
  • You won’t want to miss this episode as Nate and Gabe dig into practical aspects of how we become “a house of prayer.” As we allow the Word of God to renew our minds and change our hearts, our “temples” are cleansed. As we give ourselves wholly to the Lord and allow Him to deal with anything that would hinder us, we will begin to live and operate as houses of prayer!

    God’s heart is that every believer becomes the place where His presence can dwell and flow through - a house of prayer! This starts first by cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus in which the Holy Spirit has unhindered control. Secondly, we then join other believers to make up a corporate place of prayer that God’s Spirit can flow through and His will be accomplished. When the hearts and minds of God’s people are joined together in prayer, God is unlimited at what He can accomplish in and through them!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Why did Jesus come in and so abruptly cleanse the temple? The purpose of the temple was to be a place of fellowship and communion with God. Jesus came in and cleansed out the things that were in competition with that! He eliminated the competition for the purpose of communion with God. He desires to cleanse out the competition in our individual lives as well. He wants to rid us of the things that distract us so that we can experience unhindered fellowship with Him.

    God’s heart is that every believer becomes the place where His presence can dwell and flow through - a house of prayer! This starts first by cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus in which the Holy Spirit has unhindered control. Secondly, we then join other believers to make up a corporate place of prayer that God’s Spirit can flow through and His will be accomplished. When the hearts and minds of God’s people are joined together in prayer, God is unlimited at what He can accomplish in and through them!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



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  • What is a house of prayer? It is a place of fellowship, communication and intimacy with God. God desired that His physical temple be a place of communion with Himself, a place where He could fellowship with man. However God’s desire from the beginning has not just been to dwell with man, but also to dwell in man! He desires that we as believers be a place of communication, fellowship and intimacy with God - i.e., houses of prayer.

    God’s heart is that every believer becomes the place where His presence can dwell and flow through - a house of prayer! This starts first by cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus in which the Holy Spirit has unhindered control. Secondly, we then join other believers to make up a corporate place of prayer that God’s Spirit can flow through and His will be accomplished. When the hearts and minds of God’s people are joined together in prayer, God is unlimited at what He can accomplish in and through them!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Have you ever considered what it means to be a house of prayer? In this episode, Nate and Gabe share beautiful parallels between God’s temple in Jerusalem and His temple within the heart and life of every believer. God’s heart for every believer is that they become a temple in which He dwells - where communion between God and man takes place!

    God’s heart is that every believer becomes the place where His presence can dwell and flow through - a house of prayer! This starts first by cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus in which the Holy Spirit has unhindered control. Secondly, we then join other believers to make up a corporate place of prayer that God’s Spirit can flow through and His will and be accomplished. When the hearts and minds of God’s people are joined together in prayer, God is unlimited at what He can accomplish in and through them!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship



  • Have you ever considered what an incredible servant Jesus Christ was? Not only did He humble Himself to take on humanity, but He went beyond that and “took upon Him the form of a servant” (Phil. 2:7). In this episode, Nate and Gabe exhort us to behold Jesus’ servanthood. As we deeply ponder this aspect of our Lord, may our hearts be moved to give ourselves to Him in service.

    As we dig into the Command of Christ to “Be a Servant”, it is key that we don’t look to ourselves to fulfill it. When we try to serve in our own strength and ability we end up burnt out and worn out. But as we rely on Christ, as we take the gaze of our souls off ourselves and we place it on Him, we will experience His divine enablement to serve in a way we never could on our own.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Have you ever noticed how easy it is to serve with a motivation to be accepted or recognized by other people? This is something we need to watch out for and ask God to purify us from. The core motivation of one serving the Lord is that we do everything for the glory of God. The greatest joy of the servant ought to be pleasing the master.

    As we dig into the Command of Christ to “Be a Servant”, it is key that we don’t look to ourselves to fulfill it. When we try to serve in our own strength and ability we end up burnt out and worn out. But as we rely on Christ, as we take the gaze of our souls off ourselves and we place it on Him, we will experience His divine enablement to serve in a way we never could on our own.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Man finds his ultimate fulfillment in life when he lives out his created purpose. We see from the beginning of creation that man was created for the Lord. We were created to serve the Lord. When we live for self and are self-serving, it leads to bondage and emptiness. We were created to live for something bigger than ourselves - better said, we were created to live for Someone bigger than ourselves.

    As we dig into the Command of Christ to “Be a Servant”, it is key that we don’t look to ourselves to fulfill it. When we try to serve in our own strength and ability we end up burnt out and worn out. But as we rely on Christ, as we take the gaze of our souls off ourselves and we place it on Him, we will experience His divine enablement to serve in a way we never could on our own.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • The more we look at how God’s kingdom works, the more we will see that His ways are actually opposite man’s ways! Man’s way of leadership is seeking to be served. It involves vying for position and recognition. God’s way of leadership is that we seek to serve and put others' needs above our own.

    As we dig into the Command of Christ to “Be a Servant”, it is key that we don’t look to ourselves to fulfill it. When we try to serve in our own strength and ability we end up burnt out and worn out. But as we rely on Christ, as we take the gaze of our souls off ourselves and we place it on Him, we will experience His divine enablement to serve in a way we never could on our own.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship



  • “Do you believe that stuff?” was the question that changed the course of atheist engineer Spike Psarris’ life. It was a question asked by a Christian co-worker when he saw Spike reading a new-age book during a lunch break. This launched a series of conversations between the atheist and creationist that ultimately led Spike to acknowledge that his evolutionary beliefs couldn’t be true. Listen as Spike shares how the evidence for creation led him to put his faith in the Creator.

    Spike Psarris is a former engineer in the U.S. military space program. He entered that role as an atheist and evolutionist; he left it as a creationist and a Christian. He now speaks and writes on science and Biblical creation, with an emphasis on astronomy and cosmology, and has produced a three-volume video series entitled “What You Aren’t Being Told about Astronomy.”

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship



  • Have you ever wondered how to practically love your spouse? Or what you should do when they don’t seem to be meeting the needs that you have? Or where the desire and strength to honor marriage comes from in the first place? Listen as Nate and Gabe share from God’s Word about the source of honoring marriage as well as practical ways Christ can enable us to demonstrate His love to our spouse.

    It can be so easy for married couples to adopt a shallow attitude in their marriage - to get caught up in the busyness of life forgetting the very purpose for why God has brought them together. But God designed marriage for something so much more glorious than just being busy and living together. In this study on the command of Christ to Honor Marriage, you will be encouraged to see God’s purpose for marriage not just for the present, but in light of all eternity!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Is the sensual music we listen to really a big deal? Does it really matter if we watch movies and read books that glorify fornication and adultery? The culture of our day does not honor marriage. So much of the entertainment that we consume gives an unbiblical view of marriage! Join Nate and Gabe as they challenge us to be purposeful in engaging in things that encourage a God’s view of marriage.

    It can be so easy for couples to adopt a shallow attitude in their marriage - to get caught up in busyness and drift through life. But God designed marriage for something so much more glorious than just “scraping by.” In this study on the command of Christ to “Honor Marriage”, you will be encouraged to see God’s purpose for marriage and to live your marriage in light of eternity.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • The root of so many marriage problems doesn’t actually stem from the couple's problems with each other! Many times it comes from a breakdown in an individual’s personal relationship with God! Are you putting the Lord first in our life? Do you have a heart that is sensitive and humble to Him? As we give Christ centrality in our lives, He will be able to express His love and kindness through us to our spouse!

    It can be so easy for married couples to adopt a shallow attitude in their marriage - to get caught up in the busyness of life forgetting the very purpose for why God has brought them together. But God designed marriage for something so much more glorious than just being busy and living together. In this study on the command of Christ to Honor Marriage, you will be encouraged to see God’s purpose for marriage not just for the present, but in light of all eternity!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • What is the purpose of marriage? Is it companionship? Pleasure? Procreation? Having a clear vision for the purpose of something is key in living in harmony with it. As we look at Scripture, we will see that the purpose of marriage is something much bigger than just two people. Marriage is meant to be a picture of Christ and the Church. But what is a picture for? A picture is something that is created by its designer to express the real thing — every marriage that is lived in light of eternity expresses the reality of God's desire to have a personal and intimate relationship with ALL of mankind!

    It can be so easy for married couples to adopt a shallow attitude in their marriage — to get caught up in the busyness of life forgetting the very purpose for why God has brought them together. But God designed marriage for something so much more glorious than just being busy and living together. In this study on the command of Christ to Honor Marriage, you will be encouraged to see God’s purpose for marriage not just for the present, but in light of all eternity!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship



  • Have you ever forgiven someone only to wake up the next morning to feel all the old hurts and bitterness again? We can be discouraged and wonder, “did I actually forgive them?” It is important to realize that just as we need to come to the initial choice to forgive, we also must learn to walk out the “journey” of forgiveness. A key in this journey is learning that forgiveness is not an emotion; it is an act of the will. As we choose to forgive, to bless, and to release our offenders, our feelings will follow.

    Our natural, human response to hurt is to get bitter. Bitterness always brings bondage. But praise God, He has made a way for us to walk free from bitterness! No matter how deep the hurt, God’s love is deeper. God desires to enable us, through Christ, to do what we could never do on our own - to forgive, to release, and to bless our offenders. Forgiveness equals freedom!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • It is sobering to realize that when we choose to withhold forgiveness toward an offender, we actually give ground to the enemy in our lives. Bitterness allows the enemy to have an “advantage” and to wreak havoc in other areas of our lives. Join Nate and Gabe as they exhort us to allow God to heal our pain so we can become channels of love and forgiveness to our offenders.

    Our natural, human response to hurt is to get bitter. Bitterness always brings bondage. But praise God, He has made a way for us to walk free from bitterness! No matter how deep the hurt, God’s love is deeper. God desires to enable us, through Christ, to do what we could never do on our own - to forgive, to release, and to bless our offenders. Forgiveness equals freedom!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • When Jesus says we must forgive seventy times seven, He was referring to an infinite number! If we grit our teeth and try to forgive in our own strength, we will see how impossible this is. However as we depend on the Lord, He is able to fill us with His forgiveness. We as believers ought to seek to have the heart of our King - a heart that forgives unconditionally.

    Our natural, human response to hurt is to get bitter. Bitterness always brings bondage. But praise God, He has made a way for us to walk free from bitterness! No matter how deep the hurt, God’s love is deeper. God desires to enable us, through Christ, to do what we could never do on our own - to forgive, to release, and to bless our offenders. Forgiveness equals freedom!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • Can you imagine the incredible burden of having a $4 billion debt? To pay such a sum back would be impossible! And beyond that, can you imagine the gratefulness that would overwhelm you if you were told the debt had been forgiven? In Scripture we read that a man was forgiven such a debt, but turned around and refused to forgive someone else a debt of a mere fraction of his own! Listen as Nate and Gabe share a key in learning to forgive others — namely, that we first need to recognize and value how much we have been forgiven.

    Our natural, human response to hurt is to get bitter. Bitterness always brings bondage. But praise God, He has made a way for us to walk free from bitterness! No matter how deep the hurt, God’s love is deeper. God desires to enable us, through Christ, to do what we could never do on our own — to forgive, to release, and to bless our offenders. Forgiveness equals freedom!

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at www.homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at www.homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleship



  • One of the reasons we are warned to “beware of covetousness”, is because it starts out below the surface of our lives. It begins many times unrecognized in our thoughts and desires and if left unchecked, suddenly we find ourselves caught in its trap. Are we setting our affection on temporal things? Are we cultivating desires for things that are outside the bounds of what God has for us? Listen as Nate and Gabe give examples from Scripture of those whose lives were devastated by the root of covetousness.

    Whether it's advertisements coming from billboards, social media, or the inbox, there is so much pressure from our culture telling us that we need more stuff. The hidden message is that our identity and fulfillment come through our possessions and our social status. It’s time for Christians to draw a line in the sand and resist the pressures of our day! We need to drop anchor on the fact that our identity and contentment come from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If we have Christ, we truly have enough.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • As believers, we need to be careful that we don’t derive our identity and value from our paycheck or our possessions - if we do, we will always be covetous for more! The substantive part of our life is not made up of the things we possess. But rather, our identity is found in the Person of Jesus Christ! The more we realize this the more we will experience life with rest and contentment.

    Whether it's advertisements coming from billboards, social media, or the inbox, there is so much pressure from our culture telling us that we need more stuff. The hidden message is that our identity and fulfillment come through our possessions and our social status. It’s time for Christians to draw a line in the sand and resist the pressures of our day! We need to drop anchor on the fact that our identity and contentment come from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If we have Christ, we truly have enough.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork



  • As you dig deeper into this command, you will discover that it is God’s love for us that causes Him to warn us of covetousness. Covetousness causes us to seek after temporal things that only bring emptiness and death. But as we embrace the boundaries that God has given to us, we find true joy and fulfillment.

    Whether it's advertisements coming from billboards, social media, or the inbox, there is so much pressure from our culture telling us that we need more stuff. The hidden message is that our identity and fulfillment come through our possessions and our social status. It’s time for Christians to draw a line in the sand and resist the pressures of our day! We need to drop anchor on the fact that our identity and contentment come from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If we have Christ, we truly have enough.

    Want to go deeper in studying this command of Christ? Download a free study guide at https://homediscipleship.com

    Study guide includes:

    Scriptures referenced in podcastReview of Old Testament contextGuide for Scripture meditationQuestions for application and prayer

    For more information, visit us at https://homediscipleship.com

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram @homediscipleshipnetwork

