好教養工具

    🌻 歡迎追蹤吳蕙名老師粉專

    ☆ 暴走小孩 淡定父母 《親職教養》

    ☆ 吳蕙名的特殊兒情緒教養與相處 】《社團》

    ☆ 吳蕙名心園地:成為完整的自己 《個人成長》

    ☆ ☆ ☆


    🌻 歡迎追蹤芯芯老師粉專




    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Doing some kid home lessons and some educational talks that will help your kids I am a teacher

  • Aqui descubriremos la magia de la literatura infantil. Son alabras dirigidas a padres y maestros para resaltar la importancia de leerles historias a los niños.

  • Welcome to the Just Chill Parenting podcast, where parenthood and sleep meet in a compassionate space. Hosted by Rosey Davidson, the founder of Just Chill Baby Sleep, this podcast is your go-to source for non-judgmental advice and support. As a bestselling author, speaker, and mother of three, Rosey brings expertise and empathy to your parenting journey. The mission? To make sleep information accessible to all parents. Tune in for answers to your sleep questions, insights into parenting dilemmas, and even some relatable rants.

  • Jesus encourages us to have faith like a child, but let's face it -- kids ask questions that can be hard for parents and caregivers to answer, especially when it comes to questions of Christian faith. Where were we before we were born? Who is Jesus? When Noah and his family got off the ark, were there dead bodies everywhere? Well, if a child can ask the hard questions about the Bible, that means we can, too. Join hosts Morgan Feddes Satre and Maegen Clark as we discuss some of the hardest questions in Christianity and try to figure out how to respond to the ones who always seem to ask us these questions: our kids. On a brief hiatus for maternity leave as of December 2023; episodes should resume in spring 2024 and will come out once a month. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to The Babywearing Club Podcast hosted by Babywearing Educator Karla Castro where we explore different aspects of the art and practice of babywearing. This podcast is for you if you love carrying your baby close, want to know more about the world of babywearing and learn how you can weave it into so many areas of baby care and early childhood parenting. My hope is to encourage, inform and support you in your parenting journey, helping you to carry your little one close in a pleasantly simple way. Happy Wearing!