Toute sa vie, Agnès Molinier a été journaliste et menait une belle carrière à la télévision. À 58 ans, elle est «remerciée». Elle a le sentiment que sa carrière est terminée, elle se sent vieille. Après le choc, s'ouvre pour elle une nouvelle vie. Dans Vieilles!, Agnès Molinier nous raconte ce basculement: ce moment où l'âge la rattrape et, paradoxalement, la libère.
Agnès discute avec des copines de son âge, fait appel à l'expertise de sociologues, journalistes et psychologues, et tend son micro à des femmes qui ne vivent pas la même vieillesse qu'elle.
Vieilles! est un podcast d'Agnès Molinier, produit et réalisé par Slate Podcasts sous la direction de Christophe Carron.
Production éditoriale et prise de son: Nina Pareja
Montage et réalisation: Aurélie Rodrigues
Illustration: Aurélie Rodrigues
Alternant: Marius Sort
Musique: «Bottle Rocket» - James Graham & Charles Oliver James Fitzgerald-Barron
Mémoire d'un monde, Kintsugi, Rends l'argent, Parcours, le Système, 52-62, Relations Internationales, Para ou normal... Retrouvez toutes les autres collections de Slate Podcasts dans ce flux.
Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations. -
Each week, Kristen Manieri interviews best-selling authors about their take on how to live a conscious connected, and intentional life. The goal of each episode of 60 Mindful Minutes is to inspire listeners to ask the questions: could I be living more consciously? Could I be creating more meaningful connections in my life? Could I be living more fully? Could I know and understand myself more deeply? Listen in each week as Kristen and her thought-provoking guests answer these questions and many more.
Inside Geneva is a podcast about global politics, humanitarian issues, and international aid, hosted by journalist Imogen Foulkes. It is produced by SWI, a multilingual international public service media company from Switzerland.
Web Science is the interdisciplinary study of the World Wide Web, drawing on science, social science, law, and the humanities.
Today, Web Science is needed more than ever. As the Web evolves, it is clear that we need in-depth and sustained interdisciplinary research to describe, analyze, and intervene in its future.
Untangling the Web is a podcast of the Web Science Trust, a charity promoting the understanding of the Web, through education and research in the discipline of Web Science.
On this podcast, we bring thought leaders from around the world to explore how the Web is shaping society and how society in turn is shaping the Web. We hope to improve our understanding of the Web, promote the Web’s positive impact on society – and change the Web for the better. The podcast is hosted by the SONIC Research Group. -
What happens in children’s and young people’s brains when they learn? What does the ideal learning and development environment for each individual look like? Which programs and technologies should be pursued? Which decision makers need to be involved to improve development and learning conditions?
BOLD insights explores how children and young people develop and learn. Researchers, science journalists, policymakers, and practitioners are all invited to have their say.
Ici, d’ailleurs
Décryptage sur la coopération au développement et l’action humanitaire, vu du terrain.
Julien Bettler est un travailleur humanitaire et du développement, qui partage sa passion, son expérience sur les enjeux du domaine de la coopération internationale. Ayant travaillé depuis plus de 20 ans pour plusieurs organisations sur 4 continents, il garde un oeil critique et bienveillant sur le travail des acteurs de développement et de l’humanitaire. -
"Forschung mit und für Menschen" ist ein Podcast der Phil.-hum. Fakultät der Universität Bern. Hören Sie spannende Gespräche mit Forscherinnen und Forschern aus den Fachbereichen Sportwissenschaft, Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaft zu alltagsrelevanten Themen und erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die Welt der Wissenschaft.
As "big data" and "algorithms" affect our daily communication, lots of new research questions arise at the intersection between societies and technologies, asking for human wellbeing in times of permanent smartphone usage or the role of huge platforms for our news environment. The growing discipline of Computational Communication Science (CCS) takes on a combinatory perspective between social and computer science. In this podcast, Emese Domahidi (@MissEsi) and Mario Haim (@DrFollowMario) open this discussion for students and young scholars, one guest and one question at a time.
Psychologist Nick Fortino hosts influential thought leaders in conversation about a variety of topics relevant to psychology, including critical examinations of modern-day psychiatry, social dynamics, psychology in politics, transformation, various forms of therapy, intimate relationships, the psychology of serial killers, etcetera! Support this podcast:
Cultures of Assembly (CoA) is a long-term research initiative and podcast series run by the Chair of the City of Esch at the University of Luxembourg. CoA is a project for discussing and speculating on spaces of agonism and democracies in the making, it runs in parallel with a new neighbourhood agency in the city centre of Esch-sur-Alzette. CoA aims to generate productive dialogues between urban pasts, presents, and futures, and the various publics and individuals who claim and produce them.
We are
Markus Miessen, César Reyes Nájera, Marija Maric -
In dieser Podcastreihe tausche ich mich mit führenden Expert:innen aus der Bildungswelt über Didaktischen Reduktion in der Erwachsenenbildung aus.
Erfahrene Trainer:innen, Ausbildende, Dozierende, Lehrkräfte und Spezialist:innen der Personalentwicklung teilen praxisnahe Einblicke, wie sie die Stofffülle reduzieren und komplexe Inhalte zugänglich gestalten.
Das Ziel: Den Lernenden und Teilnehmenden einen klaren und strukturierten Zugang zu Wissen und Fachgebieten zu ermöglichen – für nachhaltiges Lernen und effektive Wissensvermittlung. -
Die Podcast-Serie des Finanzmuseums beleuchtet episodenhaft wirtschaftliche Themen.
Greetings from the enigmatic realm of "The TrueLife Podcast: Unveiling Realities." Embark on an extraordinary journey through the uncharted territories of consciousness with me, the Founder of TrueLife Media. Fusing my background in experimental psychology and a passion for storytelling, I craft engaging content that explores the intricate threads of entrepreneurship, uncertainty, suffering, psychedelics, and evolution in the modern world.
Dive into the depths of human awareness as we unravel the mysteries of therapeutic psychedelics, coping with mental health issues, and the nuances of mindfulness practices. With over 600 captivating episodes and a strong community of over 30k YouTube subscribers, I weave a tapestry that goes beyond conventional boundaries.
In each episode, experience a psychedelic flair that unveils hidden histories, sparking thoughts that linger long after the final words. This thought-provoking podcast is not just a collection of conversations; it's a thrilling exploration of the mind, an invitation to expand your perceptions, and a quest to question the very fabric of reality.
Join me on this exhilarating thrill ride, where we discuss everything from the therapeutic use of psychedelics to the importance of mental health days. With two published books, including an international bestseller on Amazon, I've built a community that values intelligence, strength, and loyalty.
As a Founding Member of The Octopus Movement, a global network committed to positive change, I continually seek new challenges and opportunities to impact the world positively. Together, let's live a life worth living and explore the boundless possibilities that await in the ever-evolving landscape of "The TrueLife Podcast: Unveiling Realities."
Aloha, and welcome to a world where realities are uncovered, and consciousness takes center stage. -
Herzlich Willkommen zum Podcast der F•H•I - Frequenz•Heil•Impulse, Jutta’s Quanten-Reading. Dein Motivation’s Coaching zur Selbstliebe, Selbstfindung, Selbsterkenntnis, Selbstwert. Finde die Magische Heil-Kraft in Dir, den Zauber-Schlüssel zu deiner Lebens-Reise. Die Dosis macht den Geschmack. Füge hinzu: eine grosse Prise F•H•I und die Quanten-Fern-Heil-Welle, dann bist du „online“ zum erwachten Bewusstsein. Deine Seele, dein „So Sein“ entdecken und bewusst leben. Engel, Krafttiere, und Heilsteine, als Unterstützung.Mit Meditation, Affirmation, die Intuition stärken. Bewusstes manifestieren.
Des récits de chercheuses et chercheurs qui retracent des exemples de vulnérabilité rencontrés dans les parcours de vie.
Une émission produite et réalisée par le Centre LIVES et portée conjointement par les universités de Lausanne et de Genève.
Stories of researchers unveiling examples of vulnerabilities throughout the lifecourse.
A program produced and directed by the LIVES Center and supported jointly by the universities of Lausanne and Geneva. -
Adapt provides research and consultancy services for local and international organisations in support of peace and sustainable development in conflict-affected environments. Our conflict and conflict sensitivity analyses, program design and management, and learning initiatives incorporate concepts and tools from complexity science, systems thinking and participatory approaches in order to thrive in complex and challenging contexts. We value deep and long term partnerships that empower local agency and lasting change.
We are a diverse group of people who deeply care about improving access to surgical care worldwide and believe that those solutions come from the ground up. Our mission is to create an environment to have safe conversations about equitable surgical care globally. To give a voice to surgical providers on the ground to express the challenges of delivering surgical care in their contexts. To highlight equitable global surgical partnerships, free from neocolonialism. To offer evidence-based approaches to building capacity in surgical care and to be impactful by sending a call to action after each conversation.
instagram: ott_globalsurgery
email: [email protected]
Contributors (On Behalf of the Global Surgery Lab):
Founders: Dr. Emilie Joos, Dr. Shahrzad Joharifard, Dr. Alreem Al Hinai
Hosts: Dr. Emilie Joos, Dr. Alreem Al Hinai, Paul Rakoczy, Amuna Ma
Editor: Dr. Cara Weessies
Social Media Team: Bita Mojtahedzadeh, Selina Park, Sheila Lam, Catherine Binda, Lydia Feng, Noah Boroditsky
Guest Research Team: Mariah Moti, Mathilde Bilau, Muntha Shoaib, Rachel Livergant, James Kennedy
Show Notes: James Kennedy -
In every episode, a new guest takes a seat across from Jan-Claas Dajka and talks to him about current research projects, curious anecdotes as well as paths, detours and companions in the (not only) scientific career.
Jan is interdisciplinary postdoc in marine ecology and marine governance at HIFMB. Chatting with ecologists, geographers, bioacousticians, mathematicians and many more, he shows the interesting and diverse personalities behind the transdisciplinary research at HIFMB.
The Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) is a research institute located in Oldenburg. It researches marine biodiversity and its importance for the function of marine ecosystems. In doing so, it develops the scientific basis for marine nature conservation and ecosystem management. -
Ethnographic Imagination Basel (EIB) – a series on reimagining the world from the mundane – is produced by the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Basel. It is a research, educational, and public engagement initiative exploring innovative forms of political imagination through ethnographic practice. The podcast promotes ethnography not only as a tool of scholarly research but also as a mode of imagination available to all, a means for pursuing deeper intercultural, contextual understanding and more ethical ways of being in the world.
LON è un network che ha come obiettivo la divulgazione e il rinnovamento del pensiero e della politica comunista in Italia. È parte del Collettivo le Gauche.