
  • In the finale to our season on climate data, we continue our exploration of storytelling as a way to imagine and build climate futures. Jacquelyn and Ramesh first speak with climate reporter and podcaster Kendra Pierre-Louis about science fiction, representation, and her own shift from writing apocalyptic stories to working on the solutions-focused podcast How to Save a Podcast. Next, they speak with Mary Heglar, co-creator and co-host of the Hot Take newsletter and podcast (along with Amy Westervelt), about the authors and works that influenced how she saw her role in a warming world, including Octavia Butler, James Baldwin, and more, as well as the importance of grappling with climate grief and the historical injustices that have given rise to the consequences of climate change, both now and in the future.

    You can find a transcript of this episode on our Medium page:

    Kendra Pierre-Louis

    Her personal website:

    Follower Kendra on Twitter:

    A republished version of her essay about Wakanda and climate change:

    All We Can Save:

    Subscribe to How to Save a Planet:

    Mary Heglar

    Follow Mary on Twitter:

    Listen to Hot Take and subscribe to their newsletter:

    Climate Change Isn’t the First Existential Threat

    Feel Something, Learn Something, Do Something: A Care Package for Climate Grief

    Climate and the Personal Essay — A Reading List

    The big lie we’re told about climate change is that it’s our own fault:

    Octavia Butler

    Parable of the Sower:

    Official website of the Octavia Butler Estate:

    The Octavia Butler Legacy Network:

    The Expanse & Climate Change


    The Day After Tomorrow & Climate Awareness



    Katharine Hayhoe: the most important thing we can do about climate change is talk about it:

    Eric Holthaus: On Being a Climate Person:

    You can subscribe to Sustain 267 here or wherever you get your podcasts:

    Please consider becoming a patron on Patreon to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Jo Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:

    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • In the first episode of our two-part finale of our season on climate data, we’re going to focus on fiction, not facts: specifically, on the world-building, future-crafting writers who tell stories to warn us, teach us, inspire us, and motivate us to work for the future of our choosing. In speaking with authors Eric Holthaus and Kim Stanley Robinson, they discuss how hope, empathy, and, of course, climate science and climate data, informed their most recent work, Eric’s The Future Earth and Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future.

    You can find a link to a full transcript of this episode on our Medium page:


    You can follow Eric Holthaus on Twitter:

    You can read more about and purchase his book, The Future Earth, here: https://bookshop.org/books/the-future-earth-a-radical-vision-for-what-s-possible-in-the-age-of-warming/9780062883162

    Finally, you can subscribe to Eric’s newsletter, The Phoenix, here:

    Kim Stanley (Stan) Robinson:

    You can read more about and purchase his book, The Ministry for the Future, here: https://bookshop.org/books/the-ministry-for-the-future/9780316300131

    A comprehensive, though unofficial, website dedicated to Stan’s work:

    On the power of speculative and science fiction:

    ‘We’ve already survived an apocalypse’: Indigenous writers are changing Sci-Fi: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/14/books/indigenous-native-american-sci-fi-horror.html

    Afrofuturism, Africanfuturism, and the language of Black speculative literature: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/afrofuturism-africanfuturism-and-the-language-of-black-speculative-literature/

    On climate fiction:

    Climate fiction: Can books save the planet? https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/08/climate-fiction-margaret-atwood-literature/400112/

    The influence of climate fiction: an empirical survey of readers: https://read.dukeupress.edu/environmental-humanities/article/10/2/473/136689/The-Influence-of-Climate-FictionAn-Empirical

    The rise of apocalyptic novels: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210108-the-rise-of-apocalyptic-novels

    With the world on fire, climate fiction no longer looks like a fantasy: https://grist.org/climate/with-the-world-on-fire-climate-fiction-no-longer-looks-like-fantasy/

    Amy Brady’s “Burning Worlds” column for the Chicago Review of Books:


    On futurology:

    Smithsonian will celebrate 175 years with an exhibit about the future: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/01/972409626/smithsonian-will-celebrate-175-years-with-an-exhibit-about-the-future

    10 ways science fiction predicted the future: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons/10-ways-science-fiction-predicted-future/z6dynrd

    Please consider becoming a patron on Patreon to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Jo Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:

    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

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  • In this episode of Warm Regards, we talk to two Indigenous scientists about traditional ecological knowledges and their relationship with climate and environmental data. In talking with James Rattling Leaf, Sr. and Krystal Tsosie, Jacquelyn and Ramesh discuss how these ideas can challenge Western notions of relationality and ownership, how they have been subject to the long history of extraction and exploitation of Indigenous communities (practices which continue today), but also how Indigenous scientists and activists link sovereignty over data created by and for Indigenous people to larger sovereignty demands.

    You can find a transcript of this episode on our Medium page:

    James Rattling Leaf, Sr.
    North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center

    Rising Voices:

    GEO Indigenous Alliance

    Oceti Sakowin

    Tribal Climate Leaders Program:

    Krystal Tsosie

    You can follow her on Twitter:

    Native BioData Consortium

    United States Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network

    CARE Principle for Indigenous Data Governance

    Finally, you can listen to Good Fire at their website or wherever you get your podcasts:

    Further reading:

    Several of Kyle Whyte’s papers informed out team’s understanding as we prepared this episode:

    Indigenous Climate Change Studies: Indigenous Futures, Decolonizing the Anthropocene

    Indigenous Lessons About Sustainability Are Not Just “For All Humanity”

    Too late for indigenous climate justice: Ecological and relational tipping points

    Dominique M. David-Chavez and Michael C. Gavin, A global assessment of Indigenous community engagement in climate research.

    Eve Tuck & Wayne Wang 2012, Decolonization is not a metaphor

    For more on how climate change impacts Shishmaref, see Elizabeth Marino’s book, Fierce Climate Sacred Ground:

    Scott Kalafatis et al., Ensuring climate services serve society: examining tribes’ collaborations with climate scientists using a capability approach:

    Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

    This Teen Vogue article is a nice introduction to land acknowledgements

    For more on the Land Back movement:

    This Flash Forward episode (with lots of links for further reading)

    The 2Land2Furious project by the Métis in Space podcast creators

    Jacquelyn would especially like to thank Katherine Crocker, who has deeply influenced her own thinking about Indigenous sovereignty and ethical partnerships. Check out her essay, Cricket Egg Stories: http://carte-blanche.org/hiyoge-owisisi-tanga-ita-cricket-egg-stories/

  • This episode of Warm Regards focuses on two more facets of decision making based on data about how the climate is changing. We first talk to Beth Gibbons, the Executive Director of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals. Beth talks to us about the different ways that people working in the field of climate adaptation use climate data to plan for present and future climate conditions, including the different consequences of climate change (sea level rise, water shortages, stronger storms, and more). We also discuss how adaptation efforts can respond to and work to alleviate historical inequalities that make climate change worse for marginalized communities. Next, Jacquelyn and Ramesh talk with Dr. Jola Ajibade, an Assistant Professor of Geography at Portland State University. Dr. Ajibade’s work looks at not just the importance of how we talk about different forms of climate migration (such as planned retreat, managed retreat, and others) but also how it has taken different forms around the world, with uneven levels of success and equity for the individuals and communities moving due to climate change.

    You can find a transcript of this episode on our Medium page:

    What is climate adaptation, and how has it been neglected?

    For more on how adaptation has been neglected:

    Adaptation isn’t surrender, it’s survival:

    What is climate resilience?

    The case for managed retreat:

    Equitable retreat: the need for fairness in coastal communities:

    Climate migration on NHPR’s Outside/In Radio:

    Beth Gibbons is the Executive DIrector of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals.

    You can follow Beth on Twitter:

    You can also follow ASAP on Twitter:

    Jola Ajibade is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Portland State University.

    You can learn more about her work at her website:

    And follow her on Twitter:

    Please consider becoming a patron on Patreon to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode of Warm Regards focuses on the intersections, but also the disconnects, between environmental justice and climate justice movements. First, Jacquelyn and Ramesh talk with Dr. Sacoby Wilson about his work with communities throughout the United States who are facing the consequences of environmental racism, and his beliefs that scientists’ publications are not enough to enact meaningful change for communities struggling with environmental injustice. We then shift to a more global frame, speaking with Dr. Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò on climate colonialism, and how climate change is inextricably linked with the histories of colonialism, and how we can avoid continuing that legacy in a warming future.

    To view a transcript of this episode, see our Medium page:

    Show Notes
    Environmental justice factsheet from the University of Michigan:

    World Resources Institute report on the largest emitters:

    Why climate change is an environmental justice issue:

    What is climate justice?

    Climate change is also a racial justice problem:

    The US is the richest country in the world, with the largest wealth gap:

    For more about how the response to Hurricane Katrina caused gentrification in New Orleans:

    We still don’t know how many people died in Hurricane Katrina:

    Don’t repeat the mistakes of the Katrina recovery:

    For more about how communities of color are marginalized in terms of solar power:

    To read more about Dr. Sacoby WIlson’s work, visit his University of Maryland website:

    Dr. Wilson directs the Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health Lab

    The Lab can also be found on Medium and Twitter:

    Fumes Across the Fenceline

    Coal Blooded

    Toxic Waste and Race (1987)

    Toxic Waste and Race at Twenty

    Yessenia Funes's story on Earther

    To learn more about Dr. Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò and his work, see his website:

    You can also follow him on Twitter:

    Selected publications by Dr. Táíwò:


    “The Great Climate Migration,” an article by ProPublica and the New York Times, recommended by Dr. Táíwò

  • This episode of Warm Regards continues our exploration of the often unexpected stories behind climate data. First we explore historical climatology records with Dr. Cary Mock. These are the measurements and observations of things like wind, pressure, rainfall, and more found in archives and historical societies around the world. Then, we turn to the present and talk with Dr. Theresa Crimmins, Director of the National Phenology Network, about how volunteers can contribute their own climatological and ecological observations. In doing so, they can better understand not only how climate change is affecting their immediate environment, but also assist in large-scale climate change research.

    For a transcript of this episode, visit our Medium page:

    Show Notes
    For more on the weather of The Long Winter and the work of meterologist Barbara Mayes Boustead, check out this Boing Boing article by Maggie Koerth:


    You can also check out Barbara’s series of recorded presentations about the weather of the Little House books:


    This essay on the Little House books and the “myth of white self-sufficiency” explores the ways that the authors’ political agendas heavily influenced the series:


    To learn more about the Schoolhouse Blizzard and its influence on weather forecasting, check out the following:

    David Laskin’s book, The Children’s Blizzard


    This interactive website by the National Weather Service (complete with historical accounts):


    To learn more (including some neat photos of historical documents) about the ‘Year Without a Summer,’ check out this website from the Massachusetts Historical Society:


    You can learn more about Dr. Mock’s historical climatology work, including photos of the kinds of documents he works with, at his website:


    You can also follow him on Twitter:

    Here are some other community and citizen science projects mentioned in the episode that you can get involved in:

    Zooniverse: https://www.zooniverse.org
    SciStarter: https://scistarter.org
    CoCoRHAS: https://www.cocorahs.org
    ISeeChange: https://www.iseechange.org

    Visit the National Phenology Network's website to learn more about the organization's history and current projects:


    Explore the data visualization tool mentioned in the episode:

    To start contributing your own observations through Nature's Notebook, visit the project's website:


    You can also download the app on the iOS App Store or Google Play:


    Please consider becoming a patron on Patreon to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode of Warm Regards explores apocalyptic narratives, the role they play in inspiring—or limiting—climate action, and what it means to be hopeful about the future in a changing climate. Jacquelyn and Ramesh talk with Zeke Hausfather about what the latest climate science and data tell us about how much warming we can expect by 2100, and then with Diego Arguedas Ortiz about the different kinds of hope that can help lead to climate action.

    For a transcript of this episode, see our Medium page:


    Show Notes:

    You can follow Zeke Hausfather on Twitter:

    You can also find out more information and see his work at the Breakthrough Institute:

    For a more in-depth explanation from Zeke on the RCP 8.5 scenario, see his post on Carbon Brief:

    Read the IPCC 1.5 Report that both Zeke and Diego mentioned:

    Diego's original article on climate change and hope for the BBC:

    You can follow Diego on Twitter:

    Learn more about Mothers of Invention at their website:

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode is all about the intersections of climate data and climate activism. Jacquelyn and Ramesh speak with two climate activists, Meg Ruttan Walker and Lucky Tran, who have come to this work from very different backgrounds, but who both realize that it takes a diversity of voices and tactics to achieve success.

    For a transcript of this episode, see our Medium page:


    Show Notes:

    Emma Marris’ Nature article about scientists getting political: https://www.nature.com/news/is-donald-trump-pushing-more-scientists-towards-political-activism-1.21130

    314 Action:

    New York Times article about scientists finding a political pulse: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/06/science/donald-trump-scientists-politics.html

    Jacquelyn’s Rally for Science remarks: https://contemplativemammoth.com/2017/02/19/science-for-everyone-my-rallyforscience-remarks/

    H. Holden Thorp's recent editorial, "Let's Not Overthink This":

    Meg Ruttan Walker on Twitter:

    Material Memory Podcast:


    More about the importance of 350ppm https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-the-world-passed-a-carbon-threshold-400ppm-and-why-it-matters

    Photos of the climate protest that Ramesh’s students organized: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PKF8bPu7YVYmEuCB8

    Lucky Tran's website:

    Lucky Tran's 2020 talk at the American Geophysical Union, "How Activism and Movements Advance Science Policy and Social Justice":

    March for Science:

    The IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C Warming, as opposed 2°C Warming: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode of Warm Regards, the second of two that explore climate data as art, looks at more immersive and embodied experiences of climate data. First, an exploration of the multimedia installation World Without Ice, from producer Justin Schell, and then a conversation between Jacquelyn and Daniel Bird Tobin, who evocatively utilizes theater to help people imagine sea level rise in their own immediate communities. If you haven’t listened to our first episode climate data as art, which featured conversations with Jill Pelto and the founders of the Tempestry Project, you can find it in our podcast feed or at our website:


    For a full transcript of this episode, please visit our Medium page:

    Show Notes

    For more information on American opinion polling on climate change impacts, check out the latest Yale Project on Climate Change Communication surveys from April 2020:


    The website for the World Without Ice installation:

    World Without Ice, the book by Dr. Henry Pollack that inspired the work:

    You can also learn more about the works of the three composer-artists who created the sonic and visual dimensions to the project:

    Michael Gould:

    Stephen Rush:

    Marion Tränkle:
    For much more detail on the dataset used by Rush for the composition, visit the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP), visit its site on the Godard Institute for Space Studies:

    Note, the values used in the story to calculate the musical notes are from the meteorological year (December-November), rather than the calendar year (January-December). Calendar year calculations artificially split the coldest months of the year into different seasons, which can result in slightly skewed data.

    You can learn more about John Cage at the site run by the John Cage Trust:

    If you want to start with one of Cage’s books, go with Silence:

    Here are links to the other ice-based art projects mentioned:

    Ice Watch:

    Luftwerk’s Requiem: A White Wanderer:

    Matthew Burtner’s Glacier Music:

    For more information about potential climate change impacts on sea level rise, this is a nice explainer from the NOAA website:


    You can find out more about Daniel Bird Tobin and his work, including Flooding the Beach, at his website:

    Center for Communicating Science at Virginia Tech:

    You can learn more about Peter Sforza’s work at his website:

    Finally, Daniel Bird Tobin wanted to make sure he thanked Patty Raun and Carrie Kroehler for their leadership of the Center.

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode of Warm Regards, the first of two on the intersections of climate data and art, will feature conversations with Emily McNeil and Justin Connolly, founders of the Tempestry Project, which uses climate data to create patterns that people can knit into scarves and tapestries, and Jill Pelto, a visual artist who incorporates climate data into a variety of natural landscapes. First, though, some thoughts on the US presidential election from our very relieved hosts.

    Show Notes

    Please visit our Medium page for a photos and images from the episode, as well as a full transcript:


    You can find out more about the Tempestry Project and get your own kit at their website:

    You can see some of the Tempestries created for US National Parks at this gallery:

    To learn more about Warming Stripes, and create a custom visualization for your area, visit the project's website:

    For more about Jill Pelto and her work, visit her website:

    You can also purchase prints of Jill Pelto's work at her Etsy shop:

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • Some reflections from Jacquelyn and Ramesh on our season so far and a note that we'll be taking a brief intermission until after the US November election.

    For a full transcript of this episode, please visit our Medium page:

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • As the US presidential election nears, we wanted to re-share a conversation we had on Warm Regards in October of 2018 with Nathaniel Stinnett, the founder and executive director of the Environmental Voter Project. Many of the things we discussed with him then, especially why lots of environmentalists don't vote, are just as relevant today. After the 2018 conversation, Nathaniel shares an update about the organization's work leading up to this year's presidential election and how you can get involved beyond voting.

    To learn more about and get involved in the Environmental Voter Project, visit:

    Make sure you have a plan to vote:

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode of Warm Regards, part of our season-long exploration of the often unexpected stories behind climate data, builds on our last episode's conversation with Amy Westervelt and Emily Atkin on climate disinformation. We speak with John Cook, from Skeptical Science and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, and Lauren Kurtz, the Executive Director for the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, about the different ways that those who care about climate science and climate action can fight back against myths, disinformation, and intimidation.

    The full transcript of this episode can be found on our Medium page:

    Show Notes
    To find out more about John Cook's work, visit the following sites:

    Skeptical Science

    Cranky Uncle

    The Center for Climate Change Communication

    For more on the FLICC method:

    To download your own copy of the Debunking Handbook:

    To learn more about the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, visit:

    For more on Dr. Maria Caffrey and her censorship fight with the National Park Service, see this Guardian article:

    To learn more about "ClimateGate," see this article from the Union of Concerned Scientists:

    Finally, how do we know it's not the sun causing global warming? This NASA article details the specific evidence that shows the sun alone can't be responsible:

    Remember: It's Happening, It's Us, It's Serious, Experts Agree, and There's Hope.

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • In this episode, part of our season long exploration of climate data, Jacquelyn Gill discusses the long history of fossil fuel industry-perpetuated climate disinformation with investigative journalists Amy Westervelt and Emily Atkin, and how they use data to hold these companies accountable.

    A full transcript of the episode can be found at:

    Show Notes

    You can find both our guests on Twitter:
    Amy Westervelt:

    Emily Atkin:

    For more of their work, check out the following sites:

    Amy's podcast Drilled:

    Amy's website Drilled News:

    Emily's newsletter, Heated:

    Merchants of Doubt, from Naomi Oreskes and Geoffrey Supran, is one of the most comprehensive histories available for how industries have weaponized the language of science against smoking, environmental protection, and climate change.



    #ExxonKnew is the latest project from Oreskes, that extensively documents how Exxon knew about the disastrous effects of climate change for years and still actively pushed against regulations that would have lessened its impacts:

    For more on Exxon using cartoon characters, see this article from Amy in Heated:

    This article from Drilled News goes in depth on Ivy Lee (in addition to part of Season 3 of Drilled):

    An archived version of the Student’s Guide to Global Climate Change can be found here:

    It is no longer available on the current EPA website:

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.


    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: @ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcas

  • This episode, part of our season-long look at the unexpected stories and effects of climate data, features two conversations about what people believe about climate change and what causes them to change those beliefs. First, we talk to Jenn Marlon to get an update on the changing numbers in the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication’s Six Americas survey. Then, we talk to former Representative Bob Inglis, who very publicly changed his beliefs on climate change, and now works to convince other fellow conservatives to support action on climate change.

    For a full transcript of this episode, please check out our Medium page:

    Show Notes

    Dr. Jenn Marlon:

    Bob Inglis:

    Global Warming’s Six Americas, from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication:

    Take the Six Americas Super Short Survey (SASSY) to see which category you’re in:

    Our first conversation with Jenn on Warm Regards, from April of 2018:

    For more on environmentalists and how they vote (and often don’t vote), listen to our conversation with Nathaniel Stinnett from the Environmental Voter Project:


    "Climate Is Taking On a Growing Role for Voters, Research Suggests," the New York Times story that talks about the rising position of climate change as an issue public:

    You can find out more about the work of Dr. Rachel Tilling and Dr. Kaustubh Thirumalai at their websites:

    Rachel Tilling:

    Kaustubh Thirumalai:

    Inspired by the data story you heard and want to share yours with us? We’d love to hear it. You can leave us a voicemail by calling 586–930–5286 or record yourself and email it to us at [email protected].

  • This episode, part of our new season about the often unexpected stories behind climate data, features conversations with two scientists involved in the wide-ranging field of climate modeling, from its origins in the first half of the 20th century all the way to the latest developments and uses of these important tools.

    For a full transcript of the episode, please visit our Medium page:

    WISCON, the annual feminist science fiction and fantasy conference:

    More on Ramesh’s Mario Bros. analogy:

    For more information on our two guests, Dr. Warren Washington and Dr. Geeta Persad, please see the links below:

    Dr. Washington’s website:

    Dr. Washington’s autobiography, Odyssey in Climate Modeling, Global Warming, and Advising Five Presidents:

    Video Oral History with Dr. Warren Washington by Oregon State University

    Dr. Geeta Persad’s website:

    The publication mentioned by Dr. Persad on the different effects of emitting identical aerosols in different parts of the world:

    Inspired by the data story you heard and want to share yours with us? We'd love to hear it. You can leave us a 90 second voicemail by calling 586–930–5286 or record yourself and email it to us at [email protected].

    We’ve launched a Patreon this season so you can help support the show.

    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Find Warm Regards on the web and on social media:
    Web: www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • This episode, part of our season about the often unexpected stories behind climate data, features a conversation with Dr. Kim Cobb, who turned a heartbreaking experience in the field into a new purpose not just for her own life, but for the lives of many around her.

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit our Medium page:

    You can get more information about Dr. Kim Cobb and her work on her personal page and her Lab page:

    You can also find her on Twitter:

    You can also find out more about Georgia Tech's Carbon Reduction Challenge program:

    Inspired by the data story shared by Dr. Nicole Miller-Struttmann? You can learn more about her work on the effects of climate change on pollinator ecosystems at her website:

    Want to share your data story with us? We'd love to hear it. You can leave us a 90 second voicemail by calling 586–930–5286 or record yourself and email it to us at [email protected].

    We’ve launched a Patreon this season so you can help support the show.


    Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Find Warm Regards elsewhere on the web and social media:
    Web: https://www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ourwarmregards
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast

  • Warm Regards is back! This is the first episode of our new season focused on the often unexpected human stories behind climate data. If you’re as excited about the new season as we are, please share this episode with someone you think should listen to it. You can find the show on your podcast app of choice, as well as on the following platforms:

    Twitter: http://@ourwarmregards
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast
    Medium: https://medium.com/@ourwarmregards

    As part of the new season, we’ve launched a brand new website at https://www.WarmRegardsPodcast.com.

    We’re also launching a Patreon this season so you can help support the show. Please consider becoming a patron to help us pay our producer, Justin Schell, our transcriber, Joe Stormer, and our social media coordinator, Katherine Peinhardt, who are all working as volunteers. Your support helps us not only to stay sustainable, but also to grow.

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/warmregards

    Here are some links and resources if you’d like to learn more about what we discussed in the episode.

    If you want to learn more about the work that happens in Ramesh and Jacquelyn’s research, visit the websites for their respective Labs:

    Laungani Lab: https://www.patreon.com/warmregards
    BEAST (Biodiversity & Environments Across Space and Time) Lab: https://jacquelyngill.wordpress.com/

    Carbon Isotopes:
    If you want to read the paper where Ramesh first learned about the different carbon isotopes and what that means for climate change, you can find it here:


    You can also watch this video on the topic from It’s Ok to Be Smart:

    Milankovitch cycles:
    NASA has an in-depth article on how Milankovitch cycles work, including a number of helpful animations:


    Carbon Dating and Dinosaurs:
    If you, like Ramesh, thought that carbon dating is used for dinosaur bones, this article explains how C-14 can only be used for dating things less than 50,000 years old:


    Relatedly, this article from the Smithosonian discusses how pollution and climate change is making carbon dating more difficult:


    Finally, for a transcript of this episode (and to see some pictures of Ramesh in the Australian rainforest and Jacquelyn in Acadia National Park), head over to our show’s Medium page:


  • A short update from the Warm Regards team and a preview of what you can expect from us in our new season, launching in early 2020. Thanks for your continued support!

    Don’t forget to subscribe to Warm Regards on Medium - medium.com/@ourwarmregards/
    on iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/warm-…d1127571287?mt=2
    Soundcloud - @warmregardspodcast
    Stitcher - www.stitcher.com/podcast/stephen-…cey/warm-regards
    Twitter - twitter.com/ourwarmregards
    and Facebook - www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast/

  • Ramesh Laungani and Sarah Myhre cover the overlap of the climate and extinction crises before inviting on Rev. Susan Hendershot and Rev. Brian Sauder of Interfaith Power and Light for a discussion around climate action across beliefs and worldviews. Finally, in unexpected science Sarah shares new research on how children influence their parents' thoughts on climate.

    LINKS!! - Interfaith Power and Light: https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/
    - https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/about/staff-and-board-of-directors/

    The IPBES "extinction" report - https://www.ipbes.net/news/ipbes-global-assessment-summary-policymakers-pdf

    The study on parents, their children and climate: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-019-0463-3

    Don't forget to subscribe to Warm Regards on Medium - medium.com/@ourwarmregards/
    on iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/warm-…d1127571287?mt=2
    Soundcloud - @warmregardspodcast
    Stitcher - www.stitcher.com/podcast/stephen-…cey/warm-regards
    Twitter - twitter.com/ourwarmregards
    and Facebook - www.facebook.com/WarmRegardsPodcast/ to keep up with all the news that, for now, is still changing faster than the climate.