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    Today’s episode will help us understand how to navigate complex political and ethical issues by grounding our decisions in biblical principles, focusing on the character of Christ, God’s commands, and the consideration of consequences.

    In this episode, John and Daniel go into a framework for Christians to navigate political, cultural, and ethical issues. They emphasize the importance of basing decisions on the character and commands of God, rather than purely consequentialist thinking. Key topics include the sanctity of life, the abortion debate, and the process of aligning political stances with a biblical worldview. Through their discussion, they offer Christians practical tools and insights for making morally grounded decisions in a politically divided world.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction and Greetings

    00:32 Discussing Right and Wrong

    02:27 Philosophical Approaches to Ethics

    05:07 Consequentialism and Its Pitfalls

    07:22 Christian Perspective on Ethics

    11:23 Teaching Ethics to Children

    13:03 Sanctity of Life and Abortion Debate

    25:45 Summarizing the Ethical Framework

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    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    See below for a more comprehensive discussion of this topic:

    In this episode John Whittaker and Daniel McCoy discuss how Christians should approach political, cultural, and ethical issues through a biblical lens. They aim to help Christians ground their decisions in biblical principles, focusing on character, commands, and consequences.

    The episode begins with a friendly exchange between John and Daniel, who reflect on their ongoing discussions about politics and faith, highlighted in their book on following Jesus in a divided world. Their goal is to understand how to honor Jesus over nationalistic values.

    John introduces the main topic: developing a framework for addressing complex political and ethical issues. He stresses the importance of understanding the guiding principles behind decisions of right and wrong. Daniel notes that many people rely on gut feelings, which can align with biblical moral sense, but acknowledges that humans often struggle to consistently follow moral laws.

    They discuss consequentialism, an ethical theory where the moral worth of an action is judged by its outcomes. Daniel explains various ethical theories—virtue ethics, Kantian deontological ethics, and consequentialism. He points out that many people are consequentialists, making decisions based on perceived benefits. However, he warns that while consequences matter, they should be grounded in fundamental principles like God’s character and commands.

    John and Daniel explore how these ethical theories impact political decisions, noting that debates often revolve around consequentialist arguments. While the Bible acknowledges the importance of consequences, it emphasizes that moral decisions should be rooted in God’s commands and character. Daniel uses utilitarianism to illustrate the dangers of basing moral decisions solely on outcomes.

    The discussion shifts to how Christians should navigate ethical issues by prioritizing Christ’s character and God’s commands. Daniel outlines a three-part approach: starting with the character of Christ, following God’s commandments, and considering the consequences. He emphasizes that Christians should base their ethical decisions on Jesus’ virtues and biblical values, avoiding arbitrary or outcome-based reasoning.

    John adds that reflecting God’s character and obeying His commands align with our nature as beings made in God’s image, fulfilling our purpose. He notes that holiness and human nature complement each other.

    They then apply this framework to the issue of abortion and the sanctity of human life. They start by examining God’s character, emphasizing His value of human life and children. They contrast this with the dehumanizing actions associated with evil, such as murder and lying.

    The conversation highlights the biblical commandment "do not murder" as a clear directive against taking innocent life. Daniel addresses debates around personhood and fetal status, arguing that the Bible’s emphasis on the sanctity of human life should shape the Christian stance on abortion. He warns against redefining life to justify abortion.

    Daniel critiques ethicist Michael Tooley’s argument, which separates human life from personhood to reduce stigma around abortion and infanticide. He points out the dangers of arbitrary criteria for personhood, which can lead to broader justifications for dehumanization.

    John references Peter Kreeft’s book "The Unaborted Socrates," which argues against abortion by affirming the personhood of preborn babies. While Daniel agrees, he cautions against relying solely on personhood arguments and stresses the need to focus on biblical teachings about the sanctity of human life.

    The episode wraps up with practical advice for applying the framework to ethical issues. Daniel suggests that Christians form ethical statements based on God’s character and commands while considering consequences. For example, statements might affirm the value of human life, obedience to the command not to murder, and support for pro-life laws, while showing compassion for those affected by abortion.

    John underscores the importance of clear ethical statements for guiding Christians in their decisions, emphasizing that this framework, as detailed in their book, helps Christians navigate political and cultural issues biblically.

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  • Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Today’s episode will help us navigate the complex relationship between faith and politics, ensuring our Christian beliefs remain rooted in the gospel rather than being swayed by polarized political agendas.

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    Join Daniel and John as they discuss the challenges Christians face in navigating political fragmentation in modern society. Highlighting concepts from their book, they explore 'Punch Right, Coddle Left,' the influence of 'Red Cap' and 'Blue Cap' gospels, and the need for a convictional faith centered on Jesus rather than political affiliations. They emphasize the importance of discipleship, unity, and engaging the culture with a Kingdom of God mindset.

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Greetings00:06 Discussing the Book's Purpose00:55 Punch Right and Coddle Left05:18 Generational Shifts in Political Views07:54 Navigating Political Allegiances as Christians17:17 The Red Cap Gospel19:48 The Blue Cap Gospel28:46 Dangers of Pre-Packaged Gospels32:28 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Check out RENEW.org for more articles and resources: https://renew.org/

    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    See below for a more comprehensive discussion of this topic:

    This episode features an interview on how Christians can navigate the intersection of faith and politics in a polarized world. Daniel and John discuss the importance of avoiding politicized versions of the gospel and offer guidance for thoughtful discipleship in a divided landscape.John introduces the phrase "punch right, coddle left," describing how it’s easier in broader culture to critique conservative views while being gentler on left-leaning ideas. This leads to a discussion about how some beliefs are safer to support because they align with marginalized groups. Church leaders often avoid discussing certain conservative values to prevent alienating newcomers.

    Daniel asks if this trend varies by generation, and they reminiscing about a time when evangelicals moved away from political conservatism during their college years. They speculate that future generations might swing back to traditional values. The discussion then turns to "third wayism," a middle-ground stance that avoids full alignment with any political party. The guest challenges this approach, arguing that Christianity isn’t about finding a middle ground but about holding firmly to biblical convictions, even when they don’t align with political parties.

    Next, they discuss the risks of adopting "red cap" and "blue cap" gospels, symbolizing blind loyalty to Republican and Democratic platforms. The "red cap" gospel is critiqued for equating faithfulness with the Republican agenda, while neglecting Jesus' teachings. The guest, who admits to a conservative bias, clarifies that the Christian worldview shouldn’t be confused with the Republican platform.

    The "blue cap" gospel, viewed through the lens of intersectional feminism and critical theory, is described as an ideology that seeks to dismantle power structures and elevate marginalized voices, often conflicting with traditional Christian teachings. The guest explains how these ideologies influence progressive politics, leading to reinterpretations of scripture to avoid perceived harm.

    Daniel raises concerns about the practical effects of these ideological shifts, noting the cultural chaos they seem to create. The guest agrees, suggesting that intersectional frameworks often create conflict between historical and marginalized groups, altering societal values.

    The episode wraps up with a reflection on the dangers of these prepackaged gospels. Both hosts emphasize that these oversimplify and distort the gospel, leading to a loss of true Christian teachings and community division. They express concern that evangelicalism’s association with the "red cap" gospel alienates potential churchgoers who view the church as politically biased. This division also fractures the church itself along political lines.Finally, the hosts call for a return to a gospel-centered approach, stressing that the kingdom of God operates independently of political affiliations. By focusing on love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit, Christians can navigate political participation without compromising their faith. They highlight the need for discipleship and personal discernment in political engagement to maintain unity and true Christian witness.

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    Today’s episode will help us thoughtfully engage with political issues as Christians, balancing our convictions with respect for differing views and prioritizing unity within the church.

    In this video, John and Daniel tackle the important question of whether Christians should care about political matters. They explore the real-world implications of political decisions on communities and the responsibility of Christians to engage with cultural and political issues rather than retreating. Through a critical lens, they discuss the balance between political engagement and maintaining the central focus on the teachings of Jesus. They also touch on the role of personal convictions in voting, using the framework of essential, important, and personal elements to discern what is worth discussing and debating within the Christian faith.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Initial Greetings06:08 Discipleship and Political Influence08:33 Biblical Worldview and Political Preferences14:50 Essential, Important, and Personal Convictions22:23 Navigating Political and Cultural Divides29:56 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    See below for a more comprehensive discussion of this topic: In the episode titled "Politics Interview 6: Should we try to influence how fellow Christians vote?" the hosts engage in a discussion about the relationship between Christian values and political engagement. They explore whether Christians should involve themselves in politics and if it's appropriate to influence the voting behavior of fellow believers.The conversation begins with some friendly banter between John and Daniel, setting a relaxed tone. Daniel questions whether Christians should care about politics, and John responds emphatically, arguing that political decisions have significant real-world consequences that Christians cannot afford to ignore.

    They then discuss the Paris Olympics controversy, where a drag queen portrayed the Last Supper, sparking outrage. Whoopi Goldberg’s suggestion to simply “turn the TV off” if offended prompts a debate about political disengagement. Both agree that while stepping back occasionally can be good for mental health, complete disengagement is irresponsible for Christians. They advocate for a balanced approach where Christians engage with culture, uphold biblical values, and maintain healthy boundaries.

    John shares a personal story about his brother, who decided to limit his consumption of political news to improve his mental health and better love those around him, even if they had differing political opinions. This highlights the need for balance between political involvement and personal well-being.

    The discussion then shifts to whether discipling relationships should involve guidance on how to vote. John shares his experience, emphasizing that he prefers to guide people through critical thinking and values rather than telling them how to vote. Daniel agrees, stressing that Christianity should inform political convictions without being tied to partisan politics. They both highlight the importance of focusing on core values over specific policies.

    John and Daniel introduce the Renew.org framework, which categorizes issues into "Essential," "Important," and "Personal." This framework helps Christians differentiate between core biblical principles and their contemporary applications, encouraging respectful and thoughtful political discussions within the church.

    As a concrete example, John discusses the division among Christians over mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, lamenting how differences of opinion led some to leave their churches. He underscores the importance of practicing the principles of Romans 14, which call for accepting one another despite differing convictions.

    The episode concludes with a call for Christians to approach political issues with respect and grace, prioritizing unity in the church over political alignment. The hosts emphasize that while political decisions should be prayerful and aligned with biblical values, Christians must also maintain love and respect for those with differing views. Ultimately, the episode encourages Christians to engage thoughtfully and respectfully with political issues, always rooted in biblical truth.

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  • Navigating Faith in a Politically Divided World: The Challenges of Upholding Biblical Truth

    Today’s episode will help us understand how to navigate faith and uphold biblical principles in a politically divided world, especially regarding LGBTQ issues.

    In this compelling episode, Bobby Harrington, point leader of RENEW.org, gathers with Daniel McCoy, John Whitaker, and special guest Guy Hammond to discuss how Christians can navigate their faith in a politically divided world. Guy Hammond, leader of the Strength in Weakness ministry, shares his personal journey from a former gay life to becoming a devout Christian and his challenges in maintaining his ministry amidst restrictive Canadian laws. The conversation delves into the significance of standing for biblical truth, the impact on church leaders and church environments, and what the future holds for Christian ethics, especially in areas like assisted suicide. This episode provides a sobering look at cultural and legal shifts impacting Christian practices and offers guidance on how to remain steadfast in faith.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introductions02:07 Guy Hammond's Background and Ministry03:49 Challenges of Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World04:50 Legal and Social Pressures in Canada10:53 Broader Implications for Christians20:30 Advice for Christians in the United States26:57 Spiritual Impact of a Hostile Environment28:03 Identifying the Real Enemy29:35 Living Well as a Form of Resistance32:15 Challenges in Church Leadership33:24 Advice for Church Leaders34:26 Creating a Welcoming Church Environment36:04 Personal Journey to Faith38:00 Support from Other Churches39:48 Secularization and Opposition in Canada41:40 Moving Operations to the United States45:52 Assisted Suicide and Sanctity of Life49:51 Concluding Thoughts and Encouragement

    Check out RENEW.org for more articles and resources: https://renew.org/

    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    In this podcast episode, Bobby Harrington leads a discussion with Guy Hammond, John Whittaker, and Daniel McCoy on navigating faith in a politically divided world. Bobby kicks things off by introducing his guests, all of whom play significant roles in their ministries, and sets the stage by acknowledging the challenging political and social landscape Christians face today.

    Guy Hammond, the Executive Director of "Strength in Weakness," shares his story of transitioning from an active gay lifestyle to a committed Christian life, during which he has abstained from homosexual activity for nearly 40 years. His ministry now supports Christians dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions and their families.

    Guy also discusses the broader cultural and political changes in Canada, where traditional Christian beliefs are increasingly dismissed as myths. He warns that the U.S. could face a similar path if these trends continue.Bobby then points out the sharp decline in church attendance in Canada, comparing it to the 1960s when more Canadians attended church regularly than Americans. He sees this decline as part of a broader cultural shift away from Christian values.

    In response to Daniel McCoy’s questions, Guy reiterates the difficulties Christians face in upholding their beliefs amid political and social pressures. He advises against viewing LGBTQ individuals as enemies, urging Christians instead to focus on opposing ideologies that contradict biblical principles.

    John Whittaker connects the conversation to themes from First Peter, encouraging Christians to be known for doing good, even when misunderstood or maligned, aligning with Guy’s idea that living well is a form of resistance and testimony.

    Guy also mentions that Muslim communities in Canada, like conservative Christians, are pushing back against liberal laws on sexuality and parental rights, showing that traditional values on these issues are not unique to Christianity.

    As the episode concludes, Guy highlights resources from his ministry, including a documentary about his life, "Finding Guy," which serves as an educational tool for Christians dealing with LGBTQ issues. The conversation wraps up with reflections on the spiritual challenges of living in a politically charged environment.

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  • Bridge Building Apologetics: Navigating Faith and Politics with Lindsey Medenwaldt

    Check out the book Bridge Building Apologetics:


    Join us for an insightful discussion with Lindsey Medenwaldt, author of 'Bridge Building Apologetics' and director of operations at Mama Bear Apologetics, as she explains the importance of maintaining friendships despite deep disagreements, whether on religion or politics. Lindsey shares personal anecdotes, practical advice, and the significance of listening and understanding in fostering healthy dialogues. Learn how to have productive conversations, stand firm in your beliefs, and still keep your friends.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction to Lindsey Medenwaldt and Her Work00:26 The Concept of Bridge Building Apologetics01:39 Personal Stories of Disagreement and Friendship03:54 Challenges in Modern Dialogue06:32 Understanding Different Political Perspectives08:31 The Importance of Genuine Conversations10:57 The Role of Empathy and Respect16:05 Spiritual and Emotional Preparedness21:37 The Power of Listening and Friendship24:37 Concluding Thoughts on Bridge Building

    Check out RENEW.org for more articles and resources: https://renew.org/

    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    See below for a more comprehensive discussion of this topic:

    This episode features an in-depth interview with Lindsey Medenwaldt, author of "Bridge Building Apologetics," Director of Operations at Mama Bear Apologetics, and writing instructor at Northwestern College. The discussion centers on "bridge building apologetics," a method designed to foster meaningful dialogue and connections despite differing beliefs, particularly in religion and politics.

    Daniel McCoy opens the interview by introducing Lindsey and her impressive background. He asks Lindsey to explain the concept of "bridge building apologetics" and its significance in today's divisive climate. Lindsey describes it as speaking truth with love and maintaining friendships despite disagreements on significant issues like religion and politics, encouraging a culture of respectful dialogue.John Whittaker joins the conversation, asking Lindsey to share a personal story illustrating her approach. Lindsey recounts her interactions with atheists, both online and in person, emphasizing mutual respect. She notes that respectful discourse is often lacking within Christian communities and stresses the importance of embodying Christ-like characteristics in disagreements.

    The discussion shifts to political polarization. Using hypothetical characters, McCoy explores the fears, hopes, and narratives of Republicans and Democrats. Lindsey highlights the dangers of assuming homogeneity within political groups and stresses the importance of personal conversations to understand individual beliefs and experiences.

    Lindsey and John discuss the importance of listening well, referencing Francis Schaeffer's idea of spending most of a conversation listening rather than speaking. They agree that many conflicts could be diffused by prioritizing understanding over winning an argument.

    The conversation turns to practical applications of bridge-building apologetics. Lindsey advises against taking hostility personally, recognizing that others' anger may stem from past hurt or misunderstandings. She encourages Christians to stand firm in their faith while respecting others' perspectives and maintaining a heart of peace.

    The episode ends with a shared emphasis on prioritizing the gospel in all interactions. Lindsey and John agree on embodying Christian values in political discussions and everyday life, fostering a culture of understanding and respect.

    In summary, this episode delves into "bridge building apologetics," highlighting listening, respect, and genuine care as essential to overcoming divisions in today's polarized political and religious landscape. Lindsey Medenwalt and her co-hosts offer valuable insights and practical advice for maintaining meaningful connections amidst disagreements, always pointing back to the gospel.

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  • Navigating Election Season as a Christian Leader

    Have you experienced Disunity in your Church?

    What do you think are some practical steps church leaders can take to foster unity within their congregations during politically divisive times?

    Join Daniel as he interviews Ben Cachiaras from Mountain Christian Church in the Baltimore area on how lead ministers can navigate the chaos of election seasons. Ben emphasizes three main principles: the importance of unity within the church, maintaining Jesus' lordship above political affiliations, and leveraging the cultural moment to focus on gospel mission. He provides practical advice and anecdotes on fostering unity and handling social media as a pastor, urging leaders to keep the gospel at the center despite the political climate.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction02:48 The Importance of Unity in the Church07:18 Practical Steps to Foster Unity26:20 The Role of Social Media in Christian Discourse31:05 Deciding When to Address Cultural Issues35:06 Concluding Thoughts and Encouragement

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  • Balancing Faith and Politics: Leading with Christ-Centric Integrity

    “Today’s episode will help us focus on ways to keep Christ at the center amidst political pressure.”

    Join Jason Ishmael, lead pastor of Antioch Christian Church, as he discusses his first Iowa caucus season, navigating faith and politics. Alongside editorial director Daniel McCoy and John Whitaker, co-author of 'Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World,' they go into keeping Christ at the center amidst political pressures. Jason emphasizes discipleship, maintaining integrity, and avoiding the pitfalls of political endorsements, while sharing insights on church-state dynamics and the necessity of a mission-focused approach.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Watch the Video: https://youtu.be/Flrt7vpidUA

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introductions

    00:20 Navigating the Iowa Caucus as a Church Leader

    01:30 Balancing Faith and Political Engagement

    03:18 Challenges of Political Endorsements in Church

    07:36 Maintaining Mission Focus Amidst Political Pressure

    18:59 Historical Perspectives on Church and State

    24:12 Addressing LGBTQ Issues in the Church

    30:58 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Check out RENEW.org for more articles and resources: https://renew.org/

    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    Today's episode features a discussion among three speakers—Daniel McCoy, John Whitaker, and Jason Ishmael—who explore the complexities and challenges of navigating church leadership, political involvement, and maintaining the integrity of their mission as Christian leaders. Daniel McCoy introduces Jason Ishmael, the lead pastor of Antioch Christian Church in Iowa, and himself as the editorial director for Renew.org, with insights also contributed by John Whitaker. The conversation begins with Jason Ishmael sharing his experiences during the Iowa caucus season, where political candidates often seek to speak at churches, highlighting the pressures and potential consequences of such engagements. Jason emphasizes the importance of keeping the church’s primary mission—building relationships with God and discipling others—at the forefront, warning against the risks of political endorsements that could alienate members of the congregation.

    The discussion continues with a focus on how political activities can sometimes conflict with the mission of making disciples. Jason stresses the value of personal conversations and discipleship over political posturing. The speakers then touch on the historical context of church and state dynamics, noting the dangers when the church has too much political power, which can lead to corruption. Jason shares insights from a sermon series titled "Freedom and Fences," which addressed LGBTQ issues, emphasizing the need to handle such topics with grace and ensure that church doctrine aligns with scripture. The video concludes with John Whitaker reflecting on the church's overarching goal of forming individuals in Christ, reinforcing the importance of a disciple-centered mission, and the necessity of balancing grace and truth in all matters, particularly in politically charged environments. The discussion underscores the need for church leaders to navigate these challenges with a focus on discipleship, mission integrity, and a commitment to approaching every issue with grace and truth.

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  • Navigating Faith and Politics: A Conversation with Justin Jordan

    “Today’s episode will help us navigate faith and politics with critical thinking, grace, and a focus on biblical principles in a politically divided world.”

    We are kicking off a brand new series talking about how to Follow Jesus in a Politically Divided world. John Whitaker, along with Daniel McCoy and Justin Jordan, pastor at Real Life Ministries Treasure Valley in Meridian, Idaho, discusses Justin's recent sermon series on following Jesus in a politically divided world. The conversation dives into the importance of critical thinking, understanding scripture, and engaging in relationships beyond political divides. Justin emphasizes the need to prioritize God's kingdom and how navigating discussions around justice, mercy, and community engagement can help believers grow in Christ-likeness and influence society positively.

    Get the Book on Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: https://a.co/d/35XLxSE

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction

    00:14 The Sermon Series: Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World

    01:12 Engaging as Disciples, Not Just Voters

    03:19 Challenges and Receptivity in the Congregation

    04:48 The Role of the Kingdom of God in Politics

    08:36 Navigating Difficult Conversations with Grace

    20:45 Practical Examples of Justice and Mercy

    31:50 Final Thoughts and Advice for Church Leaders

    Check out RENEW.org for more articles and resources: https://renew.org/

    View more information about this topic here: https://renew.org/product/following-jesus-in-a-politically-divided-world-an-interactive-guide-to-21-questions-on-christianity-and-politics/

    See below for a longer description:

    This episode begins with John Whitaker introducing the panel and setting the stage for the conversation. Justin Jordan, a pastor at Real Life Ministries Treasure Valley in Meridian, Idaho, shares his experiences and insights from his recent sermon series about following Jesus in a politically charged environment. He explains that the series aimed not to dictate how to vote but to encourage believers to engage thoughtfully and biblically in the political realm. The conversation then shifts to why it's significant to teach Christians to think critically about scripture and God's kingdom rather than simply adopting the views of their preferred political analysts.

    Daniel McCoy engages Justin in a thought-provoking discussion about the importance of not swaying to either political side purely out of comfort or refuge. Justin stresses the critical role of scripture in guiding believers to think deeply and engage with both sides of the political spectrum, highlighting that following Jesus' teachings often means embracing ideas that challenge the status quo of both major political factions.

    Throughout the interview, John and Daniel prompt Justin to reflect on the reactions of his congregation to his sermon series. Justin reveals that while some congregants were resistant at first, there was a significant group eager to learn how to handle political conversations with grace and biblical insight. This willingness to engage stems from their experiences with political division and the desire to navigate these conversations without fracturing relationships.

    As the episode progresses, the conversation steers towards the practical outworking of justice and mercy in political engagement. Justin outlines that these concepts are fundamental to God's character and should consequently be integral to a Christian's life. He references scripture to back up the importance of caring for the oppressed, the hungry, and other marginalized groups, urging believers to actively embody these values in their communities.

    The dialogue shifts to the role of Christians in politics and community service. Justin asserts that while voting is important, it's not enough. Christians are called to engage deeply and relationally within their communities, exemplifying God's justice and mercy. He shares practical examples from his church's initiatives, like their involvement with Meridian Food Bank and Stanton Healthcare, as well as their ongoing support for a local Title 1 school, Meridian Elementary.

    The episode culminates with a discussion on the importance of nuanced, courageous leadership in church communities, especially in politically charged times. Justin advises church leaders to navigate these complex conversations with wisdom, starting with internal discussions among church leadership before addressing the broader congregation.

    This episode is a compelling exploration of how Christians can faithfully engage in politics without compromising their spiritual integrity. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation that promises to inspire and challenge your perspectives on faith and politics.

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  • Gen Z on Identity: Understanding Biblical Perspective on Modern Issues

    Today’s episode will help us understand Gen Z's views on identity from a Christian perspective, addressing cultural confusion and emphasizing the importance of aligning with biblical teachings while fostering a loving and honest dialogue.

    In the final episode of Gen Z On, host Reagan Grace Gibbs and her husband Manny discuss the complex topic of identity, with a specific focus on sexuality, from a biblical standpoint. Reagan, a student ministry director at Ekklesia Christian Church, dives deep into the cultural confusion surrounding identity and how it aligns with biblical teachings. They explore the idea that despite societal affirmation, certain lifestyles may be unfulfilling and contribute to issues like depression and suicide. They emphasize the importance of speaking the truth with love, highlighting that affirming sin can be unloving. The episode also touches on different cultural perspectives on sexuality and references scripture to support their views. The next season will tackle politics, indicating a shift in focus for future discussions.

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Host Background00:40 Series Overview: Gen Z on Identity01:36 Biblical Perspective on Identity03:18 Cultural Observations and Statistics04:58 Christian Response to Identity Issues10:04 Global Perspectives on Homosexuality12:30 Scriptural Insights and Final Thoughts16:38 Conclusion and Next Season Announcement

    Follow Reagan on Social Media @thereagangrace

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    Subscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Other podcasts by RENEW.org:– Scripture in Black and White: https://scriptureinblackandwhite.podbean.com/ – Step into Scripture: https://stepintoscripture.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple making.

    See below for a longer description:–In the "Real Life Theology" podcast episode titled "Gen Z on Identity," host Reagan Grace Gibbs explores cultural and theological perspectives on identity, especially from a Christian viewpoint. Reagan, a student ministry director and content creator, kicks off the episode by welcoming listeners and introducing the topic of Gen Z's views on identity.

    This episode is special as it wraps up the current season. Reagan expresses mixed emotions about the finale, excited for future episodes but also reflective on the impactful discussions that have taken place.

    The hosts pose a central question: Do individuals truly know their identity? They discuss the cultural confusion around identity and how society often normalizes and celebrates what they consider sinful identities, contrasting this with their Christian beliefs. Reagan emphasizes that sins remain sins, despite societal acceptance, and stresses aligning one's identity with biblical teachings.

    Reagan argues that Jesus did address issues of sexuality, gender, and marriage, referencing Genesis to support this claim. They also discuss the disparity between the numerous days dedicated to LGBTQIA+ celebrations and the fewer Christian holidays, challenging the idea that the LGBTQIA+ community is marginalized, given the high rates of celebration. They point to ongoing issues like depression and homelessness as signs of deeper problems with the ideology, not a lack of acceptance.

    Reagan reflects on the backlash Christians often face when sharing biblical teachings on identity, suggesting that truth can be seen as hate in a society steeped in untruths. Both hosts advocate for open and loving discussions on these topics, avoiding both extreme condemnation and uncritical acceptance. They share personal stories to illustrate their belief that true love requires honesty about wrongdoing.

    The episode highlights the challenges of balancing love and truth within the Christian community, calling for a method that communicates truth lovingly without compromising on biblical principles. They reference Jackie Hill Perry, who transitioned from identifying as a lesbian to becoming a committed Christian writer and speaker, as an example of transformation and theological insight.

    Reagan and Manny also discuss how different cultures perceive homosexuality, sharing a story from Reagan's visit to Kenya, where homosexuality is severely punished. They contrast this with American views and discuss biblical interpretations of homosexuality as a perversion of natural relations. Manny reads from Romans chapter one to support their stance.

    As the episode concludes, Reagan announces the next season's focus on politics, promising in-depth discussions and relevant information. They thank listeners for their engagement throughout the season and encourage them to stay tuned for future content, emphasizing the continued journey of faith and understanding.

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  • Gen Z and Church Hurt: Healing and Accountability in Faith

    “Today’s episode will help us understand and navigate the complexities of church hurt, emphasizing the importance of accountability, mental health, and supportive community within the church.”

    In this compelling episode of the Real Life Theology Podcast, host Reagan Grace Gibbs and her cousin Joel tackle the nuanced topic of 'church hurt' among Gen Z. They share personal stories and discuss the complex balance between church accountability and genuine trauma. Through exploring ministry challenges, maintaining boundaries in ministry families, and dealing with judgment and hurtful rumors, this episode provides insights aimed at healing and understanding. Listeners are encouraged to discern God's true voice, respect the church as the bride of Christ, and find supportive leadership on their personal growth journey. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer for those affected by 'church hurt.'

    Follow Reagan on Social Media @thereagangrace

    Visit RENEW.org to view books, articles, and more: https://renew.org/

    Time Stamps:00:00 Introduction to the Real Life Theology Podcast07:04 Defining Church Hurt14:17 Preacher's Kid Expectations15:32 Setting Healthy Boundaries in Ministry27:16 Church Hurt and Teen Pregnancy37:53 Gossip in the Church39:48 Projecting Church Hurt47:23 When to Leave a Church51:30 Dealing with Trauma in Church54:47 The Impact of Hurtful Words01:01:45 Discerning Relationships01:11:58 Final Thoughts and PrayerSubscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Other podcasts by RENEW.org:– Scripture in Black and White: https://scriptureinblackandwhite.podbean.com/ – Step into Scripture: https://stepintoscripture.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple making.

    See below for a longer description:–The podcast episode goes into the topic of church hurt from the perspective of Generation Z. Hosted by Reagan Grace Gibbs, a student ministry director and social media influencer, the episode features a conversation with her cousin Joel, the worship minister at Ekklesia. They both share a personal and professional passion for the topic.Reagan starts the episode with lighthearted questions to Joel, easing into the heavier discussion on church hurt. They discuss the widespread use of the term "church hurt," especially among Gen Z, and differentiate it from the necessary accountability within the church.

    Joel reflects on his past misunderstandings of accountability, and Reagan emphasizes the importance of addressing members' sins out of love. They highlight the unrealistic expectations placed on pastors' kids and stress the need for boundaries to protect mental health in leadership roles.The episode addresses the projection of church hurt onto others and cautions against letting negative experiences discourage finding a church community. Reagan and Joel discuss the stress faced by church leaders and the importance of setting boundaries.

    Joel explains the difference between true conviction and church hurt, emphasizing that loving correction should not be seen as harm. They also discuss when it might be appropriate to leave a church, advising against leaving due to personal hurt unless the church is doctrinally unsound.Reagan shares a listener's story about trauma in the church, highlighting the importance of mental health awareness. The episode concludes with a discussion on distinguishing between toxic influences and those needing correction, and Joel offers a prayer for healing and restoration.

    Throughout the episode, Reagan and Joel provide theological insights, personal stories, and practical advice to foster healing and understanding, emphasizing community, accountability, and a strong relationship with God.

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  • Today’s episode will help us understand the significance of tithing and giving within Generation Z, highlighting how these practices foster a deeper relationship with God and lead to experiencing His blessings.

    In this episode of the Real Life Theology Podcast, host Reagan Grace Gibbs, student ministry director at Ekklesia Christian Church, dives into the topic of giving within Generation Z from a Biblical perspective. Joined by her best friend Summer Wilson, a worship leader and photographer, Reagan discusses the importance of tithing and sacrificial giving. They explore statistics, personal testimonies, and the difference between tithing and offerings while emphasizing the importance of placing God first in finances, even in challenging times. The episode also addresses the misconceptions surrounding organized religion and the necessity of joyful giving according to Biblical principles.

    Follow Reagan on Social Media @thereagangrace

    Visit RENEW.org to view books, articles, and more: https://renew.org/

    Watch the Video

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction and Host Welcome

    05:06 The Importance of Tithing

    15:12 Personal Stories and Convictions on Tithing

    33:21 Young Adults and Tithing

    34:15 Personal Tithing Testimonies

    35:15 The Joy of Giving

    37:14 Struggles and Convictions in Tithing

    38:42 Trusting God with Finances

    40:17 Obedience and Sacrifice

    44:44 Generational Perspectives on Giving

    49:12 Faith and Financial Responsibility

    01:01:58 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Subscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Other podcasts by RENEW.org:– Scripture in Black and White: https://scriptureinblackandwhite.podbean.com/ – Step into Scripture: https://stepintoscripture.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple making.

    See below for a longer description:

    In the "Gen Z on Giving" episode of the Real Life Theology Podcast, host Reagan Grace Gibbs, a student ministry director at Ekklesia Christian Church and social media expert, explores the practice and significance of tithing among Generation Z. Reagan is joined by her best friend, Summer Wilson, a worship leader and photographer.

    Reagan introduces the topic by emphasizing the often-overlooked importance of giving within the church community, particularly among Gen Z.

    The conversation then shifts to tithing and giving, with Reagan highlighting the startling statistic that only 5% of churchgoers tithe, despite its foundational role in a relationship with God. She stresses that tithing is not just about money but about honoring and joyfully contributing to God's work. The hosts discuss the decline in giving among Gen Z, attributing it to precedents set by previous generations and misunderstandings of the concept.

    Reagan and Summer differentiate between tithing (giving 10% of income to the church as commanded by God) and offering (additional giving beyond the 10%). This distinction is crucial for understanding financial contributions to the church.

    Throughout the episode, the hosts share personal testimonies about tithing. Reagan recounts her father's sacrificial giving during financial struggles, leading to unexpected blessings. Summer shares her experiences of tithing on a tight budget and the embarrassment of declining tithes due to insufficient funds, yet remaining committed to giving.

    The hosts address common excuses for not tithing, such as managing debt, emphasizing that God's blessings often come when people remain faithful in their giving, even in financial hardship. They argue that withholding from God during financial strain only prolongs difficulty and prevents experiencing God's provision.

    Reagan and Summer discuss Gen Z's hesitance to give due to discomfort with organized religion, arguing that this stems from avoiding accountability or conviction about financial decisions. They emphasize that tithing is about faith and trust in God's promises, not the church institution.The hosts encourage Gen Z to re-evaluate their priorities and see giving as an act of obedience and worship, suggesting that prioritizing tithing can strengthen one's relationship with God. Reagan underscores the importance of putting God first in financial planning.

    The episode concludes with scriptural references, such as the story of the Israelites receiving manna in the wilderness, to illustrate trusting God's provision. Reagan and Summer aim to inspire listeners to embrace tithing and offering as essential faith practices, fostering a deeper connection with God and experiencing His blessings.

    Reagan wraps up by inviting listeners to follow the podcast for more discussions on faith and to connect with her and Summer on social media, reminding them to prioritize their relationship with God above all else.

    #Tithing #GenZGiving #FaithAndFinances #ChurchCommunity #SacrificialGiving #SpiritualGrowth #GodsProvision #ChristianPodcast #RealLifeTheology #ReaganGraceGibbs #SummerWilson #EkklesiaChristianChurch #genz

  • Gen Z on Worship: (feat. Joel Wilson & Will Phillips)

    Are you a Gen Z member passionate about worship and looking for ways to make your worship experience truly authentic and impactful? In this episode of the Real Life Theology podcast, host Regan Grace Gibbs is joined by Joel Wilson and Will Phillips to dive deep into the conversation on worship within the church.

    Join us as we explore these topics and more, offering insights and practical advice from fellow Gen Z worship leaders. Whether you're on stage or behind the scenes, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you enhance your worship experience and lead with authenticity.

    Don't miss out! Share this episode and join in on the conversation as we seek God's wisdom and guidance.

    In this episode, host Regan Grace Gibbs, along with guests Joel Wilson and Will, explore worship within the church. They discuss the dynamics between contemporary and traditional worship styles, addressing leadership challenges, heart posture, and accountability. They also emphasize the importance of personal devotion and spiritual nourishment, whether serving on stage or behind the scenes. This episode offers insights into worship from a Gen Z perspective.

    Follow Reagan on Social Media @thereagangrace

    Visit RENEW.org to view books, articles, and more: https://renew.org/

    Watch The Video: https://youtu.be/nslIy43iIBA

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction and Host Background00:53 Meet the Guests: Joel and Will01:28 Discussing Worship Roles and Instruments02:38 Favorite Music Artists05:05 Hot Takes on Taylor Swift10:08 Defining Worship in Scripture26:56 Creative Expression in Worship27:55 Balancing Performance and Heart Posture29:18 Overcoming Technical Challenges31:27 Generational Perspectives on Worship39:37 Volunteer Commitment and Sacrifice41:12 Accountability and Expectations for Worship Leaders48:06 Navigating Difficult Conversations57:05 Concluding Thoughts and Reflections

    Subscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Other podcasts by RENEW.org:

    – Scripture in Black and White: https://scriptureinblackandwhite.podbean.com/

    – Step into Scripture: https://stepintoscripture.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple making.

    See below for a longer description:

    In this episode of the Real Life Theology podcast, titled "Gen Z on Worship," host Regan Grace Gibbs, Student Ministry Director at Ecclesia Christian Church, dives into worship with guests Joel Wilson and Will Phillips. Joel is the Minister of Music at Ecclesia, and Will is the Worship Pastor at the Rock Church Conway Campus. They explore worship from a Gen Z perspective.

    Regan introduces herself and the "Gen Z On" series, where she interviews Gen Z church members on important faith topics. Today’s focus is worship and its resonance with Gen Z. Joel and Will introduce themselves, sharing their roles and musical journeys.

    Joel's Role: Minister of Music at Ecclesia, playing acoustic guitar and singing. Will's Role: Worship Pastor at the Rock Church, playing keys and acoustic guitar, aspiring to learn the ukulele.

    They discuss their musical talents and favorite artists, reflecting their diverse tastes. The conversation then shifts to a deeper discussion on worship.

    Key Points:

    Scriptural Basis: Will refers to Romans, emphasizing living as a sacrifice as the true worship. They agree that worship extends beyond music to all acts of service for God.Service as Worship: Joel highlights that roles like greeting or working at the coffee bar are also worship when done with the right heart posture.Personal Devotion: Will stresses the importance of personal time with God, arguing that spiritual well-being is a personal responsibility.Modern vs. Traditional Worship: They compare traditional pew settings with contemporary high-production services, agreeing that authenticity comes from the heart.Creative Expression vs. Performance: They emphasize that worship should glorify God, and anything distracting from that should be reassessed.Accountability: They discuss the importance of clear guidelines and relational equity within worship teams to ensure corrections are made with love and understanding.

    The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to continue exploring and discussing worship, emphasizing the value of these conversations for growth.

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  • Gen Z on Deconstruction (feat. Bailey Thompson)

    In this episode of the Real Life Theology podcast, host Reagan Grace Gibbs, the student ministry director at Ekklesia Christian Church, discusses the urgent topic of faith deconstruction within Gen Z audiences. Joined by Bailey Thompson, they dive into the statistics showing the rise in religious disaffiliation among Millennials and Gen Z, the concept of deconstruction and reconstruction from a biblical perspective, and the cultural impact of influencers on faith. They emphasize the importance of discipleship, being actively involved in a local church, and the crucial role of church leaders in guiding and supporting Gen Z. Follow Reagan on Social Media @thereagangrace

    Visit RENEW.org to view books, articles, and more: https://renew.org/

    Watch the Video: https://youtu.be/TpZu2xehddc

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction and Host Background

    05:30 Celebrity Influence on Faith

    10:37 The Role of Church Leaders in Supporting Gen Z

    13:01 The Importance of Personal Relationships in Ministry

    19:12 Challenges and Solutions for Engaging Gen Z in Church

    24:15 The Importance of Studying the Bible

    28:54 The Impact of Social Media on Faith

    35:27 Engaging with Gen Z in Ministry

    37:34 Concluding Thoughts and Prayer

    Subscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Other podcasts by RENEW.org:

    – Scripture in Black and White: https://scriptureinblackandwhite.podbean.com/ – Step into Scripture: https://stepintoscripture.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple making.

    See below for a longer description:In this episode, Reagan introduces Bailey, a worship leader and singer-songwriter from Ekklesia Christian Church. Together, they dive deep into the topic of Gen Z and their relationship with faith, particularly focusing on deconstruction and reconstruction of beliefs. Reagan highlights alarming statistics pointing to Gen Z as the least religious generation in American history. She references Ryan Burge’s research, showing a significant increase in the number of millennials and Gen Z individuals with zero religious affiliation. Bailey and Reagan discuss these trends and the potential reasons behind them, such as less parental influence on religious upbringing. The conversation covers the concept of deconstruction, contrasting its healthy and harmful forms. Reagan explains how Jesus exemplified healthy deconstruction by confronting the false teachings and hypocrisy of religious leaders. In contrast, Reagan and Bailey discuss the modern trend of deconstruction, where individuals systematically dismantle and often reject their faith due to various reasons, including church hurt.

    Bailey brings in insights from Lisa Childers, who defines deconstruction as a popular trend among millennial and Gen Z Christians. They also touch on how celebrities openly share their deconstruction journeys, influencing their young followers' faith decisions. Reagan emphasizes the crucial role of church leaders in supporting and guiding Gen Z through these processes, rather than just attacking them. Reagan shares personal anecdotes about the importance of church community and mentorship in her faith journey. She recounts how church leaders, including her parents and student ministry leaders, have been foundational in her spiritual growth. This leads to a discussion on the importance of discipleship and being actively involved in a local church, both for personal growth and to foster a supportive faith community for Gen Z.

    Reagan and Bailey stress that students need consistent biblical study and community involvement to thrive spiritually. Reagan talks about her church's emphasis on discipleship, mentioning their multi-generational vision and various ministries that cater to different age groups. Bailey adds examples of how older generations in the church mentor younger members, creating a nurturing environment for spiritual growth. They also address the challenges and misconceptions about student ministry, highlighting the importance of building authentic relationships with students. Both Reagan and Bailey believe that genuine discipleship involves walking with students through their spiritual journeys, providing guidance and support along the way.

    Wrapping up the episode, Reagan discusses the powerful impact of prayer and how it can transform lives. Bailey closes with a heartfelt prayer for Gen Z, asking for God’s guidance and blessing over them. She prays for leaders to be equipped to steward these young hearts well, fostering safe spaces for meaningful conversations and growth. Tune in to this insightful episode to understand more about the spiritual dynamics affecting Gen Z and how to approach the topics of deconstruction and reconstruction of faith. Follow Reagan on all her social media platforms to stay updated on future episodes and engaging discussions. Until next time be blessed.#GenZ #RealLifeTheology #GenZOnFaith #Deconstruction #Reconstruction

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  • Gen Z on Relationships

    Interested in hearing a conversation about both relationships and friendships from a Gen Z Perspective? Well then this episode is for you. Reagan Grace and her husband Manny answer questions like the following:

    What does a Christ-centered relationship look like?How do you approach forgiveness and move past hurt in relationships? What are your biggest suggestions for finding a good Godly relationship? How can you combat temptations in relationships when you are saving yourself for Marriage?

    Have more questions about this topic? → Please like, subscribe, and comment on this episode. You can also reach out to Reagan on social media @thereagangrace

    Watch the Video:

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction to the new series GEN Z ON

    01:31 Romantic Relationships: A Biblical Perspective

    03:51 The Role of Love and Sacrifice in Relationships

    10:41 Cultural Influences on Modern Relationships

    13:46 Navigating Privacy and Publicity in Relationships

    19:02 Q&A: Addressing Your Relationship Concerns

    20:27 Navigating Secular Culture and Prayer

    21:51 Christ-Centered Relationships: Expectations vs. Reality

    23:52 The Purpose of Christian Dating and Marriage

    30:22 Forgiveness and Communication in Relationships

    33:00 Finding a Godly Relationship

    34:43 Combating Temptations and Understanding Purity

    38:21 The Importance of Friendships and Accountability

    47:32 Closing Thoughts and Prayer

    Subscribe to the Real Life Theology Podcast: https://reallifetheologypodcast.podbean.com/

    Check out RENEW.org for resources on theology and disciple-making.

    See below for a longer description:

    Gen Z and Relationships!

    In this kick of episode of the Real Life Theology Podcast’s new series “GEN Z ON” , host Reagan Grace Gibbs, along with her husband Manny Gibbs, dive into the complexities of relationships for Gen Z from a biblical perspective. They discuss romantic relationships, friendships, and the role of faith and accountability. Covering topics such as the importance of Christ-centered relationships, combating temptations, and the significance of forgiveness, this conversation is enriched with scripture and personal insights. Join Reagan and Manny as they share their journey, answer audience questions, and provide valuable advice for young Christians navigating their faith and relationships.

    If you would like to follow Reagan on social media search @thereagangrace on any social platform.

    This series geared towards a Gen Z audience is a series where Reagan interviews different members of Gen Z in the church to discuss urgent topics of faith. Today's episode focuses on relationships, both romantic and platonic, and features a special co-host, Reagan's husband, Manny Gibbs. Manny serves in the student ministry and is also pursuing a medical career. The episode begins by addressing why relationships were highly requested by Reagan's Instagram followers. They go into the importance of discussing romantic and friendship dynamics separately, offering insights and experiences from their own relationship. Reagan opens with Song of Solomon 8:7, highlighting the unquenchable nature of love. Key points include discussing their young marriage at 18 and the pressures it brought, as well as the misconception of finding perfect love in a human partner versus the eternal and fulfilling love of Jesus.

    Manny and Reagan critique cultural narratives around romantic relationships, pointing out the pitfalls of idolizing earthly love over divine love. They use examples from pop culture, such as the tumultuous relationship of celebrities like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, to illustrate the destructive nature of publicly aired, toxic relationships. The conversation stresses the importance of Christ leading a relationship to prevent chaos and maintain a healthy, God-centered dynamic.In response to audience questions, Reagan and Manny tackle topics like incorporating prayer into a relationship, Christ-centered dating, and approaching forgiveness. Manny emphasizes the value of prayer and its perceived awkwardness in a secular culture, while Reagan provides practical advice on dating with the intention of marriage, setting boundaries to combat temptation, and understanding purity within and outside of marriage.

    Transitioning to friendships, Reagan opens up about her challenges in maintaining friendships and the significance of surrounding oneself with friends who also sit at the feet of Jesus. Manny adds a male perspective, stressing the importance of accountability and the pitfalls of adopting a 'not my business' stance with friends. They both agree on the critical role of having friends who are honest and rooted in biblical truth. The episode wraps up with Manny’s prayer, asking for wisdom and strength to maintain relationships that glorify God. They thank all of you for joining and hope to see you next time on the Real Life Theology Podcast.

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    Welcome back to season seven of the Real Life Theology podcast, a Renew.org resource dedicated to renewing the teachings of Jesus to fuel disciple-making movements. In this episode, Paul Huyghebaert dives into a compelling discussion about guiding traditional American churches toward missional multiplication.

    Explore the challenges and opportunities of transitioning from an attractional church model, focused on 'come and see,' to a missional model that emphasizes 'go and be.' Paul shares practical insights and personal experiences on how to foster a disciple-making culture within your church.

    If you're seeking to understand how your church can move towards a framework that champions missional multiplication, this episode is a must-listen. Join us and be inspired to embrace the brave mission Jesus has called us to.

    Stay tuned for the upcoming season featuring Reagan Gibbs, who will introduce a new series titled Gen Z on, exploring the experiences and perspectives of the Gen Z audience in today's world. See you next time on the Real Life Theology Podcast!

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    Rethinking Church Models: A Shift Towards Multiplication and Disciple-Making

    Today's Episode talks about the challenges and systemic issues within modern church models, emphasizing the need for a shift from consumer-driven models to a more discipleship and multiplication-focused approach. It explores historical changes in life expectancy and technological advancement to question why the church struggles with certain 'lists' or challenges despite societal progress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting go of control and cooperating with God, recognizing the baggage and outdated operating systems that hinder growth and effective ministry. Through discussing the distinctions between operating systems and models, it highlights how many churches have drifted towards seeking conversions and consumer satisfaction rather than genuine disciple-making. The speaker addresses various dilemmas facing the church, including legacy, mission, customer focus, and economic models, and introduces the idea of a new operating system grounded in prayer, fasting, and a re-evaluation of traditional church growth strategies. The conclusion points towards a church planting and operational model that prioritizes discerning God's will, redefines success beyond numbers, and considers economic liberation, ecclesiology, and the essence of true, impactful ministry.

    Key Takeaways 00:00 The Quest for Simplicity in Church Operations00:35 Reflecting on Technological Advancements and Life Expectancy01:21 The Importance of Cooperation with God in Church Leadership04:05 Dissecting the Current Church Operating System06:49 Addressing the Dilemmas of the Consumer-Driven Church Model19:18 Introducing a New Operating System for Church Planting23:05 Redefining Church Success and Economic Models27:59 Ecclesiology and the Future of Church Mission

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    See Below for a longer description: In the today's episode Todd Wilson goes deep into the complexities of church operating systems, challenging conventional norms and urging listeners to rethink their approach to ministry. The episode opens with a profound reflection on the rapid technological advancements and societal shifts that have doubled the average life expectancy, setting the stage for a critical examination of the current state of church practices.The speaker passionately explores the idea of operating systems in churches, emphasizing the difference between models and systems. Drawing on personal anecdotes and industry trends, he navigates through the evolution of church strategies over the years, from the prevalence of 'The Purpose Driven Church' model to the emergence of new paradigms focused on gospel saturation and disciple-making. Throughout the episode, the speaker dissects eight key dilemmas plaguing modern church systems, ranging from legacy and end-game considerations to the role of consumerism and programmatic approaches in driving church growth. He challenges listeners to embrace a more holistic mission beyond mere conversions, advocating for a shift towards mobilizing everyday missionaries and fostering a culture of disciple-making. As the episode unfolds, the narrative delves into the economic intricacies of church operations, highlighting the influence of tithes, offerings, and alternative financial models based on liberated economic principles. The speaker paints a vivid picture of a shifting landscape where business for mission models and unconventional funding sources are reshaping the future of church planting and sustainability.The exploration of ecclesiology brings a fresh perspective on what defines a church in today's context, challenging traditional notions and prompting reflection on the essence of community, mission, and discipleship. The episode culminates with a powerful discussion on the driving forces behind church operating systems, emphasizing the importance of Acts 2-inspired fellowship and collective empowerment in fueling impactful, sustainable ministry efforts. Listeners are invited on a thought-provoking journey through the intricacies of church leadership, growth, and impact, woven together with personal anecdotes, industry insights, and compelling arguments for reimagining the way we approach ministry in today's ever-changing landscape. S7 Ep. 8 stands as a beacon of innovation and introspection, challenging listeners to break free from conventional norms and embrace a new era of church practices rooted in mission, discipleship, and transformative community engagement.

    Watch our 2024 Gathering Main Session Recordings
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    Transforming Lives Through Disciple Making Movements: A Worker's Journey in India

    Josh Howard, a worker who has lived in India for over 15 years, shares his transformative experience of leading and witnessing disciple making movements in India. Starting with a moment of prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit to guide the session, Josh introduces himself, mentioning his background and family. He highlights the importance of asking oneself whether they are a disciple worth reproducing and shares a powerful narrative of initial failures and eventual successes in disciple making. Through his story, Josh emphasizes the critical role of prayer and fasting in achieving spiritual breakthroughs and the unexpected results of equipping ordinary people to start discipleship movements. Highlighting key lessons learned, such as the necessity of relinquishing control and allowing the Holy Spirit to work, Josh's narrative encourages viewers to reconsider their approach to discipleship and the potential within every individual to initiate a movement that can profoundly impact their nation and beyond. His story is a testament to the power of God working through ordinary individuals to achieve extraordinary things.

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Opening Prayer and Invitation for the Holy Spirit01:30 Introduction and Personal Background02:39 The Journey of Faith and Discipleship in India03:19 Challenges and Breakthroughs in Disciple Making05:45 The Power of Prayer, Fasting, and Humility09:27 Launching a Movement: Expectations vs. Reality12:13 Learning from Unexpected Success14:22 The Potential in Every Believer for Disciple Making17:00 The Key to Movement: Releasing Control and Embracing God's Will

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    You can find us on:Instagram: @the.renew.network Facebook: Renew.org Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RENEWnetworkTwitter: @therenewnetworkTikTok: the.renew.network Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RENEW

    Watch our 2024 Gathering Main Session Recordings
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    Transforming Faith: From Traditional Churches to Disciple Movements

    Ron Johnson, the founding pastor of Restoration Church, shares his journey from skepticism to embracing disciple-making movements (DMM) in the U.S. and abroad, including Nepal and India. Initially focused on planting Pavilion Model churches, Johnson's perspective shifted during COVID-19 as he saw the potential for rapid expansion through DMM. His church has since initiated numerous discovery Bible studies, leading to hundreds of baptisms and the establishment of over 1,200 simple churches. Johnson emphasizes the transition from a church growth mindset to a kingdom mindset, the importance of moving from addition to multiplication, and shifting from knowledge-based to obedience-based discipleship. Despite challenges, Johnson advocates for running traditional and movement-based approaches in parallel, highlighting the unique challenges and rewards of each approach.

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction: Meet Ron Johnson00:20 The Journey Begins: Embracing Disciple Making Movements00:31 The Impact of COVID on Church Growth and Strategy01:59 A Shift in Strategy: From Traditional Churches to Movements02:51 The Role of the Holy Spirit and Prayer in Movement Growth03:16 Embracing Diversity: The Global South's Influence03:46 Lessons Learned and the Path Forward05:17 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Click Here to view RENEW articles: https://renew.org/articles/Click here to sign up to our RENEW Newsletter: https://renew.org/resources/newsletter-sign-up/

    See Below for additional information: This episode on the Real Life Theology Podcast features Ron Johnson, a follower of Jesus Christ and a pastor at Restoration Church. Ron shares his journey of transitioning from traditional church models to disciple-making movements. He discusses the impact of COVID, the growth of simple churches, the role of prayer and the Holy Spirit, and the challenges of balancing prevailing model church practices with a movement strategy. Ron emphasizes the importance of shifting mindset from church growth to kingdom focus and obedience-based discipleship. He reflects on the hybrid approach and concludes that running prevailing model and movement separately but complimentary is more effective. Ron's story showcases the growth of over 1,200 simple churches in their city and thousands more globally, driven by a diverse community and a strong emphasis on prayer and obedience to God.

    Visit Renew.org to sign up for our email newsletter and be the first to know about new content, books and resources.

    Be sure to like, subscribe and follow on social media!

    You can find us on:Instagram: @the.renew.network Facebook: Renew.org Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RENEWnetworkTwitter: @therenewnetworkTikTok: the.renew.network Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RENEW

    Watch our 2024 Gathering Main Session Recordings
  • Navigating Church Leadership and Discipleship in a Changing World

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    Piggybacking off the past 4 episodes this track goes into detail on some very relevant questions about discipleship, and culture. This session engaged with individuals who asked some critical questions so that we could draw some important lessons from them.

    This episode features a discussion on church leadership, discipleship, and the innovative approaches to ensure the sustainability and growth of church missions within changing cultural contexts. Leaders share experiences and strategies on financial modeling, making disciples who make disciples, and the concept of failing forward as a method to discover effective practices in ministry. The dialogue also tackles the critique of traditional church models and the necessity of church planting, alongside enhancing existing churches to fulfill the mission of spreading the gospel more effectively in today's world. Critical points include rethinking financial models to support outreach and discipleship, embracing failure as a learning tool for improvement, and the challenge of balancing the need for new church plants with the call for unity and efficiency within the existing church landscape.

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Opening Remarks and Q&A Session Kickoff00:54 Deep Dive into Financial Models and Church Budgeting03:44 Embracing Failure and Innovation in Church Leadership07:53 Rethinking Church Models: A Case Study on Cutting Sermons08:49 The Debate on Church Planting in Saturated Areas17:50 Revolutionary vs. Evolutionary Change in Churches

    For more information about other Renew.Org podcasts visit: https://renew.org/media/podcasts/

    Watch our 2024 Gathering Main Session Recordings
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    In this engaging discussion, three friends, Ryan, Russ, and Tom, share their journeys toward fostering disciple-making movements within their respective churches. Each speaker highlights the fundamental importance of prayer, obedience, and sharing the teachings of Jesus as core to sparking spiritual movements. Ryan begins by reflecting on his personal challenges and realizations, emphasizing the pivotal role of prayer in connecting with God and facilitating change. He shares how his church has incorporated various forms of prayer into their regular activities, emphasizing the power of prayer in disciple-making. Russ and Tom further elaborate on the practical aspects of creating disciple-making communities, stressing simplicity, the Holy Spirit's guidance, and practical tools like the Discovery Bible Study. Collectively, they underline the transformative potential of seeking God wholeheartedly and the need for churches to focus on supporting discipleship in practical, everyday contexts.

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Welcoming the Panel: Insights into Disciple Making Movements00:30 Practical Steps Towards Disciple Making: Ryan's Journey01:24 The Power of Prayer in Disciple Making04:22 A Moment of Prayer and Reflection06:04 Expanding the Prayer Movement: Ryan's Church Initiatives07:25 Russ's Perspective: Friendship and Practical Disciple Making10:19 Tom's Unique Approach to Disciple Making and Multiplication14:49 Concluding Thoughts on Disciple Making and Prayer18:38 The Essential Principles of Disciple Making Movements

    Watch our 2024 Gathering Main Session Recordings