
  • On this Episode we will talk about the nearshoring from Mexico.

    En este episodio, hablaremos acerca del nearshoring en Mexico.

    Tech News para la industria de ElectrĂłnica.

    4 Semiconductor Cafe: Carlos Unda, Rogerio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.

    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. RogĂ©rio Moreira Pavel Navarrete Juan Barrera #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology



    Bumper Tag by John Deley

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0


    Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


  • On this Episode we will talk about latest news about the semiconductor industry growth from China , and also about their most important foundry SMIC.

    En este Episodio hablaremos de las Ășltimas novedades sobre el crecimiento de la industria de los semiconductores en China, y tambiĂ©n de su fabrica de wafers ( foundrie) mĂĄs importante SMIC.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

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  • On this Episode we will talk about The semiconductor equipment market? Who are the key players? how big is the market in USD?

    Why is becoming so important?

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • Welcome to today's episode where we delve into the intricate world of semiconductor equipment manufacturers and their pivotal role in powering the tech industry. Our focus is on the titans of the trade—ASML Holding N.V., Applied Materials, Lam Research, Tokyo Electron (TEL), KLA Corporation, Hitachi High-Technologies, Nikon, and Canon—whose sophisticated machinery and technological prowess are the backbone of semiconductor chip production.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this Episode we wil provide an update about the semiconductry Industry Sales per Region.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : SIA

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109

    DISCLAIMER: The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal to the authors only, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    DISCLAIMER: The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal to the authors only, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this Episode we will talk about the 7.4 magnitude earthquake near Taiwan’s east coast, TSMC, a key player in semiconductor manufacturing, swiftly entered emergency mode. The event highlighted the vulnerability of Taiwan’s tech infrastructure to seismic activities and the delicate balance between technological progress and the risk of natural disasters.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • In today's episode, we're diving into the seismic shift in the tech industry as major U.S. companies pivot their AI manufacturing from China to Mexico. Spearheaded by giants like Foxconn and encouraged by the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, this move is reshaping the global tech landscape. We'll explore how Mexico's strategic advantages and growing importance are attracting billions in investments, transforming it into a burgeoning hub for advanced manufacturing. Amid challenges and geopolitical tensions, discover how this pivotal shift is forging new paths for the future of tech production.

    En el episodio de hoy, nos sumergimos en el cambio sísmico en la industria tecnológica a medida que las principales empresas estadounidenses trasladan su fabricación de IA de China a México. Encabezada por gigantes como Foxconn y alentada por el Acuerdo entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadå, esta medida estå remodelando el panorama tecnológico global. Exploraremos cómo las ventajas estratégicas y la creciente importancia de México estån atrayendo miles de millones de dólares en inversiones, transformåndolo en un floreciente centro de manufactura avanzada. En medio de desafíos y tensiones geopolíticas, descubra cómo este cambio fundamental estå abriendo nuevos caminos para el futuro de la producción tecnológica.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode 2 . Part 2 . We will talk about the 11th - 20th out of the Top 20 Semiconductors companies in USA. ( Market Capitalization as March 26th , 2024)

    Government Involvement: Governments worldwide, including the US, are actively involved in the semiconductor industry, nurturing local companies through policy initiatives.
    CHIPS and Science Act: The CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in August 2022, marked a pivotal moment for the revitalization of the US semiconductor industry. The US Department of Commerce began significant implementation efforts in 2023.
    Funding Opportunities: The CHIPS Program Office (CPO) issued its initial Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in March 2023, offering incentives for semiconductor companies to establish or expand fabrication facilities. A second funding opportunity for projects over $300 million was launched by CPO in June 2023.
    Statements of Interest (SOIs): As of May 2023, the Commerce Department reported receiving more than 400 SOIs for CHIPS projects, indicating widespread interest in the program throughout the supply chain.
    Investments and Job Creation: Since the inception of the CHIPS Act, numerous projects across 20 states have been announced, with investments surpassing $200 billion. These initiatives are expected to generate tens of thousands of high-quality jobs within the U.S. semiconductor industry and hundreds of thousands more across the broader economy.

    The US semiconductor industry holds a significant share of the global market, boasting 48% of the global market share in 2022. The industry has seen consistent annual growth since the late 1990s in the US, holding leading positions in R&D, design, and manufacturing technology.

    En este episodio 2. Parte 2 . Hablaremos del puesto 11 al 20 entre las 20 principales empresas de semiconductores de EE. UU. (Capitalización de mercado al 26 de marzo de 2024)
    Participación gubernamental:
    Los gobiernos de todo el mundo, incluido Estados Unidos, participan activamente en la industria de los semiconductores, fomentando a las empresas locales a través de iniciativas políticas.
    Ley CHIPS y Ciencia: La Ley CHIPS y Ciencia, promulgada en agosto de 2022, marcó un momento crucial para la revitalización de la industria. Industria estadounidense de semiconductores. El Departamento de Comercio de EE. UU. inició importantes esfuerzos de implementación en 2023.
    Oportunidades de financiación: La Oficina del Programa CHIPS (CPO) emitió su Aviso de Oportunidad de Financiamiento (NOFO) inicial en marzo de 2023, ofreciendo incentivos para que las empresas de semiconductores establezcan o amplíen instalaciones de fabricación. CPO lanzó una segunda oportunidad de financiación para proyectos de más de $300 millones en junio de 2023.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 
    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 
    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  
    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 
     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel
    MUSIC:  __  
    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 
    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  
    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 
    DISCLAIMER: La información, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son únicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode 2 . Part 1 . We will talk about top 10 out fo the Top 20 Semiconductors companies in USA. ( Market Capitalization as March 26th , 2024)

    Government Involvement: Governments worldwide, including the US, are actively involved in the semiconductor industry, nurturing local companies through policy initiatives. CHIPS and Science Act: The CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in August 2022, marked a pivotal moment for the revitalization of the US semiconductor industry. The US Department of Commerce began significant implementation efforts in 2023. Funding Opportunities: The CHIPS Program Office (CPO) issued its initial Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in March 2023, offering incentives for semiconductor companies to establish or expand fabrication facilities. A second funding opportunity for projects over $300 million was launched by CPO in June 2023. Statements of Interest (SOIs): As of May 2023, the Commerce Department reported receiving more than 400 SOIs for CHIPS projects, indicating widespread interest in the program throughout the supply chain. Investments and Job Creation: Since the inception of the CHIPS Act, numerous projects across 20 states have been announced, with investments surpassing $200 billion. These initiatives are expected to generate tens of thousands of high-quality jobs within the U.S. semiconductor industry and hundreds of thousands more across the broader economy.

    The US semiconductor industry holds a significant share of the global market, boasting 48% of the global market share in 2022. The industry has seen consistent annual growth since the late 1990s in the US, holding leading positions in R&D, design, and manufacturing technology. En este episodio 2. Parte 1 . Hablaremos de las 10 principales empresas de semiconductores de EE. UU. (CapitalizaciĂłn de mercado al 26 de marzo de 2024)

    ParticipaciĂłn gubernamental:

    Los gobiernos de todo el mundo, incluido Estados Unidos, participan activamente en la industria de los semiconductores, fomentando a las empresas locales a través de iniciativas políticas.

    Ley CHIPS y Ciencia: La Ley CHIPS y Ciencia, promulgada en agosto de 2022, marcĂł un momento crucial para la revitalizaciĂłn de la industria. Industria estadounidense de semiconductores. El Departamento de Comercio de EE. UU. iniciĂł importantes esfuerzos de implementaciĂłn en 2023.

    Oportunidades de financiaciĂłn: La Oficina del Programa CHIPS (CPO) emitiĂł su Aviso de Oportunidad de Financiamiento (NOFO) inicial en marzo de 2023, ofreciendo incentivos para que las empresas de semiconductores establezcan o amplĂ­en instalaciones de fabricaciĂłn. CPO lanzĂł una segunda oportunidad de financiaciĂłn para proyectos de mĂĄs de $300 millones en junio de 2023.

    Declaraciones de interés (SOI): en mayo de 2023, el Departamento de Comercio informó haber recibido mås de 400 SOI para proyectos CHIPS, lo que indica un interés generalizado en el programa en todo el mundo. cadena de suministro.

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    Source/Credits : Yahoo Finance & Investing Channel

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode we will talk about top manufacturers & Suppliers from Europe.

    En este episodio hablaremos sobre los principales fabricantes de smiconductors y de los fabricantes de equipos para fabricar semiconductores de Europa..

    Tech News for the Electronics Industry

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe":

    Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals.

    #technews #semiconductors #technology

    MUSIC: __

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons —

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode we will talk about  the potential Impact over Semiconductor Industry, if China decided to Invade Taiwan. Semiconductors are the building blocks of modern life. They help to build our phones, the energy grid, and everything else. But with increased offshore demand for semiconductors, followed by the In terms of the international situation, this is a time of increased risk. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has The U.S. is the global leader in semiconductor design, but only around 12 percent of chip manufacturing capacity is domestic. The bulk of that capacity is now in Asia. Taiwan TSMC has 50% share of global chip manufacturing.

    En este episodio hablaremos sobre el impacto que puede sufrir  industria de semiconductores, si China decide invadir TaiwĂĄn. Los semiconductores son los componentes bĂĄsicos de la vida moderna. Ayudan a construir nuestros telĂ©fonos, la red de energĂ­a y todo lo demĂĄs. Pero con el aumento de la demanda de semiconductores en todo el mundo, seguido por por el conflicto de Rusia-Ucrania, este es un momento de mayor riesgo. Estados Unidos es el lĂ­der mundial en diseño de semiconductores, tiene solo alrededor del 12 por ciento de la capacidad de fabricaciĂłn de chips es nacional. La mayor parte de esa capacidad se encuentra ahora en Asia. TaiwĂĄn TSMC tiene una participaciĂłn del 50% en la fabricaciĂłn mundial de chips.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  __  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 

  • On this episode we will talk about  the investments coming to help to the complete semiconductor ecosystem a great help to reduce supply constrain.

    En este episodio hablaremos sobre las inversiones que vienen para ayudar a todo el ecosistema de semiconductores y que van ayudar para reducir la la escases de components.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  __  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 

  • On this episode We have an special guest from NXP Semiconductor , Jorge Torres he is the  Distribution Sales Manager for Mexico & Central America. We will about the current supply constrain, technology trends & share some comments from previous experiences.

    En este episodio tenemos un invitado especial de NXP Semiconductor, Jorge Torres que es el Gerente de Ventas de DistribuciĂłn para MĂ©xico y CentroamĂ©rica. Hablaremos sobre laescases de Chips ( supply constrain),  tendencias tecnolĂłgicas y compartiremos algunos comentarios de experiencias anteriores.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  __  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode we will talk about theLockdown from China. We will discuss scenarios about what to expect? What market changes shuold be implemented in the Future

    En este episodio hablaremos sobre el cierre de China. Discutiremos escenarios sobre qué esperar. Qué cambios de mercado deberían implementarse en el futuro.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  __  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • Segunda temporada de nosso podcast  "4 Semiconductor CafĂ© " Episodio 11 .

    Hoje vamos falar sobre o terceiro episĂłdio da lei de Moore. 

    Second Season Podcast "4 Semiconductor Café" Episode 11.

    Today we're going to talk about the third episode of Moore's Law. 

    Tech News para la industria de ElectrĂłnica   -   Tech News for the Electronics industry.

    4 Semiconductor Cafe: Carlos Unda, Rogerio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. Rogério Moreira Pavel Navarrete Juan Barrera #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology



    Bumper Tag by John Deley

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0


    Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109


  • On this episode we will talk about the Backed out Acquisition for ARM by NVIDIA

    We will provide details since the acquisition was announced in 2020.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  ______  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 


    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode we will talk about The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) released the following statement from SIA President and CEO John Neuffer regarding new export control rules announced today in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  ______  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  


    Music provided by FreeMusic109

     https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 ________  

    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   

    #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • On this episode we will talk about the Semiconductor Record Sales from 2021 WW. Interesting information  to NBC news and the Semiconductor Industry Association, the Semiconductor Sales in Americas, Europe, &  China.

    Also, we will Share some comments about previous experiences over allocation times.

     Tech News for the Electronics Industry 

    "4 Semiconductor Cafe": 

    Carlos Unda, RogĂ©rio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.  


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 

     #technews #semiconductors #technology  

    MUSIC:  __________________  

    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — 

    Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0  

    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 ____________________  

    DISCLAIMER: La informaciĂłn, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son Ășnicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos.   #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • In this episode we will talk about the main challenges that will keep affecting the semiconductor supply constrain over all 2022. 
    Tech News for the Electronics Industry
    4 Semiconductor Cafe: Carlos Unda, Rogério Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera. 
    DISCLAIMER: The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. 
    #technews #semiconductors #technology 
    Bumper Tag by John Deley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 
    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109 ____________________ 
    DISCLAIMER: La información, declaraciones, comentarios, puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en este podcast son personales y son únicamente de los autores, y no necesariamente de los empleadores, otras organizaciones, comites u otros grupos o individuos. 
     #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology

  • Segunda temporada de nosso podcast  "4 Semiconductor CafĂ© " Episodio 6 .

    Hoje vamos falar sobre o segundo episódio da lei de Moore. Como a tecnologia evoluiu de 10 transitores para quase 50 bilhÔes ao longo do tempo.

    Second season Podcast "4 Semiconductor Café" Episode 6.

    Today we're going to talk about the second episode of Moore's Law. How technology evolved from 10 transients to nearly 50 billion over time.

    Tech News para la industria de ElectrĂłnica   -   Tech News for the Electronics industry.

    4 Semiconductor Cafe: Carlos Unda, Rogerio Moreira, Pavel Navarrete & Juan Barrera.


    The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal and are solely those of the authors, and not necessarily those of employers, other organizations, committees, or other groups or individuals. Rogério Moreira Pavel Navarrete Juan Barrera #podcast #foundries #foundries #technews #semiconductors #technology



    Bumper Tag by John Deley

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0


    Music provided by FreeMusic109 https://youtube.com/FreeMusic109
