
  • Let’s learn some interesting inventions of Germany in this new episode of “Inventions”. We have to refill our car engines with diesel, right? But who made these diesel engines? It was made by Rudolf Diesel in 1868. One day he got an idea of creating a high compression igniting engine for cars. After a lot of experimentations, he finally made a fuel-based engine. The outlook of the diesel engine might have changed and modified today but the basic characteristics and technological science date back to the 1896 model.

    Every science lab has an electron microscope. Microscopes magnify small particles and give us a wider view. In 1931, German physicist Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll created the first working electron microscope which is a super useful invention in the world of science.

    You might have seen your parents wearing a contact lens in their eyes. Do you know what are those for? Contact lens corrects the problem of focus in our eyes and provides us with good vision. In 1888, a German ophthalmologist Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick used a blown glass to create the lens that would protect the cornea, the transparent part of our eye.
    The tape recorder is a kind of mixed invention. Fritz Pfleumer in 1928 invented magnetic tape and following this invention, later tape recorder was created. The 1st tape recorder was demonstrated in 1935. An audio engineer, John Mulein created the tape recorder all by himself in his studio.

    We all know about MP3 right? The audio format is used to compress large audio files without losing their original quality. Mp3 stands for MPEG. Mp1 appeared in 1992 but had low bandwidth. Then with a lot of modifications, MP2 was made which was ideally played for DVDs. The came MP3 which turned out to be a major hit all across the globe.

    Let’s learn about all these great German inventions in this short kids podcast.


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  • Switzerland is considered to be one of the beautiful countries across the globe and was also named the most innovative country in 2015. Talking about the inventions of this country, let’s start with zip. Yes, the zip we have on our clothes was first discovered in Switzerland in 1923 by Martin Winterhalter. He had to invest a lot to get a patent for his innovation.

    Velcro is a type of hook which was also introduced in Switzerland. The word comes from French words meaning velvet and hook. It can be often found on our shoes or medical belts and even in jackets. Velcro is usually made from seeds. An engineer named Geroge de Mestral made velcro his hook and loop fastening method and invented it. In 1952 NASA absorbed this invention and started using it.

    How many of you love and crave milk chocolates? We all do, right! Switzerland is known for its chocolates. Yummy!! Milk chocolates were first invented by Daniel Peter in 1870. This creation of his is considered to be quite a popular invention. 

    We have seen our parents wrap the round tortillas or chappatis in aluminum foil right? But did it ever occur to you that who invented it? Well, the patent of this invention was taken by Henrick Alfred in 1905 but was not launched by 1910. This product went popular everywhere.

    WWW, World Wide Web, is the internet service we all use to gather information. It was invented by Tim Berners Lee, a British scientist in 1989. He developed the internet and started using it in his own office in the beginning. And now years later we all know how useful the internet is. We all are dependable on it. Anyone can use it from any corner of the world. 

    Museli is a famous breakfast that was first created in Switzerland by physician Maximillam Breacher. In the 1970s people got into this craze of staying healthy and eating that’s when the physician made this and even offered his patients to eat it. Museli is still considered to be a healthy diet full of proteins and minerals.




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  • After France, we head to another very popular country, Canada, that happened to have made its reputation for its own unique inventions. We start with a popular sport, Basketball. James Naismith invented basketball and was the first one to make a basketball team- Canadian Heritage Minute. He did not just invent basketball but also the entire sport and wrote its rule book as the sports coach. 

    Do you know what is a paint roller? The handy roller used to paint the walls of our houses.  Yes, the paint roller was invented in Toronto in 1940 by Norman Breakey. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could take a patent for his work but later an American man Richard C. Adams took the patent for a paint roller and is now widely accredited for being the inventor of it. 

    The next invention we will talk about is the garbage bag. We all use these bags at home for hygiene and sanitation. Ever wondered how did it come into existence and who invented it?  The green polythene bag was invented by Harry Wasylyk and Larry Hansen in 1950. This invention was liked by a lot of people and soon a brand bought the invention. Parallelly, Frank Plom a Canadian inventor designed and invented the same product too.

    Insulin is a hormone produced by the human pancreas which allows our bodies to use glucose. When our body is unable to produce insulin, doctors recommend us to take man-made insulin. Insulin was invented by Sir Frederick Banting along with a biochemist John Macleod in Canada. They were even awarded a Noble prize in physiology for this. 

    Who is hungry after listening so much?  Wanna grab some bread and peanut butter? But do you know who invented peanut butter? American pharmacist, Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, now known as peanut butter in 1884.

    We will talk about many more inventions in coming episodes, till then keep tuned with Chimes Radio. You can also enjoy our live radio segment.


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  • We have been learning a lot about the various country and their inventions but some of the most popular things ever invented in France. In this episode, we will talk about some of these popular French inventions. We all know about Parachute right? A balloon-like mode of travel in the air. Yes, Parachute, the entertaining ride was a French invention invented by Louis Sebastian in the 18th century. The word Parachute came from the french word “parasol” and “shoot” means to protect from falling. The 1st parachute jump was done in the year 1783. Amazing, right? How many of you love clicking photographs? Most of us do, right? We often showcase our creativity through the photographs we click. But do you know the story behind the invention of photographs? The world’s first photograph was invented by Nicéphore Niépce, from a window. The first black and white photograph took 8-9 hours to process before it gave a final result. Louis Daguerre, a French artist reduced this long processing time of developing a photograph, and thus in the year 1838, the world had its first confirmed photograph.  Did you know, a single frame is known as a “still photograph” but when a number of frames are watched in motion, it is known as “Cinema”. France contributed to inventing the first video camera in the world. It was invented by a Frenchman named Louis Le Prince in 1888. He was also the first man to shoot the first moving sequence of a film from his invention. Right after that, the Lumiere Brothers of France were the first to announce the first public screening in December 1985.  In the year 1816, physician Rene Theofield invented the Stretoscope, an instrument to analyze the sound of the human body like our heartbeat. Though this instrument is very advanced these days but back in 1816, it was just like a plastic pipe when used the first time ever. So hope you liked this episode and we will bring the inventions from another country next time. www.chimesradio.comhttp://onelink.to/8uzr4ghttps://www.facebook.com/chimesradio/https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/

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  • Every time we use any machine or any other simple object for that matter, sometimes we wonder about the history behind this invention and its inventor. So to quench your thirst, Chimes Radio is here to talk about the inventions of the various countries across the globe. After covering India, Russia, America, and China, we are now going to discuss a few of the biggest inventions from British/England.  We all love eating chocolates, don't we? But do you know the inventor of the first chocolate bar? Back in  1847, a man named Joseph Fry created a new formula, where he mixed cocoa powder & sugar together creating the first chocolate bar.  We do always hear from our elders the benefits of brushing our teeth twice a day but did you ever think who brought this idea of cleaning our teeth?  Before toothbrush was introduced, people used the mixture on a rag to clean their teeth. But it was apparently very time-consuming. So to make this process super efficient, a man named Willam Edis introduced the concept of the toothbrush. Though back in those days the brushes were not this appealing or fashionable as we find in the market these days.  Telegraphs have used as a mode of communication to deliver messages from one place to the other using wires and electrical signals for decades. The first commercial telegraph was introduced in 1837 by Charles Wheatstone and William Cook. This invention paved the path for the invention of cellphones too.  Can you guess the full form of ATM, which our parents go to take out money from their bank accounts? It is an Automated Teller Machine. This machine was first installed in the Enfield Town of London in 1967. This machine was invented by a team of engineers led by John Shepherd Barron.  In case of fire, we use a red cylindrical machine to extinguish it. This safety mechanism is called a fire extinguisher which was invented in 1723 by Ambrose Godfrey. Then from 1818, modern extinguishers came in use which was designed by William Melby, a British Captain.  So hope you liked this episode and we will bring the inventions from another country in our next episode.  www.chimesradio.com https://www.facebook.com/chimesradio/ https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/ https://twitter.com/ChimesRadio 

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  • After India, America, and Russia, now we have moved to a country that  is a hub of  manufacturing for decades for the entire world. Yes, China! So tune in to our audio podcast for kids and learn about some famous Chinese Inventions that changed the world. Starting with the most important product ever invented, Paper. Paper is a thing that is used everywhere- be it in school, office, college or home, it is to be seen in all the places. Paper was invented by a person named Cai Lun. Cai Lun’s paper-making technology covered entire Central Asia and people were so impressed by it that it has now become an integral part of our lives.  Next up we have another unique invention of China, printing. Around 220 AD, China introduced a technique of printing called Woodblock printing but it was very expensive and time-consuming. So years later, a person named Bisheng, introduced a new type of movable printer which was quicker and a lot easier. This new technique of printing first got popular in Europe and then all across the world.  Not just paper, China also invented the most importantant navigational instrument, Compass. Earlier these were used as a navigational instrument only in Chinese ships. But with time other people adopted this directional instrument and started using it largely. This instrument was invented and discovered by a group of people.  Umbrella, a device used for protection from rain and sunlight, is also a Chinese inventions. It was invented first by a carpenter named Luben. His invention was inspired by a few kids, whom he saw taking shelter under lotus leaf on a rainy day. Therefore, he used his skills and made this flexible framework called an umbrella. Tea, a popular beverage all around the world especially in India, is another Chinese invention during the Tang dynasty. Tea was first introduced by Shang, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. There was also a book on tea, “Cha-Ching” written by Lu Yu in the same dynasty. www.chimesradio.com 

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  • In this episode of Inventions Around the World, we will talk about some amazing Russian inventions. So let’s get started.

    We all must have heard about the radio. Radio is a device for wireless communication. This concept was first introduced by Alexander Popov, as a Russian Physicist in 1885. He was the first man to make the radio set but unfortunately, he could not publish his work. After two years, an Italian man Guglielmo Marconi worked on the same idea and successfully demonstrated the first radio, and a lot of people gave him the credit for its invention. But even today, after so many years, the debate on the real inventor of the radio is still on. Who do you think should get its credit?

    Moving to the next invention, let’s talk about Television which was invented by Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian engineer in 1923. He applied for his patent in the United States and he did not just stop just at that. After years he also invented Kinescope, a type of film recorder, and then went on to invent Iconoscope.

    The next invention we are going to talk about is the Videotape recorder. It was invented by Alexander Poniatoff in the 1950s under his own company named Ampex. Even other companies had to use the patent of Poniatoff to develop their version of videotape recorders.

    Let's shift to something completely different to the food segment now. So the next invention we will talk about is Yogurt. 1910 a Russian scientist proved that fermented milk is very useful for our body and its metabolism. It was first made in Bulgaria and today it is found in abundance all over the world.

    Similarly, another unique invention from Russia is Synthetic Rubber, which was invented by Sergei Lebedev in the year 1910. The man-made version of rubbers are used in making tires for cars, cycles, and aircraft but synthetic rubbers have a specific use in producing rocket propellants.

    So hope you enjoy this podcast. We will bring the inventions from another country in our next episode.


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  • We often use the phrase "Necessity is the mother of inventions." Many inventions have surely turned our world upside-down and are a part of our daily life now. In the last episode we came across various Indian inventions and today, we are going to throw light on some brilliant and interesting American inventions.  

    Starting with Lunar Module, it is that lander spacecraft that helped Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to first step on the moon. The Lunar Module made its first landing in 1969. It was built with the help of 7000+ engineers, technicians, and mechanics. This brilliant invention was directed and designed by Thomas J. Kelly who was the head of the entire project.
    The next interesting invention is the object what we all find in our computer table, the Mousepad. These mousepads help us to move the cursor from one place to another very smoothly. These were invented in 1968 by Jack Kelly, a very good friend of Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse.

    Talking about the computer, did you know even printer was an American invention and was first invented in the same year when the lunar module was invented, 1969. The printer was invented by a Xerox engineer, Gary Starkweather. Earlier printers were only able to print two pages and were very rare but now we all know the abundance of printers everywhere and also the magic of "Ctrl+P".

    Running shoes is also an American invention from the track and field coach, Bill Bowerman in 1971. Bill was in search of a light and strong grip shoe so one day he poured a little amount of rubberized liquid in a waffle maker and came up with the rubber sole and that's how he introduced waffle sole shoes. Do you know, Bill Bowerman is the founder of the famous shoe and sportswear brand Nike?

    The last invention we are going to talk about is the Video Game Consoles. The inventor of video game console is Ralph H. Baer and he named his first console as "Magnavox Odyssey" in 1972. He was the man who turned the boring Television sets into an exciting video game system to which we are hooked on till today.

    So these were some of the interesting inventions from America, and we will continue to talk about more such inventions in our subsequent episodes.

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  • In this episode of World Trivia, we are going to talk about some very interesting Indian Inventions that have become part of the day to day lives all over the world, so much so, that sometimes we don’t even bother to think that where do they originate from?

    Let's start with the most ancient invention "0"( in words: zero). This number has no value in itself but surely gives weightage to another number when placed at last. This digit introduced to the world by the famous Mathematician Aryabhatta, who is well-known as "Man of Mathematician & Astronomical Talent”. The digit zero was formerly introduced in the Common Era and was used by Indians in their mathematical calculations.

    The next invention we talk about is by the famous computer architect, Ajay V. Bhatt. He invented the lifeline of modern day data transfer - Pendrive or USB (Universal Serial Bus). USB or Pendrive is the most efficient data transfer device which is easy to carry owing to its small size and with rapid technological developments, has sufficient storage space.

    Moving on to board games, this invention has been our true friend in the lockdown period of Covid-19. Be it chess or snake and ladders, they both originally invented in India. Chess, the game of intellectual was invented in the 6th century which was earlier called "Ashtapada" and Snake & ladders which is now also played digitally was introduced in the 13th century by a poet which was then referred to as "Moksha Patam". This game later became very popular in England during the British rule and got its English name too.

     Yoga, an art of healthy living and fitness was also introduced to the world by India. It is said that yoga credit for Yoga goes directly to Hindu God, Lord Shiva, who is considered the first yoga teacher. Yoga has even got itself a special day which is celebrated as International Yoga Day on 21st June every year.

    Did you know that the shampoo which we use to wash our hair was originally invented by Indians? Shampoo was invented in 1762 as “Champoo”, meaning massage, in the eastern parts of the Mughal empire and was used as a product for a head massage with no fragrance at all. But after several developments and several name changes, it came to be known as shampoo, as we call it today.

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  • Want to introduce your kids to photography but wondering where to start? Let's kick start their photography journey with Chimes Radio's 'Digital Photography Basics' where we explain different types of close up shots, mid shots and wide shots. The perfect way to introduce them to this beautiful skill and who knows, they might be the next big thing?

    Mobile phones or mini cameras or DSLRs, photography can be done anywhere as long as you have a lens. To do it, one needs to know a few basic shots and boom you get a beautiful picture that is worth remembering.

    Close-up is a type of shot where the camera is placed close to the subject to get a close view from shoulder to top of the head, like in the case of a portrait. This shot is used to capture facial expressions. In the extreme close-up shots, the frame includes only one body part of the subject.

     Mid-shot or medium shot is used when the body language is required to be captured along with facial expression. A medium-long shot shows the subject’s body from mid-thigh to top of the head and also little sneak peeks of the background.

    Long Shot shows the full body of the subject. It is used when we need to show the background as well as the subject.

    Hope these basic tips help to spike your interest in this beautiful skill and you are encouraged to pick up a camera and have a go.

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  • Is there anyone in the house who doesn't like to eat Mangoes on a hot summer day? And what's your favorite way to enjoy them - eating them raw, in an ice-cream or as a mango shake? Whatever it is, let us join this interesting podcast where we explore some of the most popular varieties of mangoes in India. 

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  • About 60% of the human body is water and it is very important to keep ourselves hydrated especially during the summer season. Therefore it is the best time to enjoy some refreshing drinks in order to keep our body cool and hydrated. Let's listen to this podcast to find out which are the most loved summer drinks by kids in India.

    Across the nation, we Indians are a big fan of mojito, which is also called as lemon water in simple language or nimbu paani in Hindi. Nothing is more healthy and powerful than a glass of fresh lemon water on a hot sunny day.

    Research has found that milk is much better rehydrating drink than water because of its longer retention capacity. It contains protein and sodium which helps our body to regain lost energy. Milkshakes and smoothies are some popular summer drink made from milk to make it interesting for kids.

    Coconut Water is undoubtedly another favorite drink, especially in coastal states of India. Being low in calories and rich in potassium, coconut water is considered to be more beneficial than a normal glass of water. Even sportsmen consume coconut water to gain their energy.

    Cucumber juice is an excellent choice as a hydrating juice as cucumbers are known to contain 90% of water and are one of the most nourishing vegetables. 

    Finally, fruit juices like orange juice, beetroot juice are a great choice too as they are rich in electrolytes and are natural blood purifier. Natural fruit juices are often recommended by nutritionists for kids to keep them active and away from fizzy drinks.

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  • If we try and do a survey of the world’s most favorite snack, there is a high chance that chocolates will come out as a clear winner. There is a whole range of this confectionery item which is available starting from milk and white chocolates to pungent dark flavored ones.

    So in this special kid’s podcast, we talk about the top 5 global brands of chocolates which have made a mark for themselves and trust us, their fan following is so huge that it may be bigger than some of the country’s entire population. 

    Starting with Ferrero Rocher - Italian chocolate originally made in France. It is crunchy white chocolate made with hazelnut, sugar, palm oil, buttermilk, etc.

    Guliyan is our second pick for its premium quality Belgian chocolate and has been manufactured since 1958. It comes with a variety of fillings and tastes completely different from other chocolates because it is made with 100% pure cocoa butter.

    Lindt Chocolate is made in heaven of Earth i.e., Switzerland. Chocolate factories for these are probably the largest in the world and these contain cocoa and hazelnuts.

    The Lebanon based chocolate, named Patchi Chocolate is the leading chocolate brand from the Middle East. These chocolates are found both in dark and white flavors and contain cocoa mass, cocoa butter, hazelnuts, and palm oil amongst main ingredients.

    The last global premium chocolate is Ghirardelli started in 1858 first time and is prepared as intense dark chocolate squares to caramel chocolate squares.

    So next time you go out shopping or travel abroad, you will know which brands to look out for if you feel like trying something new.

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  • Endangered animals are the species of animals that are likely to be extinct in the near future due to their decreasing count. And in this Chimes Radio Original podcast, we bring to you an overview of 5 endangered animals from the land of India - Asiatic Lions, Bengal Tigers, Blackbuck, Red Panda, and Snow Leopards. In fact, these animals are not only endangered in India but across the globe. 

    Count of Bengal Tigers, the National animal of India and Bangladesh, has been decreasing over the years due to poaching and the human-tiger conflict. In 2011, there were approximately 2000 Bengal Tigers left in India. 

    Lion, the King of the jungle, is also marked as endangered species. In May 2015, the 14th Asiatic Lion census was conducted in an area of 20,000 sq km, in which the lion population was estimated to be about 523. In August 2017, another survey was done in which pleasantly the population has increased to 650. 

    Snow Leopards are the large cats, native to the mountain regions in Central and South Asia. Only 524 snow leopards are left in India. 

    Count of Blackbucks, one of the fastest runners, is only 7000 that are left in India and is continuously decreasing due to large scale conversion of their natural habitats into agricultural fields. 

    Red Pandas, also known as lesser pandas or red bear cat, are mostly found in the Himalayas and its population is on the decrease again. In India, there are only 6000 red pandas left. 

    Let's hop on to our knowledge express and enjoy this kid’s podcast.

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  • Food is a core part of any culture and when you talk about India, this is even more obvious. In this mini-podcast, we talk about some popular Indian dishes which we assume to have originated locally but were actually brought to India by foreigners over many centuries. These dishes are now so ingrained in our social fabric, it will be impossible to think of them otherwise.

    We Indians love having Naans along with our favorite paneer dish but this much loved bread is not a “Made in India” and originally came from Persia and Iran. 
    Now all the tea lovers will be shocked to know that this much loved beverage, tea, came to India via the British people. Not only just tea but coffee also is not an Indian beverage. Originally it was developed in Arabia and Africa which was then transported to other countries of the world.

    Samosa with green chutney tastes out of the world, isn’t it? But this loved snack also doesn’t have its humble origins in India and is actually a Middle-Eastern dish which was brought to India by an Iranian scholar.

    When Indians talk about desserts, the first image that strikes our mind is the mouth-watering hot Gulab Jamun. But this is a Meditteranean dish which was accidentally made by the chef of Shah Jahan, the 5th Mughal Emperor. 

    Hope you enjoy this podcast on not-so-important yet very interesting trivia and continue to relish these great dishes.


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  • Holi is the festival of color. And just like Holi in India, there are several other festivals all across the globe in which color plays an essential part. In this podcast, Chimes Radio will introduce our young listeners to some of these great and fun festivals which might not be known to many.

    South Korea: The Boryeong Mud Festival is an annual festival that takes place during the summer in Boryeong, a town in South Korea. The first Mud Festival was staged in 1998 and now it has become a popular tourist attraction.


    Italy: The Battle of the Oranges is a festival in the Northern Italian city of Ivrea, which includes a tradition of throwing of oranges on each other. It is the largest food fight in Italy and after the fight, all the people swim in pools of orange juice.


    Spain: La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, in the East of Spain. Participants throw tomatoes and have immense fun in this tomato fight. It is held in the last week of August every year for entertainment purposes. This event is a highlight in Spain’s summer festivals’ calendar. 

    Australia: Chinchilla Watermelon festival is held in a place called Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia which is also known as “Melon Capital” of Australia. There is a melon festival in every second year in February where they host interactive and unique events such as melon skiing, melon bungee, melon bulls-eye, melon ironman, melon chariot etc. 

    Thailand: Songkran is the Thai New Year's national holiday. Songkran is on the 13 April every year, but the holiday period extends from 14 to 15 April. Songkran festival is all about throwing water at each other where everyone from kids to adults carries water guns and buckets filled with ice-cold water. While its origin lies in the historic practice to revere and clean Lord Buddha statues with water and sprinkling it on people for purity and prosperity. 

    Greece: Clean Monday Flour War festival in Greece is an annual tradition where people paint their faces and throw a fist full of colored flour. It takes place around March every year and this has been going for the last 200 years. It is also called as Ash Monday. 

    Enjoy all this information in this short kid’s podcast.

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