
  • In this episode, Christian Gangl, Deputy Mayor of Sindelfingen, Germany and President of the Eurotowns network, shares insights into the unique challenges and opportunities of medium-sized cities across Europe.

    He explores how the Eurotowns Network fosters collaboration between cities, enabling them to innovate and tackle pressing issues like sustainable development, green mobility, and digital transformation. He also highlights successful projects and partnerships within Eurotowns, including efforts to amplify the voices of medium-sized cities on the European stage and secure more inclusive funding opportunities.


    Discover how cities like Sindelfingen navigate these challenges while maintaining their cultural identity and building a sustainable future.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:14] Teaser Question: "If Sindelfingen were an animal, which animal would it be?"

    [00:02:28] Eurotowns: "Which animal would represent the Eurotowns network?"

    [00:04:04] Our guest's background: Christian Gangl's journey in public administration

    [00:05:59] Introduction to the Eurotowns Network: Supporting medium-sized cities

    [00:07:24] Biggest challenges for medium-sized cities

    [00:09:27] "Big enough to cope, small enough to care" – Opportunities for medium-sized cities

    [00:10:55] Successful collaborations within Eurotowns: Examples of projects

    [00:12:34] Future collaboration opportunities for Eurotowns

    [00:14:48] Success in EU urban advocacy for medium-sized cities

    [00:16:41] Medium-sized cities’ strength in agility and community engagement

    [00:18:55] What could accelerate progress for medium-sized cities?

    [00:20:35] Future goals and priorities for Eurotowns

    [00:22:42] Key projects in Sindelfingen: Inner city development and Mercedes transformation

    [00:26:30] Balancing cooperation with Mercedes and green transformation

    [00:28:06] What Sindelfingen needs to accelerate change

    [00:30:53] Shoutout Segment: Recognising active cities in the Eurotowns Network

    [00:33:08] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In dieser Folge von ‚Smart im Ländle‘, unserer Podcast-Tour durch Baden-Württemberg, diskutieren Thomas Bönig, Leiter des Amts für Digitalisierung, IT und Organisation sowie CIO und CDO der Stadt Stuttgart, und Sandra Baumholz, Leiterin der Stabsstelle strategische Planung, digitale Transformation und Innovation, die Fortschritte und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation in Stuttgart.

    Themen sind unter anderem die Digitalisierungsstrategie "Digital Moves", die Entwicklung eines KI-Hubs, das Social Intranet für Mitarbeitende der Stadtverwaltung sowie die Bedeutung von Zusammenarbeit und einer offenen Fehlerkultur innerhalb der Stadt. Sie geben Einblicke in innovative Projekte und deren Umsetzung.


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    Want to join us for an episode? Fill out the form on our Podcast Page.


    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • In this episode, we're joined by Paola Ravenna, Director of European Policies and Projects for the City of Venice, and Andy Fuchs, General Manager of the Toyota Mobility Foundation - Europe. The discussion centres on Venice's participation in the Sustainable Cities Challenge led by the Toyota Mobility Foundation.

    Our guests explore the city's efforts to reduce car dependency and promote sustainable transport through innovative solutions and behavioural change. They also discuss how the partnership aims to create scalable, low-carbon mobility models that can be applied in other cities facing similar challenges.


    Venice is not just a city of canals and gondolas; it’s a hub of innovative potential! The Toyota Mobility Foundation is inviting you to join the Sustainable Cities Challenge to help reimagine mobility solutions in this iconic city. Apply here and be part of the change!


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:54] Teaser Question: "If the Toyota Mobility Foundation and the city of Venice were a mode of transport, what would they be and why?"

    [00:04:16] Paola Ravenna's background: Director of European Policies and Projects for the City of Venice

    [00:06:48] Andy Fuchs' background: General Manager of Toyota Mobility Foundation - Europe

    [00:08:34] Andy Fuchs explains the mission of the Toyota Mobility Foundation in Venice

    [00:10:05] Paola Ravenna discusses Venice’s goals in collaborating with the Toyota Mobility Foundation

    [00:11:58] The challenge of shifting behaviour towards sustainable mobility in Venice

    [00:14:20] Andy’s perspective on the importance of technology and product in supporting behaviour change

    [00:17:09] Steps taken in Venice for the Sustainable Cities Challenge

    [00:20:04] How solutions from Venice can be applied to other cities

    [00:23:36] Andy Fuchs on scaling solutions from Venice to other cities globally

    [00:25:57] Measuring the success of behaviour change and mobility projects in Venice

    [00:30:52] Call to action for innovators to submit ideas for the Sustainable Cities Challenge

    [00:34:18] Flip the Script Segment: Guests ask each other questions

    [00:40:19] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In dieser Folge von ‚Smart im Ländle‘, unserer Podcast-Tour durch Baden-Württemberg, sprechen Carolin Engel, stellvertretende Leiterin des Karlsruher Wissenschaftsbüros, und Markus Losert, Leiter des Amts für Informationstechnik und Digitalisierung in Karlsruhe, über die innovativen Projekte und Strategien, die Karlsruhe zu einem Vorreiter in der Smart-City-Entwicklung machen.

    Im Fokus stehen Digitalisierung, Stadtentwicklung und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Verwaltung, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Sie beleuchten Erfolge, Herausforderungen und die Bedeutung von Netzwerken, während sie Einblicke in die kulturelle und technologische Landschaft Karlsruhes geben.


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we sit down with Kevin Shakesheff, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the Open University in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. He shares his vision for Milton Keynes as a testbed for innovation, discussing how the city is leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic collaborations to address urban challenges like intelligent mobility, AI, and energy efficiency.

    From autonomous transportation to AI-driven solutions, this episode dives into the city's pioneering projects and the collaborative efforts that position Milton Keynes as a leader in Smart City development.


    Want to know more about the Smart City initiatives in Milton Keynes? Visit our BABLE Knowledge Hub and read all about the different Use Cases implemented in the city:

    StreetCAV: street-side connectivity enables autonomy

    DronePort: MK - opening the skies above Milton Keynes

    Digital health solutions facilitating independent living at home

    Robotic embodiment: universal remote control for city robots using virtual reality


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:32] Teaser Question: "If you could have any superpower to help with your research, what would it be and why?"

    [00:02:35] Our guest's background

    [00:04:42] The role of Milton Keynes in innovation

    [00:06:49] The Open University’s contributions to Milton Keynes' growth and innovation

    [00:10:11] Collaborative projects in Milton Keynes, including intelligent mobility and energy efficiency

    [00:12:44] Tackling societal challenges like online safety through collaboration

    [00:13:16] The Open Societal Challenges program and its impact

    [00:14:47] New ideas and innovations arising from community challenges

    [00:16:41] Facilitating partnerships between the Open University and businesses

    [00:18:22] Balancing the university’s educational mission with innovation

    [00:20:13] Key factors in accelerating innovation, particularly in smart cities

    [00:21:53] Hot Take of the Day Segment: "Milton Keynes should become the first city in the world to go fully autonomous in terms of transportation."

    [00:23:56] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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  • In dieser ersten Folge von ‚Smart im Ländle‘, unserer Podcast-Tour durch Baden-Württemberg, widmen wir uns Pforzheim und seinen fortschrittlichen Smart City-Strategien. Unser Gast, Philipp Linde, der Abteilungsleiter für Smart City in Pforzheim, erläutert, wie die Stadt durch innovative Technologieentwicklung und transformative Projekte die urbane Landschaft neu gestaltet.


    Like our show? Remember to subscribe and rate it!

    Want to join us for an episode? Contact our host Tamlyn Shimizu.


    And for more insights, join our Smart City Community!

  • In this episode, we sit down with Councillor Shanika Mahendran, the youngest cabinet member for economy, sustainability, and innovation in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. She shares her journey into politics and her vision for the city's future, discussing how Milton Keynes is leveraging innovation and strategic partnerships to address urban challenges like sustainability, health, and social equity.

    From autonomous vehicles to drone deliveries, this episode dives into the city's forward-thinking projects and the collaborative culture that drives its success as a leading Smart City in Europe.


    Want to know more about the Smart City initiatives in Milton Keynes? Visit our BABLE Knowledge Hub and read all about the different Use Cases implemented in the city:

    StreetCAV: street-side connectivity enables autonomy

    DronePort: MK - opening the skies above Milton Keynes

    Digital health solutions facilitating independent living at home

    Robotic embodiment: universal remote control for city robots using virtual reality


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:44] Teaser Question: "If you could have dinner with any historical figure who inspired your journey in public service and environmental advocacy, who would it be and why?"

    [00:04:03] Our guest's background: Shanika Mahendran's journey into politics and her role in Milton Keynes

    [00:06:09] Setting the stage: Overview of Milton Keynes, its challenges, and its approach to innovation

    [00:08:55] Discussion on innovative projects in Milton Keynes, including autonomous vehicles and drone services

    [00:11:42] Public reception and acceptance of innovation in Milton Keynes

    [00:12:06] Sustainability in Milton Keynes: Addressing climate change and integrating sustainability into city planning

    [00:14:25] Prioritising impactful projects: How Milton Keynes selects which projects to focus on

    [00:15:47] The role of collaboration in fostering an innovative environment in Milton Keynes

    [00:17:10] The culture of innovation in Milton Keynes and what prevents other cities from adopting similar approaches

    [00:18:53] Balancing innovation with social equity and addressing potential gentrification

    [00:21:19] Accelerating progress: What changes are needed to achieve Milton Keynes' ambitious goals

    [00:23:48] Encouraging diverse voices in politics and policy-making

    [00:27:18] Top or Flop Segment

    [00:29:28] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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  • In this episode recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference, our guest Valentina Schippers, Coordinator of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement at the City of Haarlem, Netherlands, discusses how innovative public procurement can strategically address social, ecological, and economic challenges, sharing her experiences and strategies from Haarlem. 

    The discussion also highlights the importance of simplifying procurement processes, engaging local politicians, and integrating sustainability and social responsibility into public procurement.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:35] Teaser Question: "Imagine that the city is like your favourite dish to cook. If public procurement were an ingredient, which ingredient would it be?"

    [00:03:47] Our guest's background

    [00:07:42] Misconceptions about public procurement

    [00:09:57] Strategic use of public procurement to address social challenges

    [00:12:22] Achieving sustainability through public procurement

    [00:14:24] Strategies to include smaller companies in procurement processes

    [00:16:24] Common obstacles faced by public authorities in improving procurement processes

    [00:19:16] Use of AI and best practices in procurement

    [00:24:40] Importance of storytelling in demonstrating the impact of public procurement

    [00:28:52] Addressing concerns about the costs of socially responsible and sustainable procurement

    [00:30:13] Challenges in Haarlem and its relationship with Amsterdam

    [00:32:10] Importance of pre-procurement market consultations and contract management

    [00:34:00] Top or Flop Segment

    [00:36:44] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference, Lykke Leonardsen, Programme Director for Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions at the City of Copenhagen, Denmark, discusses the integration of resilience and urban development, and the innovative water management solutions implemented in Copenhagen.

    She also addresses challenges in advancing urban climate action, the importance of breaking down silos in city planning, and future trends in urban resilience and climate adaptation. Additionally, she shares insights on balancing long-term climate resilience with immediate social and economic needs and highlights some of her favourite projects that transform urban spaces while enhancing resilience.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:20] Teaser Question: "You have one wish from a genie to make one change in Copenhagen to make it more climate resilient overnight. What would it be?"

    [00:02:36] Our guest's background

    [00:05:12] Defining resilience and sustainability

    [00:08:44] Integrating resilience and urban development

    [00:14:26] Innovative water management solutions in Copenhagen

    [00:16:53] Biggest challenges in Copenhagen and resilience strategies

    [00:19:50] Trends and emerging technologies in urban resilience

    [00:25:31] Addressing investment concerns and social issues

    [00:28:04] Tools and resources needed for accelerating resilience efforts

    [00:36:16] Shoutout: our guest mentions a person, an organisation or a city they think deserve more recognition in the field.

    [00:38:13] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference, Anna Wierzbicka, Director at the City of Łódź in Poland, discussed with us the city's history, its transition to addressing climate issues, and the importance of community involvement in urban development.

    She emphasised the challenges and opportunities related to sustainability, economic growth, and collaborative efforts with other cities and stakeholders.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:55] Teaser Question: "If your city were an animal, which animal would it be?"

    [00:05:55] Our guest's background.

    [00:09:00] Discussion on the biggest challenges Łódź is facing.

    [00:13:04] Achievements of the European Climate Pact and its impact.

    [00:15:09] Cross-sector collaboration in Łódź.

    [00:17:16] Balancing economic growth and sustainability.

    [00:22:28] Communicating the urgency of climate action.

    [00:24:16] Examples of successful initiatives in Łódź.

    [00:28:46] Anticipating future technological changes and challenges.

    [00:32:42] Inspire Us: our guest shares a story, a quote, or anything that has inspired them recently.

    [00:33:21] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • This episode was recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference, where we sat down with Christophe Najdovski, the Deputy Mayor of Revegetation, Green Spaces, Biodiversity & Animal Welfare at the City of Paris.

    He shared his insights and experiences in redistributing and redesigning public spaces in Paris, highlighting key initiatives such as the pedestrianisation of the Seine Banks and the development of cycling infrastructure. We discussed the environmental and social impacts of these transformations, the challenges of maintaining green spaces amidst urban development, and how Paris prepared for the upcoming Olympic Games as an accelerator of ecological transition.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:35] Teaser Question: "If the parks and green spaces of Paris could talk, what stories do you think they would tell us?"

    [00:03:24] Our guest's background

    [00:06:03] Discussion on the transformation of Paris into a garden city and the political will behind these changes

    [00:09:56] Challenges in redistributing public space and ensuring community support

    [00:12:39] The success and public reception of the pedestrianisation of the Seine Banks

    [00:15:05] Coping with climate change and the importance of greening the city

    [00:19:57] Financial investment in urban greening and its benefits for the community

    [00:21:25] Integrating green spaces in the context of the upcoming Olympic Games

    [00:25:31] Engaging with the public and handling conflicts around urban development

    [00:29:22] Learning from other cities and sharing best practices in urban sustainability

    [00:33:36] Hot Take of the Day: Increasing parking prices for SUVs in Paris

    [00:37:21] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In the sixth and last episode of our SMCNetZero series, we discussed the project's key achievements with Clara Plata Ríos, Project Director at Smart City Cluster, and Goran Lampelj, Project Coordinator at ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development.


    They shared their insights on the project's goals, the collaborative efforts among different stakeholders, and the significance of the market analysis in identifying key opportunities and challenges. They also addressed concerns about the feasibility and scalability of net-zero goals, emphasising the importance of tailored solutions and citizen engagement.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:01] Teaser Question: "What is the best memory of the project so far, and also the worst?"

    [00:04:15] Our guests' backgrounds: Clara's and Goran's professional journeys.

    [00:05:36] Project Goals: Description of the SMCNetZero project and involved stakeholders.

    [00:07:53] Achievements and Benefits: Significant achievements and benefits for cities.

    [00:11:33] Collaboration Among Stakeholders: Fostering collaboration among local governments, businesses, and community organizations.

    [00:14:19] Market Analysis: Utilisation of market analysis in the project.

    [00:18:17] Common Challenges: Similarities and challenges of Small and Medium-sized Cities.

    [00:23:41] Addressing Feasibility Concerns: Ensuring strategies are adaptable to unique city needs.

    [00:29:22] Next Steps: Future initiatives and steps for SMCNetZero.

    [00:34:38] Flip the Script: Our guests ask each other questions.

    [00:36:40] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • This episode was recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference with José Besselink, Senior Urban Planner for the Municipality of Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    With her, we discuss the city's efforts in creating pedestrian-friendly spaces, enhancing green areas, and promoting active mobility through initiatives like the City Lounge framework, the Green and Healthy Neighborhood program, and tactical urbanism projects. She highlights successful interventions, the importance of community involvement, and strategies to balance competing urban planning priorities.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:51] Teaser Question: "If you could describe your work for the city of Rotterdam with just three emojis, which emojis would they be?"

    [00:02:18] Our guest's background

    [00:03:41] Investment in public spaces: Examples of transformative projects in Rotterdam

    [00:05:39] Next steps: Future green city projects and their significance

    [00:07:06] Greening strategies: Various approaches to greening the city

    [00:08:10] Tactical interventions: Explanation and examples of successful tactical urbanism in Rotterdam

    [00:10:34] Measuring impact: How to assess the success of tactical interventions

    [00:13:26] Green and Healthy Neighborhood Program: Combining climate adaptation, biodiversity, mobility, and health

    [00:16:52] Community involvement: How data and community energy drive project locations

    [00:19:24] Promoting walking and cycling: Strategies and the importance of considering pedestrians

    [00:22:01] Data insights: How data informs walking initiatives

    [00:23:22] Accelerating change: Tools and strategies to move faster in urban planning

    [00:25:39] Social aspects of mobility: Investing in the social dimensions of cycling and mobility

    [00:26:57] Urban Decision Dilemmas: how would our guest navigate fictional city planning or decision-making scenarios?

    [00:30:58] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we talked with Milan Sarzik, Business Development and Marketing at iTranSys, about their AI-powered public transport optimisation tool. The discussion covered how this innovative solution addresses driver shortages and inefficient scheduling in Slovakia, showcasing significant improvements in cities like Povazska Bystrica.

    The conversation also delved into the challenges and insights gained from various regional implementations and examined the potential for international expansion.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:02] Teaser Question: "If iTranSys was a type of food, what type of food would it be?"

    [00:03:34] Our guest's background

    [00:05:32] The problem iTranSys aims to solve for cities

    [00:12:08] Planning and real-time management powered by AI

    [00:14:59] Learnings from implementations

    [00:17:23] Balancing stakeholder needs

    [00:19:49] Future development plans

    [00:24:55] Roll With the Punches: our guest answers this or that questions quickly and with their first instinct!

    [00:28:52] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we talked with Simone Mangili, Executive Director of the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA), about how cities are innovatively pushing the boundaries to achieve carbon neutrality.

    With him, we explored key topics such as scope 3 emissions, sustainable urban development, food systems transformation, climate justice, and addressing residual emissions through policy innovations and nature-based solutions.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:53] Teaser Question: "How would you describe the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance if you only have three words?"

    [00:02:21] Our guest's background

    [00:04:31] Goals and mission of the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA)

    [00:07:46] Explanation of scope 3 embodied emissions

    [00:08:38] Examples of cities addressing scope 3 embodied emissions

    [00:11:54] Sustainable urban development in the built environment

    [00:15:54] Innovative approaches in transforming food systems

    [00:22:41] Circular economy practices in cities

    [00:28:37] Managing residual emissions

    [00:34:02] Climate justice and equitable approaches in climate action

    [00:37:27] Areas where cities need to push the boundaries further

    [00:40:29] Hot Take of the Day: we hear an opinion from our guest that might be slightly controversial or debated!

    [00:42:07] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this fifth episode of our SMCNetZero series, we talked with Mario Rajn, Mayor of the City of Krizevci, Croatia.

    With him, we explored Križevci's journey towards energy independence and sustainability, focusing on the city's green agenda, citizen engagement in renewable energy projects, and innovative initiatives to enhance the quality of urban life.

     Visit the SMCNetZero Website to learn more about the project.  Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:51] Teaser Question: "If Crosstown were an animal, which creature would it be and why?"

    [00:03:55] Our guest's background

    [00:07:03] Current challenges and priorities of Križevci

    [00:13:05] Key challenges in Križevci's journey towards energy independence

    [00:17:07] Involving citizens in energy transition through crowdfunding and cooperatives

    [00:21:08] Scalability and sustainability of community-funded energy projects

    [00:22:45] Roles of KLIK and Energy-Climate Office in Križevci's energy policies

    [00:26:24] Other citizen-focused initiatives in Križevci

    [00:33:32] Advice for decision-makers in smaller cities

    [00:36:20] Top or Flop: our guest responds quickly with their positive or negative review on a variety of topics.

    [00:41:03] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


    Like our show? Remember to subscribe and rate it!

    Want to join us for an episode? Fill out the form on our Podcast Page.


    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we welcomed one of the winners of our Urban Shark Tank session: Peter Ball, International Project Manager for Karos Mobility, as well as Juan Carlos Escudero, Head of Mobility and Data Science at the Environmental Studies Centre of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.

    They presented and discussed the AI-driven carpooling pilot project in Vitoria-Gasteiz aimed at reducing carbon emissions and improving urban mobility, illustrating both the challenges and successes of implementing smart mobility solutions in modern cities.


    Want to learn more about the co-winning project of the Urban Shark Tank session at Autonomy 2024? Have a look at the Use Case on our BABLE Knowledge Hub.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:45] Teaser Question: "Describe the impact of AI-driven carpooling using three emojis."

    [00:06:40] Our guests' backgrounds

    [00:08:55] Presentation of the goals of the AI-driven carpooling pilot for daily commuting in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

    [00:10:33] What solutions did the project bring to the mobility challenges of Vitoria-Gasteiz?

    [00:12:44] How was the project implemented? What were the steps?

    [00:14:35] What challenges were faced and what was the community feedback?

    [00:17:47] What was the AI technology involved?

    [00:22:31] How does this align with sustainability goals?

    [00:26:32] Are there any plans to scale this project?

    [00:38:19] Freaky Friday: our guests switched places and answered a question in each other's shoes!

    [00:40:57] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?


    Like our show? Remember to subscribe and rate it!

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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we welcome Peter Brown, the Director of Public Works for Belmont, California, to discuss the evolving challenges and innovative solutions in urban infrastructure amidst climate change.

    Our guest shared insights from his experience in urban planning within various Californian coastal cities, focusing on major infrastructure projects designed to adapt to climate realities like sea level rise and extreme weather events. The conversation also touched on community engagement strategies and the financial hurdles cities face in prioritising and funding essential infrastructure developments.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:00:45] Teaser Question: "If you could add one magical feature to Belmont overnight, what would it be?"

    [00:03:06] Guest Background

    [00:04:51] What unique challenges do California's coastal cities face?

    [00:06:37] What key projects are shaping Belmont's response to climate change?

    [00:10:30] What are the latest trends in transport infrastructure in coastal cities?

    [00:12:27] How are project priorities set in constrained environments?

    [00:14:39] How is community feedback shaping urban infrastructure?

    [00:17:55] Hot Take of the Day: Our guests ask each other the questions!

    [00:23:45] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


    Like our show? Remember to subscribe and rate it!

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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!

  • In this episode, we dive into the world of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) with Thomas de Bassompierre, MaaS Project Manager at Floya for Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company (STIB), Belgium, and Damian Bown, CEO of Trafi.

    With them, we explored how Brussels is integrating various transportation modes into a unified service platform, discussed the challenges faced in implementation, and looked at the future of urban mobility.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:01:46] Teaser Question: Imagining the future of transportation in Brussels by 2050

    [00:06:56] Guest Backgrounds

    [00:11:06] Discussion on the functionality and impact of the MaaS app in Brussels

    [00:20:53] Role of MaaS platforms in promoting sustainable urban transportation

    [00:31:56] Addressing the accessibility challenges of MaaS for diverse populations


    [00:41:09] Flip the Script: Our guests ask each other the questions!

    [00:55:12] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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  • In this fourth and last episode of our Urban Innovation Leadership Programme series, we discuss with one of our previous guests Raffaele Gareri, Partner at Urban Innovators Global, CEO of Urban Futures & former CDO of Rome, and with Islam Bouzguenda, Lecturer & Researcher in Smart Sustainable Cities' Governance & Planning at the University of Twente, Netherlands.

    With them, we explored the critical skills and educational frameworks necessary for future urban innovation leaders. The discussion emphasised the integration of practical experiences with theoretical knowledge in academic settings to better prepare students for real-world challenges in urban environments.


    Urban Innovators Global and BABLE Smart Cities are proud to announce the launch of the Urban Innovation Leadership Programme – an academic programme that is tailored and totally customizable for your organisation. If this sparks your interest, you can reach out directly to us at [email protected] for more information.


    Overview of the episode:

    [00:02:55] Teaser Question: "Describe your daily work life in three emojis?"

    [00:04:52] Our guests' backgrounds

    [00:08:28] Discussion on Education in Urban Innovation

    [00:12:37] Bridging Academic Preparation with Real-World Demands

    [00:15:41] Integration of Practical Experience

    [00:19:15] Emerging Trends in Urban Innovation

    [00:22:11] Challenges in Educating Future Leaders

    [00:28:46] Practical Example of Collaboration

    [00:39:31] Inspire Us: Our guests share a story, a quote, or anything that has inspired them recently

    [00:42:32] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"


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    And for more insights, visit our BABLE Smart Cities Knowledge Hub!