Group discussion (小組討論) 常常發生嚮考試、日常會議之中!做第一個人開始會議、帶領其他組員,實在唔簡單!立即睇睇WSE老師Walter教你點嚮小組討論開始時想突出自己,留個好印象!
我哋成日見到嘅測量尺度例如係 km/h、sq.ft、 tsp,英文全名係咩?究竟點讀?等 Wall Street English 老師 Walter 為你逐一介紹!
Episodes manquant?
踏入雞年唔少同學問我哋雞年英文係咩之外,仲想知12生肖之中嘅牛英文係咩,同點用英文描述2生肖特徵!等Wall Street English老師Walter一次過話你知!
用中文形容「凍」可能有凍到爆、凍到震、冰凍等等⋯⋯英文都有唔同字詞形容寒冷天氣!等 Wall Street English 老師 Walter 話你知啦!
香港有咁多名勝景點,當然要介紹畀外國朋友知喇!等Wall Street English老師Walter為你逐一介紹!
香港嘅美食可以話係多到數唔晒!想知蛋撻,雞蛋仔等地道小食英文點講?等Wall Street English老師Walter話你知!
想去咖啡店嗌杯嘢飲,但又唔識點講出口?等Wall Street English老師Walter為你逐一講解!
冬天寒風陣陣,係時候着多件衫!等Wall Street English老師Walter話你知唔同冬天衣物嘅英文講法啦!
又到聖誕,又到聖誕!想知聖誕襪,薑餅人,馴鹿等等英文點講,背後又有咩意思?我哋輯錄左5個聖誕單字,由Wall Street English老師Walter為你逐一講解!
去到英國想食薯條,係Chips 定Fries?同一樣係英文,但唔同講法!
我哋輯錄左最常見嘅英、美英語生字分別,由WSE老師為你逐一講解! -
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
Our new series of English learning program English Ready To Go is here!!! English Ready To Go is produced by Wall Street English Hong Kong and hosted by our Native Speaking teachers Andy Carter and Richard Day.
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