Science – Taiwan – Uudet podcastit
Taking politics and dogma out of medicine to help you live your best life.
Naturistic is a podcast about ecology, evolution, plants and animals in a conversational format that even a casual science fan will enjoy.
The most exciting and groundbreaking discoveries about life on Earth are made through scientific research. For better or worse, these findings are published in the dry, scholarly format of peer-reviewed science journals. The Naturistic podcast brings that knowledge to you in the form of an hour-long conversation between friends and perpetually curious biology enthusiasts. In each episode, biologist Nash Turley, PhD, decodes scientific studies on a specific topic of biology and discusses them with co-host and biology lightweight, Hamilton Boyce. -
Use a conversational approach to introduce a research.--Hosting provided by SoundOn
頻道內容:包涵鬼故事、時事關聯、我的所見所聞…等,大概是不專心經營的頻道,總之想聽就聽, 覺得跟你的理念或者是你的觀念有衝突,那就不要逼自己,拒聽吧!選擇自己想要的吧。
Array Café is your go-to podcast for all things sensors! Dive deep into the fascinating world of sensors and explore the technology that’s shaping our future. Each episode brings you closer to the brilliant minds and innovators behind these incredible devices, uncovering their stories, insights, and the latest advancements in the field. Whether you’re an engineer, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about how sensors impact our everyday lives, Array Café offers a fresh perspective on the science and people driving this ever-evolving industry. Brought to you with generous support from the IEEE Sensors Council, join us as we decode the sensors of today and imagine the possibilities of tomorrow.
Distinguished Lecturer Program:
Conferences: -
🌿Blueseeds 芙彤園的永續理念:
🌿Blueseeds 芙彤園三大堅持:
✓ 自然農法 + 原株萃取
✓ Less is more 回歸自然手造,簡單 最好
✓ 低壓提煉 + 自然熟成
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羽林生態團夥伴,邀請各生態領域的好朋友們,一起來羽林聊天,聊野外經驗、聊保育議題、聊故事八卦、聊理念願景......。聽大家閒聊,瞭解生態工作的點點滴滴。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Get the latest news and insights on Boeing with the 'Boeing News Tracker' podcast. Stay informed on Boeing's innovations, aerospace developments, and major projects, including updates on aircraft, space exploration, and technology advancements. Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, industry professional, or just curious about Boeing's impact on the world, this podcast delivers timely updates and expert analysis. Subscribe now to keep up with all things Boeing and never miss a beat in the aerospace industry.
Katie Wood, Physicist, and husband John Wood, Blind Rehab Specialist, laughing with each other about the absurdities, chaos, and wonder all around them in a north suburb of Austin, TX. Passion and curiosity in and beyond the mundane matters.
Разбираемся в дебрях физики и отвечаем на самые интересные вопросы: что такое материя, почему скорость света именно такая, как превратить материю в энергию или что такое информация с физической точки зрения. Когда вы узнаете насколько в физике много всего интересного, то пожалеете, что в школе не особенно тщательно изучали этот великолепный предмет.
Автор проекта к.т.н., Юрий Трифонов - научный сотрудник, популяризатор науки, автор книг и учебных пособий. Руководит проектами "Инженерные знания", "Изобретатель" и "Дебри физики".
Although water is abundant in national parks and a primary source for recreation, it is essential to understand the potential hazards that are a part of interacting with water. The collection will expose viewers to some of the potential hazards that water can pose.
“每個人的靈魂都充滿了愛的香氣!有時自己聞得到,有時聞不到!人人都擁有沐浴真善美,傳遞喚醒希望&愛與和平的氣息,在內在覺知甦醒的當下-獨見彩繪心生命的生活藝術家!香氣是我們本有的天使羽翼!乘著音符的香氣,活出天賦的光影、舞動、擁抱生命再一次呼吸的勇氣!”-「心靈童話 星星的孩子」如果常常感到睡不著,不想睡,沒有睡意等,歡迎來到星聚落,創造讓自己感到安心的氣息,打造讓自己歡喜放鬆的空間,進入內在,與星對話 !星星的孩子擁有多重的感知,視聽觸味嗅和超感知的心靈能力!來自星星的孩子們在地球頻率轉化的揚升階段中醒覺,在夢境的旅程中甦醒並進行身心的修復,逐漸憶起愛的使命。星星的孩子擁有很多超敏感超纖細的多感知接收天線,有時會 “太情緒化 ,想太多,鑽牛角尖,多愁善感,太纖細”,睡眠很淺,容易因光線,聲音或氣味的變化而醒來,睡眠品質常常不是很優。很多藝術家,創意工作者,影視製作人,舞蹈表演家,音樂工作者,文化藝術工作者,文字創作者等都來自星星的國度!這群天賦才華出眾的孩子們多具有天生的明星特質和群眾魅力及大眾影響力,這些美麗的靈魂降臨地球,透過自身的生命旅程和由心而發的創作,引導人們看見自己的星特質,憶起自己即是愛的存在,活出幸福的生命,為世界傳遞真善美,愛與和平的振動能量,祝福地球與所有的生命共生共榮!也是引導人們走入彩虹星世紀的天使使者,和人們一起見證美善純淨,充滿愛與光的美麗地球!
這些保養資訊都是''他們''不希望你從社交媒體得到的!除了詐騙,社群媒體、社交媒體都在阻擋每個人知道事實,也就是不讓大家有言論自由的力量。太多言論都被錢控制住了,消費者都得不到相對等的真實資訊,就只能當待宰羔羊任人宰割,太多人甚至是無知的而社群媒體為了阻止這一切,減少某些貼文曝光、觸及、自然流量。我們沒有任何變現與業配,單純想傳達事實讓大家資訊互通,減少資訊落差。如果各位有在經營自媒體的人,千萬不要來Follow我們,因為這樣也會導致你的流量曝光變少,你看過哪些貼文、follow哪些人,都會影響到您的社交帳號流量發展。''他們''根據你的一舉一動,來認定你是不是他們想要曝光的帳號。供勉之--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Buen@s días/tardes/noches
地工技術基金會成立逾40年,過去40年間,台灣地工界已積累豐富知識與經驗,彷若藏經閣。這些內容,希望藉由Podcast的傳播、訪談過程,帶給新生代地工人承先啟後的視野與傳承。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
芯存善念,拓展成蒝。新北市新蒝志工協會是小草的地方組織,由新北三峽、鶯歌、樹林、土城、板橋、林口等區域的夥伴共同發起,希望將理念落實為行動。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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熊哥 。水晶礦石能量療癒師 。個人晶礦規劃師、家庭&商業空間晶礦規劃師 📣Podcast每週更新 🔍熊哥的礦坑IG: 🔍輸入天使數字444,立刻加入粉絲社團,掌握最新資訊: Powered by Firstory Hosting--Hosting provided by SoundOn
I make podcasts about science and other cool stuff.
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