Sciences – Nouveaux podcasts

  • In this SeedNL podcast exclusive miniseries entitled, “Getting it Right”, we dive into how Plant Breeders' Rights and Farmers' Rights are frequently framed as contradicting ways for how seeds are accessed, developed, sold and used. These rights and corresponding policies have a significant impact on the seed sector, and therefore also on food and nutrition security around the world.

    This series facilitates dialogue with and between three experts who talk about their different perspectives on the discussion - and find collaborative ways forward.

    SeedNL is a public private partnership that aims to strengthen the seed sector in low and middle income countries by helping farmers get better access to better quality seeds. We believe in partnerships and an integrated approach that respects and includes the formal and the so-called informal seed sector. We aim to create a safe space for multi-stakeholder discussions, also on more controversial topics such as the one focused on in this podcast. For more information, go to or send us an email at [email protected]

  • Demystifying climate change, one witty chat at a time! Join us in candid conversations with experts to understand more. The Climate Conundrum Podcast aims at demystifying the complex concepts surrounding climate change, through candid conversations with scientists, policy makers and subject-matter experts. We are here to simplify and start a conversation surrounding climate issues, keeping the Indian context in mind.

  • A podcast by Mind & Life Europe, emphasising the importance of exploratory dialogue, radical candour, intersubjectivity, and listening as an epistemology. Inspired by the groundbreaking work of our co-founder, the Chilean neurobiologist and philosopher Francisco Varela, these conversations are one more way of exploring what has been the lodestar for our work at Mind & Life Europe: the continuity between mind and life, or in Francisco’s own formulation, “living as sense-making.”

    Mind & Life Europe is a home for unconventional interdisciplinary encounters, where researchers and practitioners enrich one another in their understanding of mind and life, through the rigour of scientific inquiry, the openness of philosophical investigation, the edginess of artistic exploration, and the depth of contemplative wisdom traditions. We believe that holding an open-hearted and interdisciplinary space of dialogue is in itself a radical, ethical mode of being-in-the-world, which generates new pathways of research and collective sense-making with transformative potential.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Underworlds explores unconventional sites and struggles of global dis/ordering. Guided by leading theorists and critics, we explore how familiar locations and legacies of power are cabined, crossed, and cut apart by alternative arteries, lineages, and languages of ordering and world-making - from oceanic archives to landscapes of plasticity and pollution, from the circulation of debt to the aesthetics of breathing. Across these sites, we explores new modes of resistance and refusal. Convened by Marie Petersmann (LSE) and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche (QMUL). Sound / art by Tobias & Dominique Koch.

  • The NGBI Lab shines a light on startups in Canadian Life Sciences. This is the sister podcast of NGBIdeas and part of - Canada's Life Sciences Summit.

  • 4 friends were having a sleepover until something felt off, something weird was happening. A virus was spreading through eastern PA turning people into zombies

  • A sneak peek into our physics graduate student community. Here you find physics, sociology, gaming, health and fitness, and a bunch of cool stuff.

  • Bonjour, 

    Je suis Sonia Pellegrin , fondatrice de Ma Pause Mode ( en 2011. Me revoici en 2022 avec un format blog et podcast et désormais Coach en Image et Coach de vie en devenir... Avec ce podcast, j’espère relever le défi de me positionner en tant que porte-parole d’une mode meilleure et plus enthousiaste. 

    Plus d'amour de soi et de sa penderie !
    C'est dans l'amour que le changement de nos habitudes sera le plus durable, et non pas dans la frustration ou dans la culpabilisation. Retrouver du plaisir dans notre relation aux vêtements entre en jeu.

    La mode... 
    Ma passion pour la mode est ternie par des enjeux socio-environnementaux. (  Le consommateur fait face à un manque de repères pour comprendre comment mieux s’habiller dans le respect des Humains et de la Planète.

    Mieux et moins acheter : la clé de mon bonheur
    Stop aux dressings bondés de pauvre qualité qui nous agaçent et n'aident pas à savoir quoi porter...   Stop aux croyances : "acheter moins, c’est frustrant", "le shopping rend heureux", "la mode responsable c'est trop cher", etc. Et oui, à un dressing plaisir plus conscient et durable qui nous met en valeur ainsi que nos belles valeurs :)

    Vous en doutez ? Écoutez alors mes partages de modeuse passionée et engagée !
    Ensemble, évoluons vers plus d'amour et de nobles convictions...

    Que le Podcast Ma Pause Mode vous inspire,
    Bienvenue et bonnes écoutes ! 
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Kids ask the coolest questions! And on The Conversation’s Curious Kids, we get the brainiest people we can to answer them!

    Every week, a curious kid joins host Eloise to ask the world’s top researchers their burning question – whether it’s about space, dinosaurs, trees or even why their dog is just sooooo cute.

    A podcast from The Conversation, the independent website that brings you news straight from scientists and scholars, in partnership with Fun Kids.

    Email your questions to [email protected] or record it on your phone and send it to us directly

  • Deux fois par mois, les journalistes spécialisés du Temps vous proposent un décryptage des enjeux de l'intelligence artificielle.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Welcome to the Reverie Nature Podcast, your gateway to the enchanting world of wilderness exploration and environmental appreciation. Delve into a diverse array of topics, including wilderness survival skills, bushcraft techniques, nature soundscapes, and captivating stories of environmental heroes. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast seeking to enhance your skills or a nature lover craving immersive experiences, our podcast offers something for everyone. Tune in to gain valuable insights, learn new skills, and embark on a journey of discovery through the wonders of the natural world. Subscribe now to join our community of passionate nature enthusiasts and explore the beauty of our planet together!

    Chad Clifford's journey into the wilderness began decades ago, fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a deep reverence for the natural world. With a background steeped in wilderness survival, Chad's expertise extends far beyond the ordinary. He's not just a guide; he's a seasoned practitioner, a mentor, and an advocate for the preservation of our planet's precious ecosystems. His experiences as a survival consultant for high-profile survival television productions like the BBC's Bare Necessities, and his dedication to teaching survival skills (including training for new pilots) underscore his commitment to sharing the transformative power of nature with the world. Chad's passion for nature interpretation, from deciphering animal tracks and signs to creating educational materials, enriches every episode of the Reverie Nature Podcast. With Chad at the helm, the Reverie Nature Podcast promises not just an adventure, but an education—a chance to unlock the secrets of the wilderness and discover the boundless beauty of the world around us. Embark on this awe-inspiring journey with Chad Clifford, your guide through the Reverie Nature Podcast.

  • Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.

  • It has a life of its own, our propensity to talk: always evolving, pivoting in unexpected directions. The sentence that rolled off your tongue or departed your fingertips just a second ago — along with its tone, word choice, its construction — has something especially interesting to say about our world today and years from now. Join Aaron as he tries to better understand the marvel that is language!

  • The Opioid Matrix is a podcast for anyone looking for the latest information in the illegal drug supply chain — Beginning to end. Each episode will feature a discussion with industry experts about the current opioid crisis, including drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, drug identification, drug addiction, as well as the role of government, law enforcement, new health and social programs, and more.
    Welcome to The Opioid Matrix-A Journey into the Rabbit Hole.

  • OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.In the U.S., OCA education campaigns reach more than two million consumers and organic businesses either through our newsletter, our social media networks or mainstream and progressive news outlets. Our U.S. and international policy board is broadly representative of the organic, family farm, environmental, and public interest community.

  • Dans ce podcast, je pars à la rencontre d'expert badass du vivant. Ils nous aideront à comprendre les grands enjeux actuels, nous donnerons des clés d'actions citoyennes et surtout l'envie d'avoir envie -euh non- enfin si un peu - et surtout l'envie de nous engager nous aussi en faveur de cette transition de société ambitieuse et passionnante ! Bonne écoute ! 
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Learn about all things nature! The crew at The Nature of Wildworks will talk about the animals ambassadors that live there and about the species they represent out in the wild.

  • River of Ideas is a podcast about greener cities and cleaner water through science and urban planning. We cover topics like green infrastructure, water quality, landscape design, ecology, environmental policy, and environmental justice. 

    You can find the video version of our podcast on our YouTube channel: 

    River of Ideas is produced by the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, a Minneapolis-based joint-powers local government unit and one of approximately three dozen watershed organizations in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Learn more at