Cauet février 2012

  • #PodcastCatatanTebet

    Obrolan santai tentang fenomena yang terjadi pada netizen kita yang dikemas dalam isu literasi digital

  • Recopilación de los mejores temas techo,tech y electro del 2002 al 2006

  • One of the longest operating "Laser Show" + EDM Entertainment Companies in America,
    Louis Capet XXVI Records -

    LUX Magazine ranked us as the # 1 Laser Show Rental Company in America. -


    ▶️ Ultra Music Festival -
    We worked with, and came in with MTV AMP who sponsored the start up of Ultra Music Festival 2, and returned again for Ultra Music Fest 4 & 6 in Miami, Florida. The City of Miami has estimated that Ultra has "generated approximately $995 million of economic impact, with $168 million in 2018 alone." Louis Capet XXVI adds, ...and they do this in 1 week.

    ▶️ Detroit Electronic Music Festival (3 days 2004) -
    We produced the lasers and invested into along side The Kingdom of Netherlands Dept of Tourism into the Detroit Electronic Music Festival 2004. Wikipedia Mention -

    ▶️ Projeckt Revolution US Tour -
    We toured with Ghostface Killah on Linkin Park's 2004 Projekt Revolution Tour that featured: Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Korn, and many other bands. Wikipedia Mention -

    Other Festivals -
    ▶️ Jay-Z + Budweiser Made in America Festival -
    ▶️ 100th Anniversary Boy Scouts of America 2009 Sussex County NJ
    ▶️ 100th Anniversary Boy Scouts of America 2019 Chester County PA
    ▶️ 100th Anniversary Borough of Stone Harbor NJ
    ▶️ 175th Anniversary of the Pennington School NJ
    ▶️ 150th Anniversary Marshfield Fair
    ▶️ Red Bull Product Launch Rock n' Air Boulder Colorado
    ▶️ Reebok And1 Lasers for Allen Iverson's New Shoes
    ▶️ Six Flags Great Adventure 2012, 2013, 2014, & 2016
    ▶️ Grand RE-Opening of Philadelphia’s City Hall + Dilworth Park
    ▶️ Wawa Welcome America Philly at the Movies 2012 to 2016
    ▶️ Disney Frozen 2014
    ▶️ Disney Big Hero 2015
    ▶️ Rocky screening at the Phila Museum Art Steps 2012 to 2016
    ▶️ Disney Finding Nemo 2016
    ▶️ Goya Foods New World Headquarters 2014 Super Bowl Illumination
    ▶️ NASCAR
    ▶️ MLB Philadelphia Phillie's Post Game Concerts

    ...and many more.

    🔴 TV SHOWS -

    ▶️ MTV Amp
    ▶️ MTV News
    ▶️ WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Royal Rumble
    ▶️ Who's Wedding is it Anyway? (Style Network)
    ▶️ Hack (David Morse)
    ▶️ Girls Gone Wild
    ▶️ Josh Wink "516 Acid" (music video)
    ▶️ Ro Ransome “See Me Fall” (music video)
    ▶️ 6 ABC Action News for Disney Frozen 2014
    ▶️ 3 CBS News for City Hall Philadelphia
    ▶️ CBS19 & Fox Newsplex 19 Virginia
    ▶️ NBC 10 for Rocky 2016
    ▶️ NBC for Disney Finding Nemo 2016
    ▶️ NBA Post Game TV Show 2001-2003 Phila 76'rs Allen Iverson
    ▶️ NFL Post Game TV Show 2001-2003 Phila Eagles Donovan McNabb
    ▶️ Regular TV appearances on “The Science of Philadelphia” & “The Science Lab of Grand Hank” for the School District of Philadelphia.


    We have a long history of self-producing our own events, such as the 3D EDM Festival which occurred at the home of MLB Philadelphia Phillies parking lot of Citizens Bank Park Stadium at the Holiday Inn Stadium & South 10th St. Philadelphia, PA. The headliner was DJ Scotto who produced the Ravestock EDM mega festival -in- festival that debuted at Woodstock 94 that had an attendance of 555,000 estimated.

    🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴
    Louis Capet XXVI
    Records | Music Publishing | Laser Shows | Event Producer

    ▶️ Website - +

    🔴 🔴 🔴 Music Genres:


    ▶️ DUBSTEP -

    ▶️ EDM -


    ▶️ HOUSE -

    ▶️ TRANCE -

    ▶️ VOCALS -

    E-Mail - [email protected]
    Telephone - 215-888-8080

  • A la resta de plataformes m'hi pots trobar amb l'usuari @julianacanet. Parlo de tot allò que m'interessa, sigui pel motiu que sigui. Benvinguts!

  • The Self-Employed Success podcast is your go-to source for inspiration, advice, and strategies for building financial independence without a traditional corporate job.

    Each episode features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, freelancers, and business owners who have achieved financial freedom through self-employment.

    Whether you're just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey or you're a seasoned pro looking for new ideas, this podcast will give you the tools and insights you need to create a life and business that you love. Join us as we explore the world of self-employment, and learn how to build the income, freedom, and fulfillment you deserve.

  • The Savvy Investor Podcast is your one-stop shop for investors and retirees who want to level-up their retirement plans. Hosts Mike Canet and Ryan Herbert are independent financial advisors with decades of experience. They tackle the tough financial issues that matter most to you, from saving for retirement to reducing taxes.

    Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned investor, The Savvy Investor Podcast has something for you. Tune in each week for practical tips and strategies on how to reach your financial goals.

    Don't miss an episode! Subscribe or follow today!

    Learn more about the team at Prostatis Financial Advisors Group on their website or on social: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and their NEW YouTube channel and video podcast.

  • Are you looking for a path to financial freedom? Would you like to buy a home sometime in the future?
    Join us at The Royal Ties podcast, where we will uncover all the questions you have about your financial literacy. This podcast has all the answers to your need-to-know questions. How do I become debt free? How do I budget to eventually buy my first home? What is my credit score and how do I fix it?

    I am Clarck the financial coach, and I have dedicated myself to serving my community by being the mentor, coach and financial influencer we always needed but never had. School, family, and friends these are the mentors we were provided to learn from growing up and the things they taught us never included financial literacy. Those days are in the past now you have an informative podcast where you will hear real-life situations you can relate to and get pointers on how to overcome life’s financial challenges.

    I'll provide you with actionable tips and advice on how to improve your financial situation in easy 10 to 15 minutes or less episodes. You will get straight facts from an entrepreneur who lived it all himself starting from the bottom and making his way to the top step by step and now he is sending down the elevator to level you up.

    The royal ties podcast is for teenagers getting ready tpm start their credit journey, young adults wanting to build/rebuild their credit and entrepreneurs who either are just starting their businesses and want professional help acquiring funding from banks or future entrepreneurs who need mentoring in incorporating their business and getting financing.

    No matter which stage you are at in your journey the first step to success starts right here on The Royal Ties podcast.

    Click play and enjoy the free gems.

    Music by artbigvee

  • Guérir l'anxiété c'est le podcast pour se sortir de ses troubles anxieux et se sentir compris. Par Delphine, une ancienne anxieuse qui va mieux !

    Tu es agoraphobe, hypocondriaque, tu fais des crises d'angoisse, de l'anxiété généralisée, ou tu as des tocs ? Tu es au bon endroit 🙏

    Recevez mon guide gratuit 6 actions pour diminuer l'anxiété et stopper les crises d'angoisse ➡️ Programmes en ligne : individuels : sur Instagram :

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • A travers ce podcast, je vous livre des outils, des pistes de réflexions pour que vous osiez changer ce qui ne vous convient pas dans votre vie.

    Coach de vie spécialisée dans la relation avec l'alimentation, j'aborderai des sujets pour vous aider à déconstruire la culture des régimes, et à vous rapprocher d'une alimentation intuitive. Être bienveillante envers son corps plutôt que de vouloir absolument le transformer, considérer sa valeur au delà de son poids et de son apparence physique, telles seront également les thématiques abordées.

    Les autres sphères de vie feront aussi partie de ce podcast : vie pro, vie amoureuse, vie sociale... Car je reste convaincue qu'en étant épanouie dans notre quotidien, la place de la nourriture dans notre esprit devient alors secondaire. 

    Alors, prêtes à "oser changer" vos croyances ? ;)

  • L'été dernier, à Marseille, il m'est arrivé un truc incroyable ...

    Après avoir beaucoup ri, réfléchi et enquêté,
    j'ai fait de cette aventure :

    Le Pacte du Pigeon !

    Je m'appelle Geoffrey Couët, je suis acteur et réalisateur,
    et ceci est mon premier podcast.

    C'est un one-shot,
    Bonne découverte à toi!
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Black women can do it all. But Dr. Akilah Cadet no longer has time for that. In this weekly podcast, Dr. Cadet unpacks trending news and what’s in the zeitgeist from a BIPOC perspective, inviting her smartest friends and amazing thinkers to discuss all things lifestyle + culture while sharing how they prioritize rest and joy in a world that constantly demands vigilance. Everyone is welcome to the “Soft Black Woman” club.

  • Si la science-fiction dépasse la réalité, la prospective est quant à elle une discipline bien ancrée dans le réel. Science du temps long, elle permet de penser avant d’agir pour rendre plus probable un futur meilleur, désiré et coconstruit. Dans l’exercice prospectif, le futur est déjà là. Il se construit avec toutes et tous, ici et maintenant. Ce podcast est l’occasion de retracer l’histoire de cette discipline et surtout de questionner les enjeux contemporains de l’aménagement du territoire.

  • Quartiers Libres est un projet initié par Julia Vidit (, directrice du Théâtre de la Manufacture CDN Nancy Lorraine et Guillaume Cayet ( , auteur et dramaturge. C’est une grande enquête théâtrale menée auprès des travailleuses et travailleurs de la métropole du Grand Nancy, depuis septembre 2021, au rythme d’un épisode par semestre.  
    Quartiers Libres c’est la possibilité de parler d’une ville, de sa périphérie, de ses habitant(e)s, des différences sociales et politiques que le travail fabrique. C’est aussi la possibilité de penser chacun(e) comme un acteur du monde, de produire des archives populaires et poétiques, de révéler les travailleurs et travailleuses du 21e siècle (in)visibles.
    Chaque épisode est le fruit d’une enquête menée par l’auteur accompagné d’un ou d'une actrice. Chaque épisode donne lieu à un récit écrit par Guillaume Cayet et lu par l’artiste, présenté en lecture dans tout type de lieu et accessible également en podcast.
    Quartiers Libres est un projet développé et produit par le Théâtre de la Manufacture CDN Nancy Lorraine (
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Cauê Moura, Load Comics e Bulbasauro comentando as notícias mais quentes da semana.

  • Amb Carme Canet. Dilluns, de 22.00 a 23.00. Les arts escèniques des de dins. Del teatre a la dansa, passant pel circ, els musicals... L'escenari del programa s'omple cada setmana de creadors, productors, crítics, actors, directors, escenògrafs i públic.

  • Roger Carandell, Juliana Canet i Marta Montaner ens sorprenen de dilluns a divendres a Catalunya Ràdio, de 23 a 00 h.

  • Подкаст про иммиграцию а Канаду, как по программе CUAET, так и по другим программам, о жизни в Канаде, адаптации в Канаде, поиске жилья и работы, а также об открытии бизнеса и так далее.

  • A crew from Star Fleet Academy's Cadet Class of 2409 go on their final cadet cruise aboard the USS Reliant, first of her kind. It soon becomes apparent that this isn't a standard shakedown cruise. What secrets will the crew uncover as the head out to map the Delta Volanis Cluster?

  • Roger Carandell, Marta Montaner i Juliana Canet aprofiten la cultura de la fama i les tafaneries per generar contingut i debats sobre temes socialment rellevants, amb humor i sense complexos.