It’s one of the wildest scandals in Hollywood history: In 1951, major Hollywood producer Walter Wanger (Jon Hamm) went to prison for shooting an agent who he suspected was having an affair with Joan Bennett (Zooey Deschanel), Wanger’s actress wife. When the dust settled, Wanger was accepted back into Hollywood’s inner circle with open arms, while a puritan panic virtually ended Bennett’s career in movies and her family would never be the same. How did Joan — the youngest member of one of America’s most famous acting families, and one of the key femme fatales of 1940s film noir — end up a real-life fallen woman, paying a public price for her husband’s crimes? In this limited podcast series, Joan and Walter’s granddaughter/filmmaker Vanessa Hope, and film historian/podcaster Karina Longworth (You Must Remember This), tell the untold story of the Bennett/Wanger romance and professional partnership — a film noir played out in real life.
En este mundo existen historias escalofriantes, relatos misteriosos que pueden erizarle la piel al mas valiente. Acompáñanos a descubrir estas Historias de MundoCreepy.
Si tienes una historia para contar, puedes enviarla a: [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
¿QUIÉN MATÓ A ANNA COOK? Es un podcast documental escrito por Rodrigo Fluxá que se sumerge en la vida de la dj chilena Ana María Villarroel González, quien fue ingresada al Hospital del Salvador de Providencia el 2 de agosto de 2017 después de haber pasado la noche con amigos en la casa en la cual arrendaba una pieza.
Este es el resultado de 5 años de investigación, el análisis de más de 400 páginas de documentación judicial, la realización de alrededor de 100 entrevistas con todos los involucrados y la recopilación de archivos audiovisuales y sonoros considerados relevantes para el caso. Cada miércoles nuevos capítulos. -
Welcome to Kinda Murdery, a true crime podcast that’s mostly about murder, and always about the strange and compelling stories that arise when the path less traveled twists to darkness and those who walk its shadows surrender to violence and corruption. I’m your host Zevon Odelberg – we have a perilous journey ahead, so thank you for lending me, your courage and good company.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support. -
Thanks for stopping by, we are Erin and Erica twin sisters of Southern Onion. In our episodes we will explore the latest in true crime, documentaries about crime, and just how we see life. Come listen for a unique perspective on things you hear about all the time and peel back the layers with Southern Onion. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/southernonion/support
A series about how one man spent almost two decades in jail for a crime he says he didn't commit.
Hosted by the award-winning journalist, Emily Dugan.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Asesinos seriales, criminales violentos, psicópatas, personas que no recuerdan que hicieron, otras orgullosas de actuar fría y calculadamente.
Este podcast de True Crime nace de la desesperanza típica de dos personas en sus treinta. Para tolerar su rutinaria existencia decidieron revisar historias, que en apariencia, son más horribles que sus propias vidas.
Por un lado, Renata, brillante abogada, representante femenina, arquetipo perfecto de la Final Girl: mujer hegemónica que sobrevive al psicópata en las películas de terror. Y por el otro, también tenemos a Martin, un zurdo. -
Case by Case is the only True Crime podcast that brings you insights into the world of high-profile cold cases from the perspective of the Police, the Press, and the Prosecution. Hosted by Sergeant Michele Wood, Homicide Prosecutor Jarrett Ferentino, and Investigative Journalist Steph Watts, Case by Case gives you insight into how these three pillars of law enforcement work together to solve these cases.