Sports – Slovenia – Suositellut podcastit
Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb
A Niagara Region based Canadian Sports Podcast Network delivered By Sports Fans, For Sports Fans that strives to bring you coverage & content of all major North American Sports.
NBA on ESPN is your one-stop podcast feed to catch all of ESPN’s original NBA podcast titles, including The Lowe Post, Brian Windhorst and the Hoop Collective, The Woj Pod and more! You won’t miss an episode, including expanded coverage of the top events on the NBA calendar.
Najnovejsi podcast za vse kosarkarske sladokusce! Gorenc, Zabar in Stajerc smo druscina, ki Vas bo hranila s kosarkarsko tematiko!
Podkast Delove športne redakcije, v katerem gostimo izstopajoče akterje iz sveta športa. V pogovorni oddaji v studiu gostimo športnike, trenerje, analitike in podrobne opazovalce iz športnih panog, ki so v središču pozornosti športne javnosti in prinašajo vpogled v zakulisje, njihovo doživljanje uspehov in cilje, ki so še pred njimi.
Voditelj: Nejc Grilc -
Nov podkast vodilne slovenske športne televizije. AS Podkast odkriva vse razsežnosti športa in kreše raznolika mnenja. Naši voditelji, novinarji in zanimivi gostje k vam pošljejo nov pogovor o raznolikih športnih tematikah vsakih 14 dni.
Living An Ultra Life: How running can help you overcome obstacles. Ten years ago, chaos erupted in multiple areas of my life, creating a “perfect storm” strong enough to kill most of my hopes and dreams. Running helped me begin to dream again. -
⚓Le Groupe Beneteau, c’est 140 ans d’aventures en mer, de bateaux iconiques, d’innovations, de récits sportifs, d’audace… Une saga familiale vendéenne devenue, au fil de l’eau, acteur mondial de l’industrie nautique. Au gré des époques, nous vous invitons à remonter le temps, à la découverte de l’Odyssée du Groupe Beneteau. Un podcast raconté par Michel Desjoyeaux.
Delova športna redakcija predstavlja nogometni podkast VAR, ki bo v vaših avdio aplikacijah z novimi epizodami na voljo vsak začetek tedna.
After my 2012 Thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, my life was changed forever. The challenge of big adventure had me hooked. I soon set a goal of sailing alone and without stopping around the world. In 2017-18, I did just that! Since then, I have taken my podcast aboard my Westsail32 as well as in my everyday life. The shows are a mix of my own past experiences along with interviews of everyday people that have a seemingly endless number of stories themselves.
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What started as a podcast about sailing has evolved into my way to sit down with people from all walks of life and share our experiences with the listener. I hope you enjoy the podcast and help it grow into the future. -
Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every week on the award winning Women’s Running podcast, we talk all things running, women, health and fitness with our own brand of happy, irreverent chat. Esther and Holly talk through their training highs and lows, and all the bits and pieces in-between. Every so often, we invite an expert to join us to help us figure out the confusing worlds of training, recovery, nutrition, health and more. And sometimes we get to talk to an incredible woman from the world of running, from Anna McNuff to Paula Radcliffe, Susie Chan to Nicky Spinks. So why do we do it? Because we realised that most of the running podcasts we listened to were full of blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (and we realised that we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). Right here, we talk about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health, seagull attacks and wild weeing. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running podcast, and it’s for women who love to run. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Pun intended...
As the Founder and CEO of Plus Plyos, the world renowned platform for plyometric and dynamic movement, Matt McInnes Watson MSc has a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to coaching successful movers world-over.
Matt chats with your favourite industry experts to discover their coaching and business practices, invaluable lessons learned throughout their journeys, and of course, to delve into dynamic and plyometric training.
Who will be next to Hop On the Poddy? -
Join Isaac Harris of the Dallas Mavericks every Monday morning as he takes a stroll through Mavsland to talk about the latest news and storylines around Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Mavs.
Košarkarski podcast za ballerje, trenerje, starše in vse košarkarske navdušence. O čem bomo govorili? O načinu treniranja, razvoju mladih košarkarjev in vsakdanu profesionalcev. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na slovensko košarko. Gosti prihajajo iz vseh nivojev košarke: igralci in igralke, košarkarski & kondicijski trenerji, fizioterapevti, skavti, menedžerji… Tisti, ki želite biti boljši košarkarji ali pa dobiti košarkarske novice iz prve roke ste vabljeni, da nam prisluhnete!
Welcome to the T'd Up Podcast with Keith and Dawit! We are Sports Journalism majors at Arizona State University. In this podcast, we will talk about All things Sports, Music, Fashion, and Culture. Welcome to the show!
On the TTM Sports show you can guarantee the fiercest sporting opinions from the Two James’. As the guys delve into all of sports biggest issues. Focusing mainly on Football and Boxing but they will not shy away from any topic! Big Interviews with Ex Pros and current Coaches from the sporting world previously featuring such names as Peter Drury, Matt Jarvis, Dave Coldwell, Mark Halsey, Gary “Spike” O’Sullivan, Kit Symons, John Salako and Efe Sodje, as well as football fans who want to challenge our opinions. Making for some explosive debates! Real sport, by the fans, for the fans!
Podcast, v katerem novinarji in sodelavci Šport TV z gosti debatirajo o športu.
Welcome to the Performance Psychology Podcast. We’re here to talk about performance. We discuss topics of leadership, individual and team experience, mental health, resilience, mindset and more. We want to start a conversation about the experiences performers have, get inside their brains, and share the unique stories of high performers here at Drew University.
Welcome to The Crazy AEK fan podcast. Join me your host, Teddy as I talk about all things AEK, the super league and news from the Greek sports world. I will be covering all of AEK’s games and breaking down the pre and post matches. Stay tuned as I share my joys and frustrations about the club we all love so much.
Timi Max Elšnik vodi igro v zvezni vrsti, zdaj pa tudi svoj Podcast!
- Näytä enemmän