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Anyone who does not have a personal time with God is a timebomb; it is only a matter of time before you fall. In this sermon, Pastor Charles talks about the importance of having a personal time with God (Personal Bible Study, Personal Prayer Time, Personal Schedule for listening to the podcast, Reading Christian Literature etc). He shares that joining Moment of Hope( Pastor Charles’ Radio Program from 10pm-11pm on YT and Asaase Radio 98.5), Alpha Hour etc should NOT replace your personal time with God. They are mediums through which God empowers you for your personal time with Him! They are not replacements! Amen?🧏♀️ -
In this sermon, Pastor Charles talks about the three kinds of race we must run as believers; the race of SHINING OUR LIGHT AS BELIEVERS, SERVING GOD and the race of SOUL WINNING. Apostle Paul showed us that it is possible to work (He was a tent maker ⛺️ yet wrote 1/3rd of the New Testament !) and still have time to run the race God has set. He did not give excuses! God is expecting you to strike a balance. Let nothing separate you from the love of God. Do not be entangled with the race of this life. Be conscious of ETERNITY. Amen?🤌🏾
God has set a race before us, as believers. But, there are things that prevent us from running the race with speed. In this sermon, Pastor Charles mentions sin, distant relationship with the Holy Spirit among others as crucial things to take notice of in order to run this race with speed! Anything that takes you far from God and not closer to God, is an arrow from the enemy. Be blessed by this sermon! Hallelujah!🙌
It is not enough for God to use you to accomplish what He wants to do. There is something in your life God wants to work upon. That is why you must have a personal time with God! In this sermon, Pastor Charles emphasizes that us believers, we must learn to go before God every time, even as we are being used by Him. Church activities should NEVER be a replacement for a personal devotion with God. Let God satisfy your thirst🚰! Drink from God! It is your walk WITH God that sustains you in your WORK for God!✅
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