
  • Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or burned out? You’re not alone. In this episode, we explore the reality of burnout in our fast-paced world and how to find renewal and strength through faith. Whether you’re struggling with chronic fatigue, stress, or just feeling drained, this episode offers practical strategies and spiritual encouragement to help you navigate these challenging times. What is Burnout? Burnout is more than just feeling tired; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed, detached, and depleted. For working moms, the constant demands can make it hard to find balance. Recognizing burnout signs—such as chronic fatigue, irritability, and lack of motivation—is the first step toward addressing it. Biblical Insights on Burnout: Burnout is not a state God intends for us. He offers wisdom in His Word to help us find rest and renewal. Jesus invites us to come to Him with our heavy loads, and Psalm 23:1-3 provides beautiful imagery of rest and restoration. God desires to refresh and renew us, knowing our limits and offering spiritual nourishment. Practical Steps to Manage Burnout: 1. Establish Boundaries: Set limits to protect your time and energy. Say no to extra commitments that don’t align with your priorities. 2. Prioritize Biblical Self-Care: Make time for activities that rejuvenate you. Self-care is essential for maintaining well-being. 3. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or a counselor. Reaching out can provide relief and lighten your load. 4. Create Restful Rhythms: Incorporate practices like prayer, deep breathing, and adequate sleep into your routine to manage stress. 5. Reflect and Reassess: Regularly review your priorities and commitments. Adjust as needed to stay aligned with what matters most to you. Burnout doesn’t have to be permanent. Through God’s grace, we can find new strength and energy. 2 Corinthians 4:16 reminds us that God is renewing us day by day, even when we feel depleted. These moments of burnout can be viewed as invitations from God to seek peace and renewal in Him.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

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    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Anxiety is something many moms struggle with, but it doesn’t have to control your life. In today’s episode, we’re tackling the difficult topic of anxiety, especially for busy, working Christian moms. Between balancing work, raising kids, managing our homes, and living out our faith, it’s easy for anxiety to creep in unnoticed. But God’s peace is available to you, even in the most overwhelming moments. Join us as we explore 4 practical steps to overcome anxiety and experience God’s peace in your everyday life. Episode Highlights: 1. Acknowledge the Anxiety but Don’t Let It Define You Anxiety is something we all experience, and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your faith. Philippians 4:6 reminds us to take our anxious thoughts to God through prayer, knowing we are not meant to carry these burdens alone. Give yourself grace—acknowledge the anxiety, but remember that your identity is not in your worry; it's in being a beloved daughter of God. 2. Finding Peace in God’s Promises Isaiah 26:3 speaks of God keeping us in perfect peace when our minds are fixed on Him. Meditate on God’s promises: He is with you (Deuteronomy 31:6), has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11), and His peace surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7). Scripture is a powerful tool to combat anxiety. Write down or speak out verses to remind yourself of God’s unshakable truth. 3. Practical Steps to Manage Anxiety as a Christian MomStart Your Day with Quiet Time: Even 5-10 minutes of prayer or meditation can set a peaceful tone for your day. Breathe and Pause: Practice taking deep breaths and saying a short prayer whenever anxiety creeps in. Don’t Be Afraid to Say No: Set healthy boundaries by saying no to commitments that don’t align with your priorities. Ask for Help: Reach out to your support system. Don’t try to carry the weight alone—God created us to live in community. 4. Leaning on God's Strength 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. When you feel overwhelmed, lean into God’s grace, knowing that it’s okay to feel weak because His strength is sufficient for you. Anxiety doesn’t define you, and it doesn’t have the final say over your life. God’s peace is always available, no matter what you're facing. Through prayer, meditation on God’s Word, and practical steps like setting boundaries and asking for help, you can experience His peace even in the busiest seasons.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

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  • In today’s episode, we are talking about how to recognize God’s faithfulness even in the busiest seasons of life. Life can feel overwhelming, but we can trust in God’s steady presence, even when things feel uncertain. We’ll explore practical ways to tune into His voice, ask Him for a focus word to guide us, and most importantly, take action on what He’s saying. As Christian working moms, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness, but today we’ll learn how to step back and anchor ourselves in God's faithfulness. Key

    Discussion Points:

    Recognizing God's Faithfulness: No matter the season, God is constant. Discover how to look for His faithfulness in every moment, especially during challenging times.

    Asking God for a Fresh Word: In the midst of busy lives, it’s important to pause and ask, "God, what are You saying to me right now?" Find out how asking this question can bring clarity and peace, allowing us to move from feeling overwhelmed to grounded in His will.

    Taking Action: Hearing God’s voice is just the beginning. Discover the power of taking small, faithful steps in response to what God is calling you to do, even when it stretches you outside your comfort zone.

    Choosing a Focus Word for the Season: Learn how a simple focus word can help you stay grounded and connected to God’s guidance. Whether it’s "faithfulness," "rest," or "surrender," find out how a focus word can anchor your faith in any season.

    Bible Verses Referenced: Lamentations 3:22-23 – "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." James 2:17 – "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, we come together to lift up a heartfelt prayer for working moms who are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply in need of encouragement as they start the new season ahead. Whether you're juggling work, family, and faith or just need a moment to breathe, this prayer is said on your behalf to help you pause, reflect, and invite God’s peace into your life.

    Use this episode as a resource to pray whenever you need support or to feel grounded in God's presence. Plus, discover how you can connect with a like-minded community of Christian moms over on Facebook or reach out to me personally. Tune in for a powerful moment of prayer and renewal!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Are you feeling the weight of stress as a busy Christian mom? Whether it’s the start of a new school year or just the busyness of life, it can be hard to juggle everything while staying strong in your faith. In this episode, we dive deep into how to find strength, peace, and balance even when life feels overwhelming.

    Join us as we discuss how you can shift your mindset and lean into God’s presence during busy seasons. You’ll walk away with encouragement and practical strategies to help you manage your time, prioritize what matters, and avoid burnout.

    What You’ll Learn:

    How to stop feeling paralyzed by overwhelm and take the next right stepThe importance of giving yourself grace as a mom and trusting in God’s planHow to realign your priorities to reflect your faith and values

    Whether you're balancing work, family, or personal responsibilities, this episode will equip you with the tools you need to navigate stressful seasons with confidence and strength rooted in God.

    Tune in to find peace and purpose in your busy life!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, we tackle a struggle that many working Christian moms face: people-pleasing. While the desire to serve and care for others is deeply rooted in our faith, it can easily turn into a need for approval, leading to burnout, resentment, and a loss of joy. We explore how to break free from the cycle of people-pleasing by understanding our true identity in Christ, setting healthy boundaries, and making decisions that honor God and align with our core values.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    The difference between serving others and people-pleasingUnderstanding your true identity in Christ and finding your worth in HimPractical steps to overcome people-pleasing:Seeking God's approval first in all decisionsIdentifying your core values and prioritiesPracticing saying "no" with graceThe importance of setting and guarding healthy boundaries to protect your time and energyHow to stay grounded in your faith and resist the pressure to please everyone

    Practical Takeaways:

    Learn to say "no" without guilt and with grace.Focus on living out God's calling for your life, rather than trying to meet everyone else's expectations.Protect your time and energy by setting clear, faith-aligned boundaries.

    Listener Challenge: This week, I challenge you to identify one area in your life where you’ve been saying "yes" out of fear of disappointing others. Pray for the strength to say "no" and trust that God will guide you to make decisions that align with His will for your life.

    Connect with Me:

    Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more faith-based encouragement and tips for Christian working moms (links below!)Join our community of like-minded women who are striving to live out their God-given purpose while balancing work, family, and faith.

    Support the Podcast:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your feedback helps the show reach more moms like you!Share this episode with a friend or fellow mom who might be struggling with people-pleasing.

    Thank You for Listening: Thank you for being a part of this community. Remember, you are loved and valued by God, not because of what you do for others, but because of who you are in Christ. Let's break free from people-pleasing together and live out the purpose He has for each of us.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, we tackle the all-too-common struggle of burnout, especially for working moms trying to balance everything on their plates. We discuss how the pressure to meet unrealistic expectations can lead to feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from what truly matters.

    Burnout doesn’t have to be inevitable. By identifying your foundational priorities and setting healthy boundaries, you can protect yourself from burnout and live a life aligned with God’s purpose for you. Tune in to discover practical steps you can take to reclaim your time, energy, and peace.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Ever feel paralyzed by your endless to-do list, constantly interrupted, or find that small tasks pile up and add to your stress? You’re not alone. Today, we introduce the 2-Minute Rule, a simple and effective time management strategy that can help you stay organized and reduce stress. Today, we are tackling the overwhelming feeling of having too much to do so you can escape the every-compounding mental clutter that tries to stack up in your brain. We are exploring how this technique can boost productivity, reduce mental clutter, and create a more manageable daily routine. Tune in for practical tips on implementing the 2-Minute Rule and start transforming your time management approach today so you can live present for the most important parts of your life!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Welcome to today’s episode! I’m so glad you’re here, especially amidst your busy schedule. This podcast is dedicated to supporting working Christian moms who want to grow in their faith, support their families, and live life according to God’s will. Today, we’re tackling a topic many of us struggle with: staying focused in prayer. As busy moms, our minds are constantly racing with to-do lists, work deadlines, and endless family needs. How do we quiet the noise and truly connect with God? Let's explore some practical ways to stay focused in prayer.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:Why staying focused in prayer is crucial for deepening your relationship with God.The common challenges busy moms face when trying to pray.How to overcome distractions and create a meaningful prayer routine.Ways to enhance your prayer time and make it more effective.Why Focused Prayer Matters:

    Prayer is our direct line to God, a time to lay down our burdens, seek counsel, and grow in our relationship with Him. Focused prayer helps us be fully present with God, enhancing the depth and intimacy of our connection.

    Practical Tips and Strategies:

    We’ll discuss several practical strategies that can help you stay focused during prayer, ensuring that your time with God is enriching and fulfilling. These tips are designed to fit into the busy lives of working moms and help you cultivate a consistent and impactful prayer life.

    Episode Highlights:The importance of creating a dedicated prayer space.How establishing a routine can transform your prayer life.The benefits of using specific tools and resources to stay focused.Incorporating scripture into your prayers to deepen your connection with God.

    By implementing the strategies talked about in today's episode, you can create a more meaningful and consistent prayer routine, helping you grow in your faith and strengthen your relationship with God.

    Join me next week for more insights and practical tips to help you grow in your faith and manage your busy life. Thank you for listening, and God bless!

    Resources Mentioned:Jodie Berndt’s Book: Praying the Scriptures for Your Children

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In today's episode, we're tackling a topic that is incredibly relevant to all working moms: how to confidently prioritize our many responsibilities. With numerous commitments and tasks pulling us in different directions, it can be challenging to determine what truly deserves our focus. Yet, God has provided us with wisdom and guidance through His Word, and today, I’m sharing practical tips to help you prioritize with confidence.

    We all have those moments where our to-do lists seem never-ending, and it feels like everything is both important and urgent. This overwhelming pressure can lead to stress and guilt when we can't accomplish everything. But as Christians, we have a unique advantage—we can turn to God for guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. By taking our concerns to God in prayer, we open ourselves up to His wisdom and direction. Prayer isn't just about asking for things; it's about transforming our hearts and aligning our actions with His will.

    Reflecting on scripture, such as Matthew 6:33, which reminds us to seek first His kingdom, helps us focus on what truly matters. When we align our priorities with God’s kingdom, everything else falls into place. This process requires patience and faith, but trust that He will provide the clarity and direction you need.

    Understanding our core values and goals is another crucial step in setting priorities. Taking the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and writing down your core values and goals can be incredibly enlightening. When new opportunities or demands arise, evaluating them against these values and goals can help you filter out distractions and focus on what’s truly important. For example, if one of your core values is spending quality time with your family, prioritize activities that strengthen those bonds. If growing in your faith is a goal, make time for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.

    One of the biggest challenges we face as working moms is the pressure to say yes to everything. However, learning to say no with grace is essential for maintaining balance and focusing on what truly matters. It's okay to say no, and in fact, it's necessary. By saying no to things that don't align with your priorities, you create space for the things that do. Remember, Ephesians 5:15-16 reminds us to be wise and make the most of every opportunity. Graciously declining requests that don't fit with your core values and goals is a powerful way to protect your time and energy.

    To hear more about these tips and how to implement them in your daily life, make sure to listen to the full episode. I hope these insights will encourage and support you as you seek to balance faith, family, and work. God has a plan for you, and by seeking His guidance and prioritizing according to His will, you can navigate your responsibilities with confidence and peace. Until next time, keep seeking God, loving your family, and living life to the fullest. God bless, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In Episode 58, we talk about how overwhelmed working Christian moms can find peace and grace in their hectic lives. This episode addresses the unique challenges of balancing faith, family, and professional responsibilities. Discover practical steps for maintaining a spiritual center by inviting God's presence into daily routines, shifting your mindset to embrace His grace, and creating sustainable, peace-filled rhythms. Learn how to transform stress into trust and overwhelm into opportunities for deeper faith through intentional prayer, setting priorities, and establishing healthy boundaries.

    We also explore the significance of embracing God's perfect timing in our lives, even when it doesn't align with our expectations. Trusting in His divine wisdom and letting go of the need for control can bring profound peace and purpose. This episode emphasizes the importance of continuous daily connection with God through spiritual practices like morning prayers and devotionals. By keeping God at the center and extending grace to ourselves, we can navigate life's challenges with a sense of calm, assurance, and confidence that we are supported by a loving and sovereign Creator.

    Episode 13 // Conquering Overwhelm with Grace-Based Rhythms: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/faith-led-working-moms-creating-balance-biblical-mindset/id1687857880?i=1000622261769

    Episode 37 // Building Sustainable Grace-Filled Rhythms in Your Day: Balancing Faith, Family, and Everyday Life as a Working Christian Mom https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/faith-led-working-moms-creating-balance-biblical-mindset/id1687857880?i=1000649622491

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Today we explore practical and simple ways for busy Christian moms to nurture their kids' faith. With limited time and endless responsibilities, it can be challenging to feel like you're doing enough. We offer actionable tips to integrate faith into your daily routine, making it a natural and joyful part of your family's life.

    We dive into these tips on this week's episode:

    Integrating Faith into Everyday Moments

    Making Faith Fun and Interactive

    Encouraging Questions and Conversations

    Leaning on Your Village

    Building your kids' faith doesn't require grand gestures; small, consistent actions and showing love daily make a significant impact. Remember, you are enough, and God's grace is sufficient.

    Please share this episode or others with other moms who might benefit from these tips and join us in the free Facebook Community! Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In today’s episode, we dive into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: balancing work-from-home responsibilities while nurturing our families and growing in our faith. As Christian working moms, we often find ourselves pulled in multiple directions, striving to excel in our careers, be present for our families, and deepen our spiritual journey. This balancing act can sometimes lead to feelings of overwhelm and frustration.

    Imagine this: You’ve just finished a long work meeting, and as you step out of your home office, you’re immediately met with a barrage of family needs. The kids need help with their homework, dinner needs to be prepared, and there’s a lingering feeling that you haven’t spent enough time in prayer today. It’s a familiar scenario for many of us. We wear so many hats and juggle countless responsibilities, often feeling like we’re falling short in one area or another.

    But what if I told you that there’s a way to find a balance that honors God and allows you to thrive in all these areas? Today we are doing just that!

    I'm sharing 3 practical ways to manage this delicate balance. It’s not about achieving perfection but about finding a rhythm that works for you and your family.

    Today is not about a blueprint for perfection, but as a source of encouragement and practical wisdom. Balancing work and home life as a Christian mom is challenging, but it’s possible to find a rhythm that honors God and serves your family well.

    Obtaining balance is an ever-evolving process. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and learn from setbacks. Know that God is with you every step of the way, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it. Join our community, connect with me, and let’s journey together towards a grace-filled balance.

    Meet us over in the Facebook community, email, and Instagram. I would love to connect with you personally and hear your stories. Until next week, stay encouraged and keep striving for that balance that honors God and fulfills your calling as a mom and a professional. May you find peace and fulfillment as you navigate the beautiful yet challenging journey of balancing work, family, and faith.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In Episode 55, we dive into practical tips and strategies for making the most of summer with your kids while managing work responsibilities. Whether you work from home, have a flexible schedule, or work in a traditional office, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you create meaningful memories without sacrificing productivity.

    Join the Conversation

    We'd love to hear how you’re balancing work and family this summer! Join our Faith Led Working Moms Facebook Community to connect with like-minded moms, share your experiences, and gain more tips and encouragement.

    Subscribe and Stay Connected

    Don't miss out on future episodes packed with practical tips for balancing faith, family, and career. Subscribe to the Faith Led Working Moms Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Are you feeling fatigued, stressed or overwhelmed?

    God provides beautiful promises that offer strength, peace, and hope - especially when we are feeling overwhelmed by life's demands. Join us as we explore how to find peace and renewal through the scriptures, embracing the divine support available to us in every situation.

    Things we will unpack in this episode:

    How to practically apply these scriptures to daily life as a working mom.The importance of turning to God in prayer and trusting in His provision.Ways to experience God's peace, strength, and rest amidst the chaos of balancing work and family.Encouraging insights on overcoming soul-deep weariness through faith

    God's promises offer a powerful source of encouragement and renewal for every overwhelmed working mom. By leaning on His everlasting support and trusting in His faithfulness, you can navigate your responsibilities with renewed strength and deep, soul-refreshing peace.

    Whether you're struggling to balance your career and family or simply need a reminder of God's unfailing support, this episode is packed with hope and practical wisdom. Join us as we uncover the divine promises that can transform your experience and provide the sustenance you need to thrive.

    Subscribe to our podcast for more faith-based encouragement and practical insights. Share this episode with a fellow working mom who might need a boost of divine encouragement today.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Welcome to Episode 53 of our podcast! Today, we're diving into the topic of self-care through a biblical lens. We'll explore how prioritizing our well-being aligns with God's Word and why it's essential for every Christian, especially busy moms.

    Taking care of ourselves can be challenging amidst our roles as moms and caregivers. Often, we neglect our own needs while caring for others.

    Self-care, often seen as optional, is actually biblically commanded and encouraged (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Mark 12:31).

    Join us for a casual chat as we discuss practical ways to integrate biblical self-care into our lives.

    Biblical self-care involves nurturing our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves according to biblical principles.

    It's not selfish but an act of stewardship over our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit.

    Key Points on Self-Care

    Spiritual Health: Prioritize prayer, Scripture reading, and fellowship with believers to rejuvenate your spirit (Matthew 11:28-30).Physical Health: Honor God with your body through nutritious eating, regular exercise, and sufficient rest (1 Corinthians 6:20, Luke 5:16).Emotional Well-being: Seek comfort and resilience through God's Word (Psalm 34:18, Philippians 4:7) and activities like worship, journaling, and gratitude.

    Aligning our lives with God's purposes leads to true fulfillment and rest.

    By practicing biblical self-care, we honor God's design and experience His peace and joy (Philippians 4:7).

    Start today with one small step towards prioritizing your well-being, and watch how God transforms your life.

    Join us as we continue exploring ways to live out our faith practically. Don't forget to subscribe and share this episode with others seeking to integrate biblical principles into their daily lives. Until next time, take care and God bless!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, we are talking about the power of words and thoughts, especially as Christian working moms. We explore how the Bible teaches us the importance of speaking truth and how doing so can transform our mindset and combat negative thoughts.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The Power of Words:

    Understanding Proverbs 18:21: "The tongue has the power of life and death."How our words shape our reality and influence our faith journey.

    Recognizing the Enemy's Lies:

    Identifying moments of vulnerability where the enemy attacks.The importance of distinguishing between God's truth and the enemy's lies.

    Biblical Truths to Remember:

    Jeremiah 31:3 – You are loved.Philippians 4:13 – You are strong.1 Peter 2:9 – You are chosen.

    Practical Ways to Speak God's Truth Daily:

    Daily Biblical Affirmations: Starting your day with scriptural affirmations.Scripture Memorization: Memorizing verses that speak to your heart.Prayer Journals: Keeping a record of prayers and God's answers.Positive Declarations: Countering negative thoughts with positive, faith-filled declarations

    Encouragement for the Week: Take action in speaking God's truth over your life and feel His presence in your daily steps. Remember, you are not alone in your journey; God is with you every step of the way.

    Stay connected and empowered as we continue to explore how embracing God’s truth can transform our lives.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • Today we are diving into the unique journey of Christian working moms and how to navigate the challenging yet rewarding balance between faith, work, and family. We explore our God-given purpose, provide practical tips for prioritizing what truly matters, and offer encouragement to keep striving for harmony in all aspects of life. Key Points Discussed: Understanding Our Purpose: Our primary purpose is to glorify God in everything we do. Embracing our roles as witnesses of Christ’s love in our workplaces and homes. Embracing Dual Roles with Grace: Seeking God’s guidance daily through prayer and scripture. Setting realistic expectations and allowing yourself grace. Integrating faith into daily routines with your children. Effective Prioritization: Creating a family mission statement to define core values and goals. Using a planner to organize tasks and schedule dedicated time for faith and family. Practicing Sabbath rest for physical, emotional, and spiritual rejuvenation. Delegating responsibilities within the family to foster teamwork. Encouragement and Support: Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of fellow Christian moms. Trusting in God’s strength and grace to guide you through each day. Have thoughts or questions about today’s episode? Share them with us! Connect with our community or reach out to Lindsay with the links below! Remember, you are doing incredible work, and God is with you every step of the way. Stay encouraged, stay strong, and keep balancing faith, work, and family with grace.

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find peace and mindfulness amid the rush of daily life.

    Join us in this episode as we explore the guaranteed way to bring more tranquility, intention, and presence into our lives through the practice of slow living. Designed especially for Christian working moms, we'll discuss how to slow down, be more present with your family, and still excel in your career.

    Discover the profound benefits of embracing a slower pace, from deepening your faith and reducing stress to enhancing productivity and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Plus, learn one practical tip you can start doing today to incorporate this lifestyle into your routine. Tune in for an inspiring conversation and practical steps to start your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]

  • God is with us in every moment, offering His peace and strength. Yet, when we face difficult times or feel out of control, it's hard to rest in the knowledge of His presence and sovereignty. Regardless of who we are or the season we're in, we all need more peace in our lives. Functioning from a place of anxiousness is draining, and it's crucial to recognize the impact of our thoughts on our reality and emotional well-being.

    In today's episode, we explore practical, faith-based strategies to calm our anxious minds. We'll discuss the importance of scripture meditation, creating a peaceful environment, and connecting with a supportive community. By intentionally redirecting our thoughts and actions, we can align our mindset with God's promises and find the peace He offers.

    Join me as we dive into these actionable tips and embrace a more serene, faith-filled life. Let's take a few moments for ourselves and discover how to bring calm to our busy, anxious minds.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay:- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker- Email: [email protected]