What a wild ride this has been, so many ups and downs and totally unexpected emotions, the best way to explain this experience is "a rollercoaster ride". In this episode we share with you our experience becoming first time parents. Enjoy
How were our 20s? Did we drink, party all the time, meditated? In the episode we share our experience and reflect on how things were plus share our advice for anyone going through their 20s now. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love
Episodes manquant?
Our first episode on our story was received well and many shared how perfect a couple/team we were, so it's only right to share this episode on the behind the scenes of our love. It requires a lot of work, reflection and being very self aware of our triggers & Traumas. I hope you enjoy Ep2 of Beyond the Surface.
Starting this podcast with a detail account of how we met and the mindset we had jumping into our union. It was fun reflecting on how we started and hopefully this story has some relationship tips/gems here and there. Enjoy.