
  • Crafting a fictional setting, also known as world-building, is a crucial aspect of any good story. A well-crafted setting has the power to capture our attention and transport us into the world of the characters. However, if you reveal your world in the wrong way, you risk boring your readers and overwhelming them with information.In today's podcast, Kate and I will discuss the do's and don'ts of world-building. We'll highlight common mistakes that many writers make and provide tips on how to avoid these pitfalls. Our aim is to help you create an immersive, unique, and captivating fictional setting that will keep your readers engaged until the very last page. We'll share powerful techniques to take your world-building to the next level and make your story unforgettable.

    SAVE YOUR SPOT AT THE LIVE TRAINING: https://mailchi.mp/abbiee/worldbuilding


    ✍️How to World-Build Like a Boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54I6nKUg-Oo&t=404s

    ✍️How to Craft an Awesome Magic System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiQJyNBFaJg&t=1313s

    ✍️Good vs Bad Inciting Incidents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHByWwzcj04&t=363s

    ✍️How to Write the First Plot Point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5olLwyjec5I


    ❤️GET BONUS CONTENT + SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/

    🖥️TAKE MY SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener

    ✏️TAKE MY MASTERCLASS ON EDITING: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/edit-your-book-like-a-pro

    💬TAKE MY BOOK BLURB MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/how-to-craft-a-bestseller-book-blurb

    📓GET MY FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z

    💵GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26

  • Are you struggling to find the time to write? Do you feel like you just can't get enough words down? This year, all that can change. In this podcast episode, Kate and I will share simple but powerful techniques that can help you overcome this challenge. We'll dive into developing personalized habits, finding an accountability partner, cultivating a daily habit of creativity, and committing to your writing in 2024. Tune in to learn strategies that could transform your writing routine and boost your word count this year!

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  • You asked us writing questions... and we are here to answer them! In this end-of-year special episode of The Kate & Abbie Show, we're sitting down and tackling your toughest writing struggles, offering insightful tips and tricks that have helped us throughout the years to build successful and joyful author careers. So grab your favorite cozy blanket and something yummy to drink...and let's dive into this discussion! Are you writing anything new in 2024? Comment below and tell us about it! Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow

  • Every writer faces it at one time or another: doubt, discouragement, fear, hesitation… the feeling of wanting to give up on your novel. Sometimes we reach a point in the writing process where we ask ourselves: is it even worth it to keep going? We writers are introspective by nature, but sometimes our reckless imaginations come back to bite us when we start to think that our books aren't worth finishing. In this new podcast, Kate and I are here to give you 7 REALLY GOOD REASONS to not give up on your story! Whether you’re in the middle of NaNoWriMo or chipping away at a work-in-progress, this episode is sure to encourage and inspire you to keep writing your book… even when you don’t feel like it.Are you writing anything for #NaNoWriMo2023? Comment below and tell us about it! Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow

    🧠 CHECK OUT KATE'S MEDITATIONS FOR WRITERSStart the Writer's Wellness Course here 👉 https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers ✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITTEN SERIES RELEASE - sign up for the waitlist hereRead Abbie's new book, The Otherworld➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS 📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE"GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/ 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists! 📚 Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1 Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought. Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter) or her blog: https://www.heretocreateblog.com/ Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter) or her blog: https://www.abbiee.com/

  • We’re nearly halfway through NaNoWriMo! A lot of writers experience a creative lull during the halfway point of a writing project — also known as the “mushy middle” 😰 when you might be feeling burnt out or lacking creativity. That’s why, in this new podcast, Kate and I are tackling one of the most daunting challenges any writer can face: writer's block. It's a universal struggle, that overwhelming feeling of being stuck… the frustratingly blank page that seems impossible to fill. We understand how this can be particularly stressful during NaNoWriMo, when you're racing against the clock to meet your word count goals. But fear not, we're here to help! This podcast episode is designed to guide you through overcoming writer's block, cultivating a creative mindset, and keeping those words flowing. Tune in for practical tips, inspiring advice, and the motivation you need to keep going, even when the going gets tough.🧠 CHECK OUT KATE'S MEDITATIONS FOR WRITERS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpI8xqq0IZs7jb3-xEOcWiQD-AWnXxwnn&si=bB_cPnpKeURQT_V8 Start the Writer's Wellness Course here 👉 https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers ✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITTEN SERIES RELEASE - sign up for the waitlist here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-list Read Abbie's new book, The Otherworld: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9 ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/ Kate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey ✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/ 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists! 📚 Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1 Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought. Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter) or her blog: https://www.heretocreateblog.com/ Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter) or her blog: https://www.abbiee.com/

  • One of the most daunting hurdles for writers is finding the time to sit down and write. 😩🕒 Kate and I understand the struggle of juggling various responsibilities and still trying to squeeze in some time for writing. That's why, in today’s podcast, we’re sharing our best tips for building an unstoppable writing habit and avoiding distractions. We’re also going to share our top 4 hacks for staying focused! 🧠 Keeping your concentration sharp is vital to ensure you're making the most out of your writing time. Our goal is to help you write consistently every day, especially during this National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). 📚 We believe that writing should be a joyous journey, not a chore. So, listen in, apply these tips, and get ready to have the time of your life writing your next book! 😄🎉Are you writing anything for #NaNoWriMo2023? Comment below and tell us about it! Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITTEN SERIES RELEASE - sign up for the waitlist here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-list Read Abbie's new book, The Otherworld: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9 Enroll in Kate's NEW Writer's Wellness Journey course: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/ 📖 PRE-ORDER ABBIE'S NEW BOOK, THE OTHERWORLD: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YHBQ6JBZPSVY&keywords=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld&qid=1689030838&sprefix=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1 Kate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey ✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener 📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z 💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/49535/117669?link=1570 GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/ 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists! 📚 Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1 Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought. Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter) or her blog: https://www.heretocreateblog.com/ Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter) or her blog: https://www.abbiee.com/

  • There's one big mistake I often see many new writers make… a mistake that can ruin your whole story and end your author career before it even begins. (No exaggeration.) This mistake has destroyed many writers who could have been great, if they had just done this ONE THING differently. What is this mistake? That's the big question we are unpacking and addressing in today's new episode of The Kate And Abbie Show! Join the discussion as we dig into this costly mistake that new writers make and what to do instead so that you write a spellbinding story that will impact readers around the world! Are you writing anything for #NaNoWriMo2023? Comment below and tell us about it! Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITTEN SERIES RELEASE - sign up for the waitlist here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-list PRE-ORDER Abbie's new book, The Otherworld: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9 Enroll in Kate's NEW Writer's Wellness Journey course: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/ 📖 PRE-ORDER ABBIE'S NEW BOOK, THE OTHERWORLD: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YHBQ6JBZPSVY&keywords=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld&qid=1689030838&sprefix=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1 Kate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey ✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener 📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z 💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/49535/117669?link=1570 GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/ 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists! 📚 Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1 Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought. Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter) or her blog: https://www.heretocreateblog.com/ Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter) or her blog: https://www.abbiee.com/

  • Preptober starts now! Are you preparing to write your novel for NaNoWriMo 2023, but you're not sure where to start? We believe that everyone's process is different -- and that's why, in today's podcast, Kate and I are sharing out perspectives and best advice for bringing joy and creative inspiration to the story-planning journey. Grab your notebook and a cup of coffee, and let's get ready to write something amazing this November! 📖☕️✨#NaNo #NaNoWriMo2023 #PreptoberWANT TO DIVE DEEPER INTO OUTLINING? Check out my 2-part live training on plotting a novel start to finish: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/addictive-plot ✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITTEN SERIES RELEASE - sign up for the waitlist here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-list PRE-ORDER Abbie's new book, The Otherworld: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9 Enroll in Kate's NEW Writer's Wellness Journey course: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/ 📖 PRE-ORDER ABBIE'S NEW BOOK, THE OTHERWORLD: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YHBQ6JBZPSVY&keywords=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld&qid=1689030838&sprefix=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1 Kate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey ✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener 📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z 💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/49535/117669?link=1570 GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/ 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists! 📚 Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1 Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought. Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter) or her blog: https://www.heretocreateblog.com/ Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter) or her blog: https://www.abbiee.com/

  • Are you struggling to make your side characters three-dimensional, relatable, and compelling? What if you could give them internal conflict that deepens their character and enriches the plot, even if they don't have a POV? In this episode, Kate and Abbie share tips and tricks for writing side characters with internal conflict. They discuss how internal conflict can drive a story forward and make side characters more layered, and offer practical advice for creating meaningful internal conflict. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, this episode will help you take your side characters to the next level.

    Help us keep this podcast alive and free of interruptions: www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow

  • Are you tired of the same old romance tropes? Do you want to shake things up and create a compelling love story between your hero and villain? If so, this new episode of The Kate and Abbie Show is for you! Today, we’re diving into the complexities of writing a romance between a protagonist and antagonist. We're sharing simple but powerful techniques for building tension, trust, and chemistry between two characters who are sworn enemies.So whether you're a seasoned writer looking to shake up your storytelling or a new writer just starting out, this episode of The Kate and Abbie Show will give you the tools you need to craft a romance that defies expectations. Grab a notebook and let’s get into it!

    Click here to watch the video version of this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrH1_TKjn-8

  • Are you struggling to find time to write? Do you constantly find yourself procrastinating and avoiding your writing projects? Are you desperate to establish a writing habit that truly lasts? If so, today’s podcast is for you! In this episode of The Kate and Abbie Show, Abbie and I share powerful tips and techniques to help you overcome writing challenges like procrastination and perfectionism. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a beginner, this episode is guaranteed to motivate you to make writing a daily part of your life. So grab a notebook and let's get started!

  • Condensing your perhaps 100k+ word book into a tiny blurb is no easy task! Many writers are intimidated by the idea of narrowing down their book to a mere, brief summery. We have but a moment to capture our readers attention! So what goes into crafting an engaging book blurb? We're breaking that down in this episode, so grab your notebook and lets go!💬 GET 20% OFF ABBIE'S BOOK BLURB MASTERCLASS -- USE CODE "KATEANDABBIE" AT CHECKOUT → https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/how-to-craft-a-bestseller-book-blurb ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/📖 PRE-ORDER ABBIE'S NEW BOOK, THE OTHERWORLD: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YHBQ6JBZPSVY&keywords=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld&qid=1689030838&sprefix=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITE RELEASE - get on the waiting list here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-listKate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z 💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists!📚Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1 Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought.

  • Are you struggling to create an opening hook that truly grabs your reader's attention? Are you having trouble making your readers care about your characters and their desires? Do you feel like your world-building is getting in the way of your story? In this episode, we're discussing the key elements of a BANGER opening hook. We explore how internal conflict is the most important aspect of a story, as it pits a character's desires against their fears. We're also going to provide tips on how to use external events to bring the internal conflict to the forefront and show why it matters to the characters. To ensure that you're creating compelling internal conflict, we're also sharing a list of questions to ask yourself as you write your first chapter. Join us as we explore the art of storytelling and help you craft a brilliant opening hook!

    ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/📖 PRE-ORDER ABBIE'S NEW BOOK, THE OTHERWORLD: https://www.amazon.com/Otherworld-Abbie-Emmons-ebook/dp/B0CB9G22D9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YHBQ6JBZPSVY&keywords=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld&qid=1689030838&sprefix=abbie+emmons+the+otherworld%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1✨ DON'T MISS OUR CO-WRITE RELEASE - get on the waiting list here: https://mailchi.mp/kaemmons.com/kate-abbies-co-write-waiting-listKate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener📓GET ABBIE'S FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: http://eepurl.com/gFYD8z 💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/49535/117669?link=1570 📚Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists!📚Get my first book, The Blood Race here: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Race-K-Emmons/dp/1521963304/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659992894&sr=8-1Get Abbie's book, 100 Days of Sunlight here: https://www.amazon.com/100-Days-Sunlight-Abbie-Emmons/dp/1733973311/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659993030&sr=1-1Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought.

  • We often hear the phrase, "Anti-heroes are too good to be 'bad' but too bad to be 'good.'" But there's more to these broody, dark, and irresistible characters. In fact, some pretty distinct features go into crafting an unforgettable (and completely lovable) anti-hero. So if you're writing a character somewhere between a hero and a villain... grab a notebook, and let's get into some tips and examples that will help you make your anti-hero SHINE!

  • Writing clear and captivating descriptions isn't always as easy as it sounds. We've heard from so many writers who struggle with this complex aspect of the writing process. Descriptions have the potential to immerse us in a story, transport us to new worlds, and introduce us to vivid characters. However, description can sometimes bog down your writing, cause scenes to drag, and overwhelm your reader with information. So how do we strike a balance, and find that perfect "sweet spot" for writing descriptions that make us want to break out our highlighters? That's what we're exploring in this episode - with side-by-side examples! So grab a notebook and let's begin!

  • Not sure how to end your story? You want to write an unforgettable ending that will leave a lasting impression on your readers… but how do you pull that off in a powerful way? In today’s podcast, Abbie and I share the most important keys to writing an emotional and satisfying ending for your story. Whether you’re writing a standalone or a series — whether it’s a sweet rom-com or an epic dark fantasy — this episode will help you to craft your next amazing ending! Grab a notebook and let's get started.

  • If you've ever read through a manuscript and worried that the internal conflict of your characters is just missing something but you can't quite put your finger on what... this episode is for you. Today, Abbie and I are discussing how to instantly take your character's internal conflict to the next level - without rewriting or heavy edits. So if you're ready, grab a notebook, and let's dive in!

  • Are you struggling to write a slow-burn romance that will make your readers fall in love and hold their interest until the very end? If so, today’s podcast is for you. We’re talking all about how to write BETTER SLOW-BURN ROMANCE. In this episode, Abbie and I are case-studying some of our favorite romances and share our best tips for creating tension, developing chemistry, and crafting addictive plotlines that will keep readers invested until the final scene. Whether you're a seasoned romance writer or just starting out, this episode will take your slow-burn story to the next level and make your readers swoon. Grab a notebook and let’s start crafting the perfect slow-burn romance.

  • Are you afraid that what you're writing has all been done before? Is it too "cliche"? Is it an overused trope? Should you avoid writing tropes, or is there a right way to do it? In this episode, Abbie and I are delving into all things tropes, and answering the question that many writers have been asking themselves as they grapple with their novels: "is my book too cliche?" Grab a notebook and lets go!

    Watch the video episode at www.youtube.com/kaemmons 

  • Are you ever overwhelmed by just how much information is out there about how to structure your fantasy world, your magic system, your characters, and your plot? There's a lot of information out there, and it can all be a little daunting. In this episode, Kate and Abbie are speaking from their own experience of fantasy writing to help you simplify, organize, blaze your own trail... and write the fantasy novel of your dreams! Let's go, writers!

    ✨Get your Writer's Ritual candle - handmade by Kate! Find yours here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/vermontboho?section_id=41635217 

    Check out Abbie's Immersive Fantasy Writing Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BroK8h0eZg 

    Check out our episode on world-building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYujKvsnpnY&t=1285s 

    Narnia episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_-deYQzuxk 

    HOW TO CRAFT A MIND BLOWING MAGIC SYSTEM (that feels realer than life): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiQJyNBFaJg&t=879s 

    ➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/