
  • Movement Observation: Tight hamstrings are often a result of weakness, not strength.

    Lemme explain—better yet—lemme give you an example…

    When you get done with a long run or walk, your hamstrings feel incredibly tight. You might think it's because they're strong, but oftentimes this tightness is due to weakness in the hamstrings, which are compensating to keep your pelvis stable and your body upright.

    Now, I’ve been working with many clients who experience low back pain and pelvic floor issues, and I noticed a common pattern that weak hamstrings lead to tightness and imbalance. So, today, I’m sharing these observations with you!

    In this episode, you’ll learn how you can relieve tight hamstrings through strengthening, improve your pelvic stability, and how to incorporate hamstring activation into your daily workouts.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (00:01:35) What I have noticed in my clients working to get out of pain.

    (00:02:10) Debunking the myth that tight hamstrings are strong.

    (00:04:39) How tight hamstrings can disrupt overall body alignment.

    (00:05:18) The connection between hamstrings and pelvic floor function.

    (00:08:54) Guiding you through movements for waking up your hamstrings and tips to make them stronger, faster.

    (00:21:06) Trust your body with where it's at today to get you to where you want to go.

    For full show notes, visit https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/316

    After listening, check out this episode, Why Do Your Feet Hurt? How to Stop Foot Pain in Its Tracks, by clicking >>HERE

  • Do you ever go to move and notice your body resisting the movement?

    Almost like your body put the brakes on and was like, “Woooah, I don’t know if I like this movement.”

    Let me tell you why this is happening: your past experiences are shaping your reality or what you believe to be true. It’s your body’s way of protecting you from the pain you are afraid of (even if you’re not experiencing any pain!) This anticipatory reaction can keep you stuck in a cycle of fear and limited movement which could result in MORE pain.

    Understanding this can take you from pumping the breaks to cruising down the highway with confidence.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize and release fear-based movement patterns, use breath to initiate safe and effective movements, and build a consistent practice that fosters trust and reduces pain.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (00:01:59) How past experiences are holding us back from getting the results we want.

    (00:03:20) What causes the body to resist movement.

    (00:05:07) How to overcome fear from movement and build trust with your body.

    (00:06:38) Why the "no pain, no gain" mentality needs to go.

    (00:07:57) The overall objective of moving our bodies.

    (00:11:01) Ways to improve breath, relax the body, and train the brain and nervous system.

    (00:13:12) The keys to making improvements with your movement and achieving lasting results.

    (00:16:41) How to stay pain-free and enjoy life’s activities.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/315

    After listening, download my free Pelvic Floor Guide to learn my foundational healing movements by clicking >>HERE

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  • Have you ever wondered what truly drives your child's health and wellness? (like using integrative strategies over conventional?)

    Because I have…

    In fact, that’s just one of the many, MANY reasons I couldn’t wait to have this conversation with Dr. Elisa Song, creator of Healthy Kids, Happy Kids. Because when I say Dr. Song has transformed the landscape of pediatric health… well, just wait until you listen.

    But that’s not all. In this episode, you’ll learn about the importance of gut health, how to support your child's immune system naturally, and the critical role of the vagus nerve in overall well-being.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (00:04:39) The importance of addressing root causes beyond conventional treatments.

    (00:06:17) The rising health issues among children and teens and how integrative approaches can create long-term wellness.

    (00:07:54) How modern lifestyles are increasing the prevalence of chronic conditions.

    (00:10:28) How the microbiome influences immunity and brain development and the crucial role of gut health in children's overall wellness.

    (00:13:26) How antibiotics impact the microbiome and the long-term health risks associated with overuse.

    (00:17:34) Strategies for restoring microbiome resilience knowing it's never too late to improve gut health.

    (00:21:12) How to choose the right probiotic supplements and create a supportive environment for gut health.

    (00:26:31) Natural alternatives to antibiotics for common childhood ailments.

    (00:28:32) What are effective natural treatments for ear infections and how to know when antibiotics are necessary.

    (00:33:31) The most important questions to ask your doctor before you start taking antibiotics.

    (00:35:09) The connection between the microbiome and mental health.

    (00:39:11) How environmental factors impact children's health.

    (00:41:56) Ways to calm the vagus nerve and shift from fight-or-flight to a state of relaxation and healing.

    (00:46:47) Dr. Elisa Song's advice on supporting mental health for teens and tweens.

    (00:48:54) The benefits of removing gluten and processed foods from children's diets.

    (00:54:04) The importance of educating kids about health decisions to empower them with knowledge and promote lifelong wellness.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/314

  • Can I be real with you for a moment? I mean, you listen to the podcast already so I know you and I are virtual friends.

    Okay, here I go: I'd rather nourish my body from within than rely on quick-fix solutions that don't last.

    And that’s the kind of lasting wellness that I wish for you, too.

    In this episode, Dr. William Davis and I had a conversation about how transforming your diet and gut health can lead to radiant skin and overall better health so you can feel and look your best every day.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (00:03:46) How an unexpected lesson from Dr. Davis' mother's sudden cardiac death lead him to question traditional heart disease treatments.

    (00:06:16) The misleading health advice on fats and the real drivers of heart disease.

    (00:09:07) Why cholesterol isn't a reliable indicator of heart disease.

    (00:13:06) The critical role of cholesterol in brain function and hormone production, and the adverse effects of the "cut your fat" message.

    (00:15:57) Connecting gut health to skin health and the impact diet has on collagen synthesis and overall skin quality.

    (00:22:24) What microbial strains are best for boosting collagen and reversing signs of aging.

    (00:25:26) How fermented foods can improve gut health.

    (00:28:11) The benefits of combining specific nutrients like collagen and hyaluronic acid for enhanced skin health and reduced waist size.

    (00:32:33) How hormones support gut health and help maintain muscle mass and bone strength.

    (00:33:42) Why standard probiotics are often ineffective in treating SIBO.

    (00:37:52) How to ferment foods at home.

    (00:41:53) The benefits of oxytocin physically, emotionally, and at a cellular level.

    (00:46:39) How to naturally improve vaginal moisture.

    (00:50:00) The role hyaluronic acid plays in uterine and vaginal health.

    (00:51:39) How the consumption of organ meats contributes to tissue health, gut healing, and overall wellness.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/313

  • This is going to be hard for you to hear…

    Setbacks are invaluable opportunities for growth and development as you step towards success. (Yelling this from the rooftops!!)

    As a pre and postnatal exercise specialist who helps women heal their bodies from pain and dysfunction, I gained so much perspective during this conversation with Sean-Michael Doty.

    Whether you’re an athlete pushing through challenges, recovering postpartum, or simply striving for a healthier lifestyle — this episode is for you.

    In this episode, you’ll learn practical tips for navigating setbacks, embracing resilience, and achieving success in your health and fitness journey.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [04:39] Sean's diverse experience in strength and conditioning and how he values setbacks in personal and professional growth.

    [05:42] How embracing setbacks as opportunities can springboard success.

    [09:55] How listening to your body can prevent further pain and injury, and what you can do instead during recovery periods.

    [15:04] The dangers of overexercising and the importance of finding balance in your movement practice.

    [18:21] The underestimated benefits of walking.

    [22:58] How 10 minutes of movement a day can promote your results.

    [25:42] Sean explains what an athlete mindset is and ways you can achieve it.

    [29:59] The best ways to reach your long-term health goals.

    [31:14] Do THIS to achieve your health goals.

    [34:43] The one thing we all will experience on our journeys.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/312

  • Wanna know the most important element in healing a diagnosis or symptom?

    … Acceptance.

    … And then it’s befriending it.

    … And then it’s communicating with it.

    Here’s the thing: I know (I know, I know) that acceptance FEELS very challenging… and that’s why people resist it. But it’s necessary.

    And one of my favorite examples of this is Megan Evans, founder and creator of The MS Stage and The MS Stage Method.

    When she was diagnosed with MS, she resisted accepting her diagnosis for 14 years. Then, she hit rock bottom. She decided to accept that MS was in her life so she could work with her diagnosis instead of fighting it.

    Spoiler alert: Her symptoms became her superpower.

    In this episode, you’ll learn the importance of acceptance in healing, strategies for becoming friends with your diagnosis or symptoms, and practical tips for communicating with your body to facilitate healing.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (03:43) What Megan prioritized with her diagnosis of MS.

    (06:38) How acceptance of Megan's diagnosis became pivotal in her healing journey.

    (08:33) How to reframe your relationship with medication and injections.

    (10:29) The importance of working with your body instead of working against it.

    (15:39) Understanding how your body is communicating with you.

    (17:53) Megan's perspective on not letting your diagnosis define you.

    (20:18) The science behind cellular function and visualization techniques.

    (22:39) Megan's prompt to start using visualization in your daily life when what you want isn't your current reality or you don't believe what you want is possible for you.

    (28:12) Megan's explanation of symptoms being your superpower.

    (34:47) Morning exercise to connect with your body and emotions.

    (39:05) How music can influence cellular function and relaxation.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/311

  • Harsh reality: Crunches are doing more harm than good.

    That's not what you're used to hearing, is it?

    But the good news is that there's a better way to strengthen your core. (Just like anything else with movement, eh?)

    And because I truly (TRULY!) care about you and your well-being, I’m sharing all of the reasons why you should stop doing crunches.

    Grab your coffee, it's about to get real...

    Because, in this episode, you’ll learn why traditional crunches can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, and an imbalanced core and how to adopt a more effective approach to core training that promotes optimal function and overall health.

    Click play to hear all this and...

    [02:23] Why I don't like traditional crunches.

    [05:17] Explaining all that is included in your core.

    [06:14] The impact that a tucked pelvis can have on your core function.

    [08:27] Addressing what is causing low back pain.

    [09:13] Why the crunching movement leads to aches, pains, and dysfunction.

    [10:14] How I teach functional flexion for your daily life.

    [11:41] The problem with static planks.

    [12:37] Breaking down the fundamentals of core training.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/310

  • There’s something we must do when healing postpartum.

    Shift our mindset about movement and results.

    Here’s the deal: as new mothers, we find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities while neglecting our own well-being. That said, prioritizing movement postpartum is not about getting back in shape but rather reclaiming our strength, confidence, and sense of self.

    Ok, so how do you do this?

    That’s what Amber Marker, founder of Declan + Crew and As You Are Cycle + Lagree Studio, broke down for us on the podcast.

    In this episode, you’ll hear our conversation – and lemme tell you, it was like talking to a long-lost sister. If you’re in the season of navigating motherhood and striving to prioritize your physical and mental health, this episode is for you!

    [04:16] How Amber went from elementary school teacher to opening a fitness studio.

    [07:15] What it takes to start a small business.

    [12:20] How Amber shifted her mindset towards movement postpartum.

    [19:19] Understanding weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum.

    [22:32] The impact social media has on mental health.

    [26:15] The pivot Amber made to open her cycling and lagree studio.

    [28:17] Amber's advice for embracing movement beyond calorie counting.

    [33:17] How to visualize your health goals.

    [38:09] The importance of giving yourself grace, embracing individual progress, and recognizing that "your best" looks different every day.

    Want to join Core Rehab and have a postpartum healing program that helps you feel better than you did before you were pregnant? Click >>HERE

  • Can you imagine unraveling the mysteries of your health with just a simple genetic test?

    (Yes, it IS possible!)

    This actually happened to clients Dr. Ricardo Miranda (aka the “pioneer of MTHFR genetic mutation research” and CEO of MTHFRdoctors.com) has worked with.

    But before Dr. Ricardo started revolutionizing genetic health, he had an interest in longevity and an understanding that our DNA is not our destiny.

    Today, he uses the knowledge he gained to help individuals, especially women planning pregnancy, struggling with infertility, and dealing with hormonal imbalances.

    In this episode, Dr. Ricardo Miranda so graciously shares with us his expertise on the MTHFR gene. He also lets us in on practical tips for optimizing health, along with his insights on detoxification, hormone activation, and gene expression.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [02:46] Dr. Ricardo's explanation of MTHFR and how this gene controls menthylation.

    [03:33] Why MTHFR is important during pregnancy and understanding its role in folate metabolism to prevent birth defects and support brain development in babies.

    [07:20] How fortified foods impact MTHFR.

    [10:33] The importance of organic foods for MTHFR due to their impact on detoxification pathways.

    [13:07] How MTHFR mutations can contribute to infertility and miscarriages.

    [15:29] Dr. Ricardo explains optimal TSH levels and the difference between lab ranges and functional ranges for thyroid hormones.

    [17:31] The role methylated folate plays in supporting proper thyroid function and hormone activation.

    [22:12] Dr. Ricardo's journey into researching MTHFR and its impact on gene expression and health.

    [25:23] Why testing folate levels (particularly in individuals with MTHFR mutations) is crucial for ensuring optimal health outcomes.

    [30:55] The correlation between MTHFR and Down syndrome, autism.

    [36:44] How over methylation of methylfolate can cause potential adverse effects.

    [38:14] How methylation influences cortisol production.

    Do you want an MTHFR Test Kit? You can head >>HERE

  • Ladies, her jaw was on the FLOOR.

    No back pain? After one Pilates session?

    It all started when I was in college, I became a certified Pilates instructor and witnessed how movement can heal the body...

    I then moved to California where I studied STOTT Pilates. It led me to create online courses, Knocked-Up Fitness, Core Rehab, and Core Studio, with my unique training techniques. It was something I knew was a definite need in the women’s fitness industry.

    And I'll tell you what, opening my Pilates studio has shown women that back pain isn't normal and Pilates can change their lives.

    You deserve this, too. Living the life you love without pain holding you back – I believe Pilates is what can get you there in the shortest amount of time.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how Pilates can prevent back pain, my movement tips for back pain relief, and how you can incorporate Pilates into your daily routine for a pain-free and active lifestyle.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [01:33] What I believe BEST relieves back pain.

    [02:27] The research findings on Pilates potential in preventing back surgery (and what the research is actually saying!).

    [06:07] What you need to focus on strengthening to alleviate back pain.

    [11:28] Why not all Pilates methods are created equal.

    [14:14] How to align your pelvic positioning for optimal deep core engagement.

    [17:58] The importance of breathwork to create space and release tension in the back.

    [20:28] My go-to technique to enhance the mind-body connection for expedited results.

    [24:44] What you need to know about Pilates impact on weightlifting.

    [30:05] My personal experience with clients overcoming back pain through Pilates to avoid back surgery.

    [31:43] The difference between mat and reformer Pilates.

    [33:43] The importance of modifying exercises to prevent exacerbating back pain.

    Ready to take action? I thought so! >>Click here

  • Are you ready to let go of fearful thoughts and approach life with bravery and courage? (yes or yesss?) Grab your drink of choice and settle in – the stories and insights shared on this episode just might change your life.

    In this episode, Gina Gallaun and I chat as she shares some of the real-life stories from women she interviewed around the world for her new book (Embrace Your Brave in 30 Days) that will inspire you to live boldly.

    [03:34] How Gina's journey from fear to courage led her to compile inspiring stories from women worldwide into a journal.

    [06:41] How Gina's brave decision to face her fears led her to a fulfilling life.

    [11:17] What's involved in practicing courage when making choices.

    [14:11] The story of Abbey finding purpose in a harsh ballet environment.

    [22:36] How Irena overcame childhood beliefs.

    [31:02] How Emily's resilience fostered physical activity in her stepsons.

    [36:45] Gina discovers Common themes Gina discovered through diverse stories.

    If you’d like to grab Gina’s book, you can go to her website wavesandwords.org and use code “ERICA” for free shipping. You can also connect with her on Instagram @wavesandwordsinc.

    For complete show notes visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/306

  • Real talk: Hormonal health and weight management may feel like an uphill battle...but do you believe it's possible for YOU?

    If not, it’s time to start.

    And you can do this by looking at your symptoms (such as weight gain) not as a sign of betrayal from your body but rather your body trying to communicate with you.

    In fact, this is exactly what Dr. Tabatha Barber, the incredibly talented and brilliant functional medicine doctor/podcaster/author, explained so beautifully during our discussion (which I'm so EXCITED to share with you.)

    In this episode, you'll learn how to optimize hormonal health (in a way that positively impacts your body and mind), the importance of fasting with gut health, and how overexercising is impacting your body. We also touch on the connection between the body and mind and how faith and spirituality may be the missing piece to achieving your health goals.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [05:02] The misconception of traditional weight loss methods causing hormone imbalances

    [09:24] Why intense workouts impact your hormonal health and nervous system.

    [13:20] The long-term consequences of overexercising.

    [18:38] How the brain and the gut are connected in regards to hormonal issues and weight loss efforts.

    [23:26] The role of fasting and sugar consumption in hormonal balance.

    [34:05] Why incorporating animal protein into your diet can support hormonal balance and stabilize blood sugar levels.

    [36:51] How faith-based healing can support overall wellness.

    [41:29] Strategies for a positive mindset and self-compassion to avoid negative self-talk.

    [45:13] How embracing discomforts is the ultimate catalyst for growth and transformation.

    [51:53] Overcoming obstacles through gratitude and resilience.

    [56:04] Using visualization to set wellness goals and develop strategies to achieve desired outcomes.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/305

  • If you've struggled with mental health and have experienced anxiety or depression during pregnancy or postpartum, this episode is for you.

    I got reconnected with the magical, sensible human that is Dr. Dawn Kingston (if you haven’t yet listened to our previous conversation, click >>HERE

  • Wanna know how to ENHANCE your health and well-being?

    Sauna sessions.

    Opening my new Pilates studio, led me to reflect on the vital role saunas played in my life like combating mold toxicity, improving cellular function, and optimizing my overall health and well-being.

    You might be thinking, ‘Ok, I’ve heard this before, but HOW… how can saunas truly improve our health and detoxify our bodies?'

    Lean in, this episode was made for you.

    I’m diving deep into everything you need to know about saunas.

    We will delve into the science behind effectively detoxifying our bodies with saunas, uncover the diverse benefits they offer, compare different sauna types, and discover how integrating additional therapies can make you feel rejuvenated, energized, and balanced...and detoxify your body safely and effectively that will improve your health symptoms.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [00:21] The important lesson I learned in 2023.

    [03:26] How saunaing helped detox my body while I was combating mold toxicity.

    [08:00] How toxin accumulation affects your health.

    [10:39] Is weight loss one of the many benefits of saunaing?

    [12:23] A story about 9/11 firefighters and dirty sweat towels that I will never forget.

    [15:09] Differences between high heat and far infrared saunas.

    [20:38] How red light therapy can replace antibiotics/steroids and treat health conditions such as asthma.

    [22:29] How to use red light therapy in your sauna sessions.

    [28:10] The impact chromo therapy can have on your well-being.

    [30:13] My recommendations on beginning sauna sessions and understanding why this process is more beneficial for your body.

    [37:46] The importance of supplementation and minerals in maximizing sauna benefits and supporting the detoxification of your body.

    [40:55] A final piece of sauna advice I want to leave you with.

    For complete show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/303


    Dr. Sam Berne, Red Light Therapy, https://www.drsamberne.com/the-healing-hue-of-red-light-therapy

    Clearlight, Chromotherapy, https://infraredsauna.com/blog/chromotherapy-sauna-benefits-color-light-chart

    Clearlight, Seasonal Affective Disorder, https://infraredsauna.com/blog/seasonal-affective-disorder-treatment-with-saunas

    Clearlight, Red Light Therapy, https://infraredsauna.com/red-light-and-near-infrared-therapy

  • Have you ever wondered how to address anxiety holistically?

    There's obviously many factors, but here's one not talked about enough: foot zoning and understanding energy frequencies within our bodies. Anxiety, often a blanket term for a myriad of emotions, can be approached with a holistic mindset and a unique healing method that goes beyond traditional practices.

    But how do you do that?

    In this episode, I had a conversation with Heidi McKay, founder of The Foot Zoning School, an online curriculum that easily invites more people to connect with the foot zone, whether it’s in at-home courses, practitioner training, or the online community for Foot Zoners. This is a space for anyone to easily connect and feel at home.

    As you listen to this episode, you'll learn not only about the ancient practice of foot zoning, but you'll also hear the profound impact of energy frequencies on our mental and emotional well-being.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [02:39] How Heidi went from foot zoning skeptic to an advocate of understanding how our bodies communicate.

    [04:18] An understanding of what foot zoning is.

    [07:21] The different zones on the feet that Heidi communicates through.

    [09:09] Heidi discusses how foot zoning taps into energy frequencies and how we need to create a shift in our mindset from scarcity to abundance.

    [12:34] How mindset plays a role in foot zoning to support the healing process.

    [16:18] Heidi draws parallels between the seasons of the earth to feminine energy.

    [20:21] Heidi shares her favorite essential oils that she uses for foot zoning and daily.

    [24:13] An explanation of Heidi's multifaceted approach to anxiety and ways to overcome it.

    [26:59] The importance of uncovering anxiety and normalizing the human experience for connection and resilience.

    [34:39] The concept of foot soaks for mental wellness.

    For complete show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/302

    More about Heidi McKay: Since 2017, Heidi has shown her students how to connect the body, mind, and soul through the feet to achieve balance and alignment. After watching her daughter struggle with anxiety and depression at a young age, she decided to add tools to our belt that included more than pharmacy and talk therapy. She discovered a beautiful world filled with time honored traditions that span thousands of years and a plethora of cultures. It’s a gift to Heidi to be able to share with you these tools.

  • I’m thrilled to share the latest episode of Core Connections with you! I had the pleasure of connecting with my dear friend and owner of vIVid Mobile IV, Amanda Kramme. Next week we'll be dropping an episode about ozempic® that I can't wait for you to hear.

    I have been going to vIVid Mobile IV for a little over a year and have been experiencing the amazing and rejuvenating benefits on my body and mind.

    Amanda describes IV therapy as akin to the familiar concept of heading to the hospital or urgent care for a rejuvenating banana bag when you're feeling under the weather. That process is now being brought into clinics and homes.

    She highlights the absorption rate of nutrients with IV therapy is at nearly 100% compared to the supplements you would grab at your local drugstore with a mere 5-30% absorption rate (depending on gut functionality). This means that you are going to experience the full benefits of IV therapy without the hassle of urgent care or the ER.

    Sidenote: you'll DEFINITELY want to listen in to discover the secrets of NAD (hailed as the fountain of youth by Amanda) and its transformative effects on the body at a cellular level.

    She delves into what might hinder you from fully embracing the benefits of IV therapy and shares her recommendations to prepare your body for maximum results.

    This is a tool that I wish I had access to in 2018 when I was recovering from mold toxicity, so knew I had to open this conversation with the hopes of helping you heal your body and feel your absolute best.

    If any of this information regarding IV therapy resonates with you or piques your interest, be sure to tune in to this episode for tips and advice on supporting your body and enhancing your overall well-being.

    Key Moments:

    [03:17] An explanation of IV therapy and how it can revolutionize your health journey.

    [04:45] Uncovering the benefits of IV therapy that will boost the function of your body and mind.

    [07:43] The power of Vitamin C for immune function to ensure your body is prepared for prevention or recovery.

    [12:41] How IV therapy can combat sluggish cellular function caused by toxicity.

    [16:28] Understanding NAD and uncovering why opting for it in IV form might just be the key to unlocking a rejuvenated, youthful version of yourself.

    [21:56] My personal experiences of taking NAD and the effects I noticed with my body.

    [25:09] Amanda's powerful message for those considering IV therapy.

    For complete show notes for this episode, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/301

  • “Erica, what are the best exercises for your abs after having a C-Section?”

    Ahh, a question I’ve gotten countless times since I started Knocked-Up Fitness in 2012.

    And this might come as a surprise…but the answer doesn’t have to do with your abs. In fact, depending on where you’re at, strengthening your abs post C-Section starts with understanding how to heal scar tissue (meaning increasing blood flow to the lower portion of the deep core).

    Now you might be thinking… ‘but how do I even get started getting rid of the numb feeling, or better yet, how do I get my abs back to the way they were pre-c-section?’

    I got you. In this episode, I’m sharing my advice for getting feeling back in your scar, insight into the pelvic floor’s role in strengthening your deep core, and my favorite movements for improving the function of the c-section scar and strengthening abs.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [00:49] The question I got asked about post-C-section abdominal challenges.

    [02:41] Why traditional approaches to ab exercises hinder healing post-C-section.

    [03:34] The understanding of fascia's role in the deep core (and the body).

    [05:27] The connection between the pelvic floor and deep core for effective core strengthening.

    [07:16] How relaxing and releasing your body will make you stronger.

    [11:09] Manual Techniques and gentle massage to awaken the core through breathwork.

    [15:50] The movements I recommend to improve scar function and strengthen the abs (aka deep core).

    [18:46] How to prepare for a C-section to enhance postpartum recovery.

    [21:22] The role digestion and nutrition have on core strength.

    Wanna have a daily workout schedule to stay active during pregnancy? Safely and effectively strengthen your deep core with my Knocked-Up Fitness Membership.

    For full show notes; visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/300

  • She got food poisoning… which triggered autoimmune conditions.

    She went looking for answers through conventional medicine… and got none.

    She learned how to reverse chronic illness symptoms through natural medicine… and was completely off medications within 6 months.

    And ALL Dr. Setare Taabodi had to do was find the root cause of her symptoms. What does this have to do with the lymphatic systems? Lemme explain…

    There are over 600 lymph nodes in the body that protect us from pathogens and toxins from traveling to other places in the body and potentially cause worsening symptoms.

    Our lymphatic systems are overburdened from toxins in the environment and humans don’t move as much as we used to.

    In this episode, Setare shares how she has improved the lymphatic system in her body for natural detoxification, better digestion, and immune system support.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [02:17] The events that led Dr. Setare Taabodi to find her passion for holistic and integrative medicine.

    [04:51] How one health incident can have a cascade effect on your health without you even knowing it.

    [08:08] Why the lymphatic system is important for our health and wellness.

    [09:58] The #1 tactic Setare uses to stimulate the lymphatic system.

    [11:22] The impact rebounding can have on the pelvic floor and deep core function.

    [17:36] How rebounding can improve constipation for regular bowel movements.

    [19:21] What foods lead to constipation and what foods should you add to your diet to better digestive function.

    [25:36] What you can start doing today to become healthier in a world that is hard to be healthy in.

    For full show notes; visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/299

    Dr. Setare Taabodi is a board-certified family nurse practitioner and a natural medicine health consultant. After suffering from POTS, digestive issues, and multiple autoimmune conditions, she was able to heal herself naturally with nutrition and herbal medicine. She now helps people all around the world reclaim their health and reverse their chronic health conditions.

  • Wanna know how to better your resistance to illness?

    Boost your immunity.

    As a mom of three, boosting and supporting your immune system will help you maintain your overall well-being, allowing you to be more resilient against common illnesses.

    You might be thinking, ‘I’ve tried everything, so WHAT… what am I missing to keep my household free of sickness?’

    Lean in, this episode was made for you.

    I’m diving deep into five tried and true ways to boost and support immunity.

    Through getting outside, regular movement, quality sleep, sauna sessions, and balanced nutrition you can optimize your health…and boost your immune function that will protect against getting sick during the colder months.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [02:37] The importance of getting outside for fresh air and sunlight in the colder months.

    [07:06] How movement enhances the lymphatic system and the role the lymphatic system has in immunity.

    [09:46] The importance of getting quality sleep to support your body’s recovery process.

    [11:02] Why I recommend using an infrared sauna to detox your body to rejuvenate your cells and support your well-being.

    [14:20] How sugar and nutrition are impacting your immune system.

    [16:57] What supplements you should be taking to boost immunity.

    [27:05] The biggest factor to boost immunity that most people forget about.

    For complete show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/298

  • ‘Is coning during pregnancy normal?’

    ‘Could I have prevented this? What exercises can I do to reduce this.’

    ‘Why am I experiencing it this pregnancy after addressing it last pregnancy?’

    These are the questions that came to the surface when Tenyka emailed me her question about her weak pelvic floor, coning, and pregnancy symptoms. After working with prenatal and postnatal women for over 20 years, I’ve realized what causes coning of the belly and how to manage it.

    The thing is… when it comes to healing the body, it’s never too late.

    And releasing and relaxing the body is imperative as you progress through pregnancy.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the exact advice and solution I would provide to someone who is like Tanika and experiencing coning during pregnancy after working postpartum to restrengthen their ore. I share information like this on our Knocked-Up Fitness monthly coaching calls and I knew it would be beneficial with you.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [01:06] The question I got asked about pregnancy symptoms after being pregnant and recovering postpartum previously.

    [02:31] What is causing symptoms (incontinence, coning of the belly, weak pelvic floor) to arise during pregnancy.

    [06:46] The importance of using your breath during your pregnancy workouts and daily movement during pregnancy.

    [08:21] How to zip up from your pelvic floor through the top of your head to prevent peeing your pants when cough or sneeze.

    [09:53] Why you can’t fully prevent or stop all incontinence during pregnancy.

    [11:10] An explanation of what is coning of the belly is, what it means, what leads to diastasis recti, and how you can you prevent diastasis recti.

    [16:05] What you can do now if you are experiencing the same symptoms as Tenyka.

    If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love to invite you to join me inside our Knocked-Up Fitness Membership where hundreds of women come together for questions like this, monthly group coaching calls, and a daily workout schedule to prepare your body for birth and delivery. (PLUS you’ll get access to our Core Rehab Program to guide you through postpartum recovery). Learn more >>HERE.