
  • Dr. Robyn Faith Walsh is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Miami, who takes an unconventional approach to studying the origin of Christianity. What if, she asks, instead of using one dictionary for biblical texts, and a different one for all other contemporaneous Greek literature, we read the gospels as if they were the same as any other classical text? It turns out that this small shift in semantic content reveals a lot about the people who wrote the bible, the reasons for Christianity’s massive rise to popularity, and the entrenchment of the traditions that warped the weft of the spiritual teachings originally contained within these ancient books. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00) Go! Christianity & Historical Revisionism(00:06:46) Impact of Philosophy on Religion(00:18:08) Journey into Classics & Religious Texts(00:23:07) The Jefferson Bible and Historical Context(00:26:31) Historical Understanding of the Bible's Origins(00:29:29) Perceptions of Biblical Authorship(00:38:02) Critical Study of Religious Texts(00:44:06) Interpretation of Greek Terms in Religious Context(00:46:11) Reinterpreting 'Spirit' and Conversion in Early Christianity(00:51:01) Consciousness and Spirit in Science and Religion(00:55:06) Defining Religion and Its Academic Challenges(00:57:53) The Formation of Christianity and Its Historical Context(01:07:33) Paul's Revelations and Cultural Context(01:10:32) Psychedelics and Religion(01:12:08) Paul's Role and Interpretation(01:18:05) Christianity's Integration#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #Christianity, #ReligionHistory, #BiblicalStudies, #PhilosophyOfReligion, #AncientRome, #GospelOrigins, #PaulTheApostle, #PsychedelicsAndReligion, #EarlyChristianity, #HistoricalJesus, #ReligiousTextAnalysis, #RomanEmpire, #EnlightenmentThought, #ReligiousScholarship, #ClassicalPhilosophy, #CulturalSyncretism, #EgyptianInfluence, #BiblicalAuthorship, #PhilosophyOfReligion, #ChurchHistoryCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • DemystifySci is on the road again, still thinking hard about the nature of the universe. In this episode, recorded on a tropical island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, we dive into the noble tradition of mystical physics, with a little help from Walter Russel, a painter, sculptor, and mystic from the turn of the 20th century. Our goal is twofold. First, to lay the groundwork for why we think there is much to be gained from finding the “needle in the hay” in the ideas of visionary thinkers who approach nature by an intuitive rather than empirical vector. The second is to explore the ideas that inspired Terrence Howard’s models - because we’re headed down to Los Angeles to record with him in person. As always, we seek to find the best pieces of the ideas on offer and articulate them to everything else that we have come to know about the cosmos. Let u know what you think in the comments, and let us know what questions you have for Terrence. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00) Go! Introduction to Terence Howard's Ideas(00:01:19) Critique of Modern Physics and Mystical Insights(00:05:29) Integration of Mystical Insights into Quantum Mechanics(00:22:51) Mystical Interpretations of the Universe(00:27:17) Reconsidering Gravity and Etheric Particles(00:30:15) The Quest for a Unified Theory(00:45:25) Theoretical Models and Chaos in Molecular Orbitals(00:47:47) Resonance and Musical Representations in Atomic Theory(00:56:54) Metaphysical Critiques and Philosophical Insights(01:06:52) What Hypotheses actually is in Science and Philosophy(01:09:21) Mystics and Their Intuitive Hypotheses(01:13:29) Creativity and Mystical Influence#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #QuantumMechanics, #Mysticism, #TerenceHoward, #WalterRussell, #UnifiedTheory, #EtherTheory, #AlternativePhysics, #ScientificMysticism, #Resonance, #PhilosophyOfScience, #CreativityInScience, #AIandCreativity, #PhysicsDebate, #WaveParticleDuality, #MetaphysicalScience, #Cosmology, #ModernPhysics, #GravityTheories, #ScientificCritique, #MysticalInterpretation, #UnifiedFieldTheory, #QuantumInterpretations, #PhilosophyOfNature, #ScientificHypotheses, #EnergyFields, #SpiritualScience, #AtomicTheory, #ScienceAndPhilosophy, #MysticsInScience, #ScientificRevolutionCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Simon Michaux is an associate professor at the Geological Survey of Finland who is obsessed with ensuring humanity survives the transition away from fossil fuels that he and many others see looming on the horizon. We’ve previously spoken with him about his “purple transition,” his thorium reactor, ammonia engine, and alternative battery chemistry vision for a resource balanced future (Ep 259) and about the inspiration he’s gleaned for his work from the Jacques Fresco and Venus Project (Ep 275). In this third installment, we dig into the details of Simon’s Prometheus Project, both in context of what kind of resources are necessary to build an ambitious demonstration city in a mineral rich region of the Peruvian desert, and in context of what kind of people he needs to make his plans become a reality. Can Simon succeed where so many others have failed?Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00) Go! Overview of the Prometheus Project(00:13:23) Utopian Ideals and Human Nature(00:23:26) Cultural contrasts in literature(00:28:00) Engineering against environmental challenges(00:34:00) Collaborative decision-making in Finland(00:44:21) Social dynamics in planned societies(00:52:16) Formulating a new social contract(01:15:04) Sustainable Development in Challenging Environments(01:29:25) Defenses Against External Threats(01:38:39) Nuclear Technology and Geopolitical Considerations(01:49:23) Grassroots Funding and Project Launch(02:10:04) Challenges in integrating financial sustainability into visionary projects(02:19:04) The role of technology in solving resource challenges(02:33:00) Challenges of societal transition#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #Sustainability, #FutureCities, #RegenerativeAgriculture, #UtopianSocieties, #Permaculture, #ClimateAction, #EnergyTransition, #GroupDynamics, #SocialContracts, #CircularEconomy, #SmartCities, #EcoInnovation, #Resilience, #GreenTechnology, #Degrowth, #GeothermalEnergy, #UrbanPlanning, #Sisu, #SustainableDevelopment, #RenewableEnergy, #SocialInnovation, #FinlandInnovation, #CollaborativeEconomy, #CommunityBuilding, #TechForGood, #ResourceBasedEconomy, #FutureOfWork, #EnvironmentalEngineering, #NuclearEnergy, #GeopoliticalStrategyCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Rex Riepe is a philosopher who created the Eristics Test as a tool for helping people understand how they process emotions. In his view, emotions are a deeply rational aspect of our personalities that argue for us to take specific actions in three spheres - the self, the world, and society. We discuss the structure that he has developed for understanding the relationship between emotions, how he identified the fundamental building blocks of our interior landscapes, the way that different personalities fit together, and how unexamined emotional strategies can take on a life of their own. Take the test at eristicstest.com and drop your results in the comments!Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00:00) Go!(00:02:32) The Structure of the Eristics Test

    (00:05:50) Emotions and the Shadow Self

    (00:23:27) Emotions as evolutionary adaptations

    (00:32:23) Defining emotions and their role in arguments and survival

    (00:51:39) Emotional Energy Allocation

    (01:00:08) Fear Dominant Personalities

    (01:14:21) Malleability of emotional archetypes and personal growth

    (01:33:19) Understanding Detachment and Emotional Health

    (01:41:59) Exploring the Concept of Guilt, Purpose, and Happiness

    (01:57:42) Perception and variation in internal dialogue

    (01:59:33) Enhancing connections through emotional self-awareness

    (02:18:03) Technology adoption and abandonment by corporations

    (02:22:26) Centralization and decentralization in internet ecosystems

    #sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Ruth Kastner is a historian of Physics and philosopher of Science who is preoccupied with rational interpretations of quantum mechanics. She serves as the third pole of the transactional quantum mechanics big tent where she, alongside John Cramer and Carver Mead, argue that the apparent mysteries of quantum mechanics can be rationalized by modeling everything from light to gravity as an exchange between atoms. Our conversation explores how she became enamored with this alternative approach to physics, the question of how accurate our models really are when it comes to the subatomic world, why the word "electron" is hopelessly confused, and why moving backwards in space and time aren't as different as they might seem at first glance.Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00:00) Go!(00:05:21) Evolution of Transactional Interpretations in Quantum Mechanics(00:07:12) Philosophical Motivations Behind Transactional Interpretations(00:23:26) Mechanistic vs. holistic views of nature(00:27:09) Quantum mechanics and mechanistic explanations(00:32:24) Wave functions and physical reality(00:46:14) Quantum Measurement and Macroscopic Objects(00:49:00) Electron Energy Eigenstates and Stability(00:55:44) Wave-Particle Duality and Transactional Interpretation(00:59:51) Quantum Measurement Problem and Direct Action Theory(01:00:46) Quantum Field Dynamics and Mutual Communication(01:08:30) Future Influence on Present Actions(01:11:03) Actualized vs. Possible Futures(01:14:19) Quantum Indeterminacy and Hidden Variables(01:21:56) Free Will and Determinism(01:31:15) Life as entropy and disorder(01:32:24) Consciousness and non-human life forms(01:39:21) Complexity in living systems(01:45:20) Challenges in quantum theory interpretations(01:53:30) Ontology and Space-Time Concept(01:55:07) Relativistic Quantum Direct Action Theory(02:00:47) Charge Interpretation and Field Source Dynamics#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #QuantumMechanics #TransactionalInterpretation #PhilosophyOfScience #MechanisticVsHolistic #WaveFunctionReality #QuantumMeasurement #MacroscopicObjects #ElectronEnergy #WaveParticleDuality #DirectActionTheory #QuantumFieldDynamics #FutureInfluence #PossibleFutures #QuantumIndeterminacy #HiddenVariables #FreeWillVsDeterminism #LifeAndEntropy #ConsciousnessStudies #NonHumanLife #ComplexSystems #QuantumTheoryChallenges #Ontology #SpaceTime #RelativisticQuantum #ChargeDynamics #FieldSourceTheory #QuantumPhysics #QuantumPhilosophy #Determinism #QuantumFieldTheory #InterpretationOfQuantumTheory #WaveFunctionCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • We sit down for a discussion about the futility of rationalism, by way of William James' Varieties of Religious Experience. We start with the question of utopias, and try to diagnose why, if they're doomed to fail, it's still worth trying to create them, and then move on to the question of the scientific project - which seems to be an attempt to create a rationalist utopia. James' take on mystical experiences - that they're nearly universally accessible, though rarely long dwelt in - seems to suggest that there is something about the tremulous experience of being alive that will leave us with the feeling of being part of something larger than ourselves no matter how rational we get. So, then, if we can never escape the mystical experience, is it worth trying? And if it is, and we take the project of science to be worthwhile, where does the mystic live? Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00:00) Go!(00:08:52) Capitalism vs. Utopia(00:20:06) The Nature of Utopian Projects(00:23:16) The challenges of maintaining utopian communities(00:26:21) The importance of starting small for larger projects(00:30:30) Navigating local laws and governance in new communities(00:34:13) The inherent risks of utopian projects(00:39:05) Embracing flexibility for successful organizations(00:44:04) Exploring the interface of science and mysticism(00:46:48) Exploration of Mystical Experiences and Science(00:51:25) Science and the Unseen(00:59:04) The Challenge of Defining Consciousness(01:06:00) Technology and Labor Dynamics(01:10:52) Dealing with Technology's Impact on Human Experience(01:13:11) William James and the Nature of Poverty(01:16:27) The Relationship Between Mystics and Society(01:20:21) Personal Accounts of Mystical Experiences(01:25:15) Balancing Mystical Insights and Practicality(01:30:21) Critique on Integrating Mysticism into Science(01:34:08) The interplay of belief and the unseen in religious and scientific contexts(01:37:00) The mystical dimensions of quantum physics and human experience(01:39:38) Art and mysticism: the limitations of science in capturing experiences(01:45:09) The inadequacies of science in addressing consciousness and existence(01:50:45) The pursuit of knowledge and the limits of scientific authority#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #UtopianVision, #ScienceVsMysticism, #WilliamJames, #Philosophy, #Mysticism, #Rationalism, #DavidGraeber, #Utopia, #Psychology, #PhilosophicalDebate, #DemystifyingScience, #PodcastDiscussion, #CulturalCritique, #HumanExperience, #ConsciousnessExplorationCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Dean Radin is an investigator of parapsychological phenomena whose career has spanned Bell Labs, Stanford Research Institute as part of the Stargate Project, Princeton, and who is now the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Radin approaches his search for evidence of psychokinesis and extrasensory perception as an engineer, and has spent his career building devices that can be reproducibly (though subtly) affected by the minds of experimental subjects that have ranged from his colleagues at Bell Labs to thousands of participants from across the web. We talk about how the buttoned up engineer started studying such esoteric phenomena, working for the CIA, how there's no proof that can convince a skeptic, his recent research that suggests that mental action can affect the outcome of quantum experiments, and his radically transparent approach to research.

    Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasB

    AND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/

    OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Dr. Radin's book: https://amzn.to/3XalmNG

    (00:00:00) Go!
    (00:00:00) Introduction to Dean Radin and the Concept of Magic
    (00:07:13) The Interplay of Magic, Science, and Consciousness
    (00:10:55) The Role of Information in Understanding Reality
    (00:21:05) Personal Journey into Parapsychology
    (00:27:38) The Role of Consciousness and Motivation in ESP
    (00:38:57) Practical Applications in Human Factors
    (00:46:23) Classified Knowledge and Public Awareness
    (00:49:50) Active Disinformation and the Skeptic Movement
    (00:53:39) Evaluating ESP Research and Military Interest
    (01:01:13) Successes and Controversies of Remote Viewing
    (01:08:52) Discussion on CIA Remote Viewing and Public Perception
    (01:16:30) Research into Psychic Abilities and Genetics
    (01:26:00) Collective Consciousness in Music and Improvisation
    (01:33:04) Hemisync and Altered States of Consciousness
    (01:40:43) Skill Development and Psychic Abilities
    (01:52:20) Quality of Life of Remote Viewers
    (01:56:32) Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics
    (02:01:35) Bridging Phenomena and Mainstream Physics
    (02:13:52) Ideological Resistance in Discussions
    (02:25:09) Experimental Innovations in Research
    (02:29:47) Mentoring the Next Generation of Researchers
    (02:35:11) Discussion on Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
    (02:38:40) Upcoming Book Insights and Paradigm Shifts

    #sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #Parapsychology,#ConsciousnessStudies,#QuantumMind,#ESPResearch,#NoeticScience,#MindMatterInteraction,#FrontierScience,#ConsciousnessExploration,#PsychicPhenomena,#QuantumConsciousness,#ScienceOfTheMind,#ParanormalResearch,#MindScience,#ConsciousnessAndReality,#BeyondMaterialism

    Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience

    AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomics

    Join our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S

    PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.

    - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog
    - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss
    - Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD
    - Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y

    - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub
    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/
    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySci


    -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Kevin Fedarko is a writer, journalist and river guide explores the interface between wilderness and industrialization, most recently through the lens of the Grand Canyon. Fedarko recently published "A Walk In the Park," the story of his somewhat ill-conceived but ultimately successful quest to walk the trail-less expanse of desert wilderness that hides beneath the canyon's rims. We talk about the struggle to tell a story about the Colorado and the canyon that contains it that avoids the conventional morality tale of environment good, technology bad; the astonishing feat of engineering, unseen since the Great Pyramids that holds back Lake Powell; the punishment of untrailed nature; and the mythology of science, man as an island, and the wilderness as something we both crave and fear.Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Kevin Fedarko's book: https://amzn.to/4g2cPVV(00:00) Go!(00:06:42) The Process of Writing and Sharing(00:14:15) Parallels in Creative Industries(00:18:51) Interplay of Wilderness and Modernity(00:23:03) Natural vs. Industrial Forces(00:30:21) The 1983 Spillway Crisis (00:35:22) Contradictions of Nature and Technology(00:40:44) Stories Tell Themselves(00:47:00) How Humans Understand the World(00:50:12) Science and Storytelling Paradox(01:01:03) Challenges of Long-held Beliefs(01:09:57) River Dynamics and Geology(01:13:58) The Great Unconformity(01:19:11) Hiking the Grand Canyon(01:24:22) Trail Challenges(01:33:42) Navigating the Desert(01:40:05) No Trail is Walked Alone(01:42:07) Nature and Solitude(01:48:37) Deep Immersion#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Christof Koch is a neuroscientist who studies consciousness, and is best known for integrated information theory. IIT is a consciousness-first theory, which states that the experience of being someone (or something) is directly related to the causal powers of the underlying system. Up until relatively recently, Koch was something of a materialist - he believed that it would be possible to find the specific series of neural events in the brain that produce lived experience. A series of events, which he details in his new book "The I Am Myself the World" have led him to embrace more of an idealist perspective, which says that we are instantiations of a a much larger universal consciousness that permeates the universe. We talk to him about his transformation, the nature of consciousness and will, what it "causal powers" of a system have to do with consciousness, and the value of mystical experiences.Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Dr. Koch's books: https://amzn.to/3Mleyrw(00:00) Go!(00:03:40) Consciousness and Clinical Practice(00:08:32) Practical Challenges and Developments(00:14:13) Ethical and Theoretical Considerations(00:17:43) Theories and Predictions in Neuroscience(00:21:08) Physics, Causality, and Consciousness(00:24:12) The Role of Physical Interpretation in Science and Technology(00:27:24) Exploration of Physical Theories in Science(00:29:03) The Intersection of Consciousness and Data Interpretation(00:33:35) Significance of Studying Consciousness(00:37:30) Understanding Consciousness through Neural Correlates(00:48:16) Evolutionary Complexity and Consciousness(00:54:04) Human Evolution and Desires(00:57:01) Idealism and Consciousness(01:02:23) Mystical Experiences and Consciousness(01:12:15) Near-Death Experiences and Psychedelics(01:14:29) Exploring 5-MeO-DMT Experiences(01:16:34) Idealism and Scientific Study(01:18:29) Universal Mind and Consciousness(01:21:30) Complexity and Consciousness(01:24:00) Split Brain and Consciousness Studies(01:27:53) Evolution and Self-Consciousness(01:31:48) Complexity of Consciousness Emergence(01:35:23) Integrated Information Theory and Consciousness(01:39:33) Impact of Substances on Microorganisms and Consciousness(01:44:26) Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of Consciousness(01:51:05) Simulation vs. Reality in Causal Power(01:56:01) Importance of Hardware in Consciousness(02:01:15) Virtual Worlds and Reality(02:02:08) Consciousness and Computational Limitations(02:03:05) Scientific Rivalries and Theory Validation(02:06:05) The Intersection of Science and Philosophy(02:09:22) Science, Paradigms, and Metaphysical Assumptions(02:11:28) Science Evolution and Competing Theories(02:15:00) The Computational Universe and AI Perspectives(02:21:24) Metaphysical Reflections(02:23:47) Mystical Experience on the Beach(02:27:07) Nature's Influence(02:32:36) Flow States in Nature and Music(02:36:06) Limits of Scientific Understanding(02:41:00) Behind the Scenes and Future Endeavors#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y

  • The Venus Project was started in the 1980s by Jacques Fresco and Roxanne Meadows with the aim of showing that it was possible to lead a more human centered existence… as long as you built outside of the capitalist market system. Over the decades, the fortunes of the project have fluctuated - from an initial burst of enthusiasm and action (Meadows and Fresco built almost all the structures on the property by hand themselves) to the grinding reality of what it means to grow a stable and vibrant community, to the immense surge of popularity just as Fresco’s life came to an end. Project members Roxanne Meadows and Nate Dwindiddie come by the show with previous guest Simon Michaux to talk about the failures and successes of the project, and what it might look like when its reborn as the framework for Michaux’s Prometheus Project. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Fresco's work:https://amzn.to/3WNYMdx(00:00) Go!(00:01:10) Evolution from Venus Project to Prometheus Project(00:02:45) Challenges and Iterations in Alternative Social Systems(00:05:19) Vision for Societal Change(00:22:59) Fresco's Innovations in Architecture and Design(00:29:34) Technocracy Inc. and its Influence on Jacques Fresco(00:31:53) Jacques Fresco's Impact on Science Fiction(00:39:20) Jacques Fresco's Move to Venus, Florida and Community Building(00:44:54) Jacque Fresco's Vision and Beginnings(46:18) Social Engineering and Technological Innovation(47:41) Shift from Technical Designs to Social Values(49:13) Impact of Digital Age and Global Outreach(51:44) Jacque Fresco's Vision for a Resource-Based Economy(57:14) Simon Michaux and Continuing Fresco's Legacy(01:09:18) Sustainable City Design(01:13:36) Challenges and Successes of the Venus Project(01:19:12) Funding and Economic Models(01:26:02) Experimentation with Alternative Systems(01:31:20) Building a City According to Jacque Fresco's Design(01:32:41) Research Institute and Industrial Clusters in the City(01:37:02) Shifting Focus: Optimizing for Quality of Life(01:53:08) Community Structure and Stability(01:56:19) Societal Experiments and Human Nature(02:00:11) Advancements in System Science(02:05:14) Urban Living and Cultural Development(02:14:33) The Future Vision of The Venus Project(02:15:01) The Role of Advisory Board in The Venus Project(02:16:52) Educational Initiatives at The Venus Project(02:18:27) Prometheus: Testing and Innovating Building Materials#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #VenusProject, #PrometheusProject, #JackFresco, #ResourceBasedEconomy, #SustainableCities, #SocialRedesign, #TechnocracyMovement, #FutureOfSociety, #UtopianDesign, #CircularEconomy, #AlternativeSociety, #EcoInnovation, #SocialExperiment, #FutureTech, #GlobalSolutionsCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y

  • Dr Luca Turin is a biophysicist, writer, and perfume connoisseur whose work on fragrances seems to suggest that we don’t smell molecules, per se - we smell the complex vibrations of an atomic structure. Turin came to be convinced of this model for olfaction at the expense of the standard model of receptors binding smell molecules just on the basis of their shape due to a prediction he made about the smell of sulfur. If the pungent odor of rotten eggs and brimstone was due to the vibrational frequency of the sulfur atom attached to the molecule, then any other atom with a similar vibrational frequency, no matter its shape, should also smell of sulfur. He found a compatible molecule in an unexpected place, and the rest fell into place. We talk about his nascent passion for perfumes, why people are so reluctant to smell things, and the overlap between smell, resonance, and consciousness. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR support us when you do your Amazon shopping through this link for Dr. Turin's books:https://amzn.to/4fLMbQR(00:00:00) Go!!(00:05:12) The Concept of Fragrance

    (00:11:39) Evolution and Decline of Vibrational Theory in Smell Science

    (00:23:47) Social Dynamics in Scientific Progress

    (00:26:30) Impact of Public Perception on Scientific Discourse

    (00:29:23) Musical Analogies in Smell Perception

    (00:31:00) Harmonic Analogies in Molecular Structures

    (00:33:17) Exploring Dissonance in Perfumery and Music

    (00:39:06) Longevity of Perfumes and Environmental Factors

    (00:46:44) Theory development on molecular vibration and smell perception

    (00:48:23) Discovery of Boron hydrides and their olfactory similarities to sulfur

    (00:51:36) Public reception and impact of the vibrational theory of smell

    (01:11:20) Electrical properties of molecules in drug design

    (01:13:09) Radical formation and drug interaction with receptors

    (01:18:05) Electrical vs. shape-based theories in GPCR activation

    (01:24:21) Electron transfer in cellular metabolism

    (01:31:11) ATP synthesis and electrostatic gradients in mitochondria

    (01:34:36) Electrons' Spin Behavior in Biology

    (01:37:05) Revolution in General Anesthesia

    (01:42:05) Mechanism of Anesthesia and Brain Function

    (01:49:23) Quantum Effects in Brain Function

    (01:57:40) Brain Stimulation and Consciousness

    (01:58:52) Spin and Conductivity

    (02:05:02) Radio Frequency Emission from Brain Activity

    (02:09:54) Mitochondrial Activity and Brain Function

    (02:18:09) Quantum Aspects in Brain Function

    (02:21:08) The Intersection of Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

    (02:25:01) Historical and Technological Influences on Consciousness Studies

    (02:30:13) Quantum Biology: Origins and Evolution

    (02:34:26) The Central Role of Chemistry in Quantum Biology

    (02:37:11) Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    (02:44:15) Philosophical indifference to facts

    (02:45:22) Science as myth-making

    (02:46:15) Finding joy in science#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #QuantumMechanics, #PhysicsPodcast, #TransactionalInterpretation, #WaveFunctionCollapse, #Schrödinger, #Heisenberg, #QuantumTheory, #Cosmology, #StringTheory, #QuantumPhysics, #TimeReversal, #NonLocality, #QuantumInterpretation, #CarverMead, #MitochondrialResearch, #AntiAgingScience, #EnergyTransactions, #QuantumPhilosophy, #CosmologicalTheories, #QuantumBeats PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. MUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Today we're examining the impact of bureaucracy and financialization on modern society through the lens of David Graeber's "Utopia of Rules," with reference to another of his works, "Bullshit Jobs." We explore how these forces shape political ideologies, wealth extraction, and everyday life. Starting with the alienation caused by bureaucratic systems, the discussion moves through the fusion of finance and bureaucracy, which influences both worker-corporate relationships and democratic processes. Then we look into the global justice movement's exposure of systemic violence and the role of technology in societal challenges as a potential model for criticism. We also address the perception of value shaped by financial abstractions, the issues within the retirement system, and the personal reassessment prompted by psychedelics. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the potential of worker ownership and the importance of societal renewal through new linguistic templates to combat institutional stagnation. Tell us your thoughts in the comments!Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Graber's work:https://amzn.to/3WD1yT3(00:00) Go!(00:08:49) - Bureaucracy breeds alienation despite material comfort(00:15:06) - Political disillusionment reflects bureaucratic capture of ideologies(00:20:08) - Financialization and bureaucracy fuse, extracting wealth(00:31:25) - Credential inflation bureaucratizes everyday life(00:37:25) - 1971: Financialization alters worker-investor-corporate relationships(00:43:43) - Financial reliability prioritized over democratic processes(00:52:46) - Global justice movement exposes systemic violence(01:04:24) - Technology application, not existence, causes issues(01:15:32) - Financial abstractions shape perception of value(01:28:54) - Retirement system exposes life-structuring issues(01:33:14) - Psychedelics confront mortality and reassess values(01:40:57) - Opting out: freedom versus interconnected challenges(01:45:13) - Worker ownership addresses external investment problems(01:52:35) - Societal renewal prevents institutional stagnation#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #Bureaucracy, #Financialization, #PoliticalIdeologies, #WealthExtraction, #GlobalJustice, #WorkerOwnership, #DemocraticProcesses, #CredentialInflation, #SystemicViolence, #RetirementIssues, #TechImpact, #Psychedelics, #ValuePerception, #InstitutionalRenewal, #EconomicJustice, #CorporatePower, #SocialChange, #FinancialAbstraction, #1971Economy, #WorkerRights #GraeberCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Today we're looking at how atoms talk to one another using light. This transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics, was developed by today's guest, Dr. John Cramer and former guest, Dr. Carver Mead back in the 1980s. We cover key concepts such as the double atom, handshake process, and the roles of Schrödinger and Heisenberg's approaches. The conversation explores wave function collapse, non-locality, and advanced potentials, along with the influence of ghost waves, time reversal, and phase relationships in energy transactions. We then examine the evolution of quantum mechanics interpretations, the intersection of physics and philosophy, and critiques of string theory. The episode concludes with insights into cosmology, the uniqueness of life, anti-aging research, and the development and material interpretations of the transactional interpretation.Tell us your thoughts in the comments!Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR support us when you do your Amazon shopping through this link for Dr. Cramer's books:https://amzn.to/4dAmwss(00:00:00) Go!!(00:03:26) Transactional Interpretation and Double Atom Concept(00:06:26) Handshake Process and Quantum Mechanics(00:09:21) Quantum Process and Mathematical Representation(00:15:09) Schrödinger vs. Heisenberg Approaches(00:24:39) Understanding Wave Function Collapse in Quantum Mechanics(00:27:12) Overcoming Non-locality with Advanced Potentials(00:30:13) The Role of Beats in Quantum Transactions(00:33:07) Exploring Time Reversal and Phase Relationships(00:37:02) Ghost Waves and Their Influence(00:41:10) Phase Relationships and Energy Transactions(00:47:37) Universe and Transactional Exchange(01:36:50) Physics Fashion Changes and String Theory Critique(01:42:00) Quantum Mechanics Interpretations and Philosophy Intersection(01:47:40) Standard Models and Cosmology Theories(01:53:10) Life's Randomness and Cosmological Uniqueness(01:57:03) Aging, Anti-Aging Research, and Mitochondrial Treatments(02:24:03) Origin and Development of the Transactional Interpretation(02:26:48) Collaboration with Carver Mead(02:30:01) Advancing the Interpretation with Criticism#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #QuantumMechanics, #PhysicsPodcast, #TransactionalInterpretation, #WaveFunctionCollapse, #Schrödinger, #Heisenberg, #QuantumTheory, #Cosmology, #StringTheory, #QuantumPhysics, #TimeReversal, #NonLocality, #QuantumInterpretation, #CarverMead, #MitochondrialResearch, #AntiAgingScience, #EnergyTransactions, #QuantumPhilosophy, #CosmologicalTheories, #QuantumBeatsCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Emily Casanova is a professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at Loyola University in New Orleans who studies autism, human/neanderthal hybridization, and sundry soft tissue disorders that are often co-inherited with autism. Her research has shown that autism spectrum disorders are underpinned by a complex network of genetic interactions whose first emergence can be traced back to human/neanderthal interbreeding nearly 40,000 years ago. This suggests that, contrary to popular belief, the grounds for autism spectrum disorders long predate the first diagnoses made in the early 20th century. We talk about why it’s so hard to come up with a genetic cause for autism, why “species” might not mean what we think it does, intricacies of embryogenesis, and why environmental causes are so hard to talk about. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/OR do your Amazon shopping through this link for Dr. Casanova's Book, Defining Autism: https://amzn.to/4d8sK30(00:00) Go!(00:07:46) Is autism actually exploding?(00:16:15) Culture of autism?(00:26:10) Genetic linkage not so clear(00:31:51) Defining autism(00:47:39) Genetics v. cause(00:56:28) How much does genetics matter in autism?(01:04:00) Environmental arguments(01:13:33) Species don't really exist(01:26:29) Neaderthal roots of autism?(01:40:38) Continued human evolution(01:50:56) Making the world knowable as inherently valuable(02:08:36) AI applications in education#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #AutismResearch, #NeurodiversityScience, #HumanEvolution, #NeanderthalDNA, #GeneticComplexity, #NeuroscienceInsights, #SpeciesBlending, #AutismOrigins, #EmbryologyTalks, #EnvironmentalFactors, #AutismSpectrum, #HumanNeandertalHybridization, #GeneticInteractions, Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Yeva Nersisyan is a professor of economics at Franklin and Marshall College whose research focus includes Modern Monetary Theory, Post-Keynesianism, and the Institutionalist traditions. She has published widely on the subject of banking and financial instability, which is why we invited her on to talk about how the economy *actually* works. MMT theorists argue that Neo-classical economists have a deeply limited understanding of the economy, as demonstrated by the Fed’s recent inability to control inflation by adjusting interest rates - which is basically the only lever available to it. We discuss how it seems that no one who is sitting at the top of the economic pyramid seems to understand how to shift the course of the economy, how providing jobs is the key to stability, the emergence of modern economic policy in the post-war years, and much more. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/(00:00:00) Go!(00:06:41) What are the basic economic levers?

    (00:13:14) Regulation comes either way

    (00:20:29) Keynes says

    (00:26:15) Money supply first

    (00:34:26) What is money?

    (00:43:29) FDIC - has it been tested?

    (00:56:00) Industry & money

    (01:07:08) Jobs needed v. jobs wanted

    (01:13:20) Patreon Ask

    (01:13:27) Revised MMT

    (01:28:50) Government brain drain

    (01:40:10) Extreme povery at home

    (01:53:00) Economic policy starts post war

    (02:04:26) Inflation v. employment

    (02:19:40) Financialization v. humanization

    (02:30:04) Today's democrazy

    (02:40:03) Infrastructure vs. ATMs#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #ModernMonetaryTheory, #EconomicsExplained, #PostKeynesian, #FinancialStability, #JobsFirst, #EconomicPolicy, #MoneySupply, #BankingInsights, #InflationDebate, #GovernmentSpending, #EconomicLevers, #FiscalPolicy, #MonetaryTheory, #EmploymentFocus, #EconomicInequalityCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Tom Cheetham is a naturalist, poet, and author who has spent the last few decades of his life engrossed in the work of Henry Corbin, who inspired a century of studies of the unconscious mind. Corbin’s aim was to understand the line that cut across the mystic traditions of the world, in the hopes of finding something that was the universal ground of being. To that end, he searched for answers in the work of everyone from Continental philosophers, to the medieval gnostics, to the Persian mystics and honed in on something he called the “imaginal realm,” inhabited by angels who guide their human charges towards a life of meaning and profundity. We talk with Cheetham about the nature of inspiration, the universal ground of experience, the search for truth, and the visionary power of psychedelic experiencesSign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/Check out(00:00) Go!(00:08:46) Cheetham's road to Corbin(00:13:17) Eranos conferences(00:22:21) Poetry as undefinable revelations(00:38:20) Interpretation of visions(00:58:24) Needing a handbook for visions(01:06:37) Escaping death(01:15:26) True open-mindedness can be dangerous(01:26:28) Need to plant cap T truth flags(01:31:28) Conquest & western psychology(01:42:19) UFO hits the NYTimes & opens up esotericism(01:52:30) Abductees & Mack(02:08:16) Psychdelic breaks & burden of the self(02:32:44) Wave equation for a symphony(02:47:45) Search for shared reality#sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #HenriCorbin, #ComparativeReligion, #Mysticism, #Gnosticism, #Hermeneutics, #Psychedelics, #Consciousness, #PhilosophyOfMind, #SpiritualityAndScience, #ImaginationAndReality, #ModernMysticism, #AngelologyAndUFOs, #JungianPsychology, #PoeticBasisOfMind, #ExploringConsciousnessCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Dr. Jeremi Suri is a professor of Public Affairs and History at the University of Texas, Austin whose recent work explores the idea that the American civil war never ended. Suri argues that the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse at the end of the Civil War was just a superficial conclusion of outright hostilities, not a true end to the massive division that ran across America during colonial times. Our conversation with Suri centers around the question of where these divisions come from, what has entrenched them, why the same social rifts are opening not just in America, but all around the world. Most importantly, we wrestle with what can be done about a seeping wound of discontent that refuses to heal.Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/Read Jeremi's Books and Fund DemystifySci: https://amzn.to/4dhjidg(00:00) Go!(00:05:22) Low points in history (other than now)(00:09:45) Bring back the CCC!(00:11:28) Civil unrest in the US(00:15:40) Racial divide at the core of the US(00:22:00) A revolutionary's lifestyle(00:26:29) 2nd order messes(00:31:03) Does the president matter that much?(00:37:37) Solution set for systematic inequality(00:49:11) Order v. chaos in society(00:56:16) Post civil war wounds(01:06:25) Anxiety below racism(01:19:08) Journalism was never clean truth(01:33:19) Reality v. internet universe(01:48:53) Moving away from home v. adaptation to the new world(02:01:21) Every kid to college?(02:15:04) Economics & extremism(02:19:32) Is this actually a democracy???(02:26:07) Tech politics#sciencepodcast #longformpodcast #AmericanHistory, #CivilWar, #Democracy, #PoliticalUnrest, #SocialChange, #HistoricalPerspective, #AmericanMobility, #CivilRights, #PoliticalPolarization, #HistoricalCycles, #SocialJustice, #AmericanIdentity, #PoliticalReform, #HistoricalContext, #DemocraticEvolutionCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • The last few weeks we've had some really explosive theories on the show, which have caused a stir in the comments and beyond. We sit down to talk about the philosophy behind why we believe exploring far out theories is so important, and use Paul Feyerabend's Against Method as the backbone for our discussion. We introduce the idea of scientific anarchy, which encourages us to lean into the uncomfortable reality that ideas cannot be prized simply because of their age, or their apparent agreement with existing data. The history of science is littered with theories that were wrong but useful, detectors that are engineered to give us the results we are expecting, and the weighty knowledge that the absence of evidence tells us nothing about what we'll find when we take a closer look at the inner workings of nature. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word!https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/Pick up some Feyerabend and support the pod when you do it here: https://amzn.to/3Y7bcQ8(00:00) Go!(00:09:56) Podcast insider conspiracy theories(00:16:10) Surrendering to being a useful idiot(00:20:55) becoming a valuable mouthpiece(00:23:48) Patronage of the billionaire king(00:28:24) Two types of conspiracies(00:35:48) Can a free internet rise again?(00:44:35) Monoliths vs chaos, enter Paul Feyerabend(00:48:56) Heuristics and other cognitive offloads(00:55:08) Calcifying opinion into fact(00:58:02) Science is a historical process(01:01:37) Subservience of science to technology(01:04:31) Why Michael Hudson doesn't take libertarians seriously(01:06:49) Handling non-human entities(01:09:40) Triggering the psychological immune system(01:14:06) Counter-rule science(01:17:07) The approach of the Platonic Redditor(01:21:49) An argument for scientific anarchy(01:26:25) All theories have a little bit of gold(01:29:18) Does the buck stop anywhere?(01:35:45) All models suck, but I want to believe(01:41:39) Searching for the needle in the hay(01:47:26) Closing thoughts#sciencepodcast #longformpodcast #ScientificAnarchy, #PaulFeyerabend, #AgainstMethod, #PhilosophyOfScience, #ExploringTheories, #UncomfortableTruths, #ScientificRevolution, #ScientificDebate, #FarOutTheories, #ChallengingNorms, #SciencePhilosophy, #InnovativeIdeas, #BreakthroughScience, #ScientificMethod, #CriticalThinking, #AlternativeScience, #RevolutionaryThoughts, #NewPerspectives, #ScienceAndPhilosophy, #HistoryOfScienceCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Forrest Maready is an author, filmmaker, and radio show host who is driven by trying to understand alternate versions of the history of religion, culture, and disease. He's written a number of books on the subject of environmental toxins and disease, which include radical revisions to the story of polio and autism. In this conversation we explore his somewhat radical perspective - that the vast majority of disease, if not all disease, is the result of industrial pollutants getting into our bodies and wreaking havoc. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBSupport both Forrest and us when you shop for his books here: https://amzn.to/3WfU73ICheck out Forrest's radio show: www.forrestmaready.comFollow Forrest on X: https://x.com/forrestmareadyRock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/(00:00:00) Go!

    (00:05:50) Strangeness of Smallpox

    (00:12:14) a dark history of medicine

    (00:18:57) questionable outcomes of common meds

    (00:20:58) When did doctors become nobility?

    (00:27:46) A strange palate

    (00:31:46) unique genetic sensitivities

    (00:35:54) EM & sound pollution

    (00:41:07) On finding your tribe

    (00:44:55) On orienting towards truth & invention

    (00:57:44) Polio and the confluence of environment and technology

    (01:06:43) YouTube folks start here

    (01:07:10) Loose threads in the polio story

    (01:11:58) The art of retelling settled history

    (01:18:55) The sudden appearance of widespread viral paralysis

    (01:28:15) Evolving from a rural scourge to an urban epidemic

    (01:35:40) Was paralytic polio caused by enviromental toxicity?

    (01:41:18) Did the polio vaccine end the epidemic?

    (01:48:22) The Polio story as a gateway drug

    (01:50:26) Autism, epidemics, and censored discourse

    (02:01:10) The absence of a clear genetic cause

    (02:09:12) Where did autism begin, and what caused its rise?

    (02:12:35) Unpacking the Wakefield study

    (02:19:53) The American ethic of money

    (02:31:53) A dramatic expansion of the vaccine schedule

    (02:39:41) The mysterious mechanism of adjuvants

    (02:48:38) What caused the explosion of cases?

    (02:55:42) A horrible theory that would be best disproven

    (03:01:21) What's the tradeoff here?

    (03:07:25) A wrinkle in vaccine justification

    (03:11:14) Closing thoughts#sciencepodcast #longformpodcast #Epidemiology, #PublicHealth, #InfectiousDiseases, #EnvironmentalHealth, #Pollution, #HealthScience, #DiseasePrevention, #Toxicology, #HealthResearch, #GlobalHealth, #EnvironmentalImpact, #DiseaseEcology, #PandemicHistory, #HealthPolicy, #Contamination, #AirPollution, #WaterPollution, #IndustrialPollution, #DiseaseOutbreaks, #HealthAwarenessCheck our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671

  • Prof. Gabriele Carcassi is a University of Michigan Physicists who became obsessed with a simple question during his training. Where do the mathematics of physics actually come from? They are handed down to us as students as if they were immutable laws of nature… but are they? Or are they simply mathematical transformations that have long ago left the realm of reality and made their home in the spheres of theory? It turns out that we really don’t know where the line between pure theory and physical reality can be drawn! Luckily, Carcassi and his research partner Prof. Christine Aidala have dedicated their time to deciphering what they call the “Assumptions of Physics,” a project which they hope will let them take apart the basic principles of the foundational science and put the whole thing back together again in a way that makes much more sense. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat https://bit.ly/3lcAasBAND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word!https://demystifysci.myspreadshop.com/Check out Carcassi's Assumptions of Physics project: https://assumptionsofphysics.org/Check out Carcassi's Youtube Page: @gcarcassi Check out the Assumptions of Physics YouTube page: @AssumptionsofPhysicsResearch 00:00 Go!00:06:00 Reverse physics00:07:07 Standard physics approach00:09:36 Lagrangian rulers00:19:15 What is a physical dimension?00:27:51 What is an electron, really?00:34:30 Physical objects as informational bins00:48:45 Math & intuition01:00:57 Begging for money in basic science01:21:48 Physics envy01:36:47 Reverse physics undermines standard approach?01:48:38 Constants of nature02:05:52 Empiricists v. rationalists02:35:36 Interpreting quantum spin02:53:22 Michael Levin#sciencepodcast #longformpodcast #physics, #scienceeducation, #quantumphysics, #physicsresearch, #assumptionsofphysics, #physicsdimensions, #electron, #physicsintuition, #empiricism, #rationalism Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: https://www.youtube.com/c/DemystifyingScience AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics https://www.youtube.com/@MaterialAtomicsJoin our mailing list https://bit.ly/3v3kz2S PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: http://DemystifySci.com/blog - RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/2be66934/podcast/rss- Donate: https://bit.ly/3wkPqaD- Swag: https://bit.ly/2PXdC2y SOCIAL: - Discord: https://discord.gg/MJzKT8CQub- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DemystifySci- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DemystifySci/- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemystifySciMUSIC: -Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671