
  • How does one enter a flow state? How can you prepare your environment to sustain productive work? Why should you protect your brain?

    As Joe was about to start working on his book, he safeguarded his mental clarity by not watching any news, going onto any social media, or doing anything that could regear his brain into a different state than it was in when it was fresh in the morning.

    Here are a few safeguard methods:

    Have a nutritious breakfast and take care of your physical health and well-being. Create a space to consistently work in when you are wanting to go into a flow-state and keep it the same. Structure a routine for that day or when you are working on that task and stick with it. Get creative with drawing and writing with your hand on physical paper or a whiteboard and get analytical by writing on a computer.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Protect your brain before you enter a task Environment prep Use both sides of your brain

    BOOK MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE | Jamie Wheal and Steven Kotler - Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

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  • What can we learn from what we used to do? Do you explore your options? How can testing ideas help you incorporate them into your life?

    Even in college, Joe was already working a four-day workweek and did not take any classes on a Friday. He would work productively and structure his years to save money to travel internationally.

    In the beginning, career transitions were off-putting to Joe because they represented becoming fixed on one job with a certain timeline.

    Joe started exploring and listening to a bunch of podcasts to find out how other people had strayed from the norm and made a living for themselves doing what they wanted when they wanted.

    Joe tested what he was learning from those who he admires and began to slowly incorporate their knowledge into his life until he was able to take the lead and create it how he wanted it to be.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    College Career transitions Testing

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    Small Passive Income Podcast


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  • Does your fear often stop you from pursuing your goals? Is fear only a messenger? Can you trust yourself to look at what is on the other side of uncertainty?

    1 – Social fear: being afraid to do something foolish that could get you kicked out of your group or community.

    2 – Physical fear: being afraid of physical pain and harm to the body.

    3 – Ego fear: being afraid of feeling bad about yourself.

    When people look at the reality of the fears and question it, we come to find that the fears are not nearly as big as we think.

    Through challenging our fear, we come to find that we catastrophize them. We may be worrying about worrying, instead of feeling anything specific that relates to our current reality.

    Question your fear to find what the root cause of it is, gift yourself with objectivity, and move through it towards your goal.

    Fear should not stop you from doing anything. Fear is only a messenger that is telling you what is important to you, and that can also be a gift.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Three types of fear Worrying about worrying Look what is on the other side

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  • How do you respond to the idea behind Thursday is the New Friday? Does it challenge you? How can Thursday is the New Friday challenge the working status quo?

    If you are unsure about the message behind Thursday is the New Friday, then question it. Poke it where you think it should be poked and try to find places where it can improve.

    At the same time, it challenges you back and asks you why things should stay the same, why the status quo is the better option.

    Even if the change seems foreign now, remember that the future is expansive, and change is slow.

    Never say never because things can change. What was normal one hundred years ago was people working 60-hours a week, and what is normal to us now is anywhere between 20- to 40-hours a week.

    If a four-day workweek is something that does not sit well with you, then you do not have to adopt it, but look at the studies.

    Recent research has shown time and time again how taking small breaks in between working boosts your capacity for focus and productivity.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Challenge and be challenged Never say never Look at the studies

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  • What would previous generations think of the possibility of this much freedom? How can the work schedule of previous generations alert us to the current opportunities for freedom? How can we set up the lives of our children to have more freedom and joy than we do?

    Writing the book brought opportunities for learning and gaining a deeper understanding of time. With that understanding comes the knowledge that we have the power to change it to suit us.

    One of the stories inside Thursday is the New Friday is about Joe Sanok’s grandfather and the intensive work schedule that he lived by.

    Seeing the progression over generations from what previous family members did to what people are doing now is humbling and inspiring.

    The work that can be done now is what people can leave behind for their children. Currently, we are in the position to create a flexible space for future generations to make their schedules into what they need them to be.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Lessons from research Grandparents stories Setting up life for future generations

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  • How is Thursday is the New Friday structured? How does each section of the book support the philosophy behind Thursday is the New Friday? Who is this book for?

    Time is deconstructed at the beginning of the book to show that almost all modern-day work time has been made up.

    The next section of the book discusses why slowing down is necessary for both human satisfaction and health, as well as productivity.

    What happens in the brain when people slow down? How does that encourage creativity?

    Once you have learned how to slow down and welcomed the lessons that it brings, the next step is taking those lessons and setting a faster pace for yourself that is informed by your well-being and revved up to accomplish your wishes.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Deconstruct time How and why slowing down is necessary How to speed up

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  • What does your type of fun look like? How can fun help you to push your boundaries? Can fun deepen life’s lessons?

    It may not seem like it at first, but it is through the lens of fun and joy that people can get to a space of openness where they feel their emotions fully and learn well.

    People are not designed to learn in strict environments with rules and hard punishments, because that is not learning with curiosity and fun, that is learning to survive.

    Learning about life through fun brings a certain depth to experiences that can ground the lessons, making them more valuable to us in our lives for the long run.

    Put yourself out there and try something new that is fun to you, and invites you in. Often you will get caught up in the joy of the moment and go way further than you were expecting yourself to.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Fun brings depth Fun deepens learning Use fun to push your boundaries

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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  • Do you still work on vacations? How can you practice work discipline? How do you put out work-fires and stop them from happening in the future?

    Before you leave on your trip, decide how you will structure your vacation; will you have no contact with your team whatsoever, or will you be slightly available and check in once a day or week?

    This also helps you to lay the boundaries down with your team. Let your team know months before you plan on leaving so that you and your team can lay out a plan.

    Structure the systems that your team will use while you are away.

    Lay down what you will do when you get back: what your team can put on your schedule for you to look at when you return.

    There will always be an admin-fire to put out from time to time.

    As the boss, you handle the fires, but once the fire is out you can sit with your team and put a structure in place that will help to curb that fire from happening again in the future.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Decide what type of vacation it will be Set up systems Work discipline

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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  • How do you make a four-day workweek work? What happens if you drop some of the balls in the air? How does the four-day workweek make the most of your time?

    For most companies, Fridays are at best a 60% effective workday. Fridays are when companies have birthday parties, celebrations, or group events.

    If your Friday is not as impactful as your Monday, consider changing it up and add Friday to your weekend.

    If you stop working on Friday and lose 20% of your work obligations, were they part of the top priority of what it is that you had to do?

    Most likely that 20% of to-do obligations were also not as important, perhaps even not as necessary, which means that you are optimizing even more.

    One of the greatest benefits of the four-day workweek is that you optimize your time.

    You shorten the time that you have to complete something, so you treat your time with respect and integrity because you only have so much of it to get work done.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Is your Friday as productive as your Monday? What happens if something drops? Consider the best use of your time

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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  • What is your hook? What makes you feel fulfilled outside of work? Do you fuel your ego with hustle culture?

    Your hook is what you want to do if you could, without fail, and without impeding your work. Perhaps you want to go snowboarding once a week, or trail running.

    Figure out what your hook is and structure your work around it so that you start to create intentional space for yourself outside of constant work.

    If you find yourself constantly busy without fail and without awareness it may be time for you to make a shift.

    Know that you can change your activities and reinvigorate your relationship with work without giving up on what you enjoy as a person.

    For some people, being constantly busy is about being perceived as an incredibly hard worker and strokes their pride, when they are in actuality not living their life with awareness and joy.

    Focus on what is actually important for your work while living sustainably without burnout.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    What is your hook? Be intentional Check the ego

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


    LEARN MORE ABOUT JOE: Click here

  • What is the first step to slowing down? Why do you spend time doing what it is that you do? How can you start to build small slowing-down habits into your routine?

    The first step is asking yourself why you are spending time doing the things that you are doing. People often add to-do list clutter in their own lives because these are things they have always done.

    Therefore, the first step is to ask questions about what is currently within your reality, and why you are doing these things, and what you can change.

    There will be times in life where it is simply busier and the pace is quick, and then there will be other times when life is calm, and the pace is slower.

    Have mini-experiments with slowing down by trying out different activities.

    Depending on how much you enjoy these activities, you can decide what works for you and which activities you can build on into small habits.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Why are you spending time on what you are spending time on? Life fluctuates Trying one thing at a time

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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  • Which traits, when combined, lead to success? Which of them do you already have? How can these traits be developed?

    Curiosity: People who say, “that’s interesting – I want to learn more” are generally more successful because they allow themselves to be inquisitive and understand the deeper workings of a situation.

    An outsider perspective: this allows you to see problems better from the outside instead of from the inside.

    People who can move on it: people who can make change instead of being paralyzed by perfection can create success faster because they can gather data, make changes, and keep going even when they are unsure.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Curiosity An outsider perspective The ability to move on it

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


    LEARN MORE ABOUT JOE: Click here

  • Is the old industrialist way really the best method for workflow in modern times? How does a company implement the philosophy behind Thursday is the New Friday? Which benefits does implementing innovative thinking bring to a company?

    Some people are entrenched in, and even prefer, the industrialist way of thinking, which may be a mismatch with the philosophy behind Thursday is the New Friday.

    Questioning the industrialist mindset is the first step to making small changes that can benefit the overall well-being of your life.

    If your company wants to implement the message behind Thursday is the New Friday, consider:

    Observing the quantifiers of success in the company Looking at the schedule of the office and its employees Setting boundaries as a team around time off

    A company can greatly increase its employee retention and overall staff well-being by simply adopting an innovative mindset and taking the needs and wants of its employees into consideration.

    Be flexible with setting schedules Ask the staff which benefits mean the most to them

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    How Thursday is the New Friday can benefit the everyday person How to slow down as an office Innovative thinking

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


    LEARN MORE ABOUT JOE: Click here

  • How can you become more self-aware? What are some simple techniques you can give a try? Why should you couple your small commitments with flexibility?

    Most people begin pursuing self-awareness and start getting to truly know themselves after an event of discomfort in their lives.

    However, you can start this process out of a genuine desire to do and be better for yourself.

    Spending time in meditation, walking, journaling, and exercising are all scientifically proven ways to help you be grounded in yourself, in the present moment.

    This helps you to make conscious decisions and be aware of your life moving around you and being an active agent, not a passive reactor.

    Once you have a self-awareness technique you would like to try, experiment with it by making small commitments with yourself to give it a try.

    Find what makes you feel good, allow yourself flexibility, and give yourself space and permission to create the routine as it feels beneficial to you throughout each day.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Expanding your self-awareness Techniques Small commitments

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


    LEARN MORE ABOUT JOE: Click here

  • How is slowing down integral to speeding up in work? Which type of work sprint helps you accomplish your tasks the best? How is adequate rest essential for vigorous work?

    We need to slow down fully to get proper rest, and it is only with proper rest that we can do our best work. Prioritize your rest to be able to come back to sprint with passion and vigor to accomplish your ventures.

    There are different ways for people to accomplish their tasks, and the main sprint types are:

    1 – Intentionally going away to a different place for a fixed period of time. For example, going away for a weekend to focus only and totally on your work.

    2 – Spending time every week in the same place, following a routine.

    Many business books are prescriptive in nature, and simply tell you techniques to try out.

    Thursday is the New Friday, however, is like a menu: you can read it through and find which systems fit you and your schedule the best.

    Finding what feels good and suits you is key to creating the type of work environment that can lead you to fully achieving your passions and dreams.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Slowing down to speed up Sprint types Finding what feels good

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!

    Check out The Testing Psychologist Podcast


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  • What is the difference between intuition and inclination? Can inclinations be developed? What do you need to get started?

    Intuition is something that happens that we cannot easily explain. It is a gut feeling that we have or a vibe that we pick up on when we enter into a space.

    Intuition differs from inclination, which is something that we are born with that we can develop over time. An inclination is not permanent and is something that we can choose to develop and work with or let lie.

    These inclinations are evident in most top performers across industries,

    1 – Curiosity:

    A desire to go deeper into areas of interest, and generally being inquisitive.

    2 – An outsider perspective:

    Witnessing situations and people from the outside to garner a more in-depth understanding of different cultures and ideas.

    3 – The ability to move on it:

    Some achievers become paralyzed by perfection and wait too long before starting a new venture.

    Develop your inclinations and get started on those ventures and ideas that you have been wanting to try.

    You only need yourself to get started. Spend the time you may use to think and rethink to do and redo.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Intuition and inclination Three inclinations of top performers Going ahead and trying

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  • How can you structure your optimal curiosity routine? What is the significance of creating a “curious environment”? Why should you not direct your curiosity towards a goal?

    On your way to becoming more curious, make it easier for yourself. Find the time of day where you are both energized and ready to explore that extra bit of interest that you have in your chosen subject. Safeguard the hour or two before that time so that you do not arrive in that space feeling stressed out.

    As you get ready for your period of creative curiosity, change your environment to help your brain associate this time with active exploration. This could be; going for a walk, taking an art class, watching something inspiring…

    Now that you have primed your brain for curiosity and newness, start the process! Get a big sheet of paper and start writing. Put down all the aspects of what it is you want to explore.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Finding and safeguarding creative time Building a creative environment Brainstorming

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  • How does someone nurture their curiosity? What is the first step to breaking the pattern and getting out of your comfort zone? Why should you follow up on your curiosity?

    Nurturing your curiosity requires you to slow down. We cannot have our best ideas when we are stressed and constantly hustling.

    Curiosity is found in the space between interest and not knowing, so push yourself into spaces that you may not be familiar with. Go outside your comfort zone. Put yourself out there in situations where you can observe and learn.

    Track your knowledge journey, noting what you do and don't know. Allow yourself the time and grace of character to simply explore. Explore that idea or inkling you had, search that term, and contact that person. Follow up on your curiosity and it will become bigger.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    Slowing down Broadening your circle Pursuing what you don’t know

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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  • How does one start the process of working less? What is the first step to making impactful and active changes in your schedule? Have you experimented with your time and what you want to experience?

    To see change externally in your life, you need to start internally with yourself.

    In Thursday is the New Friday, I discuss the internal inclinations of top-performers. Later, I reflect on slowing down and clearing your mind to enter a space where you can truly absorb new knowledge and achieve new insights.

    Real productivity comes from organizing your internal world, which is what your external world will manifest itself from. Getting your mindset, health, and creativity up to strength and speed will help you to create truly meaningful change in your life.

    People often overvalue their work; they place their worth as a person and their ego into their jobs so much so that missing work or not succeeding makes them feel that they are bad or useless people. Remember that you are a person as well before you are a worker. You can pursue your passions. You can enjoy life.

    Experiment with your time. If you could chuck rules and general guidelines out the window about how you should spend your time, what would it look like?

    It may seem strange at first, but it is possible to create the life that you want to live.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    The first step to moving towards freedom in your schedule Not overvaluing work Remembering to enjoy your life

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  • Where did the industrialists come from? How does the industrialist mindset still lurk in modern ideas about work? How do you want to create your life from the “messy middle”?

    The industrialist period favoured production and manufacturing over the human quality of life and fulfillment, and there are still remnants of this sentiment in the workplace today.

    This work-orientated mindset is still prevalent, and in some industries it is necessary, however, there is a lot of scope and potential for change.

    Post-pandemic, some bosses and leaders want to go back to the industrialist model, but we do not have to.

    Now we are in a transition period from what was before and what is still to come, and it is in this place where we can decide how we structure the change so that it suits our needs.

    For the first time, this shift from industrialist to self-agent allows us to bring our own lives into the question of how we work.

    Be intentional with your time, because you have more power and autonomy over your life than you may realize.

    In this episode, I speak with Angie Morgan about:

    From then to now The messy middle Taking agency over your life

    Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram!


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