
  • Summary

    Sarah shares her journey of alcohol addiction and recovery, highlighting the societal pressures and beliefs that contribute to the cycle of drinking. She discusses the impact of alcohol on her physical and mental health, as well as her relationships. Sarah's decision to quit drinking led her to retrain as a health and wellness coach and a grey area drinking coach. Her story resonated with thousands of women, inspiring them to seek help and make positive changes in their own lives. Sarah Rusbatch shares her journey of quitting alcohol and how it has transformed her life. She emphasizes the importance of sharing our stories and how it can inspire and impact others. Sarah discusses her book, 'Beyond Booze,' which focuses on creating a fulfilling life without alcohol. She explores the physical and emotional aspects of quitting alcohol, including the role of neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin. Sarah also addresses the challenges of being in a relationship where one partner still drinks and offers strategies for navigating those dynamics.


    alcohol addiction, recovery, societal pressures, beliefs, physical health, mental health, relationships, quitting drinking, health and wellness coach, grey area drinking coach, inspiring, alcohol, quitting, transformation, sharing stories, inspiration, impact, book, Beyond Booze, fulfilling life, physical health, emotional health, neurotransmitters, GABA, serotonin, relationships, challenges, strategies

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  • Summary

    Anneke shares her journey of giving up alcohol and how it led her to coaching. She discusses the importance of self-development and the positive changes she experienced, such as increased self-belief and confidence. Anneke also talks about her vision for her coaching practice, including incorporating practices like tarot reading and astrology. She envisions creating a retreat in Scotland where people can explore alcohol-free living and engage in various practices for personal growth.


    Alcohol-free, coaching, self-development, confidence, tarot reading, astrology, retreat


    Giving up alcohol can lead to personal growth and increased self-belief.Self-development practices like yoga, meditation, and reading can support the journey of sobriety.Coaching skills can be applied to various areas of interest, such as tarot reading and astrology.Creating a retreat space for alcohol-free living and personal growth is a long-term goal.

    Social Links

    Instagram @optimystic_coachLinkedIn - Anneke Davie
  • Summary

    In this podcast episode, Andy Ramage interviews Zena, a coach and HR system specialist, about her journey and the importance of coaching. Zena shares how she lost herself while working full-time and how a self-development program helped her rediscover her confidence and purpose. She also discusses the obstacles she faced, such as limiting beliefs, and how coaching helped her overcome them. Zena emphasizes the need for people to thrive in all aspects of their lives, not just survive, and highlights the power of visualization and solution-focused approaches in coaching. Her big dream is to have a successful private practice and help others find clarity and fulfillment in their careers and lives.


    Coaching can help individuals rediscover their confidence, purpose, and potential.Limiting beliefs can hold people back, but coaching can help challenge and overcome them.The goal of coaching is to help individuals thrive in all aspects of their lives, not just survive.Visualization and solution-focused approaches are powerful coaching techniques.

    Social Links

    @zenascoaching Instagramwww.linkedin.com/in/zena-hall-zenascoaching LinkedIn@Zena Hall Facebookhttp://zenascoaching.com/ website
  • Summary

    Nigel Jones shares his alcohol-free journey and the transformation it brought to his life. He emphasizes the importance of setting daily goals and the power of walking and connecting with nature. Nigel discusses the freedom he experienced by breaking free from the chains of alcohol and how it inspired him to write the book 'Walking Back to Happiness.' He also explores the hero's journey and the role of coaching in personal development. Nigel highlights the significance of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in changing unconscious programs and beliefs. He encourages taking action and starting the alcohol-free adventure. Finally, Nigel discusses his work in promoting alcohol-free workplaces and his future plans.


    Setting daily goals is crucial in the early stages of an alcohol-free journey.Connecting with nature and engaging in physical activities like walking can have a transformative effect.Breaking free from the chains of alcohol brings a sense of freedom and the ability to create one's own life.Coaching and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be powerful tools in personal development and overcoming challenges.

    Social Links

    Facebook 9KM BY 9AM Challenge Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/9kmby9amchallengeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/9kmby9amFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/WALKINGBACKTOHAPPINESSTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@9kmby9amInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/9kmby9am/
  • Summary

    In this conversation, Andy Ramage and Rich Casement discuss the connection between alcohol-free living, clean break, and running. They explore the power of connection and the benefits of combining coaching with running. Rich shares his journey of creating Clean Break, an alcohol-free lifestyle brand, and the various pillars of the brand. They also emphasize the importance of self-care and personal growth for coaches. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative effects of taking a break from alcohol and the positive impact it can have on one's life.


    Taking a break from alcohol can lead to increased energy, time, and self-belief, which can be channeled into activities like running.Combining coaching with running creates a powerful experience that addresses both the technical and mindset aspects of the sport.Alcohol-free communities and connections provide a deeper sense of connection and support compared to alcohol-centered socializing.Clean Break is an alcohol-free lifestyle brand that aims to promote health, wellbeing, and opportunity through various pillars, including coaching, events, and merchandise.Coaches need to prioritize self-care and seek coaching themselves to avoid burnout and maintain their own well-being.Taking a break from alcohol allows for self-discovery and the development of an authentic self, leading to increased self-confidence and personal power.

    Social Links

    www.cleanbreakbrewing.com@runningdryy_rich@cleanbreakbrewing @runningdryy_leeds
  • Summary

    In this podcast episode, Andy Ramage interviews Ray Sweeney, a performance coach and motivational speaker specializing in public speaking. Ray shares his journey from being fearful of public speaking to becoming a successful public speaker through his involvement with Toastmasters International. He discusses the importance of mindset in overcoming obstacles in public speaking and highlights the need for public speaking skills to be taught from a young age. Ray also shares his vision for the future, which includes traveling and speaking on a larger scale while helping others improve their public speaking skills. The episode concludes with information on where to find more information about Ray's coaching services.


    Public speaking is a master skill that can benefit anyone, regardless of their profession or background.Mindset plays a crucial role in overcoming obstacles in public speaking.Coaching can help individuals improve their public speaking skills by addressing both technical aspects and mindset barriers.Combining coaching, public speaking, and physical fitness can lead to personal growth and development.Public speaking skills should be taught from a young age to empower individuals to communicate effectively.

    Social Links:

    www.linkedin.com/in/raysweeney1https://calendly.com/marathonfitness1/121-discovery-call-your-performance-coachhttps://www.facebook.com/raysweeney2002Instagram - rayzorsharpspeaking
  • Summary

    Susan shares her journey with alcohol and how it led her to create the Ola Sober brand and magazine. She emphasizes the importance of community in sobriety and the power of authentic connections. Susan discusses the Ola Sober community, academy, and magazine, which provide support, empowerment, and inspiration for those living alcohol-free. She envisions a future where the alcohol-free movement becomes more mainstream and destigmatized. Susan encourages people to embrace their authentic selves and live a full and joyful life without alcohol.


    Community is essential in sobriety, providing support, connection, and a sense of belonging.Living a meaningful life in sobriety involves rediscovering passions, engaging in self-development, and forming deep and authentic relationships.The alcohol-free movement is gaining momentum, with an increasing number of alcohol-free options and spaces available.There is a need for more non-monetized spaces and diverse voices in the alcohol-free movement.The future of the alcohol-free movement involves destigmatizing sobriety and creating a cultural shift where alcohol is consumed consciously and with awareness.

    Social Links:


  • Introduction:

    Welcome to a special episode where Andy Ramage celebrates 10 years of being alcohol-free.

    Exciting Ventures:

    Recording the Rich Roll podcast for the second time on the 10th anniversary.Previews a documentary project in 2024 aiming to transform people's relationships with alcohol.

    Top 10 Wins of the Alcohol-Free Adventure:

    Better Sleep and Early Mornings:Highlights the positive impact of alcohol-free living on sleep quality.Carving out time in the morning for personal growth and productivity.Consistent Weight and Health:Shares personal weight loss journey and improved health statistics.Emphasizes the long-term benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle on physical well-being.Looking Younger:Discusses the anti-aging effects of quitting alcohol, supported by insights from Professor Kevin Moore.Meaningful Work:Reflects on finding meaning and purpose in coaching and entrepreneurship.The joy of making a positive impact on others' lives.Financial Savings:Estimates significant monetary savings (approximately £50,000) over the 10 years.Advocates redirecting saved funds towards personal development and enriching experiences.Boundless Energy:Attributes renewed energy levels to alcohol-free living.The importance of adopting healthy habits and prioritizing well-being.Connection in Alcohol-Free Communities:Celebrates genuine and deep connections formed in alcohol-free communities.Highlights the joy of meaningful conversations without the influence of alcohol.10 Times More Fun:Challenges the cultural narrative around alcohol equating to fun.Emphasizes the joy and fun discovered in an alcohol-free lifestyle.Resurgence of Ambition:Likens alcohol to kryptonite for dreams and ambitions.Explores the renewed drive and ambition that comes with an alcohol-free mindset.Embracing Your Authentic Self:Discusses shedding the persona created by alcohol and embracing authenticity.The power and energy derived from being true to oneself.
  • Summary

    Sarah Williamson shares her journey to sobriety and how it led her to become a coach and author. She discusses the challenges she faced and the importance of taking an extended break from alcohol to truly understand one's relationship with it. Sarah also highlights the need for alcohol conversations in the corporate space and the potential benefits of addressing alcohol use in the workplace. The conversation explores the importance of integrating well-being into organizations and creating healthy work environments. It emphasizes the role of senior leaders in setting the tone and the influence of social pressure on employees' behaviors. The guest, Sarah Williamson, provides insights and suggestions for organizations to prioritize well-being and create a positive work culture.


    Sobriety is a personal journey that often involves a buildup of awareness and exploration before making a long-term commitment.Writing a book can be a transformative experience and an opportunity to share one's story and resources with others.Alcohol conversations should be normalized in the corporate space, just like mental health and other well-being topics.Listening and providing support without judgment can be more effective than offering immediate solutions or recommendations. Organizations should prioritize well-being and integrate it into their culture.Senior leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone and promoting well-being.Social pressure can significantly impact employees' behaviors and mental health.Creating healthy and productive work environments involves providing alternatives to alcohol-centered social events.

    Social Links

    www.drinklesslivebetter.comhttps://www.instagram.com/drinklesslivebetter/https://www.facebook.com/sarahwilliamson.drinklesslivebetterhttps://www.facebook.com/drinklesslivebetterhttps://drinklesslivebetter.captivate.fm/listenhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahwilliamsondrinklesslivebetter/Drink Less; Live Better
  • Summary

    This conversation focuses on the middle lane of alcohol use disorders and the importance of prevention and early intervention. The speakers discuss tools and techniques for waking people up to their relationship with alcohol and provide a simple acronym, CAGE, to assess alcohol use. They emphasize the stages of change model and the significance of slip-ups in the change process. The conversation also explores underlying issues and pain that may drive alcohol use. The lack of awareness in the medical profession and the rise of alcohol-free alternatives are discussed. The book 'Unaddiction' is highlighted as a resource for having important conversations about alcohol. The conversation explores the cultural revolution happening among millennials and Gen Zs, who are rethinking their relationship with alcohol. The rise of the low alcohol and no alcohol movement is encouraging, as it challenges the traditional norms around drinking. The discussion also highlights the importance of teaching children emotional recognition and coping skills from an early age, with the hope of changing the next generation's approach to alcohol and other substances. The hosts share their shared mission to change the narrative around behaviors like alcohol consumption and the need to raise awareness among older generations stuck in old habits.


    The middle lane of alcohol use disorders, which includes mild to moderate cases, is a crucial focus for prevention and early intervention.The stages of change model can help individuals navigate the process of behavior change, including reducing or quitting alcohol use.Slip-ups and departures from the desired behavior are a normal part of the change process and should be met with curiosity and support rather than shame.Having open and non-judgmental conversations about alcohol use is essential in breaking down stigma and raising awareness.The future of alcohol and our relationship with it involves increasing awareness, providing more support and resources, and promoting alcohol-free alternatives. There is a cultural revolution happening among millennials and Gen Zs, who are questioning the need for alcohol and seeking alternative ways to socialize.Teaching children emotional recognition and coping skills from an early age can help prevent reliance on substances like alcohol.Using personal experiences and relatable examples can help raise awareness and make difficult conversations about alcohol more approachable.Softening the ground by discussing lesser stigmatized behaviors can create a safe space for conversations about alcohol.

    Social Links

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nzingaharrisonmd/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unaddictionpod/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nzingaharrisonmdBook: https://www.amazon.com/Addiction-Mind-Changing-Conversations-That-Could/dp/1454950870/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1S907B8KID6ER&keywords=unaddiction&qid=1689740394&sprefix=unadd%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1Website: eleanorhealth.com
  • Summary

    In this conversation, Andy Ramage interviews Jill Grams, a Behavioural Coach and the founder of The Happy Balance Coach. Jill shares her personal journey of overcoming insecurities and using her experiences to help others. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying emotional needs that drive habits such as emotional eating and drinking. Jill's coaching approach focuses on finding balance in various areas of life, including movement, nutrition, connection, play, and belonging. She is passionate about empowering women to stop hiding and start living their best lives. Jill offers group programs, retreats, and workshops to support her clients on their wellness journeys.


    Addressing the underlying emotional needs is crucial for overcoming habits such as emotional eating and drinking.Finding balance in various areas of life, including movement, nutrition, connection, play, and belonging, is essential for overall well-being.Sharing vulnerabilities and embracing imperfections can be a powerful tool for personal growth and helping others.Coaching is about exploring the deeper reasons behind habits and beliefs, rather than focusing solely on knowledge and strategies.

    Social Links:

  • Summary

    Andy shares his journey of taking a break from alcohol and the transformation it brought to his life. He discusses the importance of self-development and how it helped him discover new possibilities. Andy also talks about creating the Alcohol-Free Runners community and inspiring others on their alcohol-free journey. He opens up about facing life's obstacles, including a prostate cancer diagnosis, and how he used running as a way to cope and find strength. Finally, Andy shares his experience participating in a desert ultra marathon and the mental resilience required to overcome challenges and achieve goals. In this conversation, Andy shares his experience of pushing through physical and mental challenges during an ultramarathon. He reflects on the importance of self-belief and the impact of negative self-talk. Andy also discusses his journey towards self-acceptance and the realization that he is enough. He shares his future plans for running races and raising awareness for prostate cancer. To connect with Andy and join the alcohol-free runners community, visit his website or social media profiles.


    Believing in oneself and pushing through challenges is crucial for achieving goals.Negative self-talk can hinder progress and self-acceptance.Recognizing and challenging childhood beliefs is an ongoing process of personal development.Finding a balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance is key to living an inspired life.
  • Summary

    In this episode, Andy reflects on the importance of failure and the trap of perfectionism. He discusses the inevitability of slip-ups and the need to coach others through them. Andy then introduces the stages of change model and explains how it applies to making lasting change. He emphasizes that failure is a natural part of the change process and encourages listeners to embrace the messiness of change. Finally, Andy shares the concept of the corkscrew of change, where even setbacks lead to progress.


    Failure is a normal part of the change process.The stages of change model can help understand and navigate the process of change.Embracing the messiness of change can lead to quicker bounce-backs.The corkscrew of change illustrates that setbacks can still lead to progress.
  • Summary

    In this conversation, Andy Ramage and Bill discuss their shared passion for an alcohol-free lifestyle. Bill shares his experience of being alcohol-free for over 10 years and the advice he would give his younger self. They explore the journey of high performers and the impact of alcohol on various aspects of life. They also discuss the benefits of an alcohol-free life and the unexpected positive changes it brings. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of choosing to live without alcohol.


    Choosing an alcohol-free lifestyle can have numerous positive effects on health, sleep, and overall well-being.High performers often overlook the impact of alcohol on their performance and personal life.Taking a break from alcohol can lead to a euphoric rush of health and improved physical and mental state.Living an alcohol-free life can result in a more fulfilling and authentic sense of self.

    Bill Shufelt's Social Links:

  • Summary

    In this conversation, Andy Ramage and William Porter discuss their personal journeys to sobriety and the impact of alcohol on mental health and sleep. They highlight the misconception that alcohol is a relaxant when, in fact, it disrupts sleep and causes anxiety. They emphasize the lack of awareness and cultural blind spot surrounding the negative effects of alcohol. The conversation also touches on the classification of alcohol as a human carcinogen. Overall, the discussion aims to raise awareness and promote a shift in societal perspectives on alcohol. The conversation explores the marketing tactics and misinformation surrounding alcohol, highlighting the confusion created by the alcohol industry. It emphasizes that alcohol, with its carcinogenic properties, can never be good for health. The conversation also discusses the positive changes in the alcohol-free space and the shift in mindset towards questioning the benefits of alcohol consumption.


    Alcohol disrupts sleep and causes anxiety, despite the misconception that it is a relaxant.There is a lack of awareness and cultural blind spot surrounding the negative effects of alcohol.Alcohol is classified as a human carcinogen, alongside substances like asbestos and cigarette smoking.Societal perspectives on alcohol need to shift to promote awareness and informed decision-making. Alcohol is a carcinogen and can never be good for health.The alcohol industry uses marketing tactics and confusion to maintain consumption.Misinformation and lack of awareness contribute to the continued belief in the benefits of alcohol.The alcohol-free movement is growing, with a focus on questioning the role of alcohol in our lives.

    William Porter's Social Links:

  • Summary

    In this episode, Andy Ramage interviews Paul McCormack, the founder of Intention Performance. Paul shares his journey of giving up alcohol and how it led him to become a coach. He discusses the benefits of taking a break from alcohol and how it can improve performance. Paul also talks about his ebook and the three parts it is divided into. He emphasizes the importance of coaching in personal and professional development and shares his passion for helping others. The episode concludes with advice for aspiring coaches and Paul's contact information.


    Taking a break from alcohol can be a cheat code for optimal performance.Coaching can help individuals maximize their potential and achieve their goals.Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and adopting a growth mindset is crucial for personal and professional development.Job satisfaction as a coach comes from making a positive impact in clients' lives.Finding meaning and purpose in life can be achieved by merging passion and skill set

    Social Links:

    LinkedInin10tion performance
  • https://www.instagram.com/marathon2sobriety/

    Luc Zoratto - Marathon 2 sobriety

    Luc will make you laugh and make you cry.

    His IG account is one of my all-time favourites.

    Rich Roll one of my heroes, consistently shares some of Luc’s hilarious skits on the joys of being alcohol-free

    And one of the reasons I just had to hear his story.

    Luc will not disappoint.

    For years Luc hid his sobriety. He was embarrassed to tell people that he had proactively decided to quit alcohol.

    Until something happened that gave him the courage to show up, and share.

    Tune into this week's episode of the ‘Andy Ramage Podcast’ and find out what happened.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Your coach


    PS - If you have not done so already please subscribe or follow so you don’t miss out on all the bonus episodes.

    And if you enjoy please share with your friends.

  • Tune into the latest episode of the podcast and the first interview of series 3 with Lews Raymond Taylor.

    Lewis is the star of the Netflix documentary The Psychopath Life Coach.

    Lewis has an incredible story to share of how is transformed his relationship with alcohol, and went on a personal development journey to eventually create a $25 million coaching empire!

    So is Lewis really a psychopath?

    Or is he someone who had to fall before he was able to rise?

    Find out for yourself.

    Your coach


    PS - Help me make an alcohol-free documentary!
    I have teamed up with some of the world’s best documentary makers to create a film that will have the power to positively impact the lives of millions of people.

    And I need your help.
    I have started a GoFundMe page where you can donate any amount to help get this film started and be part of a movie that might transform the lives of millions of people!

    I would be so grateful for any contribution.

    If you are in a position to donate £100 or over, the more the better, you will get a credit at the end of the film!!!

    Click this link to get involved - https://gofund.me/02540b1b

    Plus you can also watch a 3 minute trailer!